GCSE separate sciences - DfE subject content - AQA

Physics content covered . Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Growth and development of cells. Cell metabolism. Transport in cells. Transport systems in...

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GCSE separate sciences - DfE subject content Whole topics in separates but not in Combined Science are in italics. There are also parts of the content within topics which are only in the separates. These can be seen by comparing the Combined Science GCSE DfE subject content with the Biology, Chemistry and Physics DfE Subject content. In Chemistry & Physics parts of the content, (model of atom, RAM, electronic charge & isotopes) are common to both. There is also some Biology and Chemistry overlap in the DNA section Biology content covered Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Growth and development of cells. Cell metabolism. Transport in cells. Transport systems in multicellular organisms. Human circulatory system. Transport systems in plants.

Chemistry content covered A simple model of the atom, relative atomic mass, electronic charge and isotopes. The modern Periodic Table. Properties of transition metals.

Health and disease. Communicable diseases. Treating, curing and preventing disease. Non-communicable diseases in humans.

States of matter and change of state in terms of particle kinetics, energy transfers and the relative strength of chemical bonds and intermolecular forces. Different kinds of chemical bonds: ionic, covalent and metallic bonding. Structure and bonding of carbon. Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles.

Nervous coordination and control in humans. Hormonal coordination and control in humans. Plant hormones. Homeostasis in humans.

Chemical symbols, formulae and equations. Identification of common gases. Chemistry of acids. A reactivity series of metals as the tendency of a metal to form its positive ion. Electrolysis of various molten ionic liquids and

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Physics content covered Energy changes in a system, and in the ways energy is stored before and after such changes. Conservation, dissipation and national and global energy sources. Forces and their interactions. Work done as force x distance, energy transfer. Pressure and pressure differences in fluids Moments, levers and gears. Speed and velocity, speed as distance over time; acceleration; distance-time and velocity-time graphs. Forces, accelerations and Newton’s laws of motion. Safety in public transport.

aqueous ionic solutions. Redox reactions (reduction and oxidation). Importance of photosynthesis. Levels of organisation within an ecosystem. The principle of material cycling. Pyramids of biomass and transfer through trophic levels. Biodiversity. Some of the biological challenges of increasing food yields using fewer resources. Reproduction. The genome and gene expression. Inheritance. Variation and evolution. Selective breeding and gene technology.

Exothermic and endothermic reactions, including reaction profiles. Carbon compounds both as fuels and feedstock. Chemical cells and fuel cells. Factors that influence the rate of reaction, including catalysts. Reversible reactions and the concept of dynamic equilibrium. Homologous series, including alkanes, alkenes, alcohols and carboxylic acids. Simple reactions of alkanes, alkenes and alcohols. Synthetic and naturally occurring polymers, including DNA. Assessing purity and separating mixtures. Conservation of mass and the quantitative interpretation of balanced equations. Use of amount of substance in relation to masses of pure substances. (H) Use the mole in relation to volumes of gases. (H) Principles for determining the concentrations of solutions. (H) Identification of ions by chemical and spectroscopic means.

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Waves in air, fluids and solids. Waves at material interfaces: applications in exploring structures. Frequency range of the spectrum Interactions of electromagnetic radiation with matter and their applications. Lenses. Colour and frequency; differential effects in transmission, absorption and diffuse reflection. Black body radiation (qualitative only).

Current, potential difference and resistance. Series and parallel circuits. Domestic uses and safety. Energy transfers Static electricity – forces and electric fields. Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic forces and fields Magnetic effects of currents and the motor effect Magnetic effects of currents and the motor effect Induced potential, transformers and

Life cycle assessment and recycling. Fractional distillation of crude oil and cracking. Different methods of extracting and purifying metals with reference to a reactivity series with oxygen and the position of carbon within it. Using materials. The balance between equilibrium position and rate in industrial processes. (H) Agricultural productivity and the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassiumbased fertilisers. The comparison of yield and atom economy of chemical reactions. The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere since its formation. Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases. Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources. The Earth’s water resources and obtaining potable water.

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the national grid. (H) Microphones and speakers; oscillating currents in detection and generation of radiation. Changes of state and the particle model. Internal energy, energy transfers and particle motions. Particle model and pressure. Nuclear atom and isotopes. Absorption and emission of ionizing radiations and of electrons and nuclear particles. Hazards and uses of radioactive emissions and of background radiation. Nuclear fission and fusion. Solar system; stability of orbital motions; satellites. Red-shift as sources move away; the ‘big bang’ and universal expansion.

New content not covered in present AQA specifications Biology Monoclonal antibodies –Biology only (pg 12) Plant disease – Biology only (pg 12) Chemistry Identification of common gases – combined Foundation and Higher (pg 22) Bulk and surface properties of matter including nanoparticles – chemistry (pg 22) Chemical cells and fuel cells – chemistry (pg 22) Use of amount of substance in relation to masses of pure substance – combined Higher only (pg 26) Use of amount of substance in relation to volumes of gases – chemistry (pg 27) Chemical cells and fuel cells – chemistry (pg 24) Synthetic and naturally occurring polymers – chemistry (pg 26) Identification of common gases – chemistry (pg 22) Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases – combined Foundation and Higher (pg 29) Using the Earth’s water resource and obtaining potable water – combined Foundation and Higher (pg 30) Life cycle assessment and recycling – combined Foundation and Higher (pg 28) Physics Pressure of gases (inc. atmospheric pressure and the Earth’s atmosphere) – physics (pg 33) Gears – physics (pg 33) Pressure differences in fluids – physics (pg 33) Forces as vectors – combined Foundation and Higher (pg 33) Black body radiation – physics (pg 36) Permanent and induced magnetism, magnetic fields – combined Foundation and Higher (pg 38) Solar systems; stability of orbital motions; satellites – physics (pg 42)

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What is in the current AQA GCSE Science A, Additional Science and separate sciences but not in the new science content? C1.2 Limestone and building materials, points 1.2.1a, b, d, g C1.3.1 Extracting metals, points a, b, c, f C1.4.3 Hydrocarbon fuels, point b C1.5.2 Polymers, point d C1.5.3 Ethanol C1.6 Plant oils and their uses C 1.6.1 Vegetable oils C1.6.2 Emulsions C1.6.3 Saturated and unsaturated fats C1.7.1 The Earth’s crust C1.7.2 The Earth’s atmosphere, points d, e, g, h, j C2.2.5 Polymers, point s C2.6.1 Making salts, points c, d C2.6.2 Acids and bases, point c C2.7.1 Electrolysis, point d C3.2.1 Hard and soft water C3.3.1 Energy from reactions, points a, b, c C3.6.3 Esters

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B1.3.1 Drugs, points d, e, f, g, h, i B2.5.2 Enzymes, points I and j B2.7.2 Genetic variation, point i B3.3.1 Removal of waste and water control, points g,h,i P1.1.4a, b U-values P1.4.1 Power stations P2.6.2e Life cycle of a star