actuarial science - Natural Sciences

Retail Credit Risk. BWIN817* choice module. Industry Directed Research Project. BWIR826. B.Sc. Hons. : N609P. 4th year. Module name. Module code. Quan...

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MSc. BMI (QRM) N809P 5th year

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Module name Enterprise-Wide Risk Management I Enterprise-Wide Risk Management II Data Mining Techniques Practical Risk Management SAS RD Industry Integration Project Modern Portfolio Theory Retail Credit Risk Industry Directed Research Project B.Sc. Hons. : N609P Module name Quantitative Risk Analysis I Financial Engineering I Investment Theory I Actuarial Risk Management (A301/CA1) Research Module: Financial Engineering and Financial Modelling B.Sc. (Act) : N137P Module name Actuarial Statistical Models (A204/CT6) Stochastic Processes (A202/CT4) Contingencies (A203/CT5) Survival Models (A202/CT4) BMI Project: Capital Markets Modelling and Analysis Statistical Inference Linear Models Statistical project Module name Financial Mathematics (A201/CT1) Macroeconomics Introduction to Risk Management Investment Management Financial Management: Introduction Probability and Sampling Theory Statistical Inferene and Data Analysis Numerical Analysis Analysis III Linear Algebra I Linear Algebra II Understanding the Economic World Business Ethics Module name Accounting: Framework and foundations Accounting for different entities Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Academic Literacy Introduction to Financial Mathematics Introduction to Actuarial Science Introduction to Economics Basic Micro- and Macroeconomics Introduction to Computers and Programming Graphic Interface Programming I Descriptive Statistics and Inference Introductory Probability Theory Introductory Algebra and Analysis I Introductory Algebra and Analysis II

Module code BWIA812 BWIA821* choice module BWIB821* choice module BWIN811* choice module BWIN815 BWIN816* choice module BWIN817* choice module BWIR826 Module code BWIN611 BWIN613 BWIN614 BWIA671 BWIR671 Module code BWIA313 BWIA314 BWIA371 BWIA324 BWIN321 STTN315 STTK321 STTK322 Module code BWIA271 ECON211 EKRP211 EKRP221 FINM221 STTN215 STTN225 TGWN223 WISN211 WISN212 WISN226 WVES221 WVES311 Module code ACCC111 ACCC121 of ACCF111 ACCF121 AGLA121 BWIA111 BWIA121 ECON111 ECON121 ITRW112 ITRW123 STTN115 STTN125 WISN111 WISN121