Geological Structure Causes of the Rise in Burni Telong

Bennett J.D, Dkk, 1981, Peta Geologi Lebar banda Aceh, Sumatera, Derek-torat. Geologi Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung. 4. Breiner.S...

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Geological Structure Causes of the Rise in Burni Telong Manifestations, Bener Meriah, Central Aceh, Indonesia Gartika Setiya Nugraha Lecturer, Department of Geology Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia e-mail: [email protected]

Marwan Ebubakar *Lecturer, Geophysics Section, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia **Lecturer, Department of Geophysics Engineering. Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia e-mail : [email protected]

Dr. Susanti Alawiyah Lecturer, Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia e-mail: [email protected],id

Dr. Sutopo Lecturer, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia e-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT Aceh is an area known for its rich natural resources, one of which is a source of geothermal energy. Burni Telong mountain highlands of Central Aceh is one of geothermal energy sources in Aceh. In Geology, the mountain Burni Telong is the result of volcanic activity in the past were seen based material contained in the area, namely in the form of rock deposition results Volcanics Telong (Qvtg). This study aims to analyze the potential of geothermal Mount of Burni Telong based on geological structures that can be utilized as a source of renewable energy for power generation in Central Aceh in the future. The method used is the field survey with the approach in the field of Geology and Geophysics at Burni Telong. The result showed that on the first pass and second pass manifestations indicate a fault. Results of this study concluded that the geological structure of the fault led to the emergence manifestation Burni Telong around the mountain highlands of Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, and has the potential to be used as renewable energy from geothermal energy for power generation in Central Aceh.


Geothermal, reservoir, Burni Telong Mountain, power generation, renewable energy, Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

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INTRODUCTION Geothermal energy is heat energy stored in rocks below the earth's surface and contain fluid. One use of geothermal energy in Indonesia is for power generation. Geothermal energy is a source of power for generating heat Power Plant, that the system works relatively closely with thermal power plant. However , the steam produced is steam that comes directly from the bowels of the earth. Geothermal energy can be classified into two types , namely : High Temperature ( > 200 ° C ) that is usually found in areas volcanic arcs or mountain range , this type is commonly used as power stations and while Low Temperature , commonly found in the area of the continental and commonly used a hot water bath or for health ( Gapta , H , et al ., 2007) . Until now, Aceh, Indonesia is still very dependent on electrical energy forces of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Whereas on the other hand, Aceh is one of the areas in Indonesia which is rich in natural resources potential. One of the natural resources contained in Aceh is a source of geothermal energy, as found at Burni Telong Mountain in Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. But until now, geothermal energy sources in Aceh is still untapped. This has resulted in Aceh still depends on power supplies from North Sumatra, Indonesia. The fact also shows that in Aceh is very frequent electricity blackouts. The power outage will be highly detrimental to various sectors including economy in Aceh. This is what underlies the need for the development of new sources of electrical energy derived from renewable energy sources (geothermal energy), especially in Aceh. One area that has the potential for geothermal is Mount of Burni Telong highlands of Central Aceh, Indonesia. Burni Telong mountain highlands, Central Aceh, Aceh province, Indonesia, located about 314 km to the distance of about 7 hours from the capital of the province of Aceh, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Geographically, Burni Telong located at coordinates : N4o 46 ' 25.9 " E96o 49 ' 44.6 ". Location of the study of the region with elevations of about 1900 m to 2300 m above sea level. Geothermal energy sources are likely not going to run out, because the process of continuous formation for the balance of the environmental conditions remain well preserved, including geology and hydrology. Given this geothermal energy can not be exported, then the utilization geared to meet domestic energy needs , thus geothermal energy will become a mainstay of alternative energy and vital because it can reduce the dependence of Indonesia , including Aceh on fossil energy sources are increasingly depleted . Geothermal energy sources can also provide added value in order to optimize the utilization of renewable energy sources in Indonesia, especially in Aceh. The aim of this study is to analyze the geothermal potential of the Mount Burni Telong based on geological structures and geophysical analysis. The benefits of this research is to provide accurate information and data on the potential of mountain Burnitelong as a source of renewable energy for power generation in Central Aceh in the future so that the electricity needs of the Acehnese people can be met. Research methods and data analysis using field survey by conducting geological analysis of the surface of the mountain Burni Telong and geophysical analysis to predict the bottom of the surface Burni Telong mountain, Central aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.

GEOLOGY OF THE REGION Indonesia is geologically located at the confluence of three major tectonic plates, namely: Plate Eurasian, Indian-Australian and Pacific are instrumental in the formation of volcanoes in Indonesia. This geological conditions make a real contribution would be the availability of geothermal energy in Indonesia. Geothermal manifestations which constitute not less than 244 locations spread across the island of Sumatra (including in Aceh, as seen in Figure 1.), Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara Islands, Maluku, Sulawesi, Halmahera and Irian Jaya, shows how the magnitude of the wealth of geothermal energy stored in it.

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Figure 1: Potential of Geothermal In Aceh. Sumatra is part of the mainland continent Sunda plate (Cameron, 1984). Alas Indian Ocean (oceanic plate) and now start moving towards the north, infiltrated under the Java and Sumatra (mainland Sunda continental shelf) with a speed of movement of about 6.5 cm /year (Huchon and Le Pichon, 1984).

Figure 2: Regional Geology Map (source: JD Bennett, et al, Directorate of Geology, Geological Research and Development Center, Bandung 1981). Geologically, the island of Sumatra is traversed by fault / active faults, namely: Semangko Fault which extends from Banda Aceh in the north to Lampung in the south. This fault is expected to shift

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about 11 cm / year. As seen in Figure 1 and 2, Aceh is one area that has great potential for geothermal energy sources. Geothermal potential in Aceh there are about 1115 MWe and are around 17 locations. One source of geothermal energy in Aceh include Mount Burni Telong located in the highlands of Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. (Source: Department of Mines and Energy Aceh, 2013). The location of research, namely: Mount Burni Telong. Mount Burni Telong an area results depositional rocks Enang-Enang Volcanics (Qvee) composed of sediment volcanic intermediate (polymict) aged Plistosen, Deposition Volcanics Pepanji (Qvp): composed of Sediment Deposition intermediate (polymict) aged Plistosen, Deposition Volcanics Mr. (Qtvtu) composed of sediment intermediate (polymict) Early Pleistocene age, Volcanics Telong (Qvtg) composed of sediment intermediate volcanic (lava) Holocene age. (source: Cameron, NR, et al, Derektorat Geology Geological Research and Development Center, Bandung 1983). Burni Telong crossed by major faults, namely: Geureunggang fracture that extends from the area Samalanga to Takengon and some minor faults were found in the vicinity.

RESEARCH METHODS This study was a survey research field by conducting analysis in the field of Geology and Geophysics. The location of research is Mount of Burni Telong in Simpang Balek, Bener Meriah, Central Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The method used, including: data collection is done by downloading satellite images Mount Burni Telong, data analysis using an analysis of Geology and Geophysics analysis.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results showed that Mountain Burni Telong, Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia has the potential geothermal sources. It is shown from the geothermal surface manifestations Mount Burni Telong, as follows:

1) Fumaroles / alteration Outcrops of rock alteration consists manifestations (sulfur, skis mica, quartz, sandy tuff) and Kaipohan (discharge gas, rumbling voice, and no anomalies of heat), at the location BTG01 (47N 256 413 523 562), as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Fumaroles and alteration of Mount Burni Telong location BTG01 (47N 256 413 523 562).



Kaipohan is the location of the gas discharge rumbling of Mount Burni Telong, no anomalies of heat, temperature 22oCelsius, the location BTG01 (47N 256 413 523 562), as shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4: Kaipohan of Mount Burni Telong located on site BTG01 (47N 256 413 523 562).


Hot Water

Where the discharge of hot water from the bottom surface of the foot of the mountain Burni Telong found in two locations with different temperatures, namely: location BTG03 (47N 256 172, 524 017) with a temperature of 42 degrees celsius, as shown in Figure 5 and the location BTG 23 (47N 255 957, 522 981) with temperatures above 50 degrees celsius, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5: The hot water from Burni Telong Mountain on location BTG03 (47N 256172nd, 524 017) with a temperature of 42oC.

Figure 6: The hot water from Mount Burni Telong location BTG 23 (47N 255 957, 522 981) with a temperature above 50 ° C (temperature measured on the pipe distribution).

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Geological analysis results indicate that the manifestations are at the foot of Mount Burni Telong due to geological structures that pass through the area, include: the structure of the fault, and the fault plane geological map as in Figure 7 and 8.

Figure 7: Geological map of Mount Burni Telong, Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia In the figure 8 is shown a map of the geological structure of Mount Burni Telong.

Figure 8: Map of Structural Geology Mount Burni Telong, Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

The results of geophysical analysis using the Schlumberger geoelectric resistivity configuration in mountain Burni Telong, District highlands shows a picture of a cross section of third track

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resistivity measurements. Coordinates of the measurement path in the mountain Burni Telong can be seen in Table 1 below:

Table 1: The position coordinates in the distance and trajectory of Mount Burni Telong.

Results of measurements of field data in the form of apparent resistivity values is processed using software RES2DINV, then modeling for obtaining subsurface resistivity models. Modeling results obtained cross-sectional picture of the subsurface as follows:

1. Tracks BT1 BT1 trajectory is the path from the northwest to the southeast with the coordinates of 4 ° 44 '03.9 "N and 96 ° 48' 08.7" E and 4 ° 43 '59.6 "N and 96 ° 48' 18.3" East. This measurement is performed at the foot of Volcano Burni Telong the plantation area adjacent to the fumaroles southeast of trajectory measurements. Measurement aims to compare modeling results obtained with the actual geological conditions, as seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Sectional Subsurface resistivity BT1 trails of Burni Telong Mountain

2. Tracks BT2 BT2 trajectory is the path from the northwest to the southeast, with the coordinates of 4 ° 44 '14.2 "N and 96 ° 48' 06.2" E and 4 ° 44 '12.0 "N and 96 ° 48' 15.5" East. Track measurement performed on the cut surface of the river that are in the area, as seen in Figure 10.

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Figure 10: Cross-section Subsurface Resistivity of BT2 trails of Burni Telong Mountain


Track BT3

BT3 trajectory is a trajectory directed from the Northwest to the Northeast, with the coordinates of 4 ° 43 '59.0 "N and 96 ° 48' 06.1" E and 4 ° 44 '08.0 "N and 96 ° 48' 11.0" East. This measurement is done in the area of coffee plantations, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Cross-section Subsurface Resistivity of BT3 trails of Burni Telong Mountain.

CONCLUSION It can be concluded that: Finding the source of the manifestation of Mount Burni Telong, Central Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, in the form of: Fumaroles or alteration, Kaipohan, and Hot Water Cross-section of the subsurface resistivity indicate a fault zone on the track BT1 and BT2 Running BT1 and BT2 passed through the manifestation manifestations in Mount Burni Telong occurred due to a fault in the track BT1 and BT2

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