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An Analysis of English Code Mixing in Indonesian Travelogue The Journeys: Kisah Perjalanan Para Pencerita

Written by : Putri Ayu Audina / 15612757

Background of the Research In globalization era, English has become a language that many people in Indonesia speak in daily communication. Sometimes they use two languages in making utterances at the same moment. The people who have such ability are called bilinguals. In bilingual community, people tend to mix their language. The phenomenon where people mix two or more languages in one utterance is called code mixing. Code mixing can be found in daily communication on many fields like politic, economy, education, art, entertainment, etc. Code mixing is not only occur in spoken but also in written activity. For instance, many Indonesian authors write their book by using different language, such as English and Indonesia. Sometimes they insert some English words, phrases, or clauses in their sentences. However, there are several factors that influence people using code mixing, such as people use another language to soften the aim of the utterance, to avoid ambiguous meaning, the word in another language is easier to remember, etc.

The Aims of the Research • To find out the forms of code mixing in the travelogue book The Journeys: Kisah Perjalanan Para Pencerita. • To analyze the factors that influence the authors of The Journeys: Kisah Perjalanan Para Pencerita using code mixing. Scope of the Research The scope of analysis in this research focuses on finding the forms of code mixing by using Suwito’s theory (word insertion, phrase insertion, hybrid insertion, reduplication insertion, idiom insertion, and clause insertion) and analyzing the factors that influence code mixing based on Weinreich’s theory. Research Method This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The research procedure produces the descriptive data in the form of written words, so the data are analyzed containing words and sentences, not numbers. The source of the data is taken from Indonesian travelogue book The Journeys: Kisah Perjalanan Para Pencerita.

Result of the Research Code mixing is the use of two or more languages in one utterance. According to Suwito (1985:78), code mixing is divided into six forms, they are : 1. The Insertion of Word It means that the utterance is added by words in another language. For example: Di atas kerta peta, airport kota Bologna tak jauh dari pusat kota. (Sentence number 3 page 25) 2. The Insertion of Phrase A phrase is a group of related words that does not have a subject and a predicate. Kalau tidak suka minuman beralkohol, pesan saja black tea. (Sentence number 3 page 34) 3. The Insertion of Hybrid It is the combination of Indonesian word and English word. For example: Di tempat parfum, saya, J dan A mulai mencoba aroma berbagai jenis parfum dari tester-nya. (Sentence number 4 page38)

4. The Insertion of Idiom Xuan Zuang. Ring a bell? Yep, itu adalah nama biksu dicerita kera sakti. (Sentence number 1 page 39) 5. The Insertion of Clause Clause can be classified into two types, they are independent and dependent clause. For example: Setelahnya kami mampir ke tempat es lilin berbagai rasa, my favorite is red bean flavor. (Sentence number 1 page 41)

6. The Insertion of Word Reduplication Word reduplication is morphological process by which the root of a word, or part of it is repeated. In this research the writer did not find the insertion of word reduplication. ActuallyEnglish has no reduplication. The sense of reduplication is coming from Indonesian language.

Factors Influencing Code Mixing 1.

Internal Factors

a. Low Frequency of Word Low Frequency of word is used when a speaker mixes words from other languages in order to avoid the words that are rarely used to heard. For example: Selama ini waktu tersita oleh kerjaan, tanpa punya waktu untuk diri sendiri. Kalaupun refreshing, tujuannya sudah pasti ke mal. (Sentnce number 1 page 44) b. Pernicious Homonymy If the speaker used the word from her/his own language, the word could make a homonymy problem namely ambiguous meaning. For example : Di tengah Capel Bridge, terdapat menara air (Wasserturm) segidelapan yang merupakan trademark kota. (Sentence number 1 page 54) c. Need for Synonymy Need for synonymy refers to the factor of softening the aim of the speaker’s utterance.

2. External Factors

a. Introduction and Development of New Culture There are many terms which is created from the development of new technology, culture or certain field that uses foreign language. People still use the original term eventhough it has similar term in speaker’s native language. For example: Saran saya, sebaiknya memesan tiket masuk Alhambra secara online. (Sentence number 2 page 56) b. Social Value The speaker mixes code with foreign language to show that the speaker was an educated and modern person. For example: Lantai dan dindingnya terbuat dari marmer kombinasi warna merah gelap, sedikit mengingatkanku akan rumah zaman dulu yang bergaya klasik, berlorong-lorong, terkesan gelap, dan agak creepy. (Sentence number 4 page 60)

c. Oversight The limitation of the word of the speaker’s language. For example: Jose lebih ke tipe nerd, Playstation and Nitendo menjadi temannya bermalam minggu. (Sentence number 2 page 66)

Conclusion From 40 samples of data which contained code mixing case in Indonesian travelogue book The Journeys: Kisah Perjalanan Para Pencerita, it can be concluded as in the following: 1. The writer only found five forms of code mixing in the source of data. There are 19 utterances of code mixing that belong to the form of the insertion of word, 8 utterances that belong to the insertion of phrase, 6 utterances of the insertion of hybrid, 3 utterances that consist of the insertion of idiom, and 6 utterances that belong to the insertion of clause. It is obvious that most of code mixing occurs in the form of the insertion of word. 2. The second research question is about the factors influencing code mixing. From seven factors influencing code mixing, the writer only found five factors that influence the authors using code mixing in their sentences. The authors used code mixing because of low frequency of word, pernicious homonymy, introduction and development of new culture, social value, and oversight.