CURRICULUM VITAE May 2014 DAVID BRADLEY WRIGHT CONTACT INFORMATION Address: Dept. of Health Management & Policy Phone: 401-863-3491 (office)...

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Dept. of Health Management & Policy University of Iowa 145 N. Riverside Drive 100 College of Public Health Bldg., N240 Iowa City, IA 52240

Phone: Fax: E-mail:

401-863-3491 (office) 202-407-1780 (cell) 401-863-3489 [email protected]


Ph.D., Health Policy & Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dissertation: The Last Shall Be First? Mission versus Margin and the Role of Consumer Governance in Federally Qualified Health Centers. Chair: Dr. Jonathan Oberlander.


M.S., Health Policy, George Washington University


B.S., Biology, University of Georgia

PRINCIPAL RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Health Politics & Policy Health & Health Care Disparities Federally Qualified Health Centers Primary Care Observation Services

Health Care Reform Underserved Populations Patient Involvement in Health Care Hospital-Based Care Medicare-Medicaid Dual Eligibles


Assistant Professor, Public Policy Center, University of Iowa

2012 –

Assistant Professor, Department of Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health, University of Iowa

2012 –

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services, Policy & Practice, Brown University

2011 – 2012

AHRQ/NRSA Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Gerontology and Health Care Research, Brown University

2009 – 2011

AHRQ/NRSA Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2007 – 2010

Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Thomas C. Ricketts III, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2007 – 2009

Assistant Director for Health Policy, Association of Clinicians for the Underserved, Tysons Corner, VA

D. B. Wright 2006 – 2009

Teaching Assistant, Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Linear Regression Models Advanced Methods in Health Policy & Management Research Analysis of Categorical Data Introduction to Health Policy and Politics Introduction to Health Policy and Management

2005 – 2007

Health Policy and Advocacy Assistant, Association of Clinicians for the Underserved, Tysons Corner, VA

2004 – 2005

Policy Research Assistant, March of Dimes Office of Government Affairs, Washington, D.C.

2004 – 2005

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Health Policy, George Washington University

2003 – 2004

Environmental Health Specialist I, Barrow County Health Department, Winder, GA

PUBLICATIONS In-Progress Potter AJ, Wright B, and AN Trivedi. Predictors of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospital Utilization for Medicaid-Medicare Enrollees with End-Stage Renal Disease. Wright B, Potter AJ, and AN Trivedi. The Role of Federally Qualified Health Centers in Reducing Ambulatory Care Sensitive Hospital Use Among Dual Eligibles with Disabilities. Wright B, Potter AJ, and AN Trivedi. Federally Qualified Health Centers Reduce Hospital-Based Care of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Among Elderly Medicaid-Medicare Dual Eligibles. Wright B, Potter AJ, and AN Trivedi. Racial Disparities in Hospital-Based Care and the Use of Federally Qualified Health Centers among Medicaid-Medicare Dual Eligibles. Wright B, Ugwi P, and AJ Nice. Organizational Scope of Practice: Assessing the Primary Care and Public Health Activities of Health Centers and Health Departments in Iowa Wright B, Damiano PC, and SE Bentler. Community Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics in Iowa: Do They Have the Capacity to Respond to the Opportunities and Challenges of the Affordable Care Act? A Commonwealth Fund Brief Under Review Wright B, Damiano PC, and SE Bentler. Assessing the Capacity of Iowa’s Rural Health Clinics to Respond to the Opportunities and Challenges of the Affordable Care Act. Under review at Journal of Rural Health.


D. B. Wright Wright B, Damiano PC, and SE Bentler. Assessing the Capacity of Iowa’s Community Health Centers to Respond to the Opportunities and Challenges of the Affordable Care Act. Under review at Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. (revise & resubmit) Feng Z, Jung H-Y, Wright B, and V Mor. The Origin and Disposition of Medicare Observation Stays. Under review at Medical Care. (revise & resubmit) Journal Articles Wright B and AJ Nice. (2014) Variation in Local Health Department Primary Care Services as a Function of Health Center Availability. Forthcoming in Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. Wright B, Jung H-Y, Feng Z and V Mor. (2014). Hospital, Patient, and Local Health System Characteristics Associated with the Prevalence and Duration of Observation Services. Forthcoming in Health Services Research. Wright B and AJ Nice. (2014). Health Centers in States with Public Health Agency Support Do Not Have Better Chronic Disease Outcomes. Forthcoming in Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. Wright B. (2014). Voices of the Vulnerable: Community Health Centers and the Promise and Peril of Consumer Governance. Forthcoming in Public Management Review. Wright B, Martin GP. (2014). Mission, Margin, and the Role of Consumer Governance in DecisionMaking at Community Health Centers. Forthcoming in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Wright B. (2013). Do Patients Have a Voice? The Social Stratification of Health Center Governing Boards. Health Expectations. Online ahead of print DOI: 10.1111/hex.12059 Wright B. (2013). Consumer Governance May Harm Health Center Finances. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 4(3): 202-208. Wright B, Jung H-Y, Feng Z, and V Mor. (2013). Trends in Observation Care among Medicare Fee-forService Beneficiaries at Critical Access Hospitals, 2007 – 2009. Journal of Rural Health. 29(s1): s1-s6. Wright B and TC Ricketts. (2013). When Patients Govern: Federal Grant Funding and Uncompensated Care at Federally Qualified Health Centers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. 24(2): 954-967. Wright B. (2013). Rural-Urban Differences in Consumer Governance at Community Health Centers. Journal of Rural Health. 29(2): 125-131. Wright B. (2013). Who Governs Federally Qualified Health Centers? Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law. 38(1): 27-55. Feng Z, Wright B and V Mor. (2012). Sharp Rise in Medicare Enrollees Being Held in Hospitals for Observation Raises Concerns About Causes and Consequences. Health Affairs. 31(6): 12513

D. B. Wright 1259. Wright B. (2012). Consumer Governance and the Provision of Enabling Services at Community Health Centers. Medical Care. 50(8): 668-675. Wright B and JE Scarborough. (2011). Characterizing and Fostering Charity Care in the Surgeon Workforce. Annals of Surgery. 254(1): 169-173. Wright B. (2010). Time is Money: Opportunity Cost and Physicians’ Provision of Charity Care, 1996-2005. Health Services Research. 45(6): 1670-1692. Wright B and TC Ricketts. (2010). The Road to Efficiency? Re-Examining the Impact of the Primary Care Physician Workforce on Health Care Utilization Rates. Social Science & Medicine. 70(12): 2006-2010. Wright B. (2009). Care in the Country: An Historical Case Study of Long-Term Sustainability in Four Rural Health Centers. American Journal of Public Health, 99(9): 1612-1618. Monographs Potetz L and B Wright with ML Weiss. (2005). March of Dimes Data Book for Policymakers. Washington, D.C.: March of Dimes Office of Government Affairs. 113 pp. Book Chapters Wright B. (2009). “Congressional Budget Office.” in Ross Mullner, et al. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Health Services Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Wright B. (2009). “Health Resources and Services Administration.” in Ross Mullner, et al. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Health Services Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Book Reviews Wright B. (2010). Review of Taking Care of the Uninsured: A Path to Reform by James D. Chesney and colleagues in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 21(1): 406409. Wright B. (2007). Review of Incidental Findings: Lessons from my Patients in the Art of Medicine by Danielle Ofri in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 18(3): 722-724. Wright B. (2006). Review of Community-Based Health Organizations: Advocating for Improved Health by Marcia Bayne Smith, Yvonne J. Graham, and Sally Guttmacher in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 17(1):240-241. Reports, Commissioned Papers, and Policy Briefs Nelligan C, Wright B, Scarborough J, Poley S, Walker E and TC Ricketts. Charity Care among Surgeons. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons. November 2010; 95(11):40-41. Nelligan C, Wright B, Scarborough J, Poley S, Walker E and TC Ricketts. (2010) “Charity Care Among Surgeons.” American College of Surgeons Health Policy Research Institute, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Available: 4

D. B. Wright Rosenbaum S, Wilensky S, Cox M and B Wright. (2005). Reducing Obesity Risks During Childhood: The Role of Public and Private Health Insurance. Prepared for RWJF. Available: 0Report%20Final.pdf Wright B, Wilensky S and DR Mauery. (2005). An Overview of California’s Health Centers. Prepared for the California Endowment, February 26, 2005. Commentaries, Essays, and Opinion Pieces Ricketts TC and B Wright. (2010). Point de vue d’initiés (Insider viewpoint). Les Cahiers Hospitaliers, October 12, 2010, pp. 14-16. Wright B. (2008). “Shooting Themselves in the Foot: Why Empirical Research is Essential to Advocacy.” Roosevelt Rx: Student Ideas for Improving Health Policy, The Roosevelt Institution: Washington, DC, Vol.1 (Sept.): 25-27. Wright B. (2007). A Presidential Healthcare Platform. “AmeriChoice: The Right Choice for Health Care Reform.” Medicare Patient Management, 2(5): 16-19. (Also available at: Wright B. (2005). Social Justice and Community Health Centers: Commitment to One Gave Rise to the Other. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 16(4): 607-611. Unpublished Research Wright B. (2006). Community Governance: An Assessment of the Patient Majority Governing Boards of Georgia’s Federally Qualified Health Centers. Masters Thesis, George Washington University. Conducted under the direction of Dr. Marsha Regenstein. 105 pp. Wright B. (2003). Access versus Quality: A Comparative Healthcare Policy Analysis of the United States and Sweden. Undergraduate Honors Thesis, University of Georgia. Conducted under the direction of Dr. Larry Nackerud. 86 pp. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED TALKS The Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Your Business, Your Employees, and Yourself. “Business to You” Series, Iowa Valley Community College District. Iowa Falls, IA. October 30, 2013 and Community Educators Series, Marion, IA January 9, 2014 and Des Moines, IA January 23, 2014. Minding the Gaps: The Post-ACA Role of Safety-Net Providers. Affordable Health Care’s Next Act Symposium, Gitenstein Institute for Health Law and Policy, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY. October 16, 2013. Access to Health Care in the United States: A Human Rights Issue? AmeriCorps NCCC North Central Region. Human Rights Day. Vinton, IA. July 11, 2013. Trends in Observation Care among Medicare Fee-for-Service Beneficiaries at Critical Access Hospitals versus Prospective Payment Hospitals, 2007 – 2009. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD. June 24, 2013. (poster) 5

D. B. Wright The Increasing Use of Hospital Observation Services among Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries: 2007-2009. 18th Annual NRSA Trainees Research Conference, Orlando, FL. June 23, 2012. Power to the Patients? What Consumer Governance Means for Health Center Services and Finances. Division of Health Policy and Administration, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT. January 25, 2012. A Qualitative Inquiry into the Role of Consumer Governance in Health Center Decision-Making. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, Seattle, WA. June 14, 2011. The Last Shall Be First? Mission versus Margin and the Role of Consumer Governance in Federally Qualified Health Centers. Division of General Internal Medicine, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. March 25, 2011. The Road to Efficiency? Re-exploring the Link between Primary Care Workforce and Health Care Utilization Rates. Urban Institute Health Policy Center, Washington, DC. December 2, 2010. The Road to Efficiency? Re-exploring the Link between Primary Care Workforce and Health Care Utilization Rates. Center for Research on Healthcare, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. November 16, 2010. The Effects of Data Aggregation on the Link between Primary Care Workforce and Health Care Utilization Rates. 16th Annual NRSA Trainees Research Conference, Boston, MA. June 26, 2010. FQHC Governance: Requirements & Oversight. 29th Annual North Carolina Local Health Directors Legal Conference, School of Government, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. April 22, 2010. Health Reform in a Nutshell. UNC Student Chapter of AcademyHealth, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. September 18, 2009. Care in the Country: A Multi-Case Study of Long-Term Sustainability in Four Rural Health Centers. American Public Health Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. October 27, 2008. Class Ceilings: Patient Representation on Community Health Center Boards.American Public Health Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA. October 27, 2008. Advocacy 101: How to Advocate Effectively for the Underserved. National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice, Washington, DC. October 23, 2008. What Clinicians Want: Health Care Reform in the 2008 Presidential Election. National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice, Washington, DC. October 23, 2008. Title VII & The Health Care Workforce: Are We Asking the Right Questions? Invited Health Disparities Panelist, Roosevelt Rx, The Roosevelt Institution’s National Student Health Policy Forum, Washington, DC. March 14, 2008. The 2006 Midterm Elections: Everything You Need to Know Before Tuesday. Guest lecture for Felicia 6

D. B. Wright Mebane’s Introduction to Health Policy and Politics. School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. November 6, 2006. FUNDED RESEARCH Current and Pending NIH R21 (2014 – 2016) Understanding Racial and Geographic Disparities in Hospital Observation Care $445,513 PI: Wright U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA-IPA (2013 – 2014) Trends and Variation in Observation Care at VA Hospitals $45,343 PI: Wright U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs VA-IPA (2013 – 2014) FQHC Availability and Variation in VA Outpatient Care $44,500 PI: Wright Commonwealth Fund (2011 – 2012; in no-cost extension) Strategies in Iowa for Improving Performance of the Health Care Safety Net in the Era of Health Reform $169,766 PI: Damiano University of Iowa Department of Health Management and Policy (2012 – 2015) Research Start-Up Funds $21,000 PI: Wright Completed Retirement Research Foundation #2012-225 (2013) Do Federally Qualified Health Centers Reduce Hospital-Based Care of Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions among Medicaid-Medicare Dual Eligibles? $71,532 PI: Wright University of Iowa College of Public Health New Investigator Award (2013) Federally Qualified Health Center and Local Health Department Efforts to Integrate Primary Care and Public Health in Combating Chronic Disease $10,000 PI: Wright AHRQ T-32-HS00011-26 National Research Service Award (2011 – 2012) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Services Research PI: Mor 7

D. B. Wright Retirement Research Foundation #2011-066 (2011 – 2012) Examining Recent Trends in the Use of Hospital Observation Stays among Medicare Beneficiaries and Its Impact $75,710 PI: Feng AHRQ 5-T32-HS000032-21 National Research Service Award (2009 – 2011) Predoctoral Fellowship in Health Services Research PI: Carey HONORS 2013 2012 2010 2010 2009 2007 2006 2006 – 2004 2003 2002 2000 – 2003 1999 – 2003 1999 – 2003

New Investigator Award, University of Iowa College of Public Health NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Program Award Recipient – Health Disparities Exceptional Reviewer, Medical Care (awarded to top 5% of reviewers for the year) First Place, Costs of Care Essay Competition, Non-Clinician Category Harry T. Phillips Award for outstanding doctoral student teaching, UNC-Chapel Hill First Place, Student Essay Competition, Graduate Student Division University Merit Assistantship, UNC-Chapel Hill Member, Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society Departmental Merit Scholarship, George Washington University Magna Cum Laude, University of Georgia Research Grant, Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities, University of Georgia Presidential Scholar Award, University of Georgia University of Georgia Scholarship (National Merit Finalist) Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally (HOPE) Scholarship, University of Georgia

TEACHING Courses Taught Spring 2013 Independent Study: Iowa’s Alternatives to the Medicaid Expansion (MPH) Fall 2013 Introduction to Health Care Organization & Policy (MHA, MPH, PhD) Fall 2013 Guided Research (PhD) Spring 2014 Guided Research (PhD) Spring 2014 Health Policy Analysis (MPH, MHA, PhD) Courses Developed Health Policy Analysis Degree Programs Developed Masters of Science (MS) in Health Policy (pending Board of Regents Approval) Students Advised/Mentored 2013 – Tatiana Correa (MPH Student) – Adviser 2013 – Zach Weiderspon (MHA Student) – Adviser 2013 – Ceara Campos (MHA Student) – Adviser 2013 – Nicole Westergaard (MPH Student) – Adviser 2013 – Matthew Nattinger (PhD Student) – Member of Mentorship Team 2013 – Patience Ugwi (PhD Student) – Member of Mentorship Team, Research Adviser 2012 – Andrew Potter (PhD Student) – Member of Mentorship Team, Director of Guided Research 8

D. B. Wright SERVICE Academic Committees 2013 – 2013 – 2013 – 2012 – 2012 – 2012 –

UI CPH Research Council PhD Preliminary Examination Committee PhD Quality Improvement Committee PhD Admissions Committee, Health Policy Track MPH in Policy Quality Improvement Committee MPH in Policy Admissions Committee

Professional Service 2014 2013 – 2011 – 2012 2007 – 2009

Session Chair & Reviewer, Health Disparities, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting Member, Translation and Dissemination Interest Group Advisory Board, AcademyHealth Session Co-Chair & Reviewer, Health Workforce, AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting Co-Editor, APHA Community Health Planning & Policy Development Newsletter

Manuscript Reviewer (ad hoc): American Journal of Public Health BMJ Open Health Expectations Health & Place Health Services Research Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law

Journal of Rural Health Medical Care Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety Progress in Community Health Partnerships Publius: The Journal of Federalism Social Science & Medicine

Community Service 2011 – 2013 2000 – 2003

Member, Board of Advisors, The Tafarki Foundation, Cary, NC Vice-president and founding member, March of Dimes Collegiate Council, Athens, GA

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 2013 – Present 2009 – Present 2006 – Present

Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) AcademyHealth American Public Health Association