oni geneva i.:ake cedar point park association _bl wisconsin incorporated p. o.box 490 williams bay, wisconsin 53191 the switzerland of america...

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I. III. m.

Introduction Cedar Point Park Association Organizational List

History Overview, Summary of Rules, and Tree Preservation Policy Statement

ry. V.

Map of Cedar Point Park Association


Marine Rules and Regulations

Annual Marine Letter

VII. Marine Committee Application VIII. Complaint Form


By-Laws of Cedar Point Park Association


Rules for Members, Guests, and Renters in Cedar Point Park



GENEVA I.:AKE Wisconsin


P. O. BOX 490




You have a home in one of the most desirable communities on beautiful Geneva Lake. By virtue of home ownership in Cedar Point Park, you are a member of THE CEDAR POINT PARK AS S OCIATION. This letter and the enclosed materials provide an orientation to Cedar Point Park. The Board of Directors encourages you to be familiar with the enclosed materials. This will allow you to derive the greatest enjoyment and the fullest benefit from your property. We also feel that knowledge of this information will make each of us a better neighbor and this will work to everyone's benefit. Please present this information to each resident of your household and keep it readily accessible for guests and/or lessees. Any member of the Board of Directors would be happy to assist you with any questions you might have in regard to this information packet or any other aspect of The Cedar Point Park community. Once again, we welcome you and wish you many years of enjoyment in Cedar Point Park. Regards,



OFFICERS OF THE CEDAR POINT PARK ASSOCIATION President ....................................................................................................................................................JOHN A. BOHM First Vice President ................................................................................................................... RICHARD C. BOWMAN Second Vice President ........................................................................................................................ RICHARD D. HILL Secretary ................................................................................................................................................ JEAN G. FEEHAN Assistant Secretary ....................................................................................................................MARSHA L. ENGQUIST Treasurer and Financial Secretary ........................................................................................ EDWARD W. BOEHM III Assistant Treasurer and Financial Secretary......................................................................DAVID P. SHAUGHNESSY


Terms Expiring July 2017

Terms Expiring July 2018

Edward W. Boehm III 198 Circle Parkway Williams Bay, WI 53191 (262)245-5996

C. Robert Franzen 80 Oak Birch Drive Williams Bay, WI 53191 275-5567

John A. Bohm 652 Washington Parkway Williams Bay, WI 53191 245-5050

Raymond R. Copeland 88 Birch Walnut Dr. Williams Bay, WI 53191 (847)899-4816

Richard Hill 26 Lincoln Parkway Williams Bay, WI 53191 (773)619-7902

Jean G. Feehan 37 Lincoln Parkway Williams Bay, WI 53191 (847)651-4010

Richard C. Bowman 283 Circle Parkway Williams Bay, WI 53191 245-6516 ; (847)814-0089

William C. Mitchell, Jr. 86 Birch Walnut Drive Williams Bay, WI 53191 245-1779

Marsha L. Engquist 546 Highland Road Williams Bay, WI 53191 245-5373; (262)206-4099

Daniel L. Martin 92 Oak Birch Dr. Williams Bay, WI 53191 245-9111

David P. Shaughnessy 42 Lincoln Parkway Williams Bay, WI 53191 245-9425


COMMITTEES _____________________ GROUNDS Daniel L. Martin, Chairman C. Robert Franzen, Asst. Chairman Mary Ann Fearing Judy Johnson Mary Jo Petullo Diane & Dwight Schlicting Kurt Kulpa

BUILDING Richard R. Bowman, Chairman Daniel L. Martin Dwight Schlicting David P. Shaughnessy COVENANTS Marsha L. Engquist, Chairman Carol M. Berry Edward W. Boehm III Jean G. Feehan

LEGAL/RULES ADMIN. Jean G. Feehan, Chairman Marsha L. Engquist

FINANCE John A. Bohm, Chairman Edward W. Boehm III Richard C. Bowman David P. Shaughnessy _____________________________

MARINE Raymond R. Copeland, Chairman John A. Bohm C. Robert Franzen William C. Mitchell, Jr. ___________________________________

MANAGER Kurt Kulpa

ASSOCIATION OFFICE 50 Humboldt Parkway P.O. Box 490 Williams Bay, WI 53191

_________________________ PUBLIC RELATIONS/SOC. Raymond. R. Copeland, Chair Jean G. Feehan Hal W. Marten ROADS Richard D. Hill, Chairman Richard C. Bowman Kurt Kulpa WEBSITE David P. Shaughnessy, Chairman

_________________________ ASSOCIATION PHONE (262)245-5996 ASSOCIATION WEBSITE


The CEDARPOINT PARK ASSOCIATIONwas founded inl925. Since that time, many changes have taken place in Cedar Point Park. One aspect which remains unchanged is the natural beauty of Cedar Point Park. This is due to a steadfast resolve of the members of the Association to maintain that beauty.

You are a valuable member of this Association by virtue of your property ownership in Cedar Point Park. As a member you have both responsibilities and privileges which are inherent by virtue of your ownership interest in this community. The efforts of the Board of Directors are most effective when assisted and supported by all Association members and their guests.


T925, the founders of the CEDAR POINT PARK ASSOCIATION created an environment where property owners could enjoy recreation, relaxation and privacy. They set the highest standards for future property improvements, parks and waterfront facilities. The Association was designed to guarantee every member the privilege of enjoying our lakefront.

To assure the success of those objectives they published a set of By-Laws and established the Association as a Wisconsin corporation. The By-Laws spell out the privileges, rules, and responsibilities of each member and are administered by a board of directors who act as stewards of the Association-owned property. The directors are charged with implementing and enforcing rules and regulations which maintain the best interests of the Association at large. The Board consists of eleven directors who typically serve without remuneration and are elected on a staggered schedule at each annual meeting of the Association for a term of three years. Each director has specific duties to perform to assist in the management of the affairs of the Association. The information below is presented as a set of guidelines for enjoying Cedar Point Park. It is not intended to detail the letter of the Rules and Regulations but rather the spirit. When a better understanding is needed, you may contact the Association Secretary or any member of the Board Directors.


The Annual Meeting of the Association is held on the second Saturday of July. The purpose of this meeting is for the Board of Directors to report to the membership on the affairs of the Association during the past year and to present plans for the coming year. The annual budget is presented to the membership for approval at this time. It is essential that all members attend the Annual Meeting either in person or by proxy. All members also are welcome to attend any monthly meetings of the Board. These meetings are held on the first Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Association utility building at 50 Humboldt Parkway. (No meetings are held in February and March.) Members with concerns that do not affect the membership as a whole are encouraged to present those concerns to the Board at a monthly meeting, or by letter, but NOT at the Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting often takes several hours to cover the items on the agenda and it is not the forum for resolution of personal, individual issues. These are best dealt with through an independent meeting with directors or at the monthly Board meeting. Over the years we have been able to provide for the growth in the number of residents and increasing demand on our facilities, roads, parks and piers. In addition to maintaining a fiscally sound Association, the objectives of the Board of Directors include promoting an environment of safety, beauty, relaxation, recreation, equal enjoyment, and neighborliness. 2003 III. Page


SAFETY FIRST Ours is a waterfront community. Safety in and near the water is the highest priority. Behavior which places any person in danger is absolutely prohibited.

limit on all Association roads is 20 hour. All vehicles are obligated to adhere to this 20 miles per hour speed limit.

Please remember that our roadways are also footpaths. The speed

miles per

limit compliance has become an ever-increasing problem in recent times. It is every Association member's responsibility to comply with and enforce our 20 mph speed limit. Offenders should be approached and diplomatically reminded of the 20 mph speed limit and the dangers created by non-compliance. If this effort fails, a complaint form should be filled out and forwarded to the Board ofDirectors. Speed

PARKS Our parks are one of the outstanding assets of the Cedar Point Park community. To sustain these assets we all must make every effort to maintain the cleanliness and the restful atmosphere of our parks. Food or beverages of any kind are not permitted in the parks or on the piers. Picnics and social gatherings should be held on the host member's private property. Some other park-related items which all members, guests and tenants should be aware of are:

(1) (2) (3)


Parks close at I l:00 p.m. No camping is permitted on any Association-owned property. The operation of motor-driven vehicles, such as motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, and golf carts, is prohibited in our parks. The riding of bicycles and scooters in and through the parks is not permitted. When exceptional circumstances exist, such as a physical handicap, a special use permit may be issued by the Board for the use of electric golf carts to travel directly between one's property and a specific designated parkway location. Hitting of golf balls, ball games, Frisbee throwing, and other athletic activities are not permitted in lake front parks. The Association athletic field located on Washington Parkway is available for these activities except that the driving of golf balls is not permitted in the athletic field.


All of the roads in Cedar Point Park (except Cedar Point Drive) are private roads owned and maintained by the Association. The speed limit on Association roads is 20 mph. BURNING OF LEAVES ON ANY ASSOCIATION ROAD IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Maintenance of our roads is an extraordinarily large annual expense. Burning on the road degrades the integrity of the asphalt pavement. This results in premature repair or extraordinary resurfacing costs. Only licensed automotive vehicles are permitted to use our roadways. The use of all-terrain vehicles, skateboards, scooters, and roller blades on Association roads is not allowed. Golf carts are not allowed 2003 III. Page2

except when special written permission has been granted by the Board ofDirectors to allow handicapped members to access the lakefront.

Parking on the roadway is not allowed. The roadway is described as follows:

"That portion of the ROAD which has been improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicle travel (exclusive of the shoulder)". Guests should be requested to park in the host member's driveway or parking area or in one of the Association's off-road parking areas. Four paved lots are provided by the Association. These lots are intended for automobiles only. They are not storage lots and are not intended to be used for the parking of trailers. Long-term parking is not permitted on the shoulder of any Association road or in any Association parking lot. Parking on the shoulder of any Association road or in any Association parking lot is prohibited when more than two inches of snow is on the ground. Rocks or other objects should not be placed on the shoulder of any Association road.

BOATING The first rule of boating is "safety first". Primary consideration must be given to the safety as well as the convenience of those members and guests using our piers. With this in mind, boaters will please

comply with the following:

(l) (2) (3) (4)

A boat must NEVER enter a designated swimming area. Boats should be moored to a pier ONLY for loading and unloading and only for that period of time needed to do so. Skiers may not launch from any pier. (State law.) Powerboats are required to approach and depart from piers at a "no wake", "dead slod' speed.

Boaters should familiarize themselves with all safe boating practices as well as State of Wisconsin boating regulations. A handbook is available by writing the: Department of Natural Resources P.O. Box 7921 Madison, Wisconsin 53707

A detailed letter explaining the Cedar Point Park marine facilities is distributed annually and is available upon request to any Association ofiicer or Board Director. FISHING ON PIERS Anyone fishing from an Association pier is expected to keep the piers neat and clean and to leave the piers free of any debris. A line should never be cast into a designated swimming area. The safety of swimmers is the highest priority. Do not allow bait containers or any debris or equipment to be deposited in the lake.

2003 III. Page 3

SWIMMING AND TITE USE OF PIERS Rough and rowdy behavior on a pier is dangerous and prohibited. Swimming areas have been designated next to the larger piers and swimmers are required to stay within the limits of those established areas. Swimmers must stay clear of areas that may be used by an approaching boat. Swimmers also must stay out from underneath piers. The reason for this is that a sudden wave or boat wake can lift an unsuspecting swimmer up and into a beam causing a serious head injury and/or drowning. Lifesaving rings are provided on each swimming pier. These are for emergency use only. Persons using a pier must acquaint themselves with the location and use of these and must be prepared for an emergency.

Early and late swimmers should keep their voices low so neighbors are not disturbed. Everyone should be out of the parks and offthe piers by ll:00 p.m. DOGS Dogs must be leashed whenever they are offthe owner's premises. Williams Bay Village Code No. 8.09 states:

"No person shall own, harbor or keep any dog which is off the premises of its owner without being securely fastened to a leash, held and under control of its owner or agent."

Any dog allowed to run free outside of its owner's premises will be impounded by the Williams Bay police. Constant barking, whether on or offthe owner's premises, is annoying. This is a responsibility of the owner and is addressed by the Williams Bay Village Code. When a dog is offthe owner's premises, the owner or other person walking that dog must remove that dog's waste immediately.

NO DOGS are allowed in Association parks; this includes the athletic field on Washington Parkway. The only exception to this is when the dog is leashed and led DIRECTLY to and from the shorepath or the owner's boat. When walking dogs, the dog walkers should pick up all fecal waste deposited by their animals.

GARBAGE A].{D YARD WASTE Every homeowner has the responsibility of becoming informed as to what Village practices and services are in effect. Trash should be placed in covered trash containers with tight-fitting lids. Leaving trash at the side of the road in plastic bags is not acceptable and not allowed. Plastic bags will not prevent intrusions by wildlife. Strewn garbage is both unsightly and unhealthy.

2003 III. Page 4

As of this writing, the following information is correct, but changes will occur as needed.


Regular trash pick-up, for household trash only, is early Monday morning. No yard waste will be removed with Monday morning pick-up. This includes grass clippings, leaves, and branches. Trashcans are to be put away promptly after trash pick-up. (2) The Village of Williams Bay does provide brush pick-up upon request. You must call the Village Hall by noon on Monday to schedule a stop at your home on the following Tuesday. Brush must be placed at the roadside with the cut ends facing the road. A reasonable large amount of brush will be removed free of charge. Any amount of brush requiring more than ten minutes of labor to remove will be charged to the homeowner at an hourly rate. Please contact the Village for specifics. (3) The Village of Williams Bay has a leaf-removal program. Leaves that are deposited at the roadside will be removed by Village personnel on Monday mornings during the months of April and November. The burning of leaves is discouraged. BURNING IS NOT ALLOWED ON ASSOCIATION ROADWAYS. (4) Burning of trash is NOT allowed. (5) Leaves and grass clippings may be composted on the member's property or removed to-the Village composting site at 230 Williams Street. Check with the Village Hall for hours of operation. Currently, this site is open from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays from May l5 to December 15. The site is open all year on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (6) Removal of mattresses, furniture, refrigerators, and other appliances must be arranged for independently by their owner or custodian. (7) Recycling is a Village requirement. One recycling bin per household can be obtained from the Village Street Department at230 Williams Street. Recycling containers should be placed atthe edge of your property near the road for early Monday morning pick-up. betails of recyclable materials can be found in the Village brochure usually included with

your PropertY tax statement. Remember that our roads are not alleys. The areas adjacent to the roadway bordering each member's property should be kept clean and orderly. Unsightly objects or conditions on your property should be i.n1ou.i, remedied oiat the very least shielded from the view of others. Those fortunate enough to have homes facing the lake should remember that the rear of your home oftentimes is part of someone else's "view of the lake". For this reason, special consideration should be given to the maintenance of these areas.

WEEDS AND TREES Village Ordinance I1.03(6) requires that grass and weeds on all property be mowed. This applies to uurunt and occupied property. All dead or infected trees are the responsibility of the property o-wner and must be removed. Vitage permission is required for the removal of certain trees and, specifically, for the removal of those trees iix (6) inches in diameter or larger at a point four (a) feet above grade level. Contact the Village for specifics.

In addition, the Cedar Point Park Association has adopted attached to this document.

a Tree Preservation

2003 III. Page 5

Policy, which is

BURNING OF LEAVES The burning of leaves between dusk and noon of the following day is prohibited.

BUILDING CODE Cedar Point Park requires strict adherence to the Village of Williams Bay Building Code Ordinance. Before starting any improvement projeot, it is imperative that the homeowner first contact the Village Building Inspector and the CPPA Building Committee. This strict building code protects the investment of all Association members. All projects must be approved by both the Village and the CPPA Building Committee. To expedite the process, it is recommended that project plans be

submitted for review by the CPPA Building Committee first.


A Dwelling which is rented for occupancy to a permanent resident who is not the owner of the Dwelling must be registered with the Village of Williams Bay Building Inspector and made available for inspection on an annual basis or as otherwise provided in Chapter 16.07 of the Village of Williams Bay Ordinances.


All residence owners who have security alarms are required to register them at the Village Hall on an l::::::::tl....rrrrrrrrrr.rrrrrr.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!rr.rrrrrrrrrrrr.rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtr.


is the responsibility of every Association member to both comply with and enforce the rules of the Association. In addition to becoming aware of our Association By-Laws, as residents of Cedar Point Park we are subject to all current and new laws of the State of Wisconsin as well as all existing and new ordinances of the Village of Williams Bay. We want to emphasize that it is your responsibility to become aware of these laws and ordinances which may affect you. Every effort is being made by your Cedar Point Park Association Board to keep itself informed of any changes and those of particular importance to us may, from time to time, be disseminated to you for your information and/or action.

Ensure that every member of your household is familiar with the contents of this document. This would include family members, guests and tenants. When you observe an Association rule being broken, tactfully ask the individual if he or she is aware that a rule exists which addresses the behavior that concerns you. This usually resolves the situation then and there. If it does not, provide a brief explanation of why the rule exists.

If your polite

and tactful attempts to resolve the situation have failed, a complaint form should be completed. One can be found in this Handbook.

2003 III. Page 6



It is the stated policy of the Cedar Point Park Association to maintaiq to the fullest extent possible, existing trees within the Cedar Point Park SubdMsion in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. In addition to adding to the scenic beauty of Cedar Point Park Subdivisioq the maintenance of trees and wooded areas tends to preserve the ecology of Cedar Point Park Subdivision by providing noise barriers, helping to prevent erosion of topsoil, affording nesting areas for birds and other wildlife, and by acting as windbreaks. The net effect is to increase property values by adding to the aesthetic qualrty of the land. statement is to provide guidelines for the Board of Directors and the Building Committee for use in administering the By-Laws of the Association.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy

TREE PRESERVATION AREAS: Tree Preservation Areas are hereby established for all lots within the Cedar Point Park Subdivision where trees 12 inches or larger, when measured at 54 inches above the ground, exist at the time of application for a building permit, and for all portions of presently developed lots which are not needed for house, garage and driveway construction.

1. 2.



shall be encouraged to preserve all measured at 54 inches above the ground, located when in diameter, larger trees 12 inches or in a Tree Preservation Area, except as otherwise provided in this policy statement. REMOVAL AND TRIMMING PERMITTED: Lot owners are permitted and encouraged to clear the property so as to ensure reasonable use and enjoyment thereof. Such clearance may include removal of trees less than 12 inches in diameter when measured at 54 inches above the ground, so as to provide a healthy and thriving environment for the larger, more significant trees. ISSUANCE OF REMOVAL APPROVALS: Except as provided in the preceding paragraph 2 of this policy statement, lot owners shall be encouraged not to remove trees from a Tree Preservation Area without the approval of the Building Committee. Approvals may be issued by the Building Committee in circumstances where the issuance of such approvals is found not to be inconsistent with the purpose of this policy statement. Conditions under which an approval may be issued include, but will not be limited to, the


a. the tree is dead or dying; b. the tree is diseased; c. the tree is damaged or injured to such an extent that it is likely to die or become diseased;

d. e.

the removal of the tree will avoid or alleviate an economic hardship or hardship another nature on the property or residence; or the removal of the tree is consistent with good forestry practices.

BUILDING ACTMTY AREA: A Building Activity Area


shall be that area on the lot where

may take place and shall be as small as possible, including the entire area affected

building activity building and grading activities related to the construction.


III. PageT





CONSTRUCTION ACTIWTY: Lot owners shall be encouraged to allow no construction activity, tree cutting, movement and placement of equipment or material storage outside the Building Activity area, in the Tree Preservation area. FENCING: Lot owners shall be encouraged to require that the Building Activity Area shall be temporarily fenced by the developer during all construction in order that trees in the Tree Preservation Area shall be preserved. Said fencing should be of satisfactory materials to prevent impingement of construction vehicles, materials, spoils and equipment into the Tree Preservation Area. LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS: Lot owners shall be encouraged to require that all buildings and driveways shall be located to minimize tree damage and/or removal, but consistent with existing building setback requirements and the Zoning Code of the Village of Williams Bay.

EMERGENCIES: Application of the above guidelines shall be limited



as follows: In the event of emergency conditions requiring the immediate cutting or removal of trees within a Tree Preservation Area in order to avoid immediate damage or hazard to persons or residences, an emergency approval shall be issued by any member of the Building Committee without formal application. If no member of the Building Committee is reasonably available, in the event of such an emergency, it shall be proper to proceed with the cutting of a tree or trees without permission to the extent necessary to avoid the immediatehazard or danger. In the event of the cutting of any tree under the provisions of this section without the prior filing of an application, the person doing so shall be requested to report the action taken to a member of the Building Committee.

APPEALS: A lot owner may appeal to the Board ofDirectors any decision made by the Building Committee under the provisions of this policy statement within 30 days of the decision being made communicated to the lot owner.



1. Cuttine: Cutting means felling or removal of a tree, or any procedure the result of which is to or substantial destruction of a tree. Cutting does not include normal pruning, trimming or topping of trees. Remove or Removal: The actual physical removal, or the effective removal through damaging, poisoning, root damage or other direct or indirect action resulting in, or likely to result in, the death of a tree. cause the death


CPPA Tree Preservation Policy Statement: 5/6189

2003 III. Page 8


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Upon seeing


violation of the Rules and Regulations of Cedar Point Park Association, it is the

obligation of a property owner to fill out a Complaint Form. This form should be sent to: Cedar Point Park Association, P.O. Box 490, Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191.

A member of the Rules Administration Committee will contact the violator requesting that the violation not be repeaated.

Violators or Property Owners Name Address

Date of Violation Location of Violation Type of Violation

Complainant Name Address Phone Number
