1. Create a User ID (New ID is required for Each Firm). 2

General instructions to fill up Form “A” for New Registration 1. Create a User ID (New ID is required for Each Firm). 2. Change the Password...

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General instructions to fill up Form “A” for New Registration

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Create a User ID (New ID is required for Each Firm). Change the Password. In Firm Management Tab click Raise Form "A". Fill in the required information. Do not write M/s. in the name of Firm. Fill the column in Marathi properly. (Marathi comes automatically in PHONETIC English. Use back button to avail the options. One can use Marathi Key Board.) (a) Name of firm. (b) Fill in Nature of Business as per the Marathi Translated Deed. (c) Address of firm should be written in full with Pincode. 7. Click Submit Tab. 8. Click My Application, click View, click on the Save Button on the Top and View form in PDF. 9. Take print out of Form "A" on Green Ledger Paper. 10. Every partner should sign on each page of Form "A" before designated authority like Notary & bring the attested form alongwith following documents in the office. A) Covering letter alongwith Rs. 5/- Court Fee Stamp. B) Form "A" duly attested (Notary shall put "Before Me" stamp and Notarial Register Serial No. & should put joint seal on each page) C) Certified copy of Partnership Deed. Deed need not be Attested. But if attested date of execution and date of signature of Notary should be same. D) Certified copy of Marathi Translated Deed. Please submit proper translated deed. E) Blank Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- or more. F) A DD of Rs. 1600/- in the name of Registrar of Firms, Mumbai or Assistant Registrar of Firms, Nagpur & Aurangabad. Rs. 1600 cash is accepted in the office at Pune. If form is submitted after one year from date of commencement a penalty of Rs. 100/- per year is to be paid at the time of submission. G) Authority letter if submitted by C.A. or Advocate. H) True Copy of License if required or a Undertaking in Affidavit form on appropriate stamp paper. I) If Company registered under The Indian Company Act is a partner then a copy of Memorandum of Articles & a copy of Resolution authorizing one of the Director to sign on Deed and Forms. (Notice: If form A is modified kindly take out new print of full Form A and get fresh Attestation.)

General instructions to fill up Forms “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F” for New Registration 1. In your User ID raise required form 2. Fill in the required information. 3. In case of Form B fill the column in Marathi properly. (Marathi comes automatically in PHONETIC English. Use back button to avail the options. One can use Marathi Key Board.) 4. Click Submit Tab. 5. Click My Application, click View, click on the Save Button on the Top and View form in PDF. 6. Take print out of Form on Green Ledger Paper. 7. Every partner should sign on each page of Form before designated authority like Notary & bring the attested Form alongwith following documents in the office. A) Covering letter alongwith Rs. 5/- Court Fee Stamp. B) Form duly attested (Notary shall put "Before Me" stamp and Notarial Register Serial No. & should put joint seal on each page) C) Certified copy of Partnership Deed. Deed need not be Attested. But if attested date of execution and date of signature of Notary should be same. D) Blank Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- or more. E) A DD of Rs. 1200/- in the name of Registrar of Firms, Mumbai or Assistant Registrar of Firms, Nagpur & Aurangabad. Rs.1200/cash is accepted in the Office at Assistant Registrar of Firms, Pune. F) Authority letter if submitted by C.A. or Advocate. G) If Company registered under The Indian Company Act is a partner then a copy of Memorandum of Articles & a copy of Resolution authorizing one of the Director to sign on Deed and Forms. (Notice: If form is modified kindly take out new print of full Form and get fresh Attestation.)

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