Gordon M. Nursing diagnosis and nursing theory. Expert Nurse 8. Tokyo, Japan: Shorinsha; 2000. Gordon M, Sato S. Easy to understand functional health ...

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BIBLIOGRAPHY GORDONʼS FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERN ASSESSMENT The following references describe functional health patterns, suggested uses of the patterns, and reports of clinical use and research. Beyea S, Matzo M. Assessing elders using the functional health pattern assessment model. Nurse Educ. 1989;14:32–37. Bryant SO, Kopeski LM. Psychiatric nursing assessment of the eating disorder client. Top Clin Nurs. 1986;8:57–66. Burns C. Development and content validity testing of a comprehensive classification of diagnoses for pediatric nurse practitioners. Nurs Diagn. 1991;2:93–104. Burns C. Development and Field Testing of a Classification of Diagnoses for Use by Pediatric Nurse Practitioners [dissertation]. Eugene, Ore: University of Oregon; 1989. Coler MS, Vincent KG. Coded nursing diagnoses on axes: a prioritized, computer–ready diagnostic system for psychiatric– mental health nurses. Arch Psychiatr Nurs. 1987;1:125–131. Collard A, Jones DA, Fitzmaurice J. Nursing diagnoses in ambulatory care. In McLane A, ed. Classification of Nursing Diagnoses: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference. St Louis, Mo: Mosby; 1987.


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