Download 17 Jan 2017 ... on your new life and career by missing out time in the gym! Officer Applications. All recruits must pass a fitness test. Fo...

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Abdominal Stretch

f n o i t c a it or

tion a c i l p p a r o f Preparing the R AF n i g n i n i a r t &

Fitness l a y o R e h t in Air Force

always on rtant. The RAF is o p im is F RA e zones or on Fitness in th ating in combat er p o er h et h w hing. the move, e ready for anyt b to ve ha e w , ns u’ll need peaceful missio RAF uniform, yo e th r ea w to t So, if you wan fit. to be physically to run long than being able re o m t u o ab is Being fit ut being weights. It’s abo vy ea h t lif r o s ce and to distan hen you’re tired w y el iv ct fe ef hen able to work tuations – and w si l fu ss re st in think clearly do both. be expected to ll u’ yo F RA e th you join bustness the resilience, ro ve ha to d ee n You ice. If you’re not e ready for serv b to lth ea h d an ause start now – bec to d ee n ll u’ yo , already fit F you’ll ted into the RA p ce ac re u’ yo before ess two or three fitn er th ei s as p to have u apply for. g on the role yo tests, dependin

ct from u what to expe yo lls te t le ok bo This either an s you will face as the Fitness Test e RAF. It will r applicant for th Airman or Office y for the start how to be read u yo se vi ad so al se. ne training cour of your Phase O ing a 12 week , getting fit includ on ce vi ad ns ai It cont u get up to a hich will help yo w e, m m ra og ication fitness pr ady for the appl re ss ne fit of l ve ur minimum le to aim to get yo , we advise you er ev ow H s. of es be proc le, as it will is level if possib fitness above th ur training. as you begin yo serious benefit

s advice The RAF fitnes l – and fu lp e h y ll a e r was alton H F A R o t t o g I when raining for my recruit t I was in course, I found me of o s n a h t e p a h s better the others.

d You don’t nee ipment expensive equ ership or g y m me mb ir of wella p a t s ju – it f to g e t rainers and t e is c r e x e g in fitt u d e. the right attit

Airmen/ ns /Women candidates, the plicatio r Airmen Women tApap Fo . st is test ss a fitness te Test (PJF T ). Th

ng Fitness All recruits mus d the Pre -Joini lle ca is l gym watched do ll u’ eadmill at a loca first one yo tr a ill on n ru ) ur AFCO. You w ile (2.4km ur results to yo yo involves a 1.5 m ne nd (o se s ill up w tsi s and ructor who ber of press-up m by a fitness inst nu e um th im d in an n mplete a m limit for the ru also need to co ents). The time em el g on your age e in es nd th pe of ill vary de w d ire minute for each qu re s booklet and s-ups and sit-up ired later in this qu re s ss rd amount of pres da an st required to pa u can find the ebsite. You are w t en tm and gender. Yo ui cr d on the RAF Re they ’re also liste Course ation. ress your applic Recruit Training ePr ur yo at st the test to prog ness te Phase One u will do your ve a second fit yo ha re so al he ill w w – u n Yo ust F Halto PJFT and you m takes place at RA ements as the el (PRTC ) which e n you m ru sa ill e th nsist of the treadm co of ill d w ea is st Th in . , er ng or traini ion. Howev ess Test (MSF T ss your applicat Multi-Stage Fitn e r th te la on pass to progre l d ve un le can be fo meet a certain d gender and an e ur ag are required to yo ith ss w ry is test to progre ss standards va t to also pass th Bleep Test). Pa en m ire MP3 file from qu re a and it is n download a ca u yo T SF M in the booklet e the order to prac tic application. In weeks to . te si ent web vary from a few d tm ul ui cr co s Re st F te RA ss the rtant to o fitne for, so it’s impo tween your tw d be ie le pl ca ap es ve u’ tim e The the role yo application. Th depending on roughout your th t g in ou s ov a few months, is pr m t im n’ ls up and ng, so do ve ni ai le tr ss al ne iti fit in ur to keep yo your entr y e final hurdle to the gym! PRTC may be th sing out time in is m by er re ca e and on your new lif u’ll do is , the first one yo es at id nd ca r ce r Offi reaching a fitness test. Fo well. It involves ss an pa Cr t F us RA m at ts ) ui SC (OA to meet All recr Selection Centre levels you need e w re Th ). irc T A SF d an (M r st at Office age Fitness Te to do a minimum on the Multi-St so be required al ill w can find u Yo a required level . er elements). You and gend e e es ag th ur of yo ch on ea r e fo test for your will depend -ups (one minut u must pass the sit yo d d an s an t up le sok es the bo tion Visit amount of pr to meet later in your Familiarisa at ed st ne te u ss yo s ne rd fit cond consist of the pass standa ill undertake a se anwell. This will w Cr u F Yo RA . ss at ) re T og (IO actice the aining application to pr n. In order to pr Initial Officer Tr g io at tin ic ar pl st ap to r ur io ss to progress yo (Fam Visit) just pr t website. hich you must pa w ts w en em el e RAF Recruitmen e th m w weeks to a fe the sam fro e fil m between a fe oad a MP3 fro nl w ry ls va ve do le d n ul ss ca co u ne ur fit tests MSFT yo rtant to keep yo your two fitness n po ee im s tw it’ ur be so yo le r, to fo ca le The times you’ve applied be the final hurd ing on the role e Fam Visit may Th time in n. t io at ou ic g pl in months, depend er by miss ut your ap re ho ca ug d ro an th e g lif in w ne up and improv miss out on your aining, so don’t tr al iti in to y tr en the gym!

ations Officer Applic

SFidTes)an M ( t s e T s s e n th and prov ge Fit The Multi-Statest that is an objective measure oftehestalrequires you to run

rtake. The aerobic fitness activity you unde e-recorded timing bleeps. The MSFT is an al ic ys ph of nt pr e amou quired to keep t in response to indication of th d you will be re aced 20m apar an pl rs er st ke fa ar y m el o iv ss tw ogre u prepare for between order to help yo eeps become pr bl In . e ps th e ee ut bl in e m th with ramme in this After each longer keep up s Training prog es no n tn Fi ca F u RA yo e til th running un shuttles into ve incorporated ember to: the MSFT we ha it. ing turning, rem tic ac you don’t cross pr n he W oach the line so booklet. pr leg. ap ck u ba yo e as th n f w dow d push of an ed rn tu lf • Slightly slo ha dy line with the bo • Touch the

t s e T e r P Advice r training kit Wear prope

need to tests, you will e th f o y n a , socks, To take rcise trainers xe e r e p ro p f bring a pair o -shirt. shorts and a T Preparation Don’t:

, eat or inated drinks rs least two hou smoke for at st. before the te e for at nuous exercis • Do any stre st. before the te least six hours elve l for at least tw o h o lc a k n ri • D  the test. hours before

 rink caffe • D

What happens if I pass my initial Fitness Test? Your AFCO will contact you with regards to the next stage of your application, which in most cases will be a date for PRTC (for Airmen) or Fam Visit (for Officers). The date for either of these will depend on the role that you have applied for and could, in some cases, be several weeks or months away. It is incredibly important that you maintain your fitness levels in order to make sure you pass the next step of your application. You need to pass the PRTC and Fam Visit fitness tests to make it to Phase One training at Halton or Cranwell.

What happens if I fail my initial Fitness Test?

Your application can’t be progressed until you pass your initial Fitness Test. But, don’t worry; this isn’t necessarily the end of the road. Your AFCO will keep you fully informed of your options at each stage and you will be given another opportunity to take the test after a suitable amount of time, allowing you to train and be more prepared for it. The amount of time will depend on how you did on your first attempt. However, your application is subject to your continued eligibility and the availability of the role (slots can be limited and you’re not the only one applying for it), so it’s in your best interest to pass first time and maintain your fitness.

ass Standards P t s e T s s e n it F RAF Age

aking the t e r o f e b it f G et ss Test. e n it F g in in Pre-Jo ore likely m e b l il w u Yo to pass.

15-16 17-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 Age 15-16 17-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54

2.4km Run 100% Pass 11.39 11.11 11.36 12.00 12.26 12.54 13.27 2.4km Run 100% Pass 13.54 13.23 13.47 14.13 14.48 15.19 15.53

MALE MSFT 100% Pass 9.03 9.10 9.04 8.09 8.03 7.07 7.01 FEMALE MSFT 100% Pass 6.07 7.02 6.08 6.04 5.08 5.04 4.09

Press-Ups 100% Pass 20 20 19 18 17 16 15 Press-Ups 100% Pass 10 10 9 8 7 6 5

Sit-Ups 100% Pass 35 35 32 29 26 23 20 Sit-Ups 100% Pass 32 32 29 26 23 20 17

Fitness goals

Fitness e h T r e t f A n o i t a c i l App Process n process the applicatio in s st te ss e n d RAF the fit RAF Halton an Passing all of at g in n ai tr it t. Recru you’ll need to is just the star manding, so e d ly al ic ys h of fitness Cranwell is p ve your level ro p im ily ad e st maintain and e course. out of th t u o through u’ll get more yo , ve ri ar u hen yo ctor. You’re If you are fit w ss your instru re p im ill w d u’re fit when the course an an injury If yo p u k ic p to also less likely you arrive.

f clear, Set yoursel als – it o g s s e n it f achievable thing to e m o s u o y will give aim for.

ays you u physically in w yo st te ill w g in Recruit train ed. You’ll have to never experienc ress to the have probably s in order to prog st te ss ne fit e in demands pass rout ing. The physical in tra ur yo of e resses, so you’ll next stag the course prog as er t rd ha e om will bec ness level and se reassess your fit lly ua in nt co to need als. yourself new go

Looking back, I wish I’d done more fitness I e r o f e b g n i n i tra on arrived at Halt – it makes . e c n e r e f f i  d  a such

ess routine isn’t just an endl ng ni ai tr t ui cr following a But re ss-ups. You’ll be re p d an ns ru ng days of timed gramme, with lo ro p ng ni ai tr demanding ness is the sleep. Physical fit tle lit ry ve n te of mind) for and your body (and g in ar p re p f  o best way this challenge. rance strength or endu an m hu er p su t We don’t expec . We’re just e training course th of e illingness on day on fitness and a w of l ve le ic as b looking for a fitness as a d effort. We see ire qu re e th in to put good shape will ty, so arriving in ili b si on sp re l ivation that  persona sess the self-mot os p u  yo at th demonstrate r personnel. we look for in ou

king for o lo is F A R T he give up. ’t n o d o h w people gh , b ut u o t e b n a c Training . keep going



Cooling down warming as important as st ju is n w do g t rate Coolin Warming up ill lower the hear cise you should doing so, you w er By to aid ex . es of up cl rm us fo m y stretch the d an ls Before you do an to u ve le yo g le in to rest . This will enab always warm up l and will help ve ter le recovery. al tim op n programme af perform at your the cooling dow w llo Fo rformed. prevent injury. at uses the a every session pe ntle exercise th ge a ith each stretch in r w f fo of is t Star ould do th ber to perform sh em u m nds. Yo Re co g. in se gg 30 r jo r and hold fo ting ea ne whole body like an sw u m d yo e lle av ro cont d it should le an 2-3 minutes an more heavily th tle lit a g in th ness slightly and brea Injuries and ill or feeling . al e rm no you are injured if warm and th se e ci ar er es ex cl ’t us on m D Now that your obilising the you can start m g, unwell. in w – It allows you flo n is d tio bloo and cool down for a descrip up ge m ar pa w xt s ne ay e w th Al er. joints. Refer to and recover fast train optimally exercises. to ty ili ct rre ob m co e e e th th of u wear ecific to th ake sure that yo exercises are sp M ty ili e ob nc m e ha es ed en Th ill be us in in, to e groups that w equipment to tra ance of e joints and muscl th at to reduce the ch th d re an su ce En an e. m rm m rfo ra pe during this prog ses are: injury. mobility exerci ve: Remember to ha ement. - Controlled. ov m of trainers. e te ng ria ra Approp easing the • cr in ly al du ra ty G mobili othing. 2 times for each • Suitable cl - Repeated 10-1 bottle with you. er at A full w • . se ci er ex

n Fitness has ma The key ones components. bic fitness, ro e a re a u o y r fo rance and muscular endu flexibility.

s Aerobic fiutcann etrasnsport oxygen

yo How efficiently ively, how dstream – effect oo bl ur yo nd ou ar ercising before le to continue ex long you are ab fatigue sets in. nning, cycling, robic exercise: ru Examples of ae ing. swimming, row

urance Musculardueranncde of your muscles,

en The power and resistance. to work against y lit bi r a ei and th e exercises: cular enduranc Examples of mus rsal raises. ps, tricep dips, do press-ups, sit-u

Flexibilityness and range of

le Your body ’s supp y exercises: ples of flexibilit am Ex t. en em mov artial arts. , gymnastics, m stretching, yoga

Conclusiownill demand all

ing RAF recruit train that your so it is essential , ts these elemen both aerobic me incorporates fitness program ts, and that durance elemen and muscular en fore and after d cool down be you warm up an exercising.

ealth and h F A  R e th e in ges outl re The next 13 pa al recruits. The ti n te o p r fo e mm muscular d n fitness progra a ic b ro e a f combination o e v ti c e ff e n  a gramme, and is ro p g in h tc e tr rcises, a s to  prepare for t endurance exe n a w u o y If . and lifestyle advice on diet way to start . t  c fe r e p e th ’s it life in the RAF,

e h T o T n o Int ro duc t i R AF t i u r c e R e Pr e m m a r g o Fi t n e s s P r e to individuals of all fitness

iser. ing advic regular exerc e offers train a r m o m h ra tc g ra ro p sc This t ing from lf-assessmen r you are start e se l th ia e it h in w r , u ls o e lev on the end on y oint will dep tarted’ guide p S g g in in rt tt a e st ‘G r e u Yo fer to th l be able to re il w u o Y s. lt oint. resu our starting p y e id c e d to next page nsity reases in inte c in ly w o sl d ally an rogress. e starts gradu further you p m e m th ra g se a ro p re c e e Th st will d whilst your re n o ti ra u d d an t to. The e as you wan m m ra g ro p able h of the the most suit to do as muc t u a o y rt a to st p so u , is It in nature a week ed to repeat is progressive e e n m u o m y ra If g . ss ro p rget number t level of fitne ta n e e rr th u t c e r e u m o y l you can o point for to do so. Unti ed that you d d u o n y e r m fo m e o n c fi ek it is re then it is a training we in h it w s n o eek. of repetiti e following w th to n o ss re not prog

n yo u r will depend o lk a w r o g jo , run running Whether you If you find the alk / . ss e tn fi f o ls llow a w initial leve if ficult then fo , 2 min jog). If d o to g in g g alk or jo e. (E .g. 1 min w tion, jog programm then walk for the full dura this is too hard d each we ek until a jog is ee increasing sp aintaine d. m d achieve d an

Training Intensity

ness programme, Throughout this fit es to exercising you will see referenc d ‘high’ intensity. at ‘low ’, ‘moderate’ an adual progression This is to ensure a gr in your training.


y and hold a Can breathe normall conversation.


sed but can still Breathing has increa rtably. talk relativly comfo


sweating, hard to Heavier breathing, n. hold a conversatio

c Exercise Low Impact Aerobi

ss ponents of this fitne One of the key com ct pa t we call ‘low im programme is wha cise’. cardiovascular exer ilding exercises that bu This means fitness stress on your joints. don’t put too much

These include:

Cycling or Spinning Swimming Rowing Cross-trainer Walking



Your fitness programme starting point will depend on your fitness self-assessment check. As you can see below the guide is divided into 3 sections. Once you have taken your initial fitness self-assessment you should find the level that most closely matches your scores and start at the beginning of that week





2.4 Km Above 11m11s Press-ups Below 15 Sit-ups Below 30

2.4 Km Above 13m 23s Press-ups Below 5 Sit-ups Below 27


2.4 Km Below 11m 11s Press-ups Between 15 – 22 Sit-ups Between 30 - 42

2.4 Km Below 13m 23s Press-ups Between 5 - 12 Sit-ups Between 27 - 39


2.4 Km Below 10m11s Press-ups Above 23 Sit-ups Above 43

2.4 Km Below 12m 23s Press-ups Above 13 Sit-ups Above 40

Level 1 – Start at week 1 | Level 2 – Start at week 4 | Level 3 – Start at week 7

Body Hug

Set up - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms outstretched at shoulder height by the sides of your body. Action - Bring your arms in across your body and give yourself a big hug. - Return to the starting position and repeat.

Trunk Rotations

Set up - Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart with your hands across your chest. Action Leg Swing - Turn your body to look over your left shoulder. - Return to centre, turn your body to look over your right shoulder. - Repeat rotation.

Leg Swing:

Arm Swings

Set up - Stand on one leg using a wall for support if needed. Action - Swing your non-weight bearing leg in front of your body and behind. - Repeat on opposite side.

Shoulder Rotation

Set up - Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Action - Using one arm at a time, in a continuous motion draw a big circle with your hand to the side of your body. - Repeat on opposite side.


Calf Stretch

Set up - Stand facing the wall in a staggered stance (one leg forward, one leg back) and place your hands on the wall in front. Keep your back leg straight with your heel in contact with the floor Action - Push your hips and chest forward until you feel tension down the back of the rear leg. - Repeat on the opposite side.

erobic a f o s e t u in m after 2-3 e s e h t m r o f r your e f P o t r a p in a m e the exercise befor n. training sessio es. im t 2 1 0 1 s e is exerc Perform each

hctertS ilaC


Shell StretchLying Abdominal Stretch

Standing Adductor Stretch Set up - Stand upright with a wide stance. Bend one knee and lean to the same side whilst keeping your other leg straight and hold when you feel tension on the inside of the thigh of the straight leg. - Repeat on the opposite side.

hctertS ilaC

Standing Calf Stretch

Set up - Stand facing the wall in a staggered stance (one leg forward, one leg back) and place your hands on the wall in front. Keep your back leg straight with your heel in contact with the floor. Action - Push your hips and chest forward until you feel tension down the back of the rear leg. - Repeat on the opposite side.

Set up - Lie face down on the floor with your hands by the side of your shoulders. Keeping your hips and feet in contact with the ground, push your chest away from the floor and hold when you feel tension along your abdominals. If you can’t straighten your arms, perform the stretch on your elbows.

Shell Stretch:

Set up- Lie face down on the floor with your hands under your shoulders. Push your backside over your heels into a shell position with out-stretched arms and hold when you feel tension along your lower back.


Standing Shoulder Stretch

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Set up - Stand upright with your feet hip width apart. Straighten one leg in front of you, keeping your chest up and your front foot flat on the floor and your rear leg bent. Action - Bend at your hips leaning forward over your out stretched leg and hold when you feel tension across the back of your thigh. - Repeat on the opposite side.

Set up - Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Standing- Shoulder Stretch Action Bring one arm across your chest and with your opposite arm hold it above or below your elbow until you feel tension in the shoulder of the arm that is across the body. - Repeat on the opposite side.

Standing Chest Stretch

Set up - Place chest against a wall and place one arm at shoulder height flat against the wall. Action - Turn your body away from the wall and hold when you feel tension across the chest and shoulder of the arm that is in contact with the wall. - Repeat on the opposite side.


Standing Quad Stretch

Set up - Stand on one leg using a wall for support and bring your opposite heel up towards your bottom and hold above the ankle with your free arm. Action - Hold when you feel tension across the front of the thigh of the bent leg. - Repeat on the opposite side.

training in a m r u o y r e t af onds c Perform these e s 0 3 r o f h c t each stre ld o H . n io s s e s each side.




Set Up - Lie on your front with your elbows under your shoulders and your forearms flat on the floor - Raise your hips off the floor until you make a straight line with your body. Sit Up Action - Hold this position for the required amount of time. Alternative – Place feet wider apart. Squat

Set Up - Stand with your feet hip width apart and your hands by your sides. Action - Take a step forward and bend your rear knee to just above the ground. - Make sure your upper body stays upright and your front knee does not go over your toes. - Push off the front leg to return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on your opposite leg.


Set up - Lie on your back with your knees bent at right angles and your feet in contact with the floor - Place your fingers in contact with your temples. Action - Raise your torso off the floor until your elbows touch the top of your knees - Lower shoulders to the floor in a controlled manner.


esiaR lasroD Set Up - Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Action - Bend at your hips and knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. - Maintain a rigid back and keep your chest upright with your head looking forward. - Straighten your knees and hips to return to the starting position. Press Up


Set Up - Lie on your front with your hands in line with your shoulders - Straighten your arms raising your body off the floor, ensuring your head is neutral and the back is kept straight. Action – Lower body until upper arms are parallel (90°) to the floor then straighten your arms back to the starting position. Alternative – Drop to knees and perform same movement.


Dorsal Raise

Set Up - Lie on your front and keep your feet in contact with the ground at all times. - Place your finger tips on your temples. Action - Lift your chest off the floor keeping your hips and feet in contact with the ground. - Hold for 2 seconds. - Lower body to the floor under control.

e- Joining r P e th f o s t n e e compon sistance e r t h One of the cor ig e w y d o mme is a b Fitness Progra xercises and e le ip lt u m f o ng make up t a circuit consisti th s e is c r e x re are the e them. m r fo r e p repetitions. He to y a the correct w d n a it u c ir c e h t

Week 1 Day 1

Fitness self-assessment (Record your scores below)

2.4km run (1.5 mile) in your best time

As many Press-ups as you can manage in 1 minute

Day 3

2 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

Day 4 As many Sit-ups as you can manage in 1 minute.

Rest Day

Day 5 20 minutes continuous walk/jog at low intensity

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 20 minutes at low intensity

Week 2

Day 6 Repeat day 3 circuit

M 8 10 12 5 20s 10

F 4 7 11 3 10s 7

Day 1

Day 4

20 minutes continuous walk/jog at low intensity

Rest Day

Day 5

Day 2

20 minutes continuous walk/jog at low intensity

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 25 minutes at low intensity

Day 6 Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 3

Day 7

2 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

Rest day M 10 12 16 8 25s 12

F 5 9 13 5 15s 9

Day 7 Rest day




Week 3 Day 1

25 minutes continuous walk/ jog at moderate intensity

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 25 minutes at low intensity

Day 3

2 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

Day 4 Rest Day

Day 5 20 minutes continuous walk/jog at low intensity

Day 6 Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 7 Rest day


Week 4

M 12 15 20 10 30s 15

F 6 11 17 8 20s 11

Day 1

Day 5

25 minutes continuous walk/jog at moderate intensity

Rest Day

Day 6

Day 2

Fitness Assessment (Record your scores below):

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 30 minutes at low intensity

2.4km run (1.5 mile) in your best time

Day 3 2 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-ups Squat Sit-ups Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

As many Press-ups as you can manage in 1 minute M 14 17 24 12 30s 17

Day 4 Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 30 minutes at low intensity


F 7 13 21 10 20s 13

As many Sit-ups as you can manage in 1 minute

Day 7 Rest day


Week 5 Day 1

30 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 35 minutes at low intensity

Week 6

Day 3

2 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

M 16 17 28 12 30s 17

F 8 13 25 10 20s 13

Day 4

Rest Day

Day 5

30 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity

Day 6

Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 7

Day 1

Day 4

30 minute continuous run at moderate intensity

Rest Day

Day 5

Day 2

30 minutes run at moderate to high intensity

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 35 minutes at low intensity

Day 6 Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 3

Day 7

3 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

M 14 15 26 10 30s 15

F 7 11 23 8 20s 11

Rest day/30 minute swim at low intensity

Rest day/30 minute swim at low intensity


st results –f te s s e tn fi r u o f yo in at the endmouch a Make a note g a t s te e th e n s e e h ow a c you will takm u o y o s , e the prograprom ve d . you’ve im

Week 7 Day 1

30 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 40 minutes at low intensity

Week 8

Day 3

2 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

M 18 21 32 16 40s 21

F 9 17 29 12 30s 17

Day 4

Rest Day

Day 5

30 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity

Day 6

Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 7

Rest day/30 minute swim at low intensity


Day 1

Day 5

35 minute continuous run at moderate intensity

Rest Day

Day 6

Day 2

Fitness Assessment (Record your scores below):

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 40 minutes at low intensity

2.4km run (1.5 mile) in your best time

Day 3 3 Circuits: 2 minutes rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

As many Press-ups as you can manage in 1 minute M 16 19 29 14 35s 19

F 8 15 26 11 25s 15

Day 4 30 minutes swim at low intensity

As many Sit-ups as you can manage in 1 minute

Day 7 Rest day /30 minute swim at low intensity

no corners when t u c to d te p Don’t be temone is watching – elf.

eatin you’re only ch

g yo u r s

Week 9 Day 1

40 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 40 minutes at low intensity

Week 10

Day 3

2 Circuits: 90 seconds rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

M 20 24 35 14 35s 24

20m shuttles

x 3 minutes

F 10 20 32 11 25s 20

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 15 minutes at low - moderate intensity

Day 1

30 minute continuous run at moderate intensity followed by alternated 1 minute vigorous and 1 minute moderate intensity for 10 minutes (40 minutes total)

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 40 minutes at moderate intensity

Day 3

3 Circuits: 90 seconds rest between each circuit

Day 5

Exercise Press-up Squat Sit-up Lunge Plank Dorsal raise

M 18 21 32 16 40s 21

Day 6

20m shuttles

x 6 minutes

Day 7

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 15 minutes at low - moderate intensity

Day 4

Rest Day 35 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity, plus ten 20m shuttles. Practice turning. Repeat day 3 circuit Rest day/30 minute swim at low intensity


Day 4 Rest Day

Day 5 40 minute continuous run at moderate intensity or 3 x 7 minute intervals of 20m shuttling with 2 minutes rest between

Day 6 Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 7 Rest day/30 minute swim at low intensity

F 9 17 29 12 30s 17

– find an re o h c a e m o c a ke ess b e enjoy and m u o Don’t let firtn y t a th d t n r fi o exercise o osupr week ly routine. You’ll it par t of y to look for ward to it! you begin

Week 11 Day 1

25 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity followed by alternated 1 minute vigorous and 1 minute moderate intensity for 15 minutes (40 minutes total)

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 45 minutes at moderate intensity

Week 12

Day 3

2 Circuits: 90 second rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up 20m shuttles Squat 20m shuttles Sit-up 20m shuttles Lunge 20m shuttles Plank 20m shuttles Dorsal raise

M 20 4 24 4 35 4 14 4 35s 4 24

F 10 2 20 2 32 2 11 2 25s 2 20

Day 4

Rest Day

Day 5

40 minute continuous run at moderate intensity or 3 x 8 minute intervals of 20m shuttling with 1 minute rest between

Day 6

Repeat day 3 circuit

Day 1

20 minutes continuous run at moderate intensity + 1 minute vigorous, 1 minute moderate intensity for 20 minutes (40 minutes total)

Day 2

Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 45 minutes at moderate intensity

Day 3

Day 4 Rest Day

Day 5 Low-impact cardiovascular activity for 35 minutes at low intensity

Day 6 Fitness Test (Record your scores below): 2.4km run (1.5 mile) in your best time

3 Circuits: 90 second rest between each circuit Exercise Press-up 20m shuttles Squat 20m shuttles Sit-up 20m shuttles Lunge 20m shuttles Plank 20m shuttles Dorsal raise

M 18 4 21 4 32 4 16 4 40s 4 21

F 9 2 17 2 29 2 12 2 30s 2 17

As many Press-ups as you can manage in 1 minute

As many Sit-ups as you can manage in 1 minute

Day 7 Rest day /30 minute swim at low intensity

Day 7

Rest day


ive – once s s re g ro p is s Fitnes ed a goodkeep you’ve reaych u need to level. standard, sota y at that training to

E L Y T S E A LIF CHOICE sta; with ead, rice and pa

toes, br me NUTRITIOplNan based on starchy foods such asodpos sutach as meat, fish and lentilsnt; so s you g e nutrie ein-rich fo A heathly eatin give you all th bles; some prot ta ge ve d an t lt or sugar, will sa t, fa h uc m plenty of frui too foods; and not milk and dairy need.

ta, rice, , potatoes, pas ad re b s: d o fo y meals on starch 1. Base your re. in different noodles and fib s as they conta le ab et g ve d riety of fruit an 2. Choose a va d minerals. of vitamins an and one of combinations ions per week rt o p o tw t as h - aim for at le 3. Eat more fis e oily. these should b ars. ted fat and sug ra tu sa n o n w 4. Cut do . 5. Eat less salt regularly. 6. Drink water st. 7. Eat breakfa hy weight. aintain a healt m d an ve ti ac 8. Get

Diet Tips

, Eat healtheilayti ng but avoid you just before exercise.


nce that we portant substa im an is er at W stay healthy. e in our diets to , cushion need to includ dy temperature bo te la gu re s It help sure and keep rol blood pres nt co , ts in jo e th ning sufficient lance. Maintai ying out the body in ba ntial when carr se es is id flu of levels If fluid lost to ysical activity ph of rm fo y an hydration not replaced, de l perspiration is fatigue, menta cur, leading to ar ul sc va can rapidly oc io rd ca stress on the confusion and e best and ber, water is th em t. system. Rem id replacemen ical form of flu hich w ks in most econom dr lic ed and alcoho Avoid caffeinat ing effect. at have a dehydr


ke is within ur alcohol inta Tr y to ensure yo d tr y to weekly limits an recommended Aim to have e. 3 days or mor er ov is th ad spre ever y week, cohol free days a number of al before and take especially makes you limiting your in ember, exercise m Re . ng ni ai tr af ter ses this effect. d alcohol increa er instead. an ed at dr hy de wat drink plenty of Make sure you


sands of onsible for thou sp re is g in ok Sm proximately ar. It causes ap deaths ever y ye is a major er deaths and 30% of all canc d breathing an e hear t diseas to or ut rib nt co ability to so reduces your problems. It al ngs, making it maging your lu exercise by da . Critically, it yg absorb ox en to u yo s of r fo er hard g your chance es to increasin g rin ffe su d also contribut ng an injury in traini cut e ok sm sustaining an u yo aling times. If from longer he . down or stop


ns further questio If you have any e th t w more abou or want to kno RAF, e ents to join th Office. Fitness requirem local Armed Forces Careers r u yo ct please conta find out l Air Force, or to ya o R e  th in e lif itment ation about mod.uk/recru f. ra t si vi , For more inform er ff o e of careers on about the rang

The RAF vision An Air Force that: is trained and equipped to generate air power as a vital contribution to the security of the UK and as a force for good in the world;


is proud of its heritage but modern and flexible;


fosters professionalism and team spirit founded on commitment and self-discipline; and


offers opportunity to all, a rewarding career and skills for life.


Equal opportunities The Royal Air Force is an equal opportunities employer. It seeks to provide workplace conditions that are comfortable and non-threatening for all employees, whatever their gender, ethnic origin or sexual orientation. It aims to totally eliminate sexual and racial harassment, and all forms of bullying. These issues are closely monitored and proactively managed. Victims of any form of abuse are encouraged to report their difficulties and can be confident of sensitive treatment by those responsible for their care. If you do not exercise regularly or believe that you may have a health condition that could be negatively affected by undertaking a fitness training programme, you are advised to consult your medical practitioner before beginning this programme. This publication is for guidance only and other physical training programmes are available. The Royal Air Force cannot take responsibility for any injury or medical event that might be sustained whilst undertaking any element of this or any other fitness training programme. The facts within this publication may change without notice and the publication must not be taken to imply any form of contract with the individual. Welfare in the RAF To find out more about the RAF’s commitment to the care and welfare of its personnel, visit raf.mod.uk/careers/lifeintheraf/leavinghome.cfm.

PUB 772 Printed in the UK 01/17


Prepared by Royal Air Force College Cranwell © Crown copyright The information contained within this brochure was correct at time ofprint but may have changed since. Please check online raf.mod.uk/careers for up to date information.