ERP implementation -

We follow the time tested Oracle’s Application Implementation Methodology (AIM) ... during implementation Challenges in ERP Project Primary Elements o...

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implementation methodology


w w w. a s p i r e s y s . c o m

Challenges in ERP Project Large, Complex and Expensive; Drains a big chunk of yearly IT budget Spawns multiple business units and departments so deliverables are very high Known to run over budget and above scheduled completion time In short, delivering expected benefits on time, within the allocated budget using the given resources is the biggest challenge.

What Aspire does to solve it? We follow the time tested Oracle’s Application Implementation Methodology (AIM) framework. AIM entails all the tasks required to complete a project, what order they should be completed in and what kind of resources will help it complete in time with expected benefits. It also provides deliverable templates for all the tasks which can be followed by the team.

How AIM is different? Defines business needs at the beginning of the project and maintains their visibility throughout the implementation Defines internal, external, and time sensitive business events and maps each event to the responding business and system processes Helps gain accurate understanding of the business requirements which needs to be focused on during implementation

Primary Elements of AIM Task: It’s a unit of work, provides deliverables like report, schedules, code etc Phases: Group of tasks which helps in scheduling major deliverables and run projects on time Processes: Closely related group of dependent tasks based on common discipline and meets a major objective These primary elements are related in such a way that, every process runs in multiple phases with every phase divided in multiple tasks with strong deliverables and dependencies. Also, multiple processes run at the same time in an ERP project as shown below in the AIM framework chart:

w w w. a s p i r e s y s . c o m


Operation Analysis

Solution Design




Project Management Business Process Architecture Business Requirements Definition Business Requirements Mapping Application and Technical Architecture


Module Design and Build


Data Conversion


Documentation Business System Testing


Performance Testing


Adoption and Learning


Production Migration

Let’s look at the phases and processes in more detail. Phases: The phases in AIM is divided under 6 broad categories to provide quality & control check points for coordinating project activities that have a common goal. The six categories are:

Definition: Prepare Scope of Work, Align Business Objectives with Time, Resource and Budget Constraints

Operations Analysis: Develop business requirements scenarios, Identify gaps between requirements and standard ERP functionality

Solution Design: Develop detailed designs, create detailed narratives of process solutions




Regular maintenance,

Deploy finished solution,

Code & test

refinements, performance

Configure production


measurements, system

environment, Train end

& enhancements, perform



business system testing


w w w. a s p i r e s y s . c o m

Processes Business Requirements Defintion

Define business needs that must be met by Implementation project Identify business events & document business processes for them

Business Requirements Mapping

Compare business requirements with standard ERp functionality & identify gaps Document workarounds, alternative solutions, application extensions to resolve gaps

Application & Technical Architecture

Design Information systems atchitecture that reflects the business vision Develop plan for deploying & configuring hardware required for successful implementation

Module Design & Build

Design, build and test custom program modules to fill in the gap identified in the business requirements mapping stage

Data Conversion

Define business objects required to convert legacy data to ERP tables Use the data for system testing, training, acceptance testing and production


Create detailed documents on the user and technical material used in the project tailored to implementation

Business System Testing

Link test requirements to business requirements Utilize common test information & data profiles to minimize test preparation effort

Performance Testing

Define, build & execute performance test cases Propose tactical or strategic changes to address the performance quality shortfall

Adoption & Learning

Train users & administrators on the new ERP application Develop courseware tuned towards roles & jobs of the users

Production Migration

Move the company, system & people to the new ERP and provide post production support Monitor & refine production system and plan for the future enhancements