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Curriculum Vitae Hasbullah Thabrany 1. 2. 3. 4.




Hasbullah Thabrany

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Hasbullah Thabrany Jakarta, May 21, 1954 Indonesian • Professor of Health Policy and Health Economics, Universitas Indonesia, 2003 - present. • Chairman, Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies, Universitas Indonesia, January 2013-present • Former Chairman, Collegium of General Practioner of the Indonesian Medical Association. Jan 2014 - present • Chair of Examination Board of PAMJAKI (Perhimpunan Ahli Manajemen Jaminan dan Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia, the Association of Health Insurance Managers of Indonesia), October 2010- present • Vice Chairman, Supervisory Board, Sumber Waras Hospital, Grogol, Jakarta, Nove 2009 - 2013 • Past Chairperson, the Indonesian Collegium of General Practicioners, 2014. • Past President and Founder of PAMJAKI (Perhimpunan Ahli Manajemen Jaminan dan Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia, the Association of Health Insurance Managers of Indonesia), Nov1998 – October 2010 • Past President. SEAPHEIN (South East Asia Public Health Institute Education Institutions Network), 16 member countries (54 institutions in Asia), November 2009-Nov 2011 • Former Dean of the School of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta. March 2004-March 2008

: Dr. PH, Health Policy and Administration (concentration in health economics), University of California, Berkeley. May 1995. MPH, Health Policy and Administration, University of California, Berkeley. May 1990 MD, General Practitioner, Universitas Indonesia, September 1980 : Pondok Dian Kav 4B, Jl. SMP 126 Condet Batu Ampar, Jakarta 13520, Indonesia. Telephone/Fax: + 62 21 8088 1540





Email: [email protected], [email protected] : 1. Pension system at the National Pension Service, South Korea. June 22-29, 2014 2. Advance Health Leadership Forum, a limited high-level health care policy forum, sponsored by University of California at Berkeley and University of Pompo Febra, Spain. Barcelona, July 14-21, 2006 : 3. Social Insurance Course, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2000. 4. Social Health Insurance Course, GTZ & Philhealth, Manila - The Philippine, November 1998 5. Awarded recognition as Managed Health Care Professional (MHP) and Health Insurance Associate (HIA) from the Health Insurance Education Program of Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA, now American Health Insurance Plans, AHIP), Fall 1997. 6. The German Institute for International Aids (DSE), Berlin (September 1997) 7. The Economic Institute, Colorado, USA. July -August 1988 : English: Speaking and Writing: Excellent Indonesian: Speaking and Writing: Excellent Arabic: Reading and Writing: Fair :

1. Thabrany H. (buku) Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Rajagrafindo, 250 hal. Jakarta, Agustus 2014 2. Thabrany H. (bab dalam buku) Ruang Asuransi Komersial dalam SJSN. Satu bab dalam buku Asuransi. KUPASI, Jakarta, 2013 3. Thabrany H and Sarnantio P (2013). Cost Effectiveness Of Colorectal Cancer Treatment. In Print of the Book of

“Tinjauan Holistik Karsinoma Kolorektal’ published by “Divisi Gastroenterologi Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo”. 4.

Jaminan Sosial untuk Indonesia yang Lebih Baik. Dalam buku Asuransi Buat Apa? Penerbit KUPASI, Februari 2013 5. Jaminan Sosial dan Kesehatan Perempuan. Jurnal Perempuan ( Edisi Juni 2012) 6. The Birth of the Largest Single Payer System 2012. The 101th Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, October 28-31st, 2012 7. Smoking and other Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in Indonesia. International Journal on Environmental

Hasbullah Thabrany



Research and Public Health. 8. Reveiew of Indonesian Health Care Financing. December 2009. WHO SEARO, Delhi, December 2009 9. Addictiove Model of the Demand for Cigarette in Indonesia. co-author. Journal of Indonesian Public Health, December 2008 10. Health Financing in SEAR Countries: 60 Years of WHO. In Print, New Delhi, WHO SEARO 11. Financing For Health Promotion On Non-Communicable Diseases In Indonesia. WHO SEARO. In Print 2008 12. Human Resources in Decentralized Health Systems in Indonesia: Challenges for Equity. Regional Health Forum Vol 10 no 1, WHO SEARO. New Delhi, 2006 13. Social Health Insurance in Indonesia p 145-166. In Social Health Insurance: Selected Case Studies from Asia and the Pacific. WHO WPRO and SEARO. Manila-New Delhi, March 2005 14. Health Care Financing and Alternative Resource Mobilization in Indonesia (“Pendanaan Kesehatan dan Alternatif Mobilisasi Dana Kesehatan di Indonesia”). Editor. PT RajaGraphindo, Jakarta, 2005

15. Akuntabilitas Rumah Sakit Daerah. Jurnal Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit. Vol 5 No 3, 2004 16. Health Insurance Systems in Indonesia. In (Than Sein, Ed). Social Health Insurance in South East Asian Region, WHO SEARO, New Delhi, 2004 17. Rumah Sakit BUMN/BUMD: Menjebak Diri? Jurnal Manajemen dan Administrasi Rumah Sakit. Vol 3 No 2, 2002 18. Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia. Buku Teks Ujian Profesi Asuransi Kesehatan PAMJAKI, Pusat Kajian Ekonomi Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001 19. Managed Care Part B: Perpaduan Pembiayaan dan Penyediaan Pelayanan Kesehatan, Bagian B. Buku Teks Ujian Profesi Asuransi Kesehatan PAMJAKI, Terjemahan, Pusat Kajian Ekonomi Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia, 2001 20. The impact of financial crisis on health status of Indonesian in 100 villages. The Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association, October 2000 21. Prepaid Health Care in Indonesia. Journal of the Indonesian Medical Association, July 2000 22. Asuransi Kesehatan dan Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan (Health Insurance and the Access for Medical Care). Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia (MKI) Vol 50 No. 7, July, 2000

Hasbullah Thabrany



23. Reformasi pembiayaan kesehatan di Indonesia, 24. Majalah Kedokteran Indonesia (MKI) Vol 49 No. 4, April 1999 25. Perbedaan penanganan pasien asuransi dan tanpa asuransi. MKI Val 49 No 2, 26. Februari 1999. (Co author) 27. Reformasi Biaya Kesehatan: hendak kemana 28. Griya Husada, Vol I No. 2, April 1999 29. (book) Pengenalan Asuransi Kesehatan, Yayasan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, In print 30. Kemandirian Bidang Kesehatan, MKI Vol 48 No. 10, Oktober 1998. 31. (Book) Rasional dan perhitungan pembayaran kapitasi. 32. Dalam Thabrany H dan Hidayat B. Pembayaran kapitasi, FKM UI, Depok, 1998 33. ISBN 979-8209-60-5 34. (Book) Asuransi Kesehatan: Pilihan Kebijakan Nasional. 35. FKM UI, Depok 1998, ISBN 979-8209-61-3 36. Health Insurance Strategy During Economic Crisis. Paper presented on Panel Discussion, School of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, April 15, 1998 37. Toward National Health Insurance. Paper presented on Panel Discussion, PT Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia, April 15, 1998 38. The development of Prepaid Health Care (JPKM) in Indonesia. Presented in the Seminar Public Health in Asia, Taipei-Taiwan, March 4-7 1998 39. Prospective Payment System. Journal of the Indonesian Public Health Association. Vol. (25): 12 (January), 1998. 40. The importance of referral system in managed care. Journal of the Indonesian Public Health Association. Vol. (25): 11 (December), 1997. 41. The roles of utilization review team in health insurance. Journal of the Indonesian Public Health Association. Vol. (25): 10 (November), 1997. 42. Benefits of managed care for employers. Journal of the Indonesian Public Health Association. Vol. (25): 18 (September), 1997. 43. JPKM as rational approach for health maintenance. Journal of the Indonesian Public Health Association. Vol. (25): 7 (August), 1997.

Hasbullah Thabrany



44. Mengapa Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan? (Why Managed Health Care). Majalah Asuransi Proteksi, Jakarta, Maret 1997. 45. Penduduk Yang Sehat Sebagai Modal Pembangunan. Dalam Pangestu (Editor) “Mencari Paradigma Baru Pembangunan Indonesia. CSIS, Jakarta, Maret 1997. 46. Kepuasan Peserta: Faktor Strategis di dalam Peningkatan Mutu Managed Care. Majalah Info Askes, Nopember 1996. 47. Koordinasi Pertanggungan. Medika, Juni 1996. 48. Spektrum Asuransi Kesehatan di Indonesia. Medika, April 1996. 49. Permintaan Terhadap Asuransi Kesehatan. Medika, Maret 1996 50. Risiko dan Asuransi. Medika, Januari 1996. 51. Diskriminasi AIDS (AIDS Discrimination): Majalah SINAR, September 9, 1995 52. Peningkatan Klaim Rumah Sakit Abdul Muluk Lampung Kepada PT Askes (The Growth of Claim From Abdul Muluk Hospital to PT Askes Lampung), In Print. Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit, 1995. 53. Sebuah Pelajaran Dari HMO di Amerika (Lessons From HMO Operation in America). Medika, February 1995. 54. Health Insurance and the Demand for Inpatient Care in Indonesia. Paper Presented at the 122nd Annual Meeting, the American Public Health Association, Washington D. C, October 31 - November 3, 1994. 55. Recruiting and Retaining Doctors in Private Hospitals. Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit, (1):4, April 1994 56. Asuransi dan Jaminan Kesehatan (Health Insurance and Managed Care). Berita Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (14):11, June 1995 57. Strategi Menghadapi Sistem Pembayaran Kapitasi (Practice Strategy Toward Capitation Payment System), Berita Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (14): 9, April 1995 58. Bisnis Kesehatan (Health Care Business), Kolom, Majalah Sinar, October 1994. 59. Swastanisasi Pelayanan Kesehatan (Privatization in Health Care), Medika, September 1992 9. MEMBERSHIP

Hasbullah Thabrany

: • The International Health Economic Association





• The Indonesian Health Economic Association (InaHEA). Founder and President of 2014-2016. • The Indonesian Medical Association, Board of Experts • The Indonesian Association of Health Insurance Professionals (Founder and President, 1998-2010) and Chair Professional Health Insurance Education Committee • The Asia-Pacific Association and Consortium for Public Health (Country Representative) • South East Asia Public Health Education Institutions Network (SEAPHEIN); President 2009-2011 : The United States Indonesia

9.1 12. WORKING/CONSULTANT/RESEARCH RECORDS JAN 2012 – : Consultant of GIZ to DJSN (National Social Security PRESENT Council) responsible for ensuring multisector works (Ministry of Health, other Ministries, the Social Security Corporations, Labor Unions, and Employers Associations) to achieve a workable road map to universal health coverage. Writing the road map of the National Health Insurance, benefit packages, strategic managements, social marketing, and other operational aspects to be included in the government regulation and presidential regulation. Providing sound concepts for smooth implementation of NHI (universal coverage). Provide policy papers on the overall requirements to smooth implementation such as strategic development of health providers, pharmaceutical industries, medical equipments, hospital reforms, and reforms on the local government health offices to ensure no duplication of works when the universal health will be provided by the National Health Insurance Corporation (BPJS Kesehatan). JAN 2014PRESENT DEC 2013 PRESENT OCT 2011 – DEC 2013

Hasbullah Thabrany

: Team Leader: Prospective Study On The Impact Of SelfMonitoring Blood Glucose On The Outcome Of Diabetic Patients, Using Insulin. : Team Leader. Prospective Study On The Impact Of Public Health Intervention On The Compliance Of Diet And Treatments Of Patients Of Hypertension. : Team leader: Survey the Impact of Cancer on Socio and Economic Aspects of Households. Sample 2,400 cases. It is part of 10,000 cases surveys in ASEAN countries. Coordinating and approaching stakeholders (hospital directors, Ministry of Health, the ASEAN Foundation, the George Institute of University of Sydney) in collecting and



MEI 2011-DEC 2011 NOVEMBER 2010 – APRIL 2011





Hasbullah Thabrany

entry data. : Team Leader: Survey of economic costs of tobacco related diseases in 12 largest hospitals in Indonesia : Team Leader: Evaluation of Jamkesmas, The Government Medicaid program (Jamkesmas) for 76.4 million poorest Indonesia. Evaluating performance, eligibility, and access in five provinces. : Team Leader: Analyses of the existing social health insurance benefits and contributions as well as fiscal analyses to implement National Health Insurance scheme in Indonesia. Submitted to the National Social Security Council in preparation for the Government Regulation on Health Insurance Benefits and Contributions, 2010 : Team leader, Assessment of Health Coverage for the employees and pensioners of the Central Bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia). Evaluation (2009) and designing (2010) reforms of the health coverage. : Short term Consultant for ABT Associate in Health System 20/20 Indonesia Private Sector Assessment. Member of the Team. : April 2008- May 2010: consultant Development of Universal Coverage and Autonomous Public Hospital in Aceh Province : June 2008-December 2008. Team leader. Evaluation of GFATM Malaria Program in Indonesia. Conducting output and outcome evaluation of Malaria Program in Five Provinces funded by GFATM Round 8 (2003-3008) in Indonesia. : February-June 2008. Assessment of Sumber Waras Hospital for expansion and development of 400 beds hospital in Jakakrta : March 04 – March 2008: Dean of the School of Public Health, University of Indonesia Coordinating 7 Departments (Health Policy and Administration, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Information, Public Health Nutrition, Health Promotion, Environmental Health, and Occupational Health. Coordination 8 Centers (Center for Health Economic and Health Policy, Center for Health Research, Center for Family Welfare, Center for Epidemiology, Center for Disaster Management, Center for Environmental Health, Center for Occupational Health, and Center for Positive Deviance. : July 2003-February 2004 Consultant for the ADB Project TA 1042 INO on Financial Governance and Social Security Reform in Indonesia March 2003 – March 04




Consultant on Reforming Hospital System of Musi Banyuasin District in South Sumatra January-February 2003 Short term consultant partner for the ADB on Social Protection Program in Indonesia October – December 2003 PT Jamsostek. Research on the Effects of Provident Fund Contribution on Labor Costs and Production Costs of Industries July-September 2002 Consultant for the World Bank on Developing Proposal for Government Project to Reform Health Work Force and Services in West Sumatra, Jambi, West Kalimantan, and East Kalimantan. Indonesia February 2002-February 2004 Director, Graduate Program for Hospital Administration, University of Indonesia August-September 2001 Consultant (ILO Indonesia). Reforming Medical Care Scheme of the Social Security Program in Indonesia April 9 – July 15 2001 Consultant (WHO Jakarta). Assessment on financing for immunization for the Global Alliance on Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) project in Indonesia.














: October 1996 – March 2001 Vice Director, Finance and Administration, Graduate Programs, University of Indonesia. Responsible for administrative and financial accountability in managing programs for about 7,000 graduate students. The total cost managed by the programs in the year 2000 was about Rp 80 billions. June – December 2000 Consultant on Review of Social Security of Indonesia. Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs December 1999-June 2000 Consultant on Comprehensive Review on Health Insurance Systems in Indonesia. Bappenas : April 1999- October 2004 Vice Chairman, Center for Health Economics Studies. University of Indonesia. Conducting research and training on health economics, health insurance, and hospital financing. : October 2000 – February 2001: Consultant on Evaluation of Health Project IV in Five Provinces in Indonesia. The project consists of strengthening



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Hasbullah Thabrany

quality of basic health services, including immunization and health care financing July 2000 – November 2000: Consultant on Financing Social Health Insurance Project in Indonesia, in collaboration with the German Institute for Cooperation (GTZ), Germany April – July 2000 Consultant on Assessment and Formulation of the National Drug Policy in Indonesia, in collaboration with Credes, French July 99 – June 2000: Consultant on Family Health and Nutrition Project in Five Provinces in Indonesia. In collaboration with the International Science and Technology Institute, USA November 98 – June 99: Consultant on Resource Mobilization in a decentralized health system for the Asian Development Bank Project Appraisal in collaboration with the Australian Ministry of Health. November 1997 - January 1998 Consultant on Evaluation of Prepaid Health Care (JPKM), Ministry of Health of Indonesia June 1995 to present University of Indonesia, School of Public Health Teaching Health Care System of the World and Health Insurance courses July 1992 to June 1995 RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, USA Resident Consultant Involved in developing research questionnaire Field manager for data collection, performing statistical analyses, writing reports October 1992 to March 1995 Western Consortium for Public Health, Berkeley, CA, USA Consultant, Part time, conducting statistical analyses and training for health insurance manager September 1991 - June 1992 Family Welfare Research Group, UC Berkeley Research Assistant Designing questionnaire, data collection and statistical analyses, Report writing, and developing data base for information clearinghouse on Infant HIV infection January 1991 - August 1991 The Institute of Human Development, UC Berkeley








: Research Assistant, Data base manager. Managed and transformed data bases used by researchers : May 1986 - June 1988 : University of Indonesia, School of Public Health, Jakarta : Lecturer. Thought program planning, development administration, and public health administration : October 1984 - April 1986 : The National Institute for Administration (LAN), Jakarta : Head of the LAN’s Clinic Managed day to day management of the clinic Supervised nurses and doctors in outpatient care setting : December 1983 - June 1988 : The Indonesian Medical Association (IMA) : Director of the IMA Publishing Houses Managed day to day management of the Publishing House. Responsible for regular publication of the Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association, the IMA Newsletter, and other medical publications. : February 1982 - September 1984 : Mohammad Husni Thamrin Hospital, Jakarta : Customer service manager Responsible for maintaining high quality services (clinical and supporting services) for the hospital clients, especially for employees of companies to which the hospital contracted for hospital care : September 1980 - January 1982 : PT Kramat Medika dan Dr. Sukardi’s Clinic : Health Plan Manager Conducted marketing efforts to sell “managed care” products to medium and large companies to contract health care services for their employees through a defined network of providers. Performed utilization management to control costs.

OTHER EXPERIENCES • Field visit to National Health Insurance Corporation of Korea, May 2002, and June 2008 • Field visit to Bureau of National Health Insurance, Taiwan, June 2002 and September 2007 • Field visit to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, National Health Insurance Program, September 1998, October 2001, and October 2008 • Field visit to Thailand Social Security Organization (Health Insurance) October 2000, February 2006, April 2008

Hasbullah Thabrany



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AOK, Social Health Insurance Organization, Germany, 1997 Field visit to Kaiser Permanente Health Plan Foundation, USA, June 1997

RESEARCH • The Burden of Cancer therapy on households (On going)—part of the survey of 10,000 cancer patients in ASEAN. • Cost-effectiveness of Self-Monitoring Blood Sugar of the Insuline users of Diabetic Patients (on going) • Control Trial of Behavioral Modification of Diabetic and Hypertension Patients in Bogor and Bukit Tinggi (on Going) • Study on Benefit Package and Contribution Level for the National Health Insurance of Indonesia, under the Law of National Social Security. Funded by GTZ for the National Social Security Council (DJSN), June-September 2010. • The impact of Cigarette Excise on Cigarette Consumption and Tobacco Farmers’ Income in Indonesia. Principal Investigator, February 2010-July 2010 • Smoking and Cardiovascular diseases. Principal Investigator Jan 2009-December 2009 • Cost of Mental Health Provision in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Principal Investigator, August 2009-December 2009 • Satisfaction Levels of the Health Insurance Beneficiaries of the Social Security Scheme (Jamsostek) in Indonesia. February 2008 • Economic Costs of Smoking in Indonesia. September 2008. Grant from Fogarty International Center-National Institute of Health, USA • The Demand for Smoking in Indonesia. May 2008. Grant from Fogarty International Center-National Institute of Health, USA • Medical Governance in Assuring Access and Quality of Medical Care in Indonesia. Grant from Australian National University-Ausaid, March-September 2008 • Validity of Means Test for Medical Aid Program (Askeskin) in Indonesia. December 07. • Predicting the Adequacy of Contribution Level of Insuring the Poor Indonesian. July 2007 • Feasibility of Contribution Collections of Social Security Coverage for Informal Sector Economy. Ministry of Health, November 2006. • Evaluation of Medicaid (Askeskin) Program under the new National Social Security Scheme in Nine Provinces. Ministry of Health, January-June 2006 • Access and Customer Satisfaction Of Social Health Insurance For Private Employees In Three Provinces. PT Jamsostek, June-November 2005 • Costing on Minimum Standard Obligation for Health (SPM) on decentralized health system in Indonesia, MOH, April – October 2004 • Access and Satisfaction of the Medicaid Beneficiaries in Jakarta Province. JanuaryJune 2003. • Review of Health Care Financing and Health Insurance in Indonesia. Funded by WHO Grant, July 2002-December 2002. Principal Investigator

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Study of National Health Account on Private Sector Financing. Vice Investigator. July 2001- July 2002. Co-Principal Investigator The financial burden for household in financing health care in Indonesia using the National Soci0-economics survey. Presented at the Third International Health Economics Conference, York, July 22-25, 2001. England. Compliance on Drug Formulary in the Health Insurance Scheme for Civil Servants, 2001 Review on Social Security System in Indonesia, September – December 2000 The needs for subsidy to achieve adequate health care financing in a decentralized health planning and services, October 2000 - February 2001 Comprehensive Review on Health Insurance in Indonesia. February – July 2000 Relationship Between Health Insurance and health Status and health care consumption, Evaluator of Health status and Health Care Consumption Among Civil Servants, 1999 The impact of Financial Crisis on Health Status in 100 villages in Indonesia, 1999. Study on tax incentives in developing managed care in Indonesia, 1998. Study on Cross subsidy in Jaminan Pemeliharan Kesehatan Masyarakat, 1998. On going Study on Reserves for the Managed HealthCare of PT Jamsostek. Yayasan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, Jakarta, June 1997. Feasibility Study for the Development of Independent Hospitals of PT. Pertamina in Dumai. Yayasan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, Jakarta, April 1997 Evaluation of Health Status and Health Consumption of Civil Servants in Indonesia, using Data from Susenas 1995. Yayasan Pengembangan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, Jakarta, October 1996. Health Care Consumption Among PT Askes Members Using Data from the Susenas 1992., July 1994 - January 1995. Principal Investigator Cost Analysis of PT Askes Members: Survey in Five Provinces, June 1993 - June 1994. Principal Investigator The Indonesian Resource Mobilization Study. Conducted by Rand Corporation and the Demographic Institute University of Indonesia. June 1993 - July 1994. Field Manager and Policy Analyst. Income Differences in Access to Inpatient Care in Jakarta Using Data from the Susenas 1990. July 1992 - March 1993. Principal Investigator Availability of Services for Abandon Infants Due to HIV Infection. Conducted by the Family Welfare Research Group, UC Berkeley. September 1991 - June 1992. Team Member. Determinants of the Infant Mortality Rate Reduction in Indonesia. Team Member. December 1987- July 1988. Development of Health and Nutrition Indicators in East Java and Bali. April 1987 December 1987. Team Member. Physician Income in Indonesia. January 1985 - July 1985. Principal Investigator.

Hasbullah Thabrany



Distribution of Medical Journal in Indonesia. July 1983 - December 1983. Principal Investigator.

CERTIFICATION : I, the undersigned, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this biodata correctly describes myself, my qualification, and my experience.

Hasbullah Thabrany February 23, 2015

Hasbullah Thabrany

