Finance for Non-Financial Managers I: Accounting, Analysis

Finance for Non-Financial Managers I: Accounting, Analysis, Budget 2 How to apply? Please complete the registration form online at our web site:

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Finance for Non-Financial Managers I: Accounting, Analysis, Budget Who should attend  Top managers and department managers  Administrative personnel, employees of sales, marketing and IT departments, with no special education in finance and accounting  Coaches.

Objectives Duration 3 days/24 academic hours/ 24 CPDunits/21 CPE credits

 To familiarize participants with the main aspects of accounting and financial management, such as principles of financial statements and budget formation, cash flows and income management  To demonstrate to participants how financial information is analyzed, how it is vital for making management decisions  To train participants to effectively work with company’s financial statements  To exercise practical skills for forming budgets.

Training methodology  Training is conducted in an interactive form and includes a number of case studies.  Training participants are provided with specially designed training materials in Russian.

Finance for Non-Financial Managers I: Accounting, Analysis, Budget

Training outline


Day 1

 Factor Analysis based on financial measures of well-known companies from different industries

Part 1. Accounting and reporting

Day 3

 Principal accounting systems

 Case study (continued): Analyzing the results of company operations using the financial statements completed on the first training day

 Finance, tax and management accounting  Generally accepted accounting principles

 Components of annual financial statements

Part 3. Company’s Budget Formation

 Balance Sheet as a source of information on company’s investments and sources of financing

 The system of financial planning and budgeting

 Balance Sheet equation  Main Balance Sheet sections  Balance Sheet analysis

 Examples of Balance Sheet structure of well-known companies from different industries  Case study: Accounting for company’s operations, using “double entry method”, preparation of company’s Balance Sheet and its analysis  Income Statement (IS) as a source of information of company’s business activity  Problem of revenue and expenses recognition  Income Statement formats  Definition of income (gross, EBITDA, operating,

EBIT, net income)

 Cycle of working with information in the

management process  Setting up goals and objectives for the budget

period  Order of budget estimation (steps to follow)  Budget analysis

 Case study (continued): Formulating company’s budget based on analysis of results of company operations using the calculations made on the first and second training days  Budget analysis. Development of actions aimed to achieving of the objectives set. Conclusions and recommendations  Summing-up the training. Questions and answers. Feedback.

 Income Statement analysis


 Examples of structure and trends of IS measures

Certificates of the EY Academy of Business.

of well-known companies  Case study (continued): Preparation and analysis of Income Statement

Day 2  Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) as an instrument of cash flows management  Structure of Statement of Cash Flows  Methods of preparation of Statement of Cash

Flows: direct and indirect  Analysis of Statement of Cash Flows  Examples of structure and trends of SCF

measures of well-known companies  Case study (continued): Preparation and analysis of Statement of Cash Flows Part 2. Analysis of Financial Statements  Financial ratios

Place and time Open trainings are conducted at EY Academy of Business from 9:30 to 16:30.

In-company training  Preliminary analysis of clients’ training needs, identification of aims and goals  Training adaptation industry  Flexible approach to training location and schedules  Report on the training results on request.

Recommended training scheme  Finance for Non-Financial Managers I  Finance for Non-Financial Managers II

 Return on operations (sales), profit margin

 Business-planning: capital budgeting and project management

 Business activity (assets turnover, working

 Management decisions: costs, profits, prices

capital management)  Return on assets (ROA)  Financial solvency and liquidity

 Performance Management  Planning and Budgeting I-II

 Return on equity (ROE)

How to apply? Please complete the registration form online at our web site: