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Student Number:


Student Name:

Erin Jones

Lecturer’s Name:

Dr M. Smith

Unit Code:

WXYZ34500 Learning to write

Unit Name: Assignment Title:

Sample essay

Due Date:


Date of Submission:


Extension Details (if applicable): Word Length (excluding list of references):

1500 words

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY STATEMENT By checking the box below I certify that this assignment is my own work and is free from plagiarism. I understand that the assignment may be checked for plagiarism by electronic or other means and may be transferred and stored in a database for the purposes of data-matching to help detect plagiarism. The assignment has not previously been submitted for assessment in any other unit or to any other institution. I have read and understood Avondale's Academic Integrity Policy.

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Highly competent

Sample Essay: Title is Centred Without Bolding Is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troep fmgnjr dfhme pramter

Essay title must be title case (first letter of each word capitalised) and centred. Do not use bold.

vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo sehmnve heorthe wkejrh jfr jkh. Ig taf spob mesk scrad fouse.1 Ripadal is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet he jkh kjhey, renebbr le vjey ereyk.2 Crabnceop edpty brlaw repec bgtecfer cdelok fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter. Percentages of responses appear in Table 1, cvbn am troep fmgnjr dfhme pramter vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo sehmnve heorthe3 zop retsop leqmte feot frotrwibme resvghor fr tmasfet he jkh kjhey. Fope retsop ert ere fropel chrterq repvbto yerer fekd.4

Your essay should be double spaced and left justified. Font should be Trebuchet MS or Arial, Size 11. Margin of 2.54 cm all around. Indent the first line of each paragraph.

Table 1. Overall responses (security to insecurity) to question types

______________________________________________________________ Rating Question type






Matching 25.8 30.3 23.6 11.2 3.4 True/false 31.4 25.8 13.5 24.7 3.4 Fill-in-the-blank 2.2 10.1 22.5 13.5 27.0 Essay 6.8 13.5 7.9 10.1 12.5 Source: Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2004.

6 5.6 1.1 24.6 49.4

Turabian uses numbered footnotes

Note: Hements medritl chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet refde.

Ig taf spob mesk scrad fouse ripadal. Is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab De gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor frervc

First line in each footnote is indented. See end of essay for instructions on how to do this.


For a useful comparison, see also David Smith, A National Framework for Improving the Health of Minors (Canberra: Sage, 2012). 2

Ben James and Fred Johns, Bioethics and the Age of Reason (London, England: Walker Press, 2009); James Green, ed. Dealing with Bioethics (Lismore, NSW: Abbey Press, 2011). 3

For further helpful discussion, see Nancy Morgan, James Reid, and Susie Fox, "Every Shoe Tells a Story," National Geographic 210, no. 2 (2007): 75. 4

Ibid., 78.


Use Ibid if you are quoting from the same item as in the note above.

tmasfet crabnceop edpty brlaw.5 Taf spob mesk scrad fouse ripadal. Is tren “vilye calmyn selmwe romew fer bfemnt.” 6 Ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop leqmte feot fropel chrterqTaf spob mesk scrad fouse ripadal.7 Ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet. 8 Crabnceop edpty brlaw repec fmgnjr dfhme pramter, vfrer be fheop gertwqo. Sdemnt oltem ghjek snter, cvbn am troep9 fmgnjr dfhme pramter, vfrer bgtecfer cdelok fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter, cvbn am troep be fheop gertwqo, BiIg taf spob mesk scrad fouse ripadal. Is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve recd twqlof scampor toc ab zop. Retsop leqmte feot fropel chrterq repvbto de rox trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet anm. Svhnete eef sdemnt am troep fmgnjr dfhme pramter vfrer nber covlrest newtre sehmnve jkh ewr jmner heorthe.10 Is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop

A quote of 40 words or more must be single spaced and indented with no quotation marks.

rox.11 Lopsder trwibme resvghor for tmasfet crabnceop edpty brlaw repec. Forrest and Phillips asserted, however, that “conditions can alter the whole family dynamics”.12 Bgtecfer cdelok fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek ter vbn am troep fmgnjr dfhme pramter vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo sehmnve heorthe. Chrterq repvbto de gatlew.13


Veronica Jenkins, "Addicts of Compassion," Winnipeg Free Press, November 16, 2009.


Morgan, Reid, and Fox, 80.

6. Morgan has been quoted from before. Only use surnames and shorten the title.


Terrance Martin Jr., Instant Management: The Best Ideas (New York: William Morrow, 2010), 34-35. 8

Daron Gray, "Ballooning," in Celebrate Children, ed. David Goodwin (Albury, NSW: Kidsreach, 1999); Arlene Zeuss, "Time Travel," Journal of Physical Activity 56, no. 2 (2001); Arlene Zeuss, "Perspectives on Time," Journal of Astronomy 34, (2007). 9

Arlene Zeuss, "Elusive Journeys," Journal of Action 34, no. 4 (February 2001), under “Reach for the Stars,” accessed December 2, 2012, . 10

Robert Smith and Peter Regent, "Major Talking Point: Days Are Over," Nursing Standard 25, no. 39 (2013):7-8, accessed June 3, 2012, . 11

Emily White, Jeremy Coombs, and Victor Jenner, "Clinical Challenges for the Inexperienced," Australian Family Physician 24, no. 6 (2013): 29. 12

Paul Forrest and Daisy Phillips, eds., Inclusion in Action, 3rd ed. (Melbourne, VIC: Leed, 2012), 345-52. 13

Jane Brown, “The Jewish Problem,” Religions of the World (March 2009): 56, quoted in John Durban, Outlines of Religion (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005), 271-3.


7. Only use Jr., (or any other title) after a full name. If you used this item again, the note would have just Martin, …. 13. Journal article quoted in a book.

Level 1 Heading Is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop leqmte feot fropel chrterq rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet crabnceop edpty brlaw epec. Epramter vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo sehmnve heorthe. Chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet crabnceop edpty brlaw.

Level 2 Heading Is tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop

Most assignments will have no more than one or two level headings, but some may have more. Insert 3 line spaces above each heading.

leqmte feot fropel chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet crabnceop edpty brlaw epec. Cdelok fment svhnete eef sdemnt ov lopsder trwibme resvghor fr gertwqo sehmnve heorthe.14 Vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo fment svhnete Bgtecfer cdelok fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troeptr fmgnjr dfhme pramter.15 Vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo sehmnve heorthe. nber covlrest fheop gertwqo fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troep.16 Cvbn am troep repvbto de gatlew frcbne chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme.17 Fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troeptr fmgnjr dfhme cvbn am troep repvbto de gatlew frcbne lkjhe klj.18 Oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troep repvbto de gatlew frcbne.19


Cooperative Office of Dawah in Rawdah, “Evidence Islam is Truth,” The Religion of Islam, accessed April 22, 2012, 15

Jonathan E. Brockropp, "Islam and Bioethics," Journal of Religious Ethics 36, no. 1 (March, 2008), under “Marriage,” accessed May 23, 2012, 16

Verna Benner Carson and Harold G. Koenig, Spiritual Dimensions of Nursing Practice, (Radnor: Templeton Press, 2009), under “Prayer,” accessed December 2, 2012, 17

Queensland Dairy Authority, Food for the Masses, 3rd ed. (Brisbane: Queensland Dairy Authority, 2000), 231-5. 18

Ibid., 28.


James and Johns, 56-58.


16. eBook with no page numbers. 18. Avoid using Ibid if it will be at the top of the list of footntes on a page. 19. Titles of 4 words or less are not shortened.

Level 3 Heading Svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troep fmgnjr dfhme pramter vfrer nber covlrest fheop (see fig. 1).20 Pramter vfrer nber covlrest. Bgtecfer cdelok fment svhnete eef sdemnt oltem ghjek snter cvbn am troeptr fmgnjr dfhme pramter. Vfrer nber covlrest fheop gertwqo sehmnve heorthe.

Include tables and figures in the body of the essay.

Figure 1. Bill Rogers, “Examples of a Paradox,” Encyclopedia of Speech (2001), vol.3, plate 21.

Level 1 Heading Tren vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop leqmte feot fropel chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfe uer, ca crabnceop edpty brlaw epec.

Conclusion Vilye calmyn selmwe ro ve twqlof scampor toc ab zop retsop leqmte hements medritl chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet refde crabnceop edpty brlaw epec. Gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfevc polewm edpty brlaw.


Further excellent examples illustrating the principles of paradox may be found in Justin Evans et al., Parallels and Paradoxes (Chicago: Universal Press, 2009).


Evans has four or more authors. Cite as Evans et. al.,

Appendix Chrterq repvbto de gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfet refde crabnceop edpty brlaw epec. Gatlew frcbne rox lopsder trwibme resvghor fr tmasfevc polewm edpty brlaw.


Reference List

Item type

Brown, Jane. “The Jewish Problem.” Religions of the World (March 2009): 56. Quoted in John Durban, Outlines of Religion. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.

Journal article quoted in a book.

Cooperative Office of Dawah in Rawdah. “Evidence Islam is Truth.” The Religion of Islam. Accessed April 22, 2012.


Brockropp, Jonathan E. "Islam and Bioethics." Journal of Religious Ethics 36, no. 1 (March, 2008). Accessed June 23, 2012.

Online journal article

Carson, Verna Benner, and Harold G. Koenig. Spiritual Dimensions of Nursing Practice. Radnor, PA: Templeton Press, 2009. EBL e-book.

Electronic book with no page numbers

Evans, Justin, Kane Poster, Ed Koch, Merril C. Tenney, and Margaret Jacob. Parallels and Paradoxes. Chicago: Universal Press, 2009.

Book - list all authors.

Forrest, Paul, and Daisy Phillips, eds. Inclusion in Action. Melbourne, VIC: Leed, 2012.

Edited book with two editors

Gray, Daron. "Ballooning." In Celebrate Children, edited by David Goodwin, 223-5. Albury, NSW: Kidsreach, 1999.

Chapter from an edited book.

Green, James, ed. Dealing with Bioethics. Lismore, NSW: Abbey Press, 2011.

Edited book

James, Ben, and Fred Johns. Bioethics and the Age of Reason. London, England: Walker Press, 2009.

Book by two authors.

Jenkins, Veronica. "Addicted to Compassion." Winnipeg Free Press, November 16, 2009.

Newspaper article.

Martin Jr., Terrance. Instant Management: The Best Ideas. New York: William Morrow, 2010.


Morgan, Nancy, James Reid, and Susie Fox. "Every Shoe Tells a Story." National Geographic 210, no. 2 (2007): 75-84.

Journal article with three authors.

Queensland Dairy Authority. Food for the Masses. 3rd ed. Brisbane: Queensland Dairy Authority, 2000.

Book with corporate author

Smith, David. A National Framework for Improving the Health of Minors. Canberra: Sage, 2012.


Smith, Robert, and Peter Regent. "Major Talking Point: Days are Over." Nursing Standard 25, no. 39 (2013): 351-61. Accessed May 5, 2012.

Online journal article with two authors.

White, Emily, Jeremy Coombs, and Victor Jenner. "Clinical Challenges for the Inexperienced." Australian Family Physician 24, no. 6 (2013):2. 6

Journal article with 3 authors

Item type Zeuss, Arlene. "Elusive Journeys." Journal of Action 34, no. 4 (February 2001). Accessed June 27, 2012.

Online Journal article.

———. "Time Travel." Journal of Physical Activity 56, no. 2 (2001): 32-38.

Journal article.

———. "Perspectives on Time." Journal of Astronomy 34, (2007): 9-15.

Journal article, no issue number. Use ‘ctrl alt –‘ (minus) to replace name of author if it is the same as the one above.

Annotated Bibliography If you are asked for an annotated bibliography, follow these rules.

If your annotation is a brief phrase, add it in brackets after the record: Smith, David. A National Framework for Improving the Health of Minors. Canberra: Sage, 2012. [a brief summary of regulations]

If your annotation is a complete sentence use paragraph indentation: Smith, David. A National Framework for Improving the Health of Minors. Canberra: Sage, 2012. This framework is important as it outlines the importance of health care for all minors.

Note. References in this essay are examples only and are not authentic. Material for this sample essay has been based on the Turabian style guide: Turabian, Kate L., Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers, 8th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.


Note the lack of punctuation in the annotation

Footnotes Use a font two sizes smaller than your essay. Indent the first line using the paragraph settings below:

Reference list Use the same font as your essay. Use the settings below to format the list with a hanging indent and double space between entries.