PROPYLENE The safe high energy fuel for cutting, heating, brazing & welding.
HEATING, BRAZING & WELDING Technical Data Sheets
PROPYLENE The safe high energy fuel for cutting, heating, brazing & welding.
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PROPYLENE The safe high energy fuel for cutting, heating, brazing & welding.
PROPYLENE Brazing Equipment
Ph: 281-471-2200 Fx : 281-471-2201 18005 E Hwy 225 La Porte, TX 77571 WWW.GASINNOVATIONS.COM
PROPYLENE The safe high energy fuel for cutting, heating, brazing & welding.
Brazing with PROPYLENE
PROPYLENE Flame Identification The flame illustrations above is a close resemblance between the oxidizing PROPYLENE flame and the neutral acetylene flame. Also keep in mind that multiport brazing heads have different oxy-fuel ratios than single-port tips. For example, Oxy-PROPYLENE ratios for multiport heads should be 2.5-to-1 for a carburizing flame; 3.0-to-1 for a neutral flame and 4.0-to-1 for an oxidizing flame. The reason why oxy-fuel ratios are higher for multiport heads than for equivalent single port tips is fairly simple. A manual brazing torch normally has a single flame port. In addition to the oxygen it consumes through the torch, the flame also uses oxygen from the air surrounding the flame's surface. Multi-port heating heads exclude some of the atmospheric oxygen from their inner flames. Not as much oxygen is taken into the secondary flame cones of these heating flames. This "missing" oxygen is made up by increasing the oxy-fuel ratio. Therefore, a single flame requires less oxygen through the torch. Similar considerations explain the difference in oxy-fuel ratios between different fuels.
COUPLING DISTANCES The distance between the face of the brazing flame head and the work piece is called the coupling distance. PROPYLENE can be used for precisely controlled brazing and heating simply by adjusting the coupling distance. As a result, PROPYLENE allows far greater control over the braze metal puddle than does acetylene. The reason is that acetylene's coupling distance is far smaller, and therefore more critical than that of PROPYLENE. For any fuel gas, coupling distance depends on port velocity and port size. For PROPYLENE, the distance is about 5/16to 7/8 in.
Work with liquid fluxers shows that· PROPYLENE picks up sufficient flux for excellent brazed joints. When setting up the fluxer, adjust it so that all the fuel goes through the fluxer and none through the bypass. Use a minimum 8-psig fuel pressure for best results. Formation of crystal beads on the pilot light, or a glazed appearance on the work, indicates an excessive amount of flux. This condition can be corrected by opening the bypass valve slightly. If the primary flame can be seen at the torch, it indicates insufficient flux through the lines. If that A PROPYLENE flame takes 40% of its oxygen occurs, close the bypass valve. A neutral flame should be used requirement from atmospheric oxygen. Acetylene flames with a fluxer. An oxidizing flame will cause the braze deposit to take about 50% of the oxygen they need from the burn. A white deposit forming around connections and valves is atmosphere. Propane and natural gas use little boric acid; it indicates loose connections. Never attempt to take atmospheric oxygen; their oxygen-fuel ratios remain a fluxer apart until the pressure is off the entire system. The nearly constant whether the fuels are burned in single or efficiency of a fluxer decreases with temperature. It may be multi-port heads because 85% to 95% of the oxygen necessary to heat the fluxer with a 60-watt bulb if the ambient required must be supplied through the torch. That's temperature falls below 60°F. Brazing techniques with oxygen that will cost you money. PROPYLENE are the same as for acetylene.
PROPYLENE The safe high energy fuel for cutting, heating, brazing & welding.
Welding with PROPYLENE
WELDING WITH PROPYLENE Converting to PROPYLENE acetylene gauges, torches and welding tips usually work well with PROPYLENE. Very often, the same size tip can be used for welding with acetylene or PROPYLENE. However, if the Acetylene tip is being used at its maximum output, it may be necessary to use a tip one or two sizes larger for welding with PROPYLENE. Below is a good guide to follow. More detailed information on PROPYLENE equipment and tip selection is available from GAS INNOVATIONS or our Distributors.
Substituting Acetylene Tips for PROPYLENE Use:
*Note: For injector type equipment use 1-2 psig PROPYLENE and 25 – 30 psig oxygen for all sizes of tips
Occasionally a harsh, bushy flame is needed for a particular job. In such cases counter boring may be required to give a harsh yet stable flame with PROPYLENE. The table above lists the counter bore drill to be used with each acetylene tip drill size. In every case the depth of counter bore is 1/16 in.
PROPYLENE The safe high energy fuel for cutting, heating, brazing & welding.
PROPYLENE Performance, Versatility & Economics Productivity + Savings Compare the difference yourself ….. Fabricating & Plate Cutting Industry
Calculate your cost of 300 cu.ft. Acetylene vs 63 lb PROPYLENE Gas Acetylene Cost @ _____ per 100 cu.ft. X 3.0 (300
cu.ft./cyl.) = $________ per cylinder X 4 cylinders. = Total Acetylene cost $ ________. PROPYLENE Cost @ _______ per lb. X 63 lb cylinder
63 lb
= Total PROPYLENE Cost $ ________.
Your Savings = $ ________
Calculate your cost of 40 cu.ft. “B” Acetylene vs 6 lb PROPYLENE Acetylene Cost @ _____ per 100 cu.ft. X 0.4 (40 cu.ft./cyl.)
Plumbing Industry and HVAC Use
= $________ per cylinder X 3 cylinders. = Total “B” Acetylene cost $ ________.
PROPYLENE Cost @ _______ per lb. X 6 lb cylinder = Total PROPYLENE Cost $ ________.
Your Savings = $ ________ 6 lb
Calculate your cost of 15 cu.ft. “MC” Acetylene vs 6 lb PROPYLENE Acetylene Cost @ _____ per 100 cu.ft. X 0.15 (15 cu.ft./cyl.) = $________ per cylinder X 6 cylinders. = Total “MC” Acetylene cost $ ________. PROPYLENE Cost @ _______ per lb. X 6 lb cylinder = Total PROPYLENE Cost $ ________.
Your Savings = $ ________