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Prof. Moch. Amin Alamsjah Vice dean Faculty of Fisheries and Marine; Airlangga University Campus C UNAIR Jl. Mulyorejo Surabaya Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Airlangga University, Campus C UNAIR Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia, Telp. 62-31-5911451, Fax. 62-31-5965741, E-mail: [email protected] “Sustainable exploitation of marine bio-resource in Indonesia and East Java”

ABSTRACT Indonesia biodiversity has 2.4 million ha forest areas mangrove (30 % mangrove forest the world is in Indonesia) and 8.5 million ha coral reefs (17.95 % coral reefs the world is in Indonesia). Sustainable potential of Indonesia's marine fish resources are estimated at 6.4 million tons / year consisting of large pelagic fish (such as tuna) 1.16 million tons, small pelagic (such as mackerel) 3.6 million tones, 1.36 million tones of demersal, penaeid shrimp 0.094 million tons, 0.004 million tons of lobster, squid 0.028 million tones, and the reef fish consumption of 0.14 million tons, with total allowable catch for 5.12 million tons / year (80% of the sustainable potential). The potential of freshwater fishery consists of public waters (lakes, reservoirs, rivers, and swamps) covering an area of 550,000 hectares with a production of 356,020 tons / year, and a fresh water pool and mina rice paddy amounting to 805,700 tons / year and 233,400 tons / year. Brackish Aquaculture (ponds) which reached about 913,000 ha and seaweed farming area of 2 million ha (20% of the total potential area of marine waters within 5 miles of the coastline) with a volume of 46.73 million tons / year to make Indonesia as a producer of raw seaweed (raw material) the world's largest. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia has planned Blue Economy Program as a part to develop of marine and fisheries products. In this case Blue Economy Program allows to be applied in order to leverage the use of seaweed, but from the operational side there are still many obstacles faced by Indonesia, including Indonesia still relies on imports of refined products (agar, alginate, carrageenan). Until 2014, Indonesia's seaweed production is still largely dwell on the stages of raw material supply and the relatively few who started production between (agar, carrageenan) and have not been able to independently move in the industrialization of the final product (pharmacy, food, industrial grades). Some strategies to increase human development, seaweed products and market can be adopted to drive on Blue Economy Program in Indonesia, that is: (1) Transfer of technology The need to accelerate scientific dissemination and marine biotechnology at every stage of production as well as research done by domestic stakeholders (industry seaweed, seaweed farmers, Institute for Research / Research Implementation Unit under the coordination of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Higher Education) in order to produce a variety of products ranging levels seaweed upstream to downstream by selling more power, doing public conferences and training


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014

intensely so that the application of marine biotechnology become one of the standard procedures seaweed breeding technology to the technology industry diversification of processed seaweed products 2) Incorporate technology in existing industries The need to study the system of management and production technology on some seaweed industry leading overseas so that at an early stage can make a comparative study of industrial facilities and even gave overseas seaweed leading the industry in order to allow the establishment of a branch (branch factory) in the country. Identify companies that have the ability to master the production technology and quality management system and international level as well as business support to the mastery of technology, with a record participation of Indonesian human resources remain in the working process (3) Business development The need to make efforts and encouragement / incentives in order to print a kelp reliable entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs development), capital and funding, economic and fiscal incentives, technical assistance, commercialization and market assistance and advisory business (business assistance) by authorities (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Industry, Seaweed Industry Association) (4) Attraction of foreign investment The need for identification and promotion for the company processed seaweed potential domestic establishment, as well as the support of the Government's policy to support efforts to stabilize the company's performance with regard to the value-added products produced (high value added). It is as part of an effort to attract foreign investors and the establishment of international branding Indonesian seaweed products at the International level (5) Investigation of critical mass The need to perform calculations or analysis related to cost and scaling strategies, patents and intellectual property products, applied research with accelerated study marine biotechnology to produce products that meet international standards, increase of investigation and negotiation capabilities in the marketing network of seaweed products. (6) Social and environment improvement The need for the improvement of knowledge related to the production of seaweed (human resources development both culturally and society) as well as maintaining the cluster development through cultivation of seaweed, either through regulations / policies issued by the Government, in particular the mapping of zoning industrialization seaweed.


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014

CV Name

: Prof. Ir. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si., Ph.D.


: Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Airlangga University Campus C UNAIR Jl. Mulyorejo Surabaya Indonesia Telp. 62-31-5911451 Fax. 62-31-5965741

ACADEMIC 1993 : S1 (Ir.) in Aquaculture, Fakultas Perikanan, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 2002 : S2 (M.Si.) in Biology Reproduction, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 2007 : S3 (Ph.D.) in Resource Utilization Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nagasaki University, Japan


: Training Course Spectrophotometer and Calculations of Solutions. Airlangga University in cooperation with Six Universities Development and Rehabilitation Project (SUDR)

1996 : Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Prajabatan Golongan III Angkatan II di Depo Pendidikan Kejuruan Resimen Induk Daerah Militer V Brawijaya Malang. Lembaga Administrasi Negara 1998 : Lokakarya Perancangan Media Pembelajaran, Pengukuran Pendidikan, Penyusunan Bahan Ajar. UPT Pusat Peningkatan dan Pengembangan Pendidikan UNAIR 1999

: Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah. Direktorat Pembinaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat. Depdikbud


: JSPS Short Course of Biology Science at Sugashima Marine Biological Laboratory Nagoya University, Japan

2002 : Preoverseas Training Bagi Calon Penerima Beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2003

: Japanese Language Course For Foreign Student, Nagasaki University, Japan

2004 : Beginners Training Course Based on the Law Concerning Prevention from Radiation Hazardz and Practical Training for Safety Handling of Radioisotopes, Japan 2008 : Auditor Akademik Internal Universitas Airlangga. PPM UNAIR


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014

2008 : Workshop on Technical Assistance to SMEs in Indonesian Fish and Shrimp Industry. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 2012 : Training of Trainer Fasilitator LKMM Tingkat Menengah dan Lanjut 2013 : Lokakarya Applied Approach (AA). LP3 UNAIR 2014 : The Seameo Rihed-AGB University Leadership Development Workshop.UBD and Higher Education Leadership Academy, Ministry of Education, Malaysia


1999 2002

: Anggota POKJAPemberdayaan Ekonomi Kerakyatan Universitas Airlangga : Anggota Pusat Kajian Masalah Perikanan LPPM UNAIR

2004-2006 2004-2006

: Ketua Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Cabang Nagasaki, Japan : Chairman of Nagasaki Moslem Community, Nagasaki, Japan

2008-sekarang : Ketua Peer Group Pemberdayaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Kelautan LPPM UNAIR 2008-sekarang : Anggota Satuan Penjaminan Mutu Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan 2009-2012

: Sekeretaris Himpunan Ahli Pengelolaan Pesisir Indonesia (HAPPI) Cab. Jatim

2009-sekarang: Ketua Bidang Pelatihan dan Pengembangan SDM Asosiasi Petani dan Pengelola Rumput Laut Indonesia (ASPPERLI) Cabang Jawa Timur 2013-sekarang: Anggota Litbang Masyarakat Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia 2013-sekarang:Anggota Bidang Penelitian, Rekayasa dan Pendidikan Konsorsium Mitra Bahari Regional Center Jawa Timur 2013-sekarang: Ketua Yayasan Bina Insan Mulia


: Pengaruh Salinitas Media Perendaman dan Media Penetasan dalam Teknik Dekapsulasi terhadap Efisiensi Penetasan Udang Renik Air Asin (Artemia spp.). DIP OPF

1997 : Manipulasi Lingkungan sebagai alat pemacu kematangan gonad ikan gurame (Osphronemus gouramy). LITMUD 1999

: Metode Deteksi Toksisitas Kerang. LITMUD

2001 : PemberdayaanSantri Pondok Pesantren untuk beternak ikan nila sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemandirian dalam berwirausaha. DIK Suplemen UNAIR 2002

: Purifikasi dan Karakterisasi Band Apoptosis Protein Bisa Ular Crotalusatrox, Trimeresurus albolabris dan Naja hanna. BPPS

2006 : Studies on Algicidal Effects of Ulva Species (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) on Red Tide Phytoplankton. Monbukagakusho


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014


: Rekayasa Teknologi Pembenihan Gracilaria sp. Melalui Cross Breeding dan Free Living Technique pada Kelompok Budidaya Rumput laut di Jawa Timur (Indonesia) dan Terengganu (Malaysia). DP2M-Hibah Kompetisi


: PencegahanFood Poisoning Melalui Model Biokontrol Ulvasp. Terhadap Toksisitas Kerang Akibat Penyerapan Bioaktif Dinoflagellata dan Logam Berat. Strategi Nasional


: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir Melalui Rekayasa Teknologi Limbah Rumput Laut Sebagai Produk Pengkayaan Probiotik dan Biofertilizer Pada Budidaya Intensif Ikan Sistem Akuaponik. Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi


: Perbandingan Efisiensi Produk Biodiesel Limbah rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii, Minyak Ikan Tuna dan Minyak Goreng Bekas. BOPTN

PUBLICATION Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 1998. Pengaruh Salinitas Media Perendaman dan Media Penetasan dalam Teknik Dekapsulasi terhadap Efisiensi Penetasan Udang Renik Air Asin (Artemia spp.). Media Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Airlangga, Vol.14, No.1, pp.45-49. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2000. Korelasi Manipulasi Lingkungan dengan Indeks Kematangan Gonad Ikan Gurame (Osphronemus gouramy). Media Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Airlangga, Vol.16, No.1, pp.61-64. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2008. Analisa Komposisi Asam Lemak Rumput Laut Enteromorpha compressa. Berkala Ilmiah Perikanan, Vol.3, No.2, pp.11-14. ISSN 1907-5634 Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2009. Pengaruh Kombinasi Pupuk NPK dan TSP Terhadap Pertumbuhan, Kadar Air dan Klorofil a Gracilaria verrucosa. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol.1, No.1, pp.103-116.ISSN 2085-5842 Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2009. Uji Toksisiti Asam α-Linolenik Rumput Laut Ulva sp. Terhadap Chattonella marina dan Heterosigma akashiwo. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol.1, No.1, pp.117-120.ISSN 2085-5842 Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2010. Peranan Ulva pertusa dalam Menurunkan Penyerapan Timbal (Pb) oleh Kerang Darah (Anadara granosa) danMenekan Pertumbuhan Dinoflagellata (Noctiluca miliaris). Berkala Penelitian Hayati (Journal of Biological Researches), Vol.16, No.1, pp. 21-25. ISSN 0852-6834 Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2011. Perbandingan KomposisiAsam Lemak Tak Jenuh Codium cylindricum dan Ulva arasakii sebagai Sumber Bahan Aktif Algicidal. Berkala Penelitian Hayati (Journal of Biological Researches), Edisi Khusus No.4D, pp. 59-63. ISSN 0852-6834 Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2011. Pengaruh Ekstrak Alga Cokelat (Sargassum sp.) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli Secara In Vitro. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol.3, No.1, pp.79-84.ISSN 2085-5842


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014

Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2011. IbM Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Pada Daerah Tertinggal Kabupaten Bojonegoro Dalam Bentuk Diversifikasi Produk Olahan Berkualitas Fish Cake Yang Diperkaya Rumput Laut. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol.3, No.2, pp.193-201.ISSN 2085-5842 Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2011. Pengaruh Fermentasi Limbah Rumput Laut Gracilaria sp. Dengan Bacillus subtilis Terhadap Populasi Plankton Chlorophyceae. Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, Vol.3, No.2, pp.203-213.ISSN 2085-5842 Ratnesh Chaturvedi, Srinivasa Rao Uppalapati, Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Yuji Fujita. 2004. Isolation of quizalofop-resistant mutants of Nannochloropsis oculata (Eustigmatophyceae) with high eicosapentaenoic acid following N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced random mutagenesis.Journal of Applied Phycology (2004), Vol.16, pp.135-144. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Shotaro Hirao, Fumito Ishibashi, Yuji Fujita. 2005. Isolation and Structure Determination of Algicidal Compounds from Ulva fasciata.Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Vol.69, No. 11, pp.2186-2192. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Fumito Ishibashi, Hitoshi Kitamura, Yuji Fujita. 2006. The Effectiveness of Ulva fasciata and U. pertusa (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) as Algicidal Substances on Harmful Algal Bloom Species.Aquaculture Science, Vol.54, No.3, pp.325-334. Ji Yeon Kim, Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Aoi Hamada, Yuji Fujita, Fumito Ishibashi. 2006.Algicidal Diterpenes from the Brown Alga Dictyota dichotoma.Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Vol.70, No.10, pp.2571-2574. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Keiko Ishibe, Daekyung Kim, Kenichi Yamaguchi, Fumito Ishibashi, Yuji Fujita, Tatsuya Oda. 2007. Selective Toxic Effects of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Derived from Ulva fasciata on Red Tide Phytoplankter Species. Bioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Vol.71, No.1, pp. 265-268. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah, Fumito Ishibashi, Yuji Fujita, Tatsuya Oda. 2008. Algicidal Activity of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Derived from Ulva fasciata and U. pertusa (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) on Phytoplankton. Journal of Applied Phycology, Vol.20, pp. 713-720. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2010. Producing New Variety of Gracilaria sp. Through Cross Breeding. Research Journal of Fisheries and Hydrobiology, Vol.5, No.2, pp.159-167. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2012. Octadeca-6,9,12,15-tetraenoic acid from Nemacystis decipiens as an algicidal source against Heterocapsa circularisquama. Agricultural Science Research Journals, Vol.2(9), pp.480-485. Mochammad Amin Alamsjah. 2013.Gracilaria sp. Waste, Lactobacillus sp. and Chlorella sp. Integration on Intensive Aquaculture with Aquaponic System. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, Vol.3, No.11, pp.66-77.



Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014


: Kursus Singkat Diagnosis, Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Penyakit Udang Di Tambak dan Hatchery. Judul“Korelasi Kualitas Air dengan Toksisitas Perairan”. Lokasi di FKH UNAIR.


: International Scientific Interchange Cheju National University, South Korea and Nagasaki University, Japan. Title “Isolation and Structure Determination of Algicidal Compounds from Ulva fasciata (I)”. Locationat Cheju University, South Korea


: The 80th Annual Meeting of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Science Symposium. Title “Isolation and Structure Determination of Algicidal Compounds from Ulva fasciata (II)”. Location at Kyushu University, Japan

2006 : The 30thAnnual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Phycology. Title “The Effectiveness of Ulva fasciata and U. pertusa(Ulvales, Chlorophyta) as Algicidal Substances on Harmful Algal Bloom Species”. Location at Kagoshima University, Japan 2006

: 11thIUPACInternationalCongressof Pesticide Chemistry.Title “Algicidal Compounds from The Brown and The Green Algae, Dictyota dichotoma and Ulva fasciata”. Location at Kobe, Japan

2007 : XIXth International Seaweed Symposium. The Japan Seaweed Association (JSA), The Japanese Society of Phycology (JSP) and The Japanese Society of Marine Biotechnology (JSMB). Title “Algicidal Effects of Ulva Species (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) on Red Tide Phytoplankton”. Location at Kobe, Japan 2007 : Konferensi Aquaculture Indonesia 2007 Menuju Industri Akuakultur Indonesia Berkelanjutan, Inovatif dan Kompetitif Dalam Era Global (Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia / MAI). Judul ”Ulva fasciata dan U. pertusa(Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) sebagai Bahan Aktif Algicidal terhadap Harmful Algal Bloom Species”. Lokasi di Surabaya 2007

: Konferensi Sains Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia I (Masyarakat Sains Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia / MSKPI). Judul “Eksplorasi Bahan Aktif Algicidal Rumput Laut Pada Penanganan Harmful Algal Bloom Species”. Lokasi di Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB, Bogor


: Seminar Nasional Perikanan dan Kelautan Pengembangan IPTEK Perikanan dan Kelautan Berkelanjutan dalam mendukung Pembangunan Nasional. Judul “Asam Lemak α-Linolenik dan Linoleik dari Ulva fasciata dan U. pertusa(Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) sebagai Bahan Aktif Algicidal terhadap Harmful Algal Bloom Species”. Lokasi di Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan UNDIP, Semarang


: Seminar Nasional Pembangunan Perikanan Budidaya sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Masa Depan Perekonomian Indonesia. Judul “An Overview of The Seaweed Cultivation in Several Countries”. Lokasi di FKH UNAIR


: Seminar Prospek Bisnis Rumput Laut. Judul “Studi tentang Metoda Budidaya Rumput Laut”. Lokasi di LPPM UNAIR


: Pelatihan Manajemen Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan. Judul “Nutritional, Toxic and Environmental Diseases”. Lokasi di LPPM UNAIR

2008 : Pelatihan Manajemen JurnalIlmiah. Judul “Manajemen Naskah dan Organisasi Penerbitan Jurnal Ilmiah”. Lokasi di Surabaya


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014


: PelatihanPenulisan Artikel dalam Jurnal Ilmiah. Judul “Kiat Menembus Jurnal Internasional”. Lokasi di Surabaya


: SecondCollaborativeInternational Conference Life Science: Synergy for Enhancement of Quality of Life. Title “Screening of Macroalgae as An Algicidal Source on Harmful Algal Bloom Species and Detection of Algicidal Activity based on Seasonal Variation”. Lokasi di Surabaya


: Pelantikan Pengurus HAPPI Cabang Jawa Timur. Judul “Allelopathy Compounds in Water Resources”. Lokasi di FPK UNAIR

2009 : International Seminar “From Ocean for Food Security, Energy, and Sustainable Resources and Environment”. Title “Detection of Fatty Acid Composition from Enteromorpha compressa and Monostroma nitidum. Location at Surabaya 2009 : Konferensi Regional Strategi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Selat Madura. Judul “Konferensi Regional Strategi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Selat Madura” Lokasi di Surabaya 2010

: Seminar Nasional Desiminasi Program 2010 Komisi Pemberdayaan Wilayah Pesisir dan Kelautan. Judul “Akselerasi Program Terpadu antara Universitas, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan serta Institusi Swasta guna Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Kelautan”. Lokasi di LPPM UNAIR


: Fasilitasi Pemberdayaan Kearifan Lokal Bidang Pelestarian dan Pengembangan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Maritim. Judul “Urgensi Perlindungan Konservasi Kawasan Pantai dan Laut dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Potensi Sumber Daya Alam Pesisir dan Laut”. Lokasi di Lamongan


: International Fisheries Symposium 2011 “Towards a Sustainable Fisheries in South East Asia”. Title “Analysis of α-Linolenic from Monostroma nitidum as a Mitigation Agent to Remove Harmful Algal Bloom Species of Fibrocapsa japonica”. Location at Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

2012 : International Fisheries Symposium 2012 “Sharing Knowledge for Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries in the South-East Asia”. Title “The Algicidal Substance of Octadeca-6,9,12,15Tetraenoic Acid from Codium fragile against Chattonella antiqua”. Location at Can Tho City, Vietnam 2013 : Bimbingan Teknis Peningkatan Kualitas Produk UKM Olahan Hasil Laut dan Pengemasannya. Judul “Teknologi dan Diversifikasi Pengolahan Produk Hasil Laut”. Lokasi di Surabaya 2013

: Korea Sea Grant Week 2013, The Past, Present and Future of Korea Sea Grant. Title “Strengthening of Youth Generation Marine Program From Konsorsium Mitra Bahari, Regional Center East Java, Indonesia”. Location at Incheon, South Korea.


Presented in 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “INNOVATION & COOPERATION FOR BLUE GROWTH” Congress Centre Le Quartz Brest , FRANCE , 12-16 October 2014