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IMI2 JU Traineeship Scheme Rules and Procedures General The present rules govern the use of trainees by the IMI2 JU. This scheme is addressed mainly to young university graduates, without excluding those who, in the framework of lifelong learning, have recently obtained a university diploma and are at the beginning of a new professional career.

Eligibility criteria In order to be admitted to the IMI traineeship scheme, applicants must:  Be nationals of the Member States of the European Union;  Have a very good knowledge of at least two EU languages, of which one should be English, the vehicular language of the IMI2 JU;  Have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (at least three years of university education) and obtained a full degree by the closing date for applications. Applications will not be accepted from applicants who, for more than 6 weeks:  Have already benefited or benefit from any kind of traineeship within a European institution or body, or  Have had or have any kind of employment within a European institution or body. Candidates should inform the IMI2 JU of any change in their situation that might occur at any stage of the application process. The IMI2 JU reserves the right to amend the eligibility criteria as and when necessary. Any such changes will be published on the website before the opening of the application period.

Application process 1. Submission of applications Applications must be submitted in accordance with the rules and procedures established by the IMI2 JU. All necessary instructions are published on the IMI2 JU website. Incomplete applications and those received after the closing date defined for each traineeship period, as indicated on the website, will be automatically rejected. If an application is unsuccessful a candidate may re-apply for a subsequent training period. It is, however, necessary to submit a new application.

Tel +32 (0)2 221 81 81 • Fax +32 (0)2 221 81 74 [email protected] •

Postal address: IMI JU • TO56 • 1049 Brussels • Belgium Visiting address: Ave de la Toison d’Or 56-60 • 1060 Brussels • Belgium

2. Selection procedure Upon receipt of the submitted applications, the eligibility will be examined based on the eligibility and submission criteria as defined above. A list of eligible applicants will be established whose applications, and in particular, educational background, qualifications, competences, motivation and preferences suit best the identified needs in accordance with the availability of places. Prior to the final selection decision applicants may be contacted over the phone to check availability, suitability, linguistic knowledge and to discuss mutual expectations. The IMI2 JU Executive Director makes the final selection of applicants after discussion with the Head of Administration and Finance where applicable. Selected candidates are informed by letter, of the dates of the training period. A copy of these rules is enclosed to the letter. If a candidate is unable to supply the requested documents within the given deadline, IMI2 JU may withdraw the offer. 3. Withdrawal At any stage of the selection process, applicants may withdraw their application by informing the IMI2 JU Human Resources team in writing. In such case, applicants are excluded from any further stage of the process.

Rights and duties Trainees 1. Training periods last at least three and at most six months. Traineeship periods may not be repeated or extended beyond the maximum length laid down in these rules. 2. Trainees shall be required to comply with the instructions given by their advisers, by the IMI2 JU Head of Administration and Finance if assigned to his/her team and/or the IMI2 JU Executive Director. 3. Trainees must take part in all activities organised for them, respecting the timetables and programs laid down. 4. During their traineeship, trainees must consult their advisers on any action they propose to take on their own initiative relating to the IMI2 JU activities. 5. Upon engagement, trainees will be requested to sign appropriate documentation on confidentiality obligations and a declaration of the absence of any conflict of interest. 6. Trainees must exercise the greatest discretion regarding facts and information that come to their knowledge during the course of their training. They must not, in any manner whatsoever, disclose to any unauthorised person any document or information not already made public. Trainees will continue to be bound by this obligation after the end of their training. The IMI2 JU reserves its legal right to terminate the traineeship and to take action against any person who does not respect this obligation. 7. Trainees must not have any professional connections with third parties, who might be incompatible with their traineeship (i.e. must not work for lobbyists, legal attaches, etc.), and they are not permitted to exercise any other gainful employment during the period of the traineeship, which may adversely affect the work assigned during the traineeship. If a conflict of interest should arise during their assignment, 2

trainees should immediately report this to their adviser and to the IMI2 JU Executive Director and Head of Administration and Finance in writing. 8. Trainees must respect the same rules for contacts with the press as other IMI2 JU staff and follow the instructions provided. 9. Trainees must not, either alone or with others, publish, or cause to be published any matter dealing with the work of the IMI2 JU without the written permission in accordance with the IMI2 JU rules. All rights, for any articles or other work done for the IMI2 JU, are the property of the IMI2 JU. 10. At the end of their traineeship, trainees must submit to their advisers a report on their activities during the training period. The advisers will then forward this report to the IMI2 JU Human Resources team together with their own reports on the trainees. In the light of these reports, the trainees receive, at the end of the traineeship, a certificate specifying the length of training period and the team to which they were attached. 11. Trainees must carefully record their activities and their daily working hours in from the first day up to the final day of service. 12. Trainees must also comply with the present rules governing the traineeships at IMI2 JU and the internal rules and procedures of the IMI2 JU. The IMI2 JU reserves the right to terminate the traineeship in case of non-compliance with these obligations. 13. In order to constantly improve the traineeship scheme, trainees will be requested to provide evaluation and feedback reports to the IMI2 JU Human Resources Manager at the end of the traineeship. Traineeship adviser 14. A traineeship adviser will be appointed for each trainee, and the trainee will be under his/her supervision and responsibility. The trainee adviser will: 

Develop and submit to the IMI2 JU Human Resources Manager a specific training plan;

Instruct the trainee and advise on the performance of the work allocated;

Ensure that the trainee is involved in the everyday work of IMI2 JU as far as possible;

Supervise the trainee’s work throughout the traineeship;

Help the trainee with any technical/administrative matters;

Write and submit an evaluation of the traineeship, by the latest 2 weeks after the end of the traineeship;

Inform the Human Resources Manager of any significant event occurring during the traineeship (in particular professional incompetence, absences, illnesses, accidents, inappropriate behaviour, interruption of traineeship, etc.).

Status 15. Admission to a traineeship does not confer on trainees the status of temporary agents, contract agents or other servants of the European Communities nor does it entail any right or priority with regard to future engagement in the Joint Undertaking. Trainees cannot benefit from any privileges and immunities granted by the host country to temporary agents, contract agents or other servants of the IMI2 JU. Sanctions and disciplinary measures 16. Trainees must exercise their duties and behave with integrity, courtesy, and consideration. If the conduct of the trainee does not prove satisfactory, the Executive Director and/or the Head of Administration and Finance, may at any moment decide to terminate the traineeship. 3

Leave and absences 1. Leave Trainees should keep the same working hours (40 hours per week) and have the same IMI2 JU holidays as IMI2 JU staff. Trainees are entitled to 2 days leave per month. This entitlement is acquired pro rata to the months worked. Days of leave not taken will not be paid. Days taken for participation to any competition, exam or university work, etc. are to be deducted from this entitlement. The IMI2 JU Executive Director and/or the Head of Administration, and Finance and the Human Resources Manager oversee that the above rules are respected. Leave requests should respect the needs of the service. Absences must first be approved by the Executive Director or Head of Administration and Finance. 2. Sickness In case of sickness, trainees must notify the adviser and the IMI2 JU Human Resources team immediately, and if absent for longer than three days, must produce a medical certificate, indicating the length of absence, which must be forwarded to the Human Resources team. A trainee who is absent because of illness may be subject to medical checks in the interest of the service. 3. Absence When trainees are absent without justification or without notifying their adviser, the IMI2 JU may decide to immediately terminate the traineeship without further notice. Any over-payment of the grant is to be reimbursed to the IMI2 JU. The trainee will also not be entitled to receive the travel allowance. 4. Interruption Under exceptional circumstances and subject to a written request from the trainee setting out the relevant reasons and with proper justification, and after prior consultation of the IMI2 JU Executive Director and/or the Head of Administration and Finance, may authorise an interruption of the training for a specific period. If a grant is awarded it will then be suspended and the trainee is not entitled to reimbursement of any travel expenses incurred during that period. The trainee may then return to complete the remaining part of the training, but only up to the date specified in the traineeship offer letter. 5. Early termination of the contract If a trainee wishes to terminate his/her traineeship earlier than the date specified in the traineeship offer letter, a written request must be submitted by the trainee to the Human Resources Manager for approval, at least 3 weeks in advance. The grant may only be terminated every 1st and 16th of the month. Any trainee who terminates his/her traineeship earlier will be required to reimburse that part of the grant which he/she may have received, relating to the period after the termination date.

Missions 1. In exceptional cases only, the IMI2 JU Executive Director may on a request from the IMI2 JU Adviser concerned stating the grounds, grant authorization for a trainee to be sent on mission.

2. This authorization entitles trainees to reimbursement of mission expenses in accordance with the IMI2 JU rules.


Grants 1. Trainees will be awarded a monthly grant. The amount of the grant is 25% of an AD 5 step 1 basic salary. 2. If the trainee terminates his/her traineeship early, he/she will be required to reimburse that part of the grant, which he/she may have received, relating to the period after the termination date. 3. Upon presentation of the proper justification, disabled trainees may receive a supplement to their grant equal to a maximum of 50% of the amount of the grant. This additional payment is designed to help those trainees to cover certain additional expenses that they may encounter. The IMI2 JU may consult a medical service on its own, if necessary.

Travel expenses at the beginning and end of the traineeship 1. Trainees who receive a grant and whose place of recruitment is more than 50 km from the place of employment are entitled to a compensation for the travel expenses incurred at the beginning and end of the traineeship.

2. The trainee must complete a minimum of three months of the training period to qualify for the travel allowance.

3. Brussels is to be the place of recruitment. No request for a change of address shall be granted once the decision to award a traineeship has been taken.

4. Travel expenses will be paid upon presentation of the relevant documents and in accordance with the IMI2 JU rules.

Tax arrangements Grants awarded to trainees are not subject to the special tax regulations applying to officials and other servants of the European Union. Trainees are solely responsible for the payment of any taxes due on the grant they receive from the IMI2 JU by virtue of the Belgium laws in force.

Sickness and accident insurance The IMI2 JU does not cover sickness or accident insurance and trainees are obliged to have such insurance prior to the start of their traineeship at the IMI2 JU. Proof of insurance should be presented to the IMI2 JU Human Resources prior the start of the traineeship period.

Data protection As a body responsible for the recruitment of trainees, IMI2 JU ensures that applicants' personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of Individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (Official Journal of the European Communities, L 8 of 12 January 2001).