Cogeneration & Gas Turbine Power Station Australian Experience

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Cogeneration & Gas Turbine Power Station Australian Experience


Tamar Valley CCGT Project


Design Review (EPS and EPCM contractors)

GHD is providing Owner's Engineer services for Alinta Energy in the


Balance of Plant Design

Tamar Valley Power Station Project in Tasmania. GHD’ s scope of


Site Technical Overview of Construction and Commissioning


Engineering overview of reliability run and warranty period

works consists of: »

Site preparation works


Design Review (EPS and EPCM contractors)


Balance of Plant Design


Site Technical Overview of Construction and Commissioning

GHD is responsible for the design of all civil and structural works, fuel and water supply piping and other mechanical & electrical works.

Tamar Valley Open Cycle Gas Turbine Project GHD is providing Owner’ s Engineer services to Alinta Energy in this project. GHD prepared the technical section of a functional specification for the engineering, procurement and supply (EPS) of one aero derivative gas turbine. GHD’ s scope of works consists of: »

Site preparation works

GHD is responsible for the design of site services, including »

Geotechnical, soil resistivity testing and initial site leveling design


Civil & Structural design


Civil Interface design


Below ground earthing design


Lighting and small power including distribution board design


Transformer protection - basis of design


Protection interface to switchyard - basis of design


Water supply and discharge design outside Site boundary

Alinta Energy – Alcoa Pinjarra Cogeneration Plants

procurement services and construction management services

GHD was the Owners Engineer for Alinta Energy on the Pinjarra

associated with the power block for the 150 MW peaking station.

Cogeneration Plant Units 1 and 2. GHD provided the original conceptual design for these two units. Each of the units is a 140 MW

ETSA Energy - Peak Shaving Plant

GTG with a triple pressure HRSG capable producing 420 TPH of high-pressure steam. GHD performed a feasibility study and developed a specification for the plants. GHD performed bid evaluation, negotiation and conformance of the EPC contract, and developed the Long Term Service Agreement Specification. GHD

In 1997, this was the first of a new trend in second hand gas turbine projects. GHD jointly with Black & Veatch, carried out the full EPCM role for the development, delivery and commissioning of two 25 MW plants, at Port Lincoln and Snuggery, in only 6 months from release.


Originally, the client appointed GHD to review the feasibility of

construction, commissioning and testing for Unit 1 and is performing

procuring, installing and commissioning 50 MW of gas turbines for

the same on Unit 2.

peak shaving duty at a number of different locations in South








GHD undertook design, procurement and construction management of the interconnection with the existing Alcoa Powerhouse. This

Australia. It was quickly identified that only second hand machines would be available in the time required.

included all the civil design, the main steam interconnection,

GHD was able to source and procure two 1989 Frame 5P GTs in

condensate water transfer and cooling and other minor services.

Argentina which had not yet been brought onto the market. A site

GHD also provided and technical support for the EPC contract

inspection by our personnel confirmed the machine’ s suitability.

works and interconnecting services.

Export and shipping arrangements were put in hand while step up transformers were purchased, and design proceeded on whatever information was available. Civil and mechanical/electrical erection

Eraring Energy – Frame 6B Gas Turbine Generator GHD is providing engineering services for the installation of a 38 MW simple cycle gas turbine generator at the Eraring Energy power

subcontracts were placed and subsequently the machines were erected in record time.

station to provide black start capability. GHD managed the procurement of the used GT and balance of plant, designed civil, mechanical and electrical works, and are currently providing

116MW Kwinana Cogeneration Plant for Edison Mission Energy GHD provided detailed engineering, procurement and construction

construction phase technical assistance.

management services within the EPC Contract. Fuelled by natural gas and refinery gas, the facility is based on 2 x 39 MW gas

Queensland Alumina Limited (QAL) Cogeneration

turbines, supplementary-fired HRSGs and a 43 MW extraction GHD utilized its extensive experience and database to develop the conceptual design of this fast-track cogeneration project that will generate process steam by recovering exhaust heat from a heavy-

steam turbine. The plant successfully achieved commercial operation on time and budget, and with performance significantly better than guarantee.

duty industrial gas turbine with an output of 100-150 MW for the world’ s largest alumina refinery. GHD produced the conceptual design deliverables and obtained competitive bids for the gas turbine and HRSG packages. A cost estimate for the project was

GHD’ s services included optimisation studies and detailed costing for the cogeneration plant supplying steam and electricity to the BP Refinery with the sale of excess power to Western Power.

produced to +/- 10% accuracy, and this required the detailing of all associated systems, balance of plant, utilities and consumables.

Confidential Clients (alumina refineries and others) Cogeneration Projects »

AGL Power Generation – Somerton Power Station

GHD recently developed a conceptual design of a heavy-duty industrial gas turbine based cogeneration project with a total

GHD was engaged to provide Owner’ s Engineer and EPCM

output of 100-200 MW for a major alumina refinery. Besides

services for the client.

generating steam for process using a dual pressure HRSG, the

GHD initially undertook pre-purchase inspections assessment of

electrical output was augmented by a 35 MW steam turbine.

four used Frame 6B gas turbines in Europe. It then provided full

Process features to optimise process steam generation were


evaluated. GHD produced conceptual design deliverables








addressing siting, various refinery operating conditions, process

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design parameters, grid connection, etc.


In addition, a

Pacificorp Australia - Kemerton Park Cogeneration Plant

competitive bid review process for the gas turbine, HRSG and

GHD worked with Pacificorp for the development of a cogeneration

steam turbine was completed. A detailed material take-off was

plant to serve industries at Kemerton, Western Australia. Various

developed to estimate the project costs.

plant configurations were studied for outputs ranging from 50 MW to

GHD provided Owner’ s Engineering (OE) services to the client

over 100 MW. Heat recovery from existing processes, grid

in relation to the development of combined heat and power

connection and water balances were included in the study. Water

generation facilities at an alumina plant in Australia. The plant


consisted of two 220 MW, continuously rated coal fired power

considered. A draft environmental approval document was prepared.

generation units, with steam production and conditioning to suit

EPC pricing was developed for selected plant alternatives.

the generation units and also to provide 577 TPH of 13 Bar (g), 250°C and 334 TPH of 4.5 Bar (g), 175°C process steam. In







Millennium Inorganic (SCM) Chemicals - Cogeneration Plant

the pre-feasibility study phase, GHD developed the design basis and steam cycle as well as the capital and O&M costs and plant performance of generating units. GHD undertook project






communication procedures. Among other engineering and project management services delivered were the following: •

Provide interfacing arrangements, and site layout, plant and lay down footprint and drawings

‘ Owner’ s Engineer’for the development of a Build Own Operate (BOO) cogeneration plant at Kemerton. The gas turbine based plant of a nominal 40 MW capacity would supply power and steam to Millennium.

Newmont – Telfer Power Station GHD was engaged to review electrical power transmission versus

Define design conditions such as steam parameters, operating regimes, terminal points and location of water intake and switchyard

GHD was commissioned by Millennium Inorganic Chemicals as

gas pipeline and on site gas turbine based power station. Following the decision to proceed with the gas pipeline and on site power station, GHD developed the contract documentation for the gas

Perform studies on coal handling and water supplies, plant

pipeline and power station.

reliability, and suitability of a gas hybrid option •



update detailed

Capital Cost


Various – Peaking GT Stations in S.E. Australia

including EPC pricing, costing of interconnection works,

GHD provided advice to several clients on peaking GT stations

and Owner’ s Costs, as well as O&M Cost

including air modelling studies, concept design, capital cost and

Undertake financial evaluation of competing options

contract strategy development. GTs included aero-derivatives,

Provide detailed project schedule

Frame 5s, 6Bs, and 9Es.

Define contracting strategy

Western Power – 240MW Kwinana CCGT Project

Assist in initial environmental submission

Carry out wage/labour rate survey

GHD was appointed Owner’ s Engineer to Western Power for the preparation of a project definition report, a procurement specification and assistance with tender evaluation. The project definition report

Western Power - Tiwest Cogeneration Plant

provided a description of the key features of the proposed mid merit The Tiwest cogeneration plant consists of a relocated and refurbished Frame 6 gas turbine, modified for combined cycle operation and mated to a single pressure HRSG on the Tiwest pigment plant site in Kwinana Western Australia.

GHD’ s role as

240 MW CC plant, performance data based on the range of GTs suitable for the project and a cost estimate for project approval. A comprehensive single EPC contract specification was prepared. GHD assisted WP with design review and site inspections.

‘ Owner’ s Engineer’ included project definition, cost estimation, specification preparation, tender evaluation, contract management and construction supervision. Unique features of the plant are the use of a relocated gas turbine and the staging of the plant configuration for current and future Tiwest steam demands.

Synergen - Gas Turbine Relocation GHD prepared an initial report for Synergen to relocate one of their 25 MW peaking gas turbines in South Australia to provide additional grid support. Subsequently, GHD were engaged on an EPCM basis to dismantle, transport and reassemble the gas turbine on a new set of foundations.

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Boral Energy - Roma Gas Turbines

including detailed design for coal receival marine facilities and site

GHD provided advice to Boral Energy on the purchase and

preparation, and receipt of coal supply tenders.

installation of two used 35 MW gas turbines for a site in Roma,

decision to change from coal to gas, GHD carried out the detail

Queensland. Specific tasks included check pricing for GTs and

design, procurement, construction management and commissioning


Following a


of a six unit 200 MW gas turbine/combined cycle power station

interconnection advice and review of initial contract documentation

comprising 5 x 36 MW gas turbines, 1 x 35 MW steam turbine and

and implementation plans. Commissioning staff were provided to

two HRSGs. Included 58 km of 132 kV transmission line and 132

complete the project.

kV GIS switchyard.

Energy Equity Corporation - Barcaldine Frame 6 Conversion to Combined Cycle

BHP Iron Ore

GHD was engaged by EEC as ‘Owner’ s Engineer’initially to review

100MW Power Station at Port Hedland (2 x 37 MW combustion

conceptual design, produce cost estimates, then prepare an EPC

turbines, two HRSGs, and 1 x 35 MW steam turbine).






Conceptual design studies, specification, and cost estimates for the

specification for converting the existing Frame 6 gas turbine to combined cycle utilising a second hand steam turbine. The brief

Pioneer Sugar Mill Cogeneration Project



GHD was appointed as the Design Consultant for all aspects of this

environmental approval documentation, civil design and ongoing

A$100m project. This included process, HAZOPs, all civil/structural

technical advice and assistance.

works, mechanical, piping and electrical works, and controls for the

GHD were able to considerably reduce the costs and increase the

cogeneration plant and other works necessary to increase the steam

efficiency of the plant during the conceptual design phase by

efficiency of the Sugar Mill.

confirming the suitability of a wet cooling system.

The Pioneer Sugar Mill Cogeneration Project consisted of the






Fletcher Challenge/ITOCHU - Power Station for An Feng / Kingstream Midwest Iron and Steel

following major elements: »

New bagasse fired boiler 130 TPH @ 65 Bar

GHD acted as Owner’ s Engineer during the bid phase for the


New condensing steam turbine 36 MW

development of a Build Own Operate (BOO) 350 MW combined


Upgraded bagasse fired boiler

cycle plant at Geraldton in the State’ s Midwest. The role included


New back pressure steam turbine



New balance of plant including cooling towers, ash plant, demin



optimisation studies,

electrical system

smoothing studies, reliability analysis and detailed costing estimates for a wide range of plant configurations.

Electricity Tariff Reduction for SIMCOA

240 TPH @ 31 Bar 31 MW

plant and substation »

New sugar evaporation stage (10,000 m2)


Electrification of the milling train (11 MW) and other major drives with a total of 8 MW of variable speed drives.

Preliminary engineering and costing studies for energy recovery and energy cost reductions for SIMCOA. Study included combined cycle

GHD’ s specific responsibilities include:

configurations up to 200 MW capacity.


Interfacing with major equipment packages including new boiler, revamped boiler, condensing turbine, backpressure

Palmerston Gas Turbine Station (4 x 20 MW) - For Northern Territory Electricity Commission GHD provided planning, design and procurement services for a four unit simple cycle gas turbine station. Tenders were called, but the project was put on hold.

turbine, pre-evaporators »

Plant layout


Civil works and drainage


Concrete foundations for

all equipment

including major


200MW combined Cycle Channel Island Power Station for Northern Territory Electricity Commission


Structural steel including turbine house


Steam pipe work

GHD initially carried out the Preliminary Design and Specification


Services area including raw water, demineralised water, cooling

Consultancy for a 300 MW coal fired power station. Scope included engineering








towers, chemical dosing fire systems »

HV and LV electrics

development of the 6 x 5 MW station on a ‘green fields’ site,

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Control and Instrumentation


Conversion of sugar mill drives from steam turbine to electrics


Ash handling systems for new and revamped boilers


Engineering support during construction and commissioning

For more information, please contact: Gour Choudhuri +617 3316 3442 [email protected]

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