Chris Brink Catalogue Oct 2014 1 - Tri-CAD Technologies

Textbook Catalogue Gateways to Engineering Studies Published by Christopher Brink and Associates. Welcome to the Gateway Series The Gateways Series to...

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Textbook Catalogue

Gateways to Engineering Studies Published by Christopher Brink and Associates

Welcome to the Gateway Series The Gateways Series to Engineering Studies has been designed to meet the needs of students and lecturers of the National Certificate (NATED) programmes. This series assists students in achieving the National Certificate (NATED) qualification the Artisan development programme. Gateways not only equips students with the required knowledge, understanding and practical skills, but also empowers them to apply this learning with confidence in the classroom and ultimately in the workplace. Lecturers have the assurance of knowing that this Student Book covers the entire curriculum (syllabus). Activities have been carefully aligned to the curriculum and graded to the appropriate level. The student Book includes past examination papers and marking guidelines.



N1 Engineering Drawing N2 Engineering Drawing N3 Engineering Drawing N1 Fitting & Machining N2 Fitting & Machining N3 Mechanotechnology N4 Machines and Properties of Metals N2 Platers' Theory N1 Metalworkers Theory N1 Plating & Structural Steelworker Drawing N2 Plating & Structural Steelworkers Drawing N3 Plating & Structural Steelworkers Drawing N4 Plating & Structural Steelworkers Drawing N1 Motor Trade Theory N2 Motor & Diesel Trade Theory N3 Motor & Diesel Trade Theory N2 Welders' Theory N1 Rigging Theory N2 Rigging Theory N3 Supervision in Industry N3 Industrial Organisation and Planning N3 Motor Electrical Trade Theory N1 Motor Body Work Theory - (Panel Beating & Spray Painting) n N2 Motor Body Work Theory - (Panel Beating & Spray Painting) n N3 Motor Body Work Theory - (Panel Beating & Spray Painting)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25


26 27 28 29 30 31 32

N1 Engineering Science N2 Engineering Science N3 Engineering Science N4 Engineering Science N1 Mathematics N2 Mathematics N3 Mathematics


Index con nued ... ELECTRICAL / ELECTRONICS / REFRIGERATION n n n n n n n n n

N1 Electrical Trade Theory N2 Electrical Trade Theory N3 Electrotechnolgy N1 Refrigeration Theory N2 Refrigeration Theory N3 Refrigeration Theory N1 Industrial Electronics N2 Industrial Electronics N3 Industrial Electronics

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


NCOR Introduction to Engineering Science NCOR Introduction to Mathematics NCOR Introduction to Industrial Communication NCOR Introduction to Engineering Technology NCOR Introduction to Engineering Drawing

42 43 44 45 46

DRAWING OFFICE PRACTICE N4 / N5 n n n n n n n n n

N4 Mechanical Draughting N5 Electrical Draughting N4 General Draughting N4 Pictorial Draughting N4 Mechanical & Drawing Office Orientation N5 Building Draughting N5 Structural Steel Detailing N5 Technical Illustration N5 Computer-Aided Draughting (CAD)

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

BUILDING and CIVIL n n n n n n n n n n n

N1 Building Drawing N2 Building Drawing N3 Building Drawing N1 Building Science N2 Building Science N3 Building Science N1 Plumbing Theory N2 Plumbing Theory N3 Building & Civil Technology N1 Woodworker's Theory N2 Carpentry & Roofwork Theory

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 continued overleaf iii

Index con nued ... BUILDING and CIVIL continued ... n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n

N2 Carpentry & Roofwork Theory N1 Bricklaying & Plastering Theory N2 Bricklaying & Plastering Theory N4 Building Administration N4 Building & Structural Surveying N4 Building & Structural Construction N4 Quantity Surveying N5 Building Administration N5 Building & Structural Surveying N5 Building & Structural Construction N5 Quantity Surveying N6 Building Administration N6 Building & Structural Surveying N6 Building & Structural Construction N6 Quantity Surveying

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80


Level 1 Fundamentals of Pipe Fitting Level 2 Fundamentals of Pipe Fitting NQF Level 4 Introduction to Piping Draughting

81 82 83


N1 Water & Wastewater Treatment Practice N2 Water & Wastewater Treatment Practice N3 Water Treatment Practice N3 Wastewater Treatment Practice N1 Plant Operation Theory N2 Plant Operation Theory N3 Plant Operation Theory N4 Chemical Plant Operation N5 Chemical Plant Operation N6 Chemical Plant Operation N4 Chemistry N5 Chemistry N6 Chemical Technology iv

84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

N1 Engineering Drawing This edition covers the new core syllabus for Engineering Drawing N1 by means of step-bystep explanations of the basic principles of drawing methods. The book is based on the modular competency approach and its aim is to assist both the learner and the facilitator. A section at the beginning of each module explains terminology and concepts to the learners. The learning objectives, which follow this pre-knowledge section, highlight the most important questions of each module and provide learners and facilitators with clear directions regarding questions. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. This book is based on the current SABS Code of Practice for Engineering.

Contents n Fundamentals of n

n n n

n First-angle orthographic

engineering drawing Computer-aided draughting drawing terminology and abbreviations Freehand drawing Geometrical construction Reproduction drawing

projection n Axonometric drawing n Geometrical solids:

the projection of prisms and pyramids n Sectional drawings Features



s Step-by-step explanations s Clear direction to achieve outcomes s Covers the syllabus 780987 017123


N2 Engineering Drawing This book is based on the new Engineering Drawing N2 syllabus for 1996. The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. The book covers fundamental engineering drawing, drawing terminology and concepts of computer-aided draughting. Fastening devices and welding used in the engineering industry are also included. Screw threads, machining symbols, sectional drawings in the first- and third-angle orthographic projection, isometric drawing and curves of interpenetration form part of the comprehensive content of this book. Worked examples and self-assessment questions, as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners.


n Third-angle orthographic

n Fundamentals of


engineering drawing n Drawing terminology, abbreviations and computer-aided draughting n Fastening and welding devices - Screw threads

n Machining and surface

texture symbols n First angle orthographic projection n Isometric drawing n Curves of interpenetration Features



s Covers the fundamentals s Supplies activities s User-friendly 780992 171384


N3 Engineering Drawing This book covers the new Engineering Drawing N3 syllabus at technical colleges. It follows a modular approach. Both learners and facilitators are guided by the objectives and pre-knowledge sections set out at the beginning of each module. The book uses simple language and numerous illustrations to explain concepts. Each module includes selfassessment questions and exercises. This book meets the high standards of the SABS Code of Practice for Engineering Drawing.


n Sections n Sectional drawings of

n Fundamentals of

engineering drawing n Geometrical

constructions n Orthographic projection n Isometric projection

and perspective drawing n ISO limits and fits n Instruction notes n Machine and surface texture symbols

n n n n

single components of machine parts Nuts, bolts and studs Sectional drawings of assemblies Assembly drawings Detail drawings




s Accessible language level s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 780992 171391



Fitting and Machining Theory This textbook follows the Fitting and Machining Theory N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents Occupational safety Metals and plastics Hand tools Measuring instruments Marking off- Screw thread Hand taps, stocks and dies, and reamers n Fasteners n n n n n n

n n n n n n n

Keys and keyways Grinding machines Drilling machines Shaping machines Machine cutting tools Centre lathes Milling machines




s Provides s Covers ample the opportunities syllabus Ample to illustrations for slearners practise and s Information is practical improve their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

780992 171346



Fitting and Machining Theory Fitting and Machining Theory N2 is written in line with the standards of the MERSETA, previously known as the Metal Industry, and with the current syllabus of the Department of Education. The book follows a modularcompetency approach. This well-illustrated and easy-to-read text assists learners to achieve success with its outcomes-based approach. Concepts and terminology are explained. Activities and self-assessment questions are provided to help leaners to identify areas in which they need to improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n n n

Occupational safety Couplings Limits and fits Valves Packing and stuffing boxes and joints Reduction gearboxes Pneumatics Hydraulics Centre lathes Surface grinding Milling machines Centre lathes

n n n n n n n n n n

Water pipe systems Pumps Compressors V-belt drives Gear drives Chain drives Bearings Lubrication Surface grinding Milling machines Features



s Covers the syllabus s Ample illustrations s Information is practical

7 780992 171353




This book covers the new syllabus for technical colleges. As it introduces new areas such as the use of catalogues in the workshop, entrepreneurship and certain aspects of the new labour law, attention has been given to making the material as accessible and userfriendly as possible. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Power transmission Coupling of shafts Clutches Pumps Bearings Internal combustion engines Cranes Brakes Hydraulics

n Pneumatics n Lubrication and cooling n Materials and material processes n Entrepreneurship n Industrial organisation and planning




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly 780992 171360



Machines & Properties of Metals This book covers the syllabus for Machines and Properties of Metals N4. The book is based on the modular competency approach and its aim is to assist both the learner and the facilitator. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book.

Contents n Engineering

n n n n n n n

Materials: Manufacturing Processes and Heat Treatment of Carbon Steels n Belts Drives n Roller Chain Drives n Calculations Belt and Rope Drives

Gear Drives Shaft Couplings Clutches Brake Systems Fluids Drives Friction Occupational Safety




s Covers the syllabus s Ample illustrations s Information is practical

7 781928 203858


N2 Platers’ Theory This textbook follows the Platers' Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus.

Contents n n n n n n

Maxhines Rolling and Bending Joining of Steel Profiles General Pipe Work Steel Structures Templates

n Gas Welding, Cutting and

Plasma Cutting n Arc Welding n Calculations and Planning




s Covers the syllabus s Ample illustrations s Ample activities 781928 203001


N1 Metalworkers Theory This textbook follows the Metalwork Theory N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n n n

Safety in the workshop Marking-off tools Punching General hand tools Shearing Metals Elementary calculations Plates and sections Oxy-acetylene equipment and welding Electric arc welding Riveting Blacksmithing Features



s Step-by-step explanations s Clear direction to achieve outcomes s Covers the syllabus 781928 203995



Plating and Structural Steel Drawing This book covers the syllabus for Plating and Structural Steel Drawing N1 by means of step-by-step explanations of the basic principles of drawing methods. The book is based on the modular competency approach and its aim is to assist both the learner and the facilitator. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book.

Contents n n n n n n n n

Drawing equipment and the use thereof Geometrical constructions and scale drawings First angle orthographic projection Welding Developments: Parallel line method Developments: Radial line method Developments Triangulation method Features Benefits


s Ample illustrations s Provides ample opportunities for learners to practice and improve their drawing skills s Ample activities 7 781928 203018



Plating and Structural Steel Drawing This textbook follows the Plating and Structural Steelwork Drawing N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus.

Contents n n n n n n n

Introduction Cylinders Cylindrical segments Oblique cylinders Gusset pieces for pipe joints Cones Pyramids

n n n n

The common central sphere Cutting planes Triangulation Projections and detail drawings




s Provides ample opportunities for learners to practise and improve their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

781928 203025



Plating and Structural Steel Drawing This book covers the syllabus for Plating and Structural Steel Drawing N3. The book is based on the modular competency approach and its aim is to assist both the learner and the facilitator. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n

Spirals Triangulation Cones Connections




s User-friendly s Provides ample opportunities for learners to practice and improve their drawing skills s Ample activities 7 781928 203032



Plating and Structural Steel Drawing This textbook follows the Plating & Structural Steelwork drawing N4 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n n

Fundamentals Calculations Spiral developments Triangulation Cutting plane interpenetrations

n Advanced

penetrations n Double projection on





s Opportunities for learners to practise and improve Plating & Steelwork their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203834



Motor Trade Theory

This textbook follows the Motor Trade Theory N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Numerous exercises and worked examples assist with revision and consolidate learners' knowledge.

Contents n n n n n n n

Safety Tools Engine components Measuring instruments Engine cycles Engine layout Fuel systems

n n n n n

Lubrication Cooling Clutches Batteries Wheels and tyres




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203049



Motor and Diesel Trade Theory This textbook follows the Motor Trade Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n n

Fuel system Ignition system The gearbox Propeller shafts Differentials

n n n n

Suspension systems Steering systems Brakes The diesel engine




s Covers the syllabus s Ample illustrations s Text is learner-centred 781928 203056



Motor and Diesel Trade Theory This textbook follows the Motor Trade Theory N3 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n Engines n Valves n Valve operating n n n n

n Fluid clutches n Safety precautions and


mechanisms Epicyclic gear trains and automatic gearboxes Reception and organisation of the workshop Petrol injection Transistorised ignition

n Workshops n Power assisted steering n Differentials, final drives

and 4 wheel drive n Diesel fuel system




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203063


N2 Welder’s Theory This textbook follows the Welder's Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n n

Machines Joining of rolled steel sections General pipe work Developments Steel structures Metals Gas welding and cutting Arc welding Inspection and testing of welds Heat treatment of steel Structural steel tables




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

7 781928 203070



Introduction to Rigging Theory This textbook follows the Introduction to Rigging N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n Safety precautions and n n n n n

accident prevention Construction of steel ropes Calculations for mass and weight Slings Use and care of wire ropes and slings Fibre ropes

n Lifting equipment n Tools and equipment n n n n n

used in hoisting Levelling a load Good slinging practice Moving loads Hoisting practices Materials used for scaffolds in rigging




s Provides s Covers ample the opportunities syllabus Ample to illustrations for slearners practise and s Information is practical improve their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

9 781928 203087


N2 Rigging Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n Loading and unloading n Erection plans and detection of errors n Splicing and socketing of wire ropes n Cordage, fibres and ropes n Endless rope haulages n Jacks, winches and snatch blocks n Steel-wire rope

n n n n n n n n

Slings Winding ropes Elevator ropes Anchorages Centre of gravity Gin pole Guy derrick Mobile cranes




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

781928 203094


N3 Supervision in Industry The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n

Working conditions Conditions of work Motivation Communication Discipline Leadership Human relations




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203100



Industrial Organisation & Planning This textbook follows the Industrial Organisation and Planning N3 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n

Business knowledge Clerical knowledge Commercial law Laws The establishment of an enterprise Productivity control Terminology and concepts




s Accessible language level s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203872



Motor Electrical Trade Theory This textbook follows the Motor Electrical Theory N3 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Alternating current and voltage DC Generator DC Motor Alternator Ignition Instruments Transformers Silicon diodes Electrical controls for transmission systems




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203117



Motor Bodywork Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n

Oxy-acetylene welding Tools and equipment Panel beating and finishing Cooling system and repairs Repairing petrol tanks Door locks and window mechanisms Spray painting




s Step-by-step explanations s Clear direction to achieve outcomes s Covers the syllabus 781928 203124



Motor Bodywork Theory This textbook follows the Motor Bodywork Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n

Construction of motor vehicle bodies Oxy-acetylene welding Joining motor vehicle bodywork panels Arc welding Repairing glass fibre motor vehicle bodies Spray painting




s Covers the fundamentals s Supplies activities s User-friendly 7 781928 203131



Motor Bodywork Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Panel beating Repairing and replacing of motor body parts Gas cutting Wheel alignment Motor vehicle chassis repairs Application of moment, force and levers Paint technology Spray painting Colour mixing




s Accessible language level s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203148



Engineering Science

The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n

Dynamics Energy, work and power Statics Heat and temperature Particle structure of matter Electricity




s Provides s Covers ample the opportunities syllabus Ample to illustrations for slearners practise and s Information is practical improve their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203186


N2 Engineering Science This textbook follows the Engineering Science N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Dynamics Statics Energy and momentum Work, power and efficiency Mechanical drives and lifting machines Friction Heat Particle structure of matter Electricity




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

7 781928 203193


N3 Engineering Science The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n

Motion, power and energy Moments Forces Friction Heat Hydraulics Electricity Chemistry




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 7 781928 203209


N4 Engineering Science This textbook follows the Engineering Science N4 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n

Kinematics Angular motion Dynamics Statics Hydraulics Stress, strain and Young’s modulus Heat




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

781928 203216


N1 Mathematics

The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

The four basic algebrais operations Exponents and logarithms Factorisation, HCF and LCM Algebraic fractions Equations, formulae and word problems Algebraic graphs Trigonometry Percentages Mensuration




s Provides s Covers ample the opportunities syllabus Ample to illustrations for slearners practise and s Information is practical improve their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203155


N2 Mathematics

This textbook follows the Mathematics N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n

Orientation Exponents and logarithms Factorisation and algebraic fractions Equations, word problems and manipulation of technical formulae Algebraic graphs Radian measurement: angular and circumferential velocity and circle sectors Trigonometry Mensuration




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

7 781928 203162


N3 Mathematics

The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n Orientation n Factors and fractions n Exponents, surds and

n Geometry of n n n n

logarithms n Equations, word problems and manipulation of technical formulae

co-ordinates Sketch graphs Differential calculus Trigonometry Orientation




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 7 781928 203179



Electrical Trade Theory This textbook follows the Electrical Trade Theory N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus.

Contents n Occupational Safety and Basic Hand Tools n Electrical Circuits n Magnetism and Transformers n Batteries and Direct Current Sources n Alternating Currents n Measuring Instruments

n C o n d u c to rs , C a b l e s a n d Wireways n Wiring of Premises n Testing n Electronics




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly 7 781928 203223



Electrical Trade Theory This textbook follows the Electrical Trade Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus.

Contents n Conductors and cables n Switch gear, contactors and relays (380V max) n Direct current motors and starters n Alternating current machines and starters n Earthing n Protection n Measuring instruments

n n n n n

Transformers Electronics Graphical symbols Definitions of derived SI units SI derived units with special names n Preferred SI prefixes




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly

781928 203230



Electrotechnology The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n

Direct current machines Direct current generators Direct current motors Efficiency of direct current machines Alternating current theory Transformers Electronics Measuring Instruments




s Accessible language level s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203247


N1 Refrigeration Trade Theory This textbook follows the Refrigeration Trade Theory N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n Safety n Care and use of tools and

n n n n n

instruments n General mechanical knowledge n Component parts n Fundamentals of refrigeration

Elementary refrigeration Fundamentals of electricity Magnetism Electric motors Quality awareness and need for quality control




s Provides s Covers ample the opportunities syllabus Ample to illustrations for slearners practise and s Information is practical improve their drawing skills s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

781928 203254


N2 Refrigeration Trade Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n Component parts reciprocating compressors n Evaporators (direct expansion only) n Condensers n Cooling towers n Expansion devices n Auxiliary components n Control devices n Refrigerant piping systems n Fans

n Fundamentals of refrigeration n Care and use of tools, instruments and equipment n Diagnosis of operational faults n Service requirements




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

781928 203261


N3 Refrigeration Trade Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n Temperature, Volume, n n n n n n

n Controls and Safety

Pressure, Heat The Refrigeration Cycle Compressors Condensers Refrigeration Flow Control Evaporators Refrigerant Piping and Accessories

n n n n

Devices Defrost Pressure - enthalpy Fault-finding and Troubleshooting Practical work




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 7 781928 203988



Industrial Electronics

The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n n

Introduction to electronics Atomic theory Cells and batteries Resistance Capacitance Magnetism AC current theory Inductors and transformers Multimeters Semi-conductor diodes Transistors Features



s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly 7 781928 203278



Industrial Electronics This textbook follows the Industrial Electronics N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Atomic theory Direct current theory Alternating current theory Semi-conductor diodes Semi-conductor transistors Measuring instruments Transducers Syncro systems The decibel




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203865



Industrial Electronics The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n

Atomic theory Direct current theory Alternating current theory Semi-conductor theory and diodes Diodes and their applications Transistor theory Electronic power control Operational amplifier Transducers Measuring Instruments




s Accessible language level s Ample illustrations s User-friendly

7 781928 203285


NCOR Introduction to Engineering Science The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n

Matter Magnetism Electricity Pocket calculator Measurement SI Units Mass, weight and density Forces Moment of a force - levers only Answers to activities




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly

781928 203315


NCOR Introduction to Mathematics The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, userfriendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revisions exercises punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Number concepts The four main operations Exponents Factors Fractions Percentages Mensuration Equations and manipulation Graphs




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 7 781928 203322


NCOR Introduction to Industrial Communication This textbook follows the Introduction to Industrical Communication NCOR syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n

Effective communication practice Attention development Examination techniques Language acquisition: introduction to the main engineering fields




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly

781928 203339


NCOR Introductory Engineering Technology Introductory Engineering Technology follows a modular competency-based approach. This book, with its comprehensive understanding of engineering technology, assists the facilitator and the learner to achieve success with its outcomes-based approach. Kristy Brink

While laying the foundation for study of the fundamentals and basic principles of the subject, it provides learners with the information necessary to achieving the outcomes set for the Orientation Engineering Technology course. Each unit begins with details of necessary prior knowledge and learning outcomes. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practise and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Introduction to the main engineering fields Occupational safety First aid Materials Basic hand tools Measuring instruments Fasteners Lubrication Features Cooling



s Ample assessments to practice and improve skills s Assists the learner and facilitator s User-friendly 7 781928 203308


NCOR Introductory Engineering Drawing Introductory Engineering Drawing follows a modular competency-based approach. This book, with its comprehensive understanding of engineering drawing, assists the facilitator and the learner to achieve success with its outcomes based approach. Based on the current SASS Code of Practice for Engineering Drawing, it gives learners all the information necessary to achieving the outcomes set for the Orientation Engineering Drawing Course. In the book, the author explains concepts and terminology. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also assignments at the end of each module that allow learners to practise and improve their drawing skills.

Contents n n n n

Basic principles of engineering drawing Freehand drawing Geometrical constructions First angle orthographic projection




s Gives learners necessary information to achieve success s Provides ample opportunities for learners to practice and improve their drawing skills s User-friendly

7 781928 203292


N4 Mechanical Draughting This book covers the N4 syllabus in Mechanical Draughting, and meets the high standards set by the SABS. This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. The book also contains more advanced theory (including relevant drawings and problems) for learners who are doing advanced courses.

Contents n n n n n

n n n n n n

Fundamentals of mechanical draughting Screw thread, square thread and helical springs Gears and keys Cams, ISO limits and fits Sections - Sectional drawings of single components of machine parts - Nuts, bolts and studs - Sectional drawings of assemblies Manufacturing and machining processes Engineering materials - Assembly drawings Instruction notes Machining and surface texture symbols Orthographic projection Detail drawings




s User friendly s Ample activities s Ample illustrations 7 781928 203346


N5 Electrical Draughting This book covers the N5 syllabus in Electrical Draughting. This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practice and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n n

Introduction to electrical draughting Principles and uses of electricity Graphical symbols, electrical and electronic diagrams Generation and distribution of electricity Electrical motors and control devices Wiring of premises




s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities s Ample illustrations 7 781928 203353


N4 General Draughting This textbook follows the General Draughting N4 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n n n

Drawing equipment and the use thereof Geometrical constructions and scale drawings First and Third Angle Orthographic Projection Interpenetration curves Developments Loci




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 7 781928 203360


N4 Pictorial Draughting This textbook follows the Pictorial Draughting N4 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus.

Contents n Freehand drawing n Gearteeth construction n Square threads and helical n n n n

springs Isometric projection Oblique projection One and two-point perspective drawings Ink drawings




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

7 781928 203377



Mechanical & Drawing Office Orientation This textbook follows the Mechanical & Drawing Office Orientation N4 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learnercentred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Drawing office orientation Drawing office layout and equipment Engineering materials and heat treatment processes Machining and manufacturing processes Keys, pulleys, shaft couplings and screw threads Lubrication and bearings Gears and gear drives Measuring instruments Valves, pumps and pipe fittings




s Ample assessments to practice and improve skills s Assists the learner and facilitator s Ample activities 7 781928 203384


N5 Building Draughting This book covers the N5 syllabus in Building Draughting, and meets the high standards set by the SANS (SABS) Code of Practice for Building Drawing Practice (Latest addition). This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practise and improve their skills. 5

Contents n Introduction to building draughting n Building construction n Site, home planning and additions (single storey dwellings)




s User-friendly s Ample assessments to

practise and improve skills s Assists the learner and facilitator

7 781928 203391


N5 Structural Steel Detailing This textbook follows the Structural Steel Detailing N5 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learnercentred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n n n

Introduction to structural steel detailing Beams, plate and box girders Columns Lattice girders and bracing Roof trusses Material delivery schedules




s Ample assessments to practice and improve skills s Assists the learner and facilitator s Ample activities

7 781928 203407


N5 Technical Illustration This textbook follows the Technical Illustration N5 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus.

Contents n n n n n

Introduction One and two point perspective drawings Three point perspective drawings Prepared three point perspective grid Exploded view and cut-away illustrations, fasteners and sectioning techniques




s Ample assessments to practice and improve skills s Assists the learner and facilitator s Ample activities 781928 203414




ComputerAided Drafting (CAD) This book covers the N5 syllabus in Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD). This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities.

Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practise and improve their skills.

Contents n Computer Orientation n CAD Commands n Produce and amend two-dimensional CAD drawings


7 781928 203421




N1 Building Drawing This book covers the syllabus for Building Drawing N1 by means of step-by-step explanations of the basic principles of drawing methods. The book is based on the modular competency approach and its aim is to assist both the learner and the facilitator. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 1 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

General drawing technique Geometrical drawings Projection Setting out of simple building structures Foundations, brickwork and floors Lintels and arches Roof structures Windows, doors and frames Drainage Features



s Ample activities s Ample illustrations s User-friendly 7 781928 203438


N2 Building Drawing The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n n n

Fundamentals Foundations Brickwork Lintels and arches Masonry Floors Roofs

n n n n n

Ceilings Plumbing Joinery Doors Materials




s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities s Provides ample opportunities for learners to practice and improve their drawing skills 781928 203445


N3 Building Drawing The book follows a modular approach and comprises learning objectives, examples, solutions, self-evaluation questions and exercises. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 1 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Brickwork Masonry Floors Roofs Stairs Joinery Plumbers work Plasterwork Painting Features



s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s Provides ample opportunities for learners to practice and improve their drawing skills 7 781928 203452


N1 Building Science Building Science N1 is based on the current N1 syllabus. A section dealing with SI units, a summary of formulae and a glossary of difficult terms have been included. The theory is set out in a logical way and is illustrated by clear, accurate diagrams. Numerous activities and worked examples assist with revision and consolidate learners' knowledge. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n n n n

Measurements Forces Beams Density Timber Pressure Concrete Features



s Ample activities s Ample clear and accurate diagrams s Promotes self-study 7 781928 203469


N2 Building Science The second edition of Building Science N2 is based on the new syllabus. The book follows a modular approach and comprises learning objectives, examples, solutions, selfevaluation questions and exercises. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way. A section dealing with SI units, a summary of formulae and a glossary of difficult terms have been included. The theory is set out in a logical way and is illustrated by clear, accurate diagrams. Numerous exercises and worked examples assist with revision and consolidate learners' knowledge.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Archimedes' principle and flotation Surface tension Roof coverings Heat Concurrent forces Forces and the funicular or link polygon Couples, centroids and Centre of gravity Moments Frames Features



s User-friendly s Ample clear and accurate diagrams s Text is learner-centred 781928 203476


N3 Building Science The second edition of Building Science N3 is based on the new syllabus. The book follows a modular approach and comprises learning objectives, examples, solutions, selfevaluation questions and activities. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way. A section dealing with SI units, a summary of formulae and a glossary of difficult have been included. The theory is set out in a logical way and is illustrated by clear, accurate diagrams. Numerous activities and worked examples assist with revision and consolidate learners' knowledge. Sections in this syllabus overlap with and build on certain aspects in the N1 and N2 syllabi, and therefore this book will show some overlap with other books in the series.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Basic building blocks: concrete, cement and mortar Types of water and the treatment of water Understanding paint and plastics Shear force, bending moments, shear legs and tripods Moments, beams, couples and centroids When things move: The laws of motion and force Electricity Lifting machines and work Features Benefits Frames


s Text is learner-centred s Promotes self-study s Ample activities and examples 7 781928 203483


N1 Plumbing Theory This book covers the N1 syllabus in Plumbing Theory. This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. Ea c h m o d u l e b e g i n s w i t h l e a r n i n g objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practise and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Safety and housekeeping Tools and machines Metals and materials Soldering and welding Cold water supply Hot water supply Drainage Sheet metal work Calculations




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus

7 781928 203490


N2 Plumbing Theory This book covers the N2 syllabus in Plumbing Theory. This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practise and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n

Cold water supply Hot water supply Drainage Sheet metal work and flashing Calculations




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly 7 781928 203506


N3 Building and Civil Technology This book covers the N3 syllabus in Building and Civil Technology. This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. Ea c h m o d u l e b e g i n s w i t h l e a r n i n g objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practice and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n n n n n n n n

Site management Legislation Site work Foundation Concrete Masonry Structural elements Water supply and drainage Electrical Finishing External works Cost estimation




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

7 781928 203513


N1 Woodworkers’ Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n n n

Introduction to building industry and productivity Safety and housekeeping Timber, timber products, metals and glass Tools and machines Fixatives, glues and fittings Joints Building related calculations




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly 7 781928 203520


N2 Carpentry & Roof Work Theory This textbook follows the Carpentry and Roof Work Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assessment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the book. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus

Contents n n n n n n n n n n n

Wall panelling, partitions, doors and frames Centering, formwork and shoring Sheet metal work Waterproofing of roofs and rainwater goods Roofer's tools Setting out of buildings Roof construction Roof coverings Ceilings Dormer roof construction Features Roof light construction



s User-friendly s Ample assessments to

practice and improve skills s Assists the learner and facilitator 7 781928 203537


N1 Bricklaying & Plastering Theory This textbook follows the Bricklaying and Plastering Theory N1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n Materials n Tests (including the objects of such tests) n Construction (including preparation, precautions and basic principles) n Arches n Basic forms of Greek mouldings




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities 7 781928 203544


N2 Bricklaying & Plastering Theory This book covers the N2 syllabus in Bricklaying and Plastering. This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes self-assessment questions and activities. Sections in this syllabus overlap with and build on certain aspects in the N1 syllabus. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also assignments at the end of each module that allow learners to practise and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Metal lathing Moulds Brick bonding Preparation of surfaces and materials Floor and wall tiling Brick manufacturing Construction of arches Plastering Erection of simple scaffolds and trestles




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

7 781928 203551


N4 Building Administration This book covers the N4 syllabus in Building Administration. This easy-touse book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes selfassessment questions and activities. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Concepts and terminology are explained. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practise and improve their skills.

Contents n Organizational structure

and professional consultants n Departments of a building firm/company n Site organisation n Building tools and equipment

n n n n n

Building materials Support to structures Scaffolding Lifts and cranes Programming of work




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203568


N4 Building & Structural Surveying This edition of Building and Structural Surveying is based on a new syllabus. The book follows a modular approach and comprises learning objectives, examples, solutions, self-evaluation questions and activities. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n

Fundamentals to structural surveying Distance measurement Minor instruments and components Practical surveying work




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203575


N4 Building & Structural Construction This textbook follows the Building and Structural Construction N4 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and selfassesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.


n Guttering n Ceilings n Structural steelwork:

Foundations Bonds in brickwork Damp proofing Steel doorframes and windows n Arches: brickwork n Roof covering n Roofs up to 9m span n n n n

bolted, riveted and welded




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

7 781928 203582


N4 Quantity Surveying

The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n n n n

Building measurement Sketches and drawings Measuring Professional quantity surveyor and quantity/building/construction surveyor Composing Bills of Quantities Calculation of centreline/mean perimeter Cavity wall and internal walls Measurement of roofs




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

7 781928 203599


N5 Building Administration This textbook follows the Building Administration N5 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n Mechanical plant required for building work n Progress charts and schedules n Sub-contractors n Materials n Handing over completed work

n n n n

Administration and personnel Contract documents Mass-haul programme Variations, omissions and extras n Site meetings




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203704


N5 Building & Structural Surveying This easy-to-use book follows a modular approach, is well illustrated and includes selfassessment questions and activities. Concepts and terminology are explained. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners identify the areas in which they can improve. There are also activities at the end of each module that allows learners to practice and improve their skills.

Contents n n n n n n

Basic principles of surveying Linear measurements Height measurement Angular measurement Building surveys Setting out




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203711


N5 Building & Structural Construction The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n Foundations (reinforced concrete) n Columns (reinforced concrete and steel) n Slabs (reinforced concrete) and floor coverings n Beams (reinforced concrete) n Stairs (reinforced concrete)




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

7 781928 203728


N5 Quantity Surveying

This textbook follows the Quantity Surveying N5 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

The role and responsibilities of a quantity surveyor Foundations Basements Fence walls Reinforced concrete structures Plumbing and drainage Timber roof construction Levelling of uneven ground Preparing and drawing of Bills of Quantities




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203735


N6 Building Administration The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n

Work study Estimating Pre-tendering Tendering Building laws, by-laws, insurance and taxation n Programme charts n Management and welfare




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203742


N6 Building & Structural Surveying This textbook follows the Building and Structural Surveying N6 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n

Angular measurement Traversing Contouring Plotting Setting-out Road construction




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203759


N6 Building & Structural Construction This textbook follows the Building and Structural Construction N6 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n Concrete n Iron and steel n Applying SABS




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities 7 781928 203766


N6 Quantity Surveying

The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n Analysis n Theory n Practical




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

7 781928 203773


Level 1 Fundamentals of Pipefitting

This textbook follows the Fundamentals of Pipefitting Level 1 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus

Contents n n n n n n

Motorized equipment Ladders and scaffolds Oxyfuel cutting Pipefitting power tools Pipefitting hand tools Orientation to the trade




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s User-friendly

781928 203605


Level 2 Fundamentals of Pipefitting This textbook follows the Fundamentals of Pipefitting Level 2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. The information is presented in as practical a way as possible and where possible the text is supplemented with illustrations to help explain concepts and methods. Each module begins with learning objectives, which summarise the learning outcomes of the syllabus. Typical worked examples of past examination questions show the allocation of marks according to the evaluation system used by examiners. It is learner-centred and the information is presented in a practical, clear and logical way.

Contents n n n n n n n n n

Underground pipe installation Excavations Butt weld pipe fabrication Socket weld pipe fabrication Threaded pipe fabrication Pipefitting trade math Identifying and installing valves Drawings and detail sheets Piping systems




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s Ample activities

781928 203612


NQF Level 4 Fundamentals of Piping Draughting This textbook shows the Fundamentals of Piping Draughting NQF Level 4 and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n Demonstrate an understanding of pipe draughting n Identify and draw schematic drawings n Identify, describe and draw isometric layouts and flow diagrams




s Ample illustrations s Ample activities s User-friendly

781928 203629


N1 Water &

Wastewater Treatment Practice The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n Introduction n Usages of water n Water sources, supplies

and the environment

n n n n

Wastewater Record keeping Sanitation systems Safety measures

n Water quality n Water treatment




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s Ample activities

9 781928 203636


N2 Water &

Wastewater Treatment Practice This textbook follows the Water and Wastewater Treatment Practice N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n

Water quality Conventional water treatment Wastewater treatment Sampling




s Covers the fundamentals s Supplies activities s User-friendly 7 781928 203643



Water Treatment Practice The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text.

Contents n International Metric n n n n n n n n n n

System Elementary Hydraulics Pumps Valves Elementary Water Chemistry Water Biology Legislation Watersources Water quality and specifications Treatment and Units Prior to Filtration Flocculation

n n n n n n n


Sedimentation Filtration Disinfection Distribution Systems and Stabilisation Special Treatment Processes Sludge Treatment and Disposal Occupational Hazards and Safety Measures Process Control, Record Keeping and Practical




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203650


N3 Water &

Wastewater Treatment Practice The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n International metric n n n n n

n Elementary water biology

system Elementary hydraulics Pumps Valves Water sources and pollution Elementary water chemistry

n n n n n

related to waste water Legislation Sanitation systems Sewage and sewers Self-purification Primary treatment: the inlet works




s Covers the syllabus s Text is learner-centred s Ample activities 781928 203667


N1 Plant Operation Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n n n

Introduction to chemistry Pipes and valves Meters and regulators Pumps Introduction to distillation Water treatment Storage




s Ample illustrations s Covers the syllabus s Ample activities

781928 203674


N2 Plant Operation Theory This textbook follows the Plant Operation Theory N2 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n

Basic chemistry Liquids Distillation Instruments




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities 781928 203681


N3 Plant Operation Theory The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n Chemistry of n n n n n n n

polymerisation Catalysts Combustion Gasification of coal Coking Transfer of heat Heat transfer in liquids Heat exchangers

n n n n n n

Thermal insulation Pumps Compression Compressors Instrumentation Control systems




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203698


N4 Chemical Plant Operation The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n

Fluid flow Reduction equipment Materials Industrial chemical gases processes

n Organic processes n Water conditioning

and environmental




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203780


N5 Chemical Plant Operation This textbook follows the Chemical Plant Operation N5 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Self-assessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n

Thermodynamics Combustion Separators, cyclones and mixers Industrial chemical process




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203797


N6 Chemical Plant Operation The authors have taken great care to prepare this textbook so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. Selfassessment questions are provided to help learners to identify the areas in which they can improve.

Contents n n n n n n n n

Separation processes Organic chemistry Inorganic chemistry Pressure measurement Temperature measurement Flow measurement Level measurement Quality measurement




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203803


N4 Chemistry

The authors have taken great care to prepare the book so that it is accessible, user-friendly and suits the needs of learners following this course. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n

Chemical bonding Chemical geometry Acids and bases Descriptive chemistry




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203810


N5 Chemistry

This textbook follows the Chemistry N5 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n Organic chemistry n Hydrocarbons n Instrumentation




s User-friendly s Ample illustrations s Ample activities

781928 203827


N6 Chemical Technology

This textbook follows the Chemical Technology N6 syllabus and contains all information relevant to this syllabus. Worked examples and self-assesment questions as well as a variety of activities are provided throughout the textbook. Numerous clear illustrations, practical examples and revision exercises in each module punctuate this text. The book can be used in conjunction with Bricklaying 2 to provide the learner with a sound grasp of the subject.

Contents n n n n n

Drying Crystallization Evaporation Heat transfer Humidification and dehumidification




s Covers the syllabus s Ample illustrations s Information is practical 781928 203841


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