Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes

Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes. 2-1 Phases of Matter. : Characteristics of a substance that can be observed without changing the identity of ...

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Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes 2-1 Phases of Matter __________________________________: Characteristics of a substance that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance. Examples of physical properties: 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________ __________________________________: State in which matter can exist. The Four phases of matter are: 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes Solids Solids have definite _________________________ & definite ___________________________. *(Little motion can occur between particles – keeps definite shape.) Types of Solids: 1. _________________________________: Particles making up a solid that are arranged in a regular, repeating pattern. Called ________________________________ solids (solids made up of crystals) Ex: Table Salt, Snowflakes 2. _____________________________: Solids that are not arranged in regular repeating patterns. They lose their ______________________ under certain conditions. *think of slow-moving liquid. Ex: Wax, Tar, Silicone Rubber, Window Glass Liquids Liquids: No definite ________________________ & have definite ________________________. Particles are not packed as tightly as a solid. Movement is allowed. Liquids take the ________________________ of the container they are in. ____________________________________: The resistance of a liquid to flow. The ________________________________ the viscosity, the slower a liquid flows. Gases Gases have no definite ______________________ & no definite ________________________. ________________________________ in gases tend to spread out from one another. Particles can be _______________________________ together to fit a small space or ______________________________ out to fit a large space. Gases will _____________________________________ without limit.

Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes ______________________________________ keeps gases on Earth. Behavior of gases: Based on ____________________________ & _____________________________ of particles. Gas particles are constantly in _______________________________________. Collision of particles causes __________________________________________. Boyles Law: ________________________________ relationship between volume & Pressure. a. Volume goes up = Pressure goes down (More space = not as many collisions). b. Volume goes down = Pressure goes up (Less space = more collisions). Charle’s Law: _______________________________ relationship between volume and temperature. a. Volume goes up = temperature goes up (More energy = more space needed to spread out). b. Volume goes down = temperature goes down (Less energy = less space needed). Boyle’s Law & Charle’s Law are called the _______________________________ Laws. The Gas laws describe the behavior of gases with changes in ___________________________________, ___________________________________, and ___________________________________.

Plasma _____________________________________: Phase of matter which is extremely high in energy and cannot be contained by ordinary matter; very rare on _________________________________. Plasma is ________________________________ to living things. Ex: The sun (stars)

Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes 2-2 Phase Changes _____________________________ causes particles in substances to move which causes phase changes. When comparing the same substance: a. ___________________________ → Least energy b. ___________________________ →Middle Energy c. ___________________________ → Most/Highest Energy Note: Steam has more _____________________________ than liquid. A burn is more severe from ______________________________. Because energy content is responsible for the different _______________________________ of matter, substances can be made to change by adding or taking away ___________________________________. Phase Changes in Matter: a. ________________________________________ b. ________________________________________ c. ________________________________________ d. ________________________________________ e. ________________________________________ Phase changes are _______________________________________ changes. Solid-Liquid Phase Changes ____________________________________: Change of a solid to a liquid due to absorbed energy. ____________________________________: The temperature at which a solid changes to a liquid. Melting Point of Ice: ________________ (Celsius) Melting Point of Table Salt: _____________ (Celsius) Melting Point of Diamond: _____________________ (Celsius)

Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes ________________________________: Liquid changing to a solid (loss of heat energy). ________________________________: Temperature at which a substance changes from liquid to solid. Freezing Point of Water: ______________________ (Celsius) Melting and Freezing Point of ______________________ & ________________________ is the same. Freezing point of alcohols is lower than ________________ Celsius.

Liquid-Gas Phase Changes _____________________________________: The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas.

Types of vaporization: a. __________________________________: vaporization taking place on the surface of the liquid. b. __________________________________: vaporization that occurs when particles inside a liquid change to gas, then travel to surface & into air. __________________________________: temperature at which a liquid boils. Ex: water = ______________________ Celsius Table salt______________________ Celsius Diamond ______________________ Celsius Lower air pressure = _________________________ boiling point ___________________________ in boiling water cooks food, not the boiling process. Just because water is boiling doesn’t mean food will cook. c. _______________________________: When a gas loses heat energy it changes into a liquid.

Solid-Gas Phase Changes _____________________________________: When a solid changes directly into the gas phase does not pass through the liquid phase – Ex: Dry Ice

Chapter 2 – Physical & Chemical Changes

2-3 Chemical Properties and Changes _____________________________________: Properties that describe how a substance changes into other new substances. _____________________________________: The ability to burn (Chemical property) Ex: H2 + O2 → flame →H2O

(Hydrogen + Oxygen = Water)

______________________________ Burning – Another chemical property ________________________________________: Changes that substances undergo when they turn into other substances. A _________________________________ property describes a substance’s ability to change into a different substance (the process by which the substance changes). _______________________________________: Another name for a chemical change. Ex: burning coal → C + O2 = CO2 Chemical Reactions create new products like nylon, rayon, & plastics.