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Final Report

Dr. Behxhet Shala Prishtinë June, 2009












SITE DISCRIPTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE CONDITIONS 9 Physical Environment......................................................................................... 9 Surface and underground waters ..................................................................... 11 Air quality .......................................................................................................... 12 Noise .................................................................................................................. 12 Meteorology ....................................................................................................... 12 Inhabitants ........................................................................................................ 13 Cultural and natural in-heritage ...................................................................... 13 Biological environment ..................................................................................... 13 Socio-cultural environment ............................................................................... 14

4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. 4.7. 4.8. 4.9.

5.0. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE PROJECT 14 5.1. Potential Impact during the preconstruction phase ........................................ 14 5.2. Potential Impact under construction phase ..................................................... 14 5.3. Potential Impacts during the operation phase ................................................. 15 6.0. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES


7.0. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 17 7.1. Mitigation measures ......................................................................................... 17 7.1.1. Mitigation measures in the preconstruction phase ........................................... 17 7.1.2. Mitigation measures in the construction phase ................................................. 18 7.1.3. Mitigation measures in the operation phase...................................................... 18 7.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) ........................................................ 21 8.0. PUBLIC COSULTATIONS





INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development and The Kosovo Veterinary and Food Agency decided to construct a new Laboratory Animal Health Laboratory (Virology and Bacteriology) that shall be build within the site of KVFA. One of segment of the Animal Health Component is focused on strengthening capacities for Control of Disease and Improving Surveillance, Diagnostic Capacities, and Applied Research. The Avian Influenza Project (HPAI) has been assigned as a category B project in accordance with World Bank standards classifying projects based on their environmental impact, since it involves moderate environmental impacts that can be managed during implementation of the project. This also triggers the need for conducting an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regarding the construction of the new building for this laboratory. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report, prepared in accordance with World Bank requirements and in harmony with Kosovan legal framework, does identify the impact in the environment and also lists the measures for remediation of such impacts during preconstruction phase, construction phase and also in the phase when the laboratory becomes functional. The project of construction of the new animal health laboratory has been categorized as category B project due to the fact that it triggers small and medium size environmental effects or impacts that can be managed in the phase of project execution. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report does also take into consideration Laws and Regulations deriving from existing legal framework of the Republic of Kosova. In accordance with Kosovan legislation (Law on Environmental Impact Assessment – Law Nr. 03/L-024), project design for laboratory construction is subject to approval by the Municipality Institutions, and such approval requires Municipality Environmental Permission. Although it is not expected that this project triggers major and irreversible environmental effects, nevertheless the project itself carries some environmental effects that must be considered.


1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In harmony with World Bank environmental standards, this project is categorized as Category B project and as such mandates the need for environmental impact assessment. The Environmental Impact Assessment and the Environmental Monitoring Plan include an overall project assessment and its effects toward environment, starting from its initial phase of construction and assessing each component specifically, but also includes the proposed remediation measures in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment as well as the monitoring of these measures throughout out project implementation. EIA has been prepared in harmony with local and international legislation and does ensure that all environmental requirements have been addressed and shall be met during the project design and implementation. The effects of the project have been assessed during three different phases of its implementation. The process of preparing and EIA for construction of the new Animal Health Laboratory within the site of KVFA has initiated site investigation and gathering information, throughout contacts with relevant authorities, site visits and technical design. The assessment on the effects expected to be caused by the works for construction of this laboratory have been realized based on: - Sight seeing; - Scientific and technologic evaluations of the project; - Research of different scientific literature; - Previous experience related to similar projects. In the course of this study, there have been several environmental impacts identified as potential effects of this project and they have bee classified below in phases: Pre construction phase: During this phase environmental impacts are mainly concentrated in the working area and might be a result of preparation works (like removal of already existing waste). These activities might cause a limited local air pollution and also small pollution of the soil. In this regard certain measures have been proposed in order to reduce this pollution, like the follow up of all procedures foreseen by The Law for Construction and the Law on Waste. Construction phase There are also in this phase certain environmental effects that are strictly concentrated with working area. Construction phase also results with land degradation, creation of waste leftover from construction materials, local air pollution, leakages of polluted waters as a result of certain processes, as well as with requirements toward safety at work, etc. For prevention of all this effects a set of measures has been proposed, like fulfillment of all the normative foreseen in The Law for Construction, waste management done in accordance the Law for waste, while other measures have been proposed for reduction of air pollution and noise. Excavated soil shall be deposited in a certain area, and further more shall be used for fulfillment of some areas and for final reshape and rehabilitation of this zone. Operation phase Operation phase is the one when more effects on the environment are to be expected. Key aspect during the most sensitive phase of operation is the generation of


hazardous and infectious waste, pollution of water discharged the potential for air pollution and risk of transmission of infections. For all these issues are proposed mitigation measures to minimize these effects. Hazardous wastes produced during Laboratory operation will be managed in accordance with legislation in force and best practices. Hazardous Waste must be collected in appropriate containers, constructed in that manner to enable flow of liquids waste and profusion of solid waste. Solid waste, depending on their type, will be placed separately in bags and dishes of different colors. Considering that in Kosovo there is still no landfills for hazardous waste, as the best option for their treatment was recommended their incineration. The use of several reagents and chemicals for diagnostic research can be seen as a potential for pollution of laboratory water. The polluted water of the laboratory will be collected, treated and monitored before it is going to be discharged in municipality sewerage system of Fushe Kosova. Knowing that close to the laboratory site there are some wells witch are going to be used for irrigation, and in order to be sure that this underground water is not going to be polluted, at least each year before beginning of irrigation season, this water should be analyzed. This is under responsibility of the Kosovo Veterinary and Food Agency (KVFA). Air is one of the first compartments that shall be subject of pollution. In this regard, there is the need for undertaking all measures that ensure compatibility with procedures and instructions related to similar type of works, i.e. Instructions from World Health Organization (WHO). Based on the risk assessment for the group of infected microorganisms laboratory should be equipped with bio-safety areas and should be also equipped with all necessary equipment and have a ventilation system that fulfills standards of bio- safety (including installed high efficiency filters that prevent the flux of particles HEPA). All exhaust air from the laboratory should pass through HEPA filters. 2.0. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE The concept of the Environmental Impact Assent is based in accordance with World Bank procedures and policies as well as in full compliance with legal framework of the Republic of Kosova: World Bank Policies: • World Bank Policies and Guidelines: World Bank operational 4.01: Environmental Assessment, World Bank Operational Policies 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement, World Bank Pollution and Abatement Handbook (1998) and Disclosure Handbook (December, 2002). Kosovan legislation on environment: • Law on Environmental Impact Assessment - Law Nr. 03/L-024) • Law on Environmental Protection • Law on Land • Law on Administration of Waste • Law on chemicals • Administrative Instruction on oils • Administrative Instruction for construction and demolition waste


Administrative Instruction for the limited values of the effluents that discharged on water bodies and on the system of public sewage and sanitation In compliance with World Bank operational policies, this project deems an Environmental assessment and is categorized as Category B Project. Subject to the categorization and the nature of the project there is a need for conducting an Environmental Impact assessment, in which all environmental impacts of the project shall be addressed while also incorporating a list of measures to evict or reduce such impacts is proposed for all three project phases. Project itself has to be public during the phase of EIA drafting. This issue is also précised in the local legislation, and more specifically by Law for Environmental Impact Assessment. According to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, projects of such category are under the jurisdiction of the municipality that is why the Municipality of Prishtina has granted this project with Permission for Building the Laboratory (Annex 1). 3.0. DESRCIPTION OF THE PROJECT PROPOSAL The Construction Works include the Building of a new Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project Laboratory. Laboratory of animal health will be built in cadastral parcel number 1539 recorded in possession list no. 11451 cadastre area of Pristina, in the industrial area of Pristina. Since the Building will be situated inside the KVFA (Kosova’s Veterinary and Food Agency) compound where Food Control Laboratory as well as the Administration building has been already erected (fig. 1) the construction works shall be carried out in two phases: PHASE 1: Demolition of any loose material, clearing and site preparation for new building construction, and PHASE 2: new building construction of the Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project Laboratory, which will comprise 300 m2 ob gross ground floor area as well as ~100 m2 of roof gross area containing the technical equipment for HVAC. The site is located at the south-western part of Prishtina near the main road leading from Fushe Kosova to Prishtina, inside the existing KVFA compound.


Fig 1. Site plan

Animal Health Laboratory

The scope of the main physical work include the total manufacturing, transport and delivery to the site, installation, execution, completion, testing and handing over of the works being: All civil, architectural and structural works for the project, including clean-up of construct demolition waste (various concrete structures)


generated during previous works stored in this space which amount is estimated to be small amount, site preparation, fire escape, new building construction with electrical installation works and emergency power generator; HVAC and Mechanical installation; water supply, drainage and sewage works, road pavement and parking, green areas and vegetation, for full completion. Laboratory will be equipped with all necessary annexes: • Bacteorology • Air Lock • Sample acceptance • Monitoring • Sample preparation • Staff& Meeting room • Garderobe • Passage • Decontamination • Toilet&Garderobe • Administration • Coridor • Virology • Sterilization • DNK Isolation • Glass Wash • Dark room • Vestibule • Autoclave • Serologia This facility shall be designed, manufactured, and installed under the latest International rules, instructions, standards, orders, regulations and guidelines, under the technical supervision of the employers’ representative. Tab. 1: List of applied standards Standard Description DIN18-165;ONORM B 3480 Standards for mineral wool (The quality conditions) DIN 52210; DIN 52214

DIN 4102; ONORM B 3800

DIN 4109; 8115/12


ISO 3582

DIN 1748; DIN 17611 D1N1623/1 ASTM D2047 ASTM 494 TIP F DIN 4030


Standards for dynamic rigidity and dynamic module of elasticity of elastic insulating materials for floating floors Standards for mechanical-physical characteristics of soundprotective materials Standards for examining the combustibility from the aspect of flame spreading Standard for floating floor constructions wet process Standard for acoustic protection in building design and construction Standard for quality of plaster for plastering Standard for quality of mortar for brickwork Standard for determining the combustibility spreading Standard for the speed of flame spreading throughout the surface Standard for aluminum profiles Standard for flat and profiled steel sheets Standard for floors Standard for humid protection additives Standard for hydro-insulation

Before works commence all measures and permissions were taken with regard existence of underground installments, i.e. electric cables, watering and heating


channels etc and it has been concluded that this zone was free of any underground installments. 4.0. SITE DISCRIPTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE CONDITIONS The location where the Laboratory shall be built is in the Municipality of Prishtina; more exactly it is located in the cadastral parcel nr. 1539, registered under property document nr.11451 in the cadastral zone of Prishtina, in the so called industrial zone of Prishtina. This area is located in the south-western part of the city of Prishtina, adjacent with the main road for Fushe Kosovë, and belongs to the area of Kosova Veterinary and Food Agency complex. Below have been described basic data on relevant characteristics of the environment with the zone where the construction shall take place. 4.1. Physical Environment As it can be easily seen the zone where the laboratory is going to be build is type calcite smonice (fig. 2) and as such it does not represent a valley with high agricultural potential. Nevertheless this plot has lost its character as a plot for agricultural use.

Laboratory site


Source: Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals (2006) - Soil Map of Kosovo (1: 200.000)

Fig. 2: Map of Soil


In order of having a close description of the soil in this area, a geotechnical investigation took place at the depth of 2, 5 m while the profile of such digging is presented below. (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3: Lithologic structure of the soil in the area where the laboratory is being constructed 0m

0 – 60 cm, clay with little sand, dark brown, humus presence 0,5

60 – 130 cm, clay with sand and gravel, reddish brown 1.0 1.5

130 – 250 cm, gravel and sand with little presence of clay, yellow brown and

2.0 2.5

The area designated for constructing the laboratory is anyway no longer being used for agriculture purpose and became a construction area, which can be also proven by the fact that area was granted by the municipality with Permission to build a laboratory on site. Permit issued by the Directorate of Urban Planning and Construction, municipality of Prishtina provides no additional conditions. It states that Laboratory should be constructed according to the project submitted to the municipality.


At this moment some preparatory works to clean up the location for the new construction have commenced (photo. 1).

Photo 1: The area where the laboratory is going to be build The site where the laboratory shall be constructed used to be filled with garbage and waste of different sources, like solid waste, plastic waste so this area does require a thorough cleansing before any works start.

4.2. Surface and underground waters Nearby this area there is no flow or accumulation of surface waters that might be influenced by this project. Stream Pristina (Prishtevka) located about 1 km away from this location is not expected to be affected by the laboratory’s activities (fig. 4). On the other hand, the level of underground waters during the heavy rains periods is close to the ground surface (1 up to 1, 5 m below the surface of the land). At the moment when the geotechnical investigation took place, no underground waters were noticed


up to - 2, 5 m, although the investigation took place during the wet season. The rationale behind this statement is that some meters away there is a drainage channel build with 3 m depth, so this channel is also helping with drainage of underground waters and is influencing the decrease of their level.


Sitnica river

Fushe Kosova

ca. 1 km Prishtina stream

Fig. 4: Aero photo of the Laboratory site and surface water flows Nearby of the laboratory there are several wells for irrigation (used by Ministry of Agricultural), where one of them is located in distance less than 10 m from KVFA septic tank. The municipality sewerage system is built up in the area where is going to be linked the wastewaters of laboratory and other KFVA facilities. 4.3. Air quality Until now, no measurement was made with regard to the air quality, nevertheless taking into consideration that this area is close enough with KEK Power Plants and its Ash dump, then considering the flux of traffic in the road nearby, it can be easily concluded that the air in this area can be polluted mainly from dust, but it’s not expected to over pass the limit values, according to the WHO air quality standards. 4.4. Noise Noise in this area is mainly resulting from the traffic. Due to the fact that the Highway (Prishtinë-Fushë Kosovë) is only about 200 m away, we can easily conclude that the current noise is not above limits. 4.5. Meteorology The area has medium-continental clime, with hot summers and cold winters. According to Hydro-meteorology Institute, the average value for temperatures during January is - 0.2 degrees, while the average value of the temperatures during July is + 22.12 degrees.


Table 1. Average medium values for the temperatures in years 2002-20061 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

I -2.6 0.5 -1.0 0.0 -3.5

II 5.1 -3.0 2.6 -2.6 -0.9

III 7.4 4.6 6.3 5.0 5.1

IV 9.8 8.8 11.8 10.1 11.7

V 15.9 19.0 13.1 15.8 15.2

VI 20.1 22.1 19.3 17.4 18.8

VII 21.9 22.4 22.5 21.1 21.5

VIII 20.4 23.8 20.7 19.6 20.2

IX 15.1 15.1 17.1 16.8 16.8

X 11.9 10.6 14.2 11.0 12.4

XI 7.2 6.9 5.3 4.2 5.3

XII 1.5 0.6 1.6 1.8 7.2

Ave 11.1 11.0 11.1 10.4 10.8

This Institute also measures the quantity of raining in Kosova. Citing the information from this Institute, the average raining throughout moths in years from 2002 until 2006 has been presented in table 2. Table 2. Quantity of raining and its monthly average in years 2002-20062 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

I 5.5 113.4 72.8 30.7 35.6

II 15.8 13.5 52.9 34.7 48.4

III 50.3 0.9 55.2 51.0 69.5

IV 51.4 42.3 21.7 54.1 75.5

V 97.8 41.5 44.2 98.2 42.5

VI 37.1 20.3 46.3 55.4 55.5

VII 88.6 23.7 37.7 55.6 34.2

VIII 184.3 32.3 56.3 76.8 90.4

IX 137.4 54.0 53.8 21.1 29.7

X 69.2 119.9 34.6 35.9 43.1

XI 47.0 49.6 110.1 41.7 27.3

XII 65.6 39.5 33.3 87.6 32.1

Ave 70.8 45.2 56.6 53.6 48.6

4.6. Inhabitants3 Kosova there was registration of population as of 1981. After the most recent war, Prishtina has been overloaded with inhabitants. Different figures are being manipulated , but based on analysis and the number of people participating in the elections, the number of people residing in Prishtina could be around 400,000 while if surrounding villages also count we can come to a figure as high as 470,000. During the day it is envisaged that some 500,000 people cross out the city. In the surrounding area of the zone where the laboratory shall be build there is no residential area, except very few individual houses few hundred meters away from this site. Nevertheless just recently a flat for collective residence has been build only ca. 50 meters away from the site and for the moment this flat is not yet inhabited. 4.7. Cultural and natural in-heritage Tracks of ancient inhabitants found in the area of Kosovan Capital City lead us up to the pre-historic era, while all this is being supported with archeological studies and findings in locations like Mat, Graçanicë, Ulpianë etc. In the nearby area where the construction works shall take place for building a new laboratory there are no tracks found of cultural heritage or natural heritage. 4.8. Biological environment With regard to flora and fauna we shall only discuss the zones surrounding the area where the object shall be build. In these zones one can meet the most ordinary type of flora and fauna. In these zones there are no tracks of some species that are rare and protected. The zone adjacent with the location where the laboratory is going to be build is agriculture land and is used for agriculture purpose.


Source – MESP Hidrometeorology Institute Source – MESP Hidrometeorology Institute 3 www.prishtina-komuna.org 2


4.9. Socio-cultural environment The area where the laboratory is going to be builds is an industrial zone. This Laboratory shall be a part KVFA. Nearby this complex a flat is being build intended for collective residence. 5.0. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE PROJECT All potential impacts in the environment have been carefully studied, no matter if they present positive or negative impact to the environment. 5.1. Potential Impact during the preconstruction phase Activities that take place in the preconstruction phase (preparation site works) described in chapter 3.1. present several negative effects for environment, nevertheless with a minimum care these effects could be brought to a bare minimum. In this phase effects in the environment could be expected as a result of: • Noise from vehicles • Dust emissions, as a result of waste removal • Soil contamination due to accidental leakage of oils and lubrificants form equipment used • Pollution of KVFA platform and the road resulting by the traffic of equipment and transporting vehicles. 5.2. Potential Impact under construction phase During the construction phase there might be additional negative effects in the environment, but with the right management of such effects a real harm is not supposed to be caused to the environment. Below a list of potential effects (impacts) in the environments is presented: Soil degradation Due to working activities soil in the area where the construction shall take place is going to be affected, mainly due to excavations.. In this case the soil with extracts of humus shall be removed. Also equipment engaged in activities might cause light contaminations of soil. This is expected due to leakage of fuels and other liquid form equipment. Another factor that could potentially contribute to soil contamination would be inadequate storage of different waste created during construction phase (construction waste etc). Noise Noise is expected to be present in the construction phase. Noise mainly results from the work of equipment and their traffic as well. Emissions in the air Air emissions shall also be present due to dust emissions and combustion of vehicles. . Generation of waste Due to construction activities it is expected a certain quantity of solid waste, especially those of inert type. Discharge of waters Construction activities (work with cement and masonry) might cause water


discharge in the surrounding area. Health and safety of workers Workers safety can be endangered as a result of missing protective equipment and by eventual accidents at work Accidents might happen for different reasons in the work with excavators, trucks and other related equipment. Potential hazards might be: - Inadequate lightning during the night working hours or limited level of visibility in cases of storm that create difficulties for staff driving the heavy equipment. - Work without protective equipment and/or safety belt. - Driving equipment with improper brake system. - Loss of attention and lack of concentration while working 5.3. Potential Impacts during the operation phase Air

Based on the nature of studies that shall take place in this laboratory, air is the first compartment that shall be subject of pollution. In this regard, there is the need for undertaking all measures that ensure compatibility with procedures and instructions related to similar type of works, i.e. Instructions from World Health Organization (WHO). According to WHO pathogens that might cause serious illness amongst human and animals and are easy transferable, directly or indirectly, presenting as such a high risk for the individual or community, are categorized as infectious microorganisms – group IV (high risk). Waters Laboratory is foreseen for diagnostic research including different analysis that involves the use of several reagents and chemicals. On the other hand the current research methods are quite automatic and standardized so they involve use of minimal and very limited amount of chemicals for analytical processes. For instance the volume of the standard sample these days in modern equipment is 5 – 50 μl (for blood, serum, secret) and the amount of reagents that shall be used in total for performing analysis is in the range of 200 – 300 μl. This indicates the fact that maximum 350 μl of waste shall be created during one research. The volume of the reaction (combination reagent – sample) must be thrown away while the dish where the reaction took place must be thoroughly washed with water and detergents. Based on different studies conducted for instance in hospitals (Flöser, V. 2006), laboratory waters present only 1% of the total water used by the system. Based on different research and different opinions (Floeser, V. 2006, Klein, C. R. 2005) waters created by the work of general practice hospitals, as far as the microbiology, are very similar with other municipality sanitation waters so there is no need for creating special systems for pretreatment. Anyway in the case when we use different solvents like those who have high concentration of formaldehydes there is a need for additional care. In case that in the discharged waters formaldehydes presence is more then 10%, then it is recommended that these waters should not be discharged in sanitation waters but the need is there for some special pretreatment. Land During the operation phase of the laboratory it is not expected any negative impact on the soil.


Waste As e result of the operation of this laboratory it is expected that some waste is generated. Mainly there will be waste of following types: • Household waste As a result of activities in this laboratory, household waste shall be created and these shall be stored properly in containers. This household waste should under no circumstance be mixed with other waste created in the laboratory. • Hazardous waste Knowing that laboratory activities involve certain medical examinations of sick and dead animals, and there also there will be a need for usage of certain sorts of chemicals, it can be easily concluded that different type of waste shall be generated. This waste is mainly leftovers of dead animals and other infectious waste that might be created during activities in this laboratory. Beside environmental impact resulting from the activity of this laboratory, in this context certain activities that teams of this laboratory perform in the field should also be considered. Inadequate treatment toward contaminated poultry and poultry products/leftovers can create the potential that the team working in the field does transmit the disease, and in this case this brings at risk the health of individuals in the team but the general public health as well. This transmission can take part throughout contaminated members of the team, their equipment, clothing and vehicles. Negative effects include: • Risk for the health of the examination team working in the field. • Risk for health of other people that are in contact with members of the examination team or that might com in contact with their contaminated equipment, clothing or vehicles. • Spread of disease in other parts where poultry/birds live • Air, soil and water contamination from the infected team members, their equipment, clothing or vehicles. Other risks related to the work on the field can come as a result of improper decontamination procedure, in such cases the team members and other members of the community are risked by contamination. These risks are listed as follows: • Spread of disease as a result of inadequate decontamination or even wrong decontamination procedure. • Health risks (poison) for the staff performing disinfection. • Risks for the health of the community where the decontamination is taking place. • Soil and water contamination from decontaminating agents. • Damage to flora and fauna, caused by decontaminating agents. Noise As e result of the nature of the works in the laboratory, it is not expected that the level of noise is increased.


6.0. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES Selection of the location was a matter decided by the investor, nevertheless taking into account, recent developments, and in accordance with spatial planning of the Industrial site of Prishtina as well as following the former construction of KVFA (administration building and the food laboratory), we can conclude that location has been identified in full compliance with Detailed Urban Plan of the Industrial Zone of Prishtina. From the aspect of environmental effects described in chapter 5 and the measures for elimination, respectively minimization of such effects described in chapter 7 of this study, we can conclude that environmental effects of construction a laboratory and effects of its operation shall be controlled and very limited. 7.0. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN EMP has been developed based on legal requirements of Kosovan Legislation and in compliance with World Bank policies. This plan identifies and assesses the potential environmental effects and the risks for public health, that can result from this project and also does recommend remediation measures and monitoring plan for reducing (if not completely eliminating) such environmental effects. Implementation of this plan shall not only improve the environmental performance of the project but shall also help in the general of flow the environmental management. Environmental Management Plan includes Remediation Plan and Monitoring Plan. 7.1. Mitigation measures This plan includes measures for remediation of environmental effects in pre construction, construction and operation phase. Objectives of this plan are to prevent or reduce the potential effects in the environment and also estimate a cost for these measures. List of remediation measures is based in the existing legislation and implementation of viable procedures. 7.1.1. Mitigation measures in the preconstruction phase When the site is being prepared for construction, it is required that fencing and signalization is put in place in accordance with best practices and the current legislation (Kosovan Law on Construction). Preparation works include the site cleaning, as the entire surface foreseen for construction of the laboratory should be cleaned from existing waste (including the existing platforms and routes) as well as the leveling of the site. All the waste that has been created during this phase should be transported by the contractor or a company that has been specifically contracted to send the waste in the authorized sanitary landfill. The site where the construction is taking place should be organized using the standard schemes for organizing construction sites, in order identifying: - Equipment used in the construction; - Dynamics of the construction works; - Safety conditions for the workers hired by the contractor and the conditions of public safety, Sprinkling is foreseen as a measure to reduce dust when needed. Contractor should be careful when selecting the working equipment, in order of avoiding use of old equipment or even damaged equipment, with high level of noise emissions that would definitely have a negative impact in the environment.


7.1.2. Mitigation measures in the construction phase It is highly important that construction site is investigated in relation with safety conditions. Based on these analyses, regulations must be determinate for different parts of construction works. In case that working conditions change it is obviously that safety conditions change as well and as such must be revised. Before works start and during the work in shifts, contractors and their supervisors must routinely check the construction site with regard to safety conditions. Any irregularity in safety conditions noted during routine inspections should immediately be reported and repaired. Contractor is responsible for following measures: - Supervision of works should be done regularly to ensure that safety conditions are met while any deviation from safety regulations is immediately reclaimed following the best practices regarding safety at work; - Soil excavated, especially the one containing humus, should be carefully stored in a proper place and should be used after project completion for site leveling and rehabilitation works in the area; - Strict instructions should be given for drivers of heavy equipment; - Communication line must be ensured in between workers and drivers of heavy equipment; - Ensure that equipment are properly maintained while the safety equipment must be fully functional; - Ensure that unauthorized staff do not enter construction site; - Ensure proper signalization and traffic signalization has been implemented; - Ensure that all equipment leaving the site, clean up their tires in case they are dirty.

7.1.3. Mitigation measures in the operation phase Beside the measures for remediation of pollution due to the works in laboratory, in this phase we also suggest measures that involve activities perform during site visits and are related to activities examinations performed in the field, sampling and transport. In order of reducing the potential risks and negative effects related to the activities of the members of the examination team, a set of procedures and instructions should be developed that describe the methods of sampling, decontamination, transport and other safety issues, always in line with best practices and recommendations deriving from polices of WHO. The members of field examination team should also be trained with regard to working procedures, usage of protective equipment, environmental issues and other safety measures. Air Based on the risk assessment for the group of infected microorganisms laboratory should be equipped with bio-safety areas and should be also equipped with all necessary equipment and have e ventilation system that fulfills standards of biosafety (including installed high efficiency filters that prevent the flux of particles HEPA). All exhaust air from the laboratory should pass through HEPA filters.


Waters Although there are no certain standard systems for treatment of polluted laboratory waters, in general they are discharged in the sewerage and sanitation waters, nevertheless in this case it is recommended that waters discharged from laboratory are aggregated and eventually treated prior being released in the sewerage and sanitation system. This offers a chance for monitoring and treatment of discharged waters, as required by local legislation. In cases where the pollution is over certain limits determined with Administrative Instruction for effluents (see Annex 2 for allowed levels of their presence) then there is a need for pretreatment of these waters before being discharged. Creation the opportunities and conditions for pretreatment is a must especially knowing that wastewater these days is being discharged in the Sitnica River (some 4 km from the Laboratory – see fig. 4) without any pretreatment. Wastewater is actually connected to the municipality sewerage system of Fushe Kosova, but there is no municipality waste water treatment plant (facilities). Knowing that the Food Laboratory built nearby has no waste water treatment plant, it is highly recommended that a waste water treatment facility (modular plant) is constructed and such facility could be used by both laboratories. Close to the laboratory site there are some irrigation wells. One of them is very close to the septic tank of KVFA. In order to be sure that this underground water is not going to be affected from wastewater, it has to be monitored. Underground water analysis should be done at least one time a year, especially before the irrigation season. Agricultural land closed to laboratory site is under management of Ministry of Agriculture, under witch Ministry KVFA is functioning also. So the monitoring of this wells should be under the responsibility of KVFA. Waste Household waste shall be aggregated in containers and then send out to the Sanitary landfill with waste trucks of public company that sends the waste into the regional sanitary landfill of Prishtina. Hazardous waste Treatment of hazard waste should be done in accordance with actual regulations and Administrative Instructions (Administrative Instruction Nr.05/2008, Administrative Instruction Nr.06/2008), that administer this field of waste treatment. In laboratories, decontamination of wastes and their ultimate disposal are closely interrelated. In terms of daily use, few if any contaminated materials will require actual removal from the laboratory or destruction. Most glassware, instruments and laboratory clothing will be reused or recycled. The overriding principle is that all infectious materials should be decontaminated, autoclaved or incinerated within the laboratory. Collection of hazardous waste Hazardous Waste must be placed in appropriate containers, constructed in that manner to enable flow of liquids waste and profusion of solid waste. Color of bags and dishes for waste placement are as follow: - red color for pathogen infective wastes; - red color with black band for pathogen waste; - yellow for chemical waste - black or blue one for household waste


Handling and disposal procedures for contaminated materials and wastes Identification and separation system for infectious materials and their containers should include: • Contaminated (infectious) “sharps” – hypodermic needles, scalpels, knives and broken glass; these should always be collected in puncture-proof containers fitted with covers and treated as infectious • Contaminated material for decontamination by autoclaving and thereafter washing and reuse or recycling • Contaminated material for autoclaving and disposal • Contaminated material for direct incineration. Contaminated (infectious) materials After use, hypodermic needles should not be recapped, clipped or removed from disposable syringes. The complete assembly should be placed in a sharps disposal container. Disposable syringes, used alone or with needles, should be placed in sharps disposal containers and incinerated, with prior autoclaving if required. Sharps disposal containers must be puncture-proof/-resistant and must not be filled to capacity. When they are three-quarters full they should be placed in “infectious waste” containers and incinerated, with prior autoclaving if laboratory practice requires it. Sharps disposal containers must not be discarded in landfills. Contaminated (potentially infectious) materials for autoclaving and reuse No precleaning should be attempted of any contaminated (potentially infectious) materials to be autoclaved and reused. Any necessary cleaning or repair must be done only after autoclaving or disinfection. Contaminated (potentially infectious) materials for disposal Apart from sharps, which are dealt with above, all contaminated (potentially infectious) materials should be autoclaved in leakproof containers, e.g. autoclavable, colour-coded plastic bags, before disposal. After autoclaving, the material may be placed in transfer containers for transport to the incinerator. If possible, materials deriving from healthcare activities should not be discarded in landfills even after decontamination. Incineration One of the recommended methods for treatment this type of waste is incineration in a mobile or fixed incinerator. o Incinerators operate at a minimum temperature of 850 C and with a minimum residence time of 2 seconds. It is equipped with an auxiliary burner that can be o switched on when the temperature falls below 850 C. Its has automatic feed system connected to temperature measurement To avoid emission of dioxins or furans during incineration, carcasses should not be pretreated with a chlorine-bearing disinfectant or should not be contained in PVC bags. For the same reason, no other material destined for incineration should contain chlorine-bearing chemicals The key emissions to the air from operation of the incinerators are odor, particulate matter, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (from methane to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and dioxins and furans (PCDD/F). There will also be noise when the incinerator is operating. In addition there is also risk from airborne release of virus as


the dead poultry are loaded into the incinerator. The key actions of mitigation are to ensure that the formation of harmful substances is avoided through operation of the incinerator at the design temperatures and combustion air supply. The burning of materials e.g. polyvinyl chloride (PVC) could lead to the formation of harmful substances. The key emissions to water from the incineration processes arise from the water and disinfectants that are used in sanitization of the incinerator and the vehicle used in transport of infected materials (bird carcasses and other waste material) from labs and hospitals to the incinerator. There is also a risk from fuel spillage during transport and on site commissioning of the facility or overflow of fat from the incinerator. The key actions of mitigation are to provide adequate training and working materials to the incinerator operators, and other related personnel, and to ensure that sites are prepared in advance with hard standing and catchments and containment of disinfectants. 7.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) The final objective of the EPM is improving the environmental performance of the project and to ensure that proposed activities do not result with an unacceptable level of environmental effects or with a risk for public health. In specific EPM should meet following: • • •

• •

Comply with Kosovan Environmental Legislation and policies of the World Bank; Enable implementation of remediation measures discussed in earlier paragraphs; Define mechanisms for environmental monitoring and identify indicators of such monitoring in order to: ▶ Ensure that remediation measures described earlier are fully implemented. ▶ Ensure efficiency of remediation measures in minimizing the environmental effects of the project. Identify requests for environmental training for different groups Defines the communication lines and ensures the protocol of reporting lines for environmental management

Methodology used for monitoring is dependant from activities and monitoring needs, and is described in the following table (Tab. 3) including the cost estimation. 8.0. PUBLIC COSULTATIONS In march 2007 has been prepared by Avian Influenza Working Group and KVFA an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Kosovo’s Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project. At the time drafting EA and EMP have been held various meetings and consultation with different stakeholders. On March 28, 2007 was organized a public discussion in the meeting room of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Rural Development (MAFRD). In the public presentation have been invited to take part UNMIK, MAFRD-KVFA, Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP),


Ministry of Health (MoH), representatives of NGO-s and Press. Present were 19 people. MESP taking in consideration all these meetings, consultation and public discussion and in accordance with Kosovo legislation has issued an Environmental consent for Kosovo’s Avian Influenza Control and Human Pandemic Preparedness and Response Project.


Tab. 3: Environmental Management Plan Project activities

Potential effects/impacts

Mitigation measures

Responsibility for remediation measures

Request for monitoring


PRECONSTRUCTION PHASE Use of new and defect-free equipment


Supervisor/ Employer


Dust emissions

Sprinkling the site with water


Supervisor/ Employer


Soil contamination

Visual control of cars and vehicles


Supervisor/ Employer


Pollution of the KFVA platform

Washing the tires


Supervisor/ Employer


Generation of waste

Transport of waste from the regional waste company

KVFA /Authorized company

Supervisor/ Employer


Noise emissions Clean up the site from existing waste and preparation works on the site

CONSTRCUCTION PHASE Opening the basement foundation

Soil degradation

Removal of soil with humus and ots storage until being reused for zone leveling and rehabilitation after the construction phase


Supervisor/ Employer


Soil contamination – light soil contaminations as result of leakages of fuel and other liquid materials from the vehicles. Also soil can be contaminated with improper storage of waste created during construction (construction waste etc.)

Visual control of vehicles and other equipment that can potentially leak oils. Separation of waste from building materials and its proper storage in a temporary adequate place.


Supervisor/ Employer


Water contamination

Construction of ditching channels Sprinkling the construction site with water

Contractor Contractor

Supervisor/ Employer

Operational Operational

Air emissions Dust emissions during working activities as well as emissions coming from vehicle combustion.

Usage of new and damage free machinery


MESP Inspectorate/ KVFA

Construction works

Usage of water should be controlled.


MESP Inspectorate/ KVFA


Noise emissions Noise is mainly a result of car engines working and their traffic.

Using new and damage free equipment


MESP Inspectorate/ KVFA


Generation of waste

Gathering and transportation of waste done by licensed regional waste company


MESP Inspectorate/ AVUK


- Supervision of the works should be done regularly in order of ensuring that safety conditions are met and any irregularity is being corrected following the best practices. - Ensure instructions for drivers of heavy equipment. - Ensure communication between workers in the site where heavy equipment has access. - Ensure adequate lightning system for night shift. - Ensure equipment are properly maintained and that safety equipment is functional. - Ensure usage of safety belts.


Work Inspectorate


Water discharge Construction activities (works with cement and masonry) might cause water discharges in the surrounding environment. Especially in th etime where watering of the basement and the watering of floor platforms happen we might have an increased quantity of water discharged.

Construction activities might result with generation of solid waste, especially inert ones. Health and safety of workers Different accidents Potentail risks present : - Inadequate lightning during night shifts, - Operating with equipment without safety belt; - Using equipment with improper braking systems; - Loss of attention and low level of seriousness during work


OPERATION PHASE Activities laborato



Emission of contaminated air from laboratory

Implementing ventilation system using HEPA filters


MESP Inspectorate and KVFA

1x 3000 EUR

Generation of household waste

Household waste - to be stored in containers.

Regional Public Company for Waste Management



Generation of hazard waste

Treatment of hazard waste in accordance with regulations and administrative instructions in force (Administrative Instruction Nr.05/2008, Administrative Instruction Nr.06/2008), that administer this field of waste. Treatment options should be selected in cooperation with authorities and in line with local legislation.


MESP Inspectorate and KVFA


Water discharges

Supply and mounting of a liquid waste water treatment plant which has to be mounted at the basement of the existing Food Control Laboratory with all necessary equipment and fittings. This is a highly important for the correct function of both Avian Influenza Laboratory and Food Control Laboratory. Supply and mounting of a tanker with acid to destroy the reagents and connection to drainage.


Waste water monitoring from KVFA MESP Inspectorate



Waste incineration

Underground water pollution

Construction of safe sewerage system according to the construction project

Emission of dioxins or furans, odor, particulate matter, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (from methane to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), noise, etc. Emissions to water from the incineration processes arise from the water and disinfectants .

Operation of the incinerator at the design temperatures and combustion air supply. Adequate training and working materials to the incinerator operators, and other related personnel, and to ensure that sites are prepared in advance with hard standing and catchments and containment of disinfectants. Carcasses should not be pretreated with a chlorine-bearing disinfectant or should not be contained in PVC bags



Monitoring of irrigation wells (underground water) close to the Laboratory site. Sampling and analysis of this underground water should be done from KVFA at least one time a year, especially before the irrigation season. MESP Inspectorate



MESP Inspectorate and KVFA

US$ 50.000 – 70.000


9.0. REFERENCE LIST World Health Organization (2004): Laboratory biosafety manual (Third edition), Geneva Klein, C.R. (2005): Research laboratory wastewater neutralization systems (availably online). Flöser, V. (2006): Vortrag „Abwasserbelastung durch Krankenhäuser – ein Problem?“ 2. Krankenhaus-Umwelttag NRW der Krankenhausgesellschaft NW e. V. , Bochum.



Annex 1











Annex 2 Maximal allowed concentration of hazardous substances on waste waters allowed to be discharged on recipient environment or in collector Nr.


Kat. II

Kat. III

Kat. IV

Kat. V

Discharge on collector


Temperature ºC Δt ºC not more than : Ph Color Aroma Suspended Substances mg/l Precipitation substances ml/1h SHBO5 mg/l SHKO mg/l Organic Carbon total mg/l Alumina mg/l Arsen mg/l Barium mg/l Plumb mg/l Borium mg/l Cadmium mg/l Cobalt mg/l Chromium total mg/l Chroumium 6+ mg/l Iron mg/l Copper mg/l Nicel mg/l Vanadium mg/l Mercury mg/l Argent mg/l Mangham mg/l Zinc mg/l Tin mg/l Selenium mg/l Free chloral mg/l Ammoniac si NH4+mg/l Nitrite mg/l Nitrate mg/l Total nitrogen mg/l Cyanided mg/l Flour mg/l Orthophosphate mg/l Total phosphor mg/l Sulfate mg/l Sulfite Oils and grease mg/l Mineral oils mg/l Alde hides mg/l Chlored hydro-carbures mg/l Phenol mg/l Washing liquid anions mg/l Deterxhentet e pa jonizuara mg/l Cationic Dish liquid mg/l

25 2 6,5-8 pa pa 35 0,5 3-5 3-10 15 2,0 0,05 2,5 0,2 1,5 0,01 0,5 0,5 0,05 2,0 0,1 0,5 0,05 0,005 0,1 1,5 0,5 0,75 0,02 0,2 0,1-0,5 0,2 5-25 10 0,001 1,5 1,0 10-25 150 1,0 4 0,5 1,0 1,5 0,01 1,0 1,0 0,5

30 3 6-8,5 weak weak 35-60 0,5 5-9 10-20 30 3,0 0,1 3,0 0,5 2,0 0,05 1,0 1,0 0,1 3,0 0,25 1,0 0,05 0,01 0,15 2,0 1,0 1,0 0,03 0,25 0,5-2.5 0,5 25-50 15 0,005 2,0 2,0 25-50 200 2,0 5 1,0 1,5 2,0 0,01 2,0 2,0 1,0

35 3 6-8,5 weak weak 60-150 1,0 9-15 20-30 30 3,50 0,2 4,0 0,75 2,5 0,1 1,25 1,5 0,15 4,0 0,4 1,0 0,075 0,01 0,2 2,5 1,5 1,25 0,04 0,3 2.5-8 1,0 50-80 15 0,01 2,5 3,0 50-125 250 4,0 7 2,0 2,0 2,5 0,015 4,0 4,0 1,0

35 3 6-8,5 weak weak 150 1,0 15-25 30-50 40 4,0 0,2 5,0 1,0 3,0 0,2 1,5 1,75 0,15 5,0 0,5 1,5 0,075 0,1 0,3 2,5 2,0 1,5 0,05 0,3 8-10 1,5 80-100 20 0,02 2,5 4,0 125-200 250 5,0 10 4,0 2,0 3,5 0,015 4,0 4,0 2,0

45 5,5-9 300 10 50 100 4,0 0,5 5,0 2,0 4,0 0,5 2,0 2,0 0,2 10,0 0,7 2,0 0,1 0,5 0,5 4,0 2,0 2,0 0,1 0,3 30 10 120 0,2 5,0 300 400 10,0 50 10,0 2,0 5,0 0,3 10,0 10,0 5,0

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47



Hydro-carburets with aroma mg/l Chlored organic pesticides mg/l organic-phosphoric pesticides mg/l Organic components mg/l Alcohol total mg/l Total radioactivity Bq/l Toatl active materials in the surface mg/l Koliformet totale TC në 100 ml Koliformet fekalie FC në 100 ml Fecal Streptococ FS në 100 ml Presence of pathogenic microorganisms

0,01 0,0025 0,002 0,01 0,5 0,25 4,0 4500 900 90 pa


0,02 0,003 0,0025 0,01 1,0 0,27 5,0 5000 1000 100 pa

0,03 0,005 0,003 0,02 1,5 0,27 7,0 5500 1200 120 pa

0,05 0,007 0,005 0,03 1,5 0,3 10,0 6000 1500 150 pa

0,2 0,05 0,01 0,05 10 0,37 20,0 -