on ir1s('ct;cidul feed. Feed contin ... pesticide product label,seeco insecticidal cattle mineral-8-t medicated,nutribasics,01803700001 Created Date:...

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WARNINGS USE as a sole source of Ronnel.

. . . . INC.

INSECTICIDAL CATTLE MINERAL-8-T MEDICATBD For continuous Self FeedtnQ of Cattle During the Summer for Control of Homm .. and Cattle Grubs; for Mixingln Feed to Provide a 7 -Day Feeding Program for Grub Control and as an Aid in the Reduction of Cattle Lice, ora 14-Day Feeding Program for Grub Control; for beef cattle and non-lactating dairy animals only. Follow feeding directions carefully. PESTICIDALLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Ronnel (0, O-dimethyl O-C2,4,5-trichlorophenyO phosphorothioate) . . • • • • • • • . • •• 6.0% PESTICIDALLY INERT INGREDIENTS. 94.0% TOTAL 100.0% GUARANTEED ANALYSIS Calcium (Ca), not mare than. •• 9.00% Calcium (Ca), not less than 8.00% Phosphorus (P), not It"ss than 6.00'10 lodi ne (I), not Iess than . . 0.025% Salt (NaCI), not more than. 29.00% Salt (NaCI), not less thon .• . 26.00 0 (, INGREDIENTS Dica1cium Phosphate, Monoca1cium Phosphate, Salt, Calcium Carbonate, Wheat Middlings, Cane Molasses, Steamed Bone Wleal, Diatomaceous Earth, Red iron Oxide, Iron Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Manganese Sulfate, Magnesium Oxide, Copper Oxide, Ethylene Diamine Dihydriodide, Cobalt Carbonate, Minerai Oil, Glyceryl Monostearate, Pryogenic Silacc., Saybean M.i, Artificial Flavor Added.


Dairycowsshouldbe treated ~arly in their dry period but only if the dry period occurs hetween the end of the adult heel fly season and before grubs reach the back •

Do not feed to dairy animals that ,,,,ill produce milk for human consumption for 10 days prior to freshenIng. If doi ry cows or heifers freshen during feeding program, or if insecticidal mineral has not been withdrawn the requi red 10 dais pri or to fresheni ng, mi Ik must not be used for fooj for 10 days after the last feedi ng of this product.

Do not feed to sick animal,

animals under stress, such as those just shipped, de'1orned, castrated, or weaned within the last 3 weeks. vI

Ronnel isacholinesteraseinhibitor. Do not use H'is product in animals simultane::>usly or '.'lithin a few days before or after treatrner't with or exposure to chol inesterase-i nhibit i n9 drugs, pest i c i des or c hefTlicals. Consult a veterinarian at the first sigr of adv..... reaction. Atropine is an antidote.

Wash hands with soap and wllter after hardling. This material contains a cholinestera~c inhibitor. Tre"t Symptomatically. Atr0~ille is an antidote. Harmful if swallowed. This product is toxic to fish. Keep out of lakes, streams, and ponds. Do not contaminate by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Use this product only as specified on this label. Do not reuse empty containers. Destroy it by burning or buryinginnan-crop lands away frorn water supplies. Do not reuse empty container. Destroy it by burying with waste or burning. Stay away from smoke or

fumes. Licensed under U. S. Patent ~ <0. ,1,811,480 STORE IN A U:,-~L. I ,~y PLACE NET ':, 1. 5(1 l P ).

SEECO, Inc. Box 1014 WILLM A It, MINNJ<:S' IT A


EPA Reg. t-Jo. I tiUJ' - l



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to Feed: For hornfly control on pastured cattle ,I,rtfeeding Seeco Insecticidal Cattle Minel1ll ir. tl)( Spring hdnre flies appear. Continue feedi W illl ~ummer nnel into the fall until cold weather (( ,!,jels fly rj,',clnrmenl. For grub control, feed "I in - "!: te,- c; :ninimum of 75 days. ~ .... Much toJeed: Recommended consumption of See co Insectiddlll Cottle Mineral containing 6% Ronne! is ,1.2 lb. ,-,or 1()() lb. of body weight.,per heoj per mor,th. How to Feed: Feed Seeco Insecticidal Cattle Min'n.1 continoll~ly nil 0 self-fed basis to cattle. in ,'C ",red minerul-t~(';jer troughs or boxes. Provide 'mineral teedpr h-; . . cr feeding bcxspoce for eoch :0 head ('If n,ttle. Locate mineral-feeder '" no'''' tr(Ju~)i's r,f'Gr .'iateringareas. To encourage ,T,1f J',l ond :,orm,11 ('onsumption, put out only 07'1: :' 'ppl)' at (lnt: time, and keep feeder boxes and :;!,\: lew. Fnr Cldequate insect control, each " i n,jt ',H s! "ot ito share of mineral. Small, late I Jst, -wir", oJl1 7 or 14 day feed;IJ;n Ilttf" woonir.g for control.


Vo:ARNING ' no t a II ow cat-, ",,,;',..,. I' ,1'1 n ~ progr:: C". ,:0 • ,t • t'CCl hseclicidol Cattl(' Mineral fc(": 'J ' i cJdditionol salt ::>r l11illerol.

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i":F' DAY

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mix with the complete n ", ;." on ir1s('ct;cidul feed. Feed contin,:,. f.'r I ,,; 14 I(]vs Ol'd make certain that all : <\, . . i ' eoti':l . .-\,jequate feeding space shou!d " , 'i!lt!, " f'xh animal. Moke certain thot 'i' ,nt'SSlf',l, 0

insecticid01 ~eed is evenly d,stril) ,',"; into, theto~al ration. Plo . ide r: h,(,1 'f \ Seeco Insecticidal (r:ttle t"inerrl in' ,"( body wei ght (to be feJ 0, er ~ hI' ''''r I" , ing period). I'JOTE: Insecticidal feed mr; It: " icidol Cottle tv''.ineralsh'ulclh., 'I'" of mixing.


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'Nhe,l to Fet'd: After eno:j (', f "d I ',"0 i 'i and before g~ubs reach the b,;r:k. : .;',,,,,i 1\ fective for grub conrr{)l ~vii"Lj i'I.-r Sf(:'.',' cycle, when grubs are in the l'G"~ \ I ,''lttl ductionof cottle lice" iii ~ ~ ,.: ~ i,,,,l., \." directed for the 7 -do .. r" ~i' ,', '

7 -DAY TREAT ME NT When to Feed: Southern area cottle - Jl)ly jf,r,-,"/ ':. " ~'~orthern orea cott I e -= August lI',rclJr;:, ( How to Feed: Mix the ,ughly 2 lb. cf :,,'" iddal Cottle Mineral conto!llinn 6' r:nr: lb. feed to produce on inscctr:i,;ol i,.'., I, onl y enough for the 7 day feedi n~) pr",," O.3Ib. of insecticidal feed per 100 I: .. dally (oN 7 continous days.

14-DAY TREATMENT ,"ht'n to Feed, Southern area cottle - J"l y thr ,e:' I'JQrthern oreo cottlt' - Auqu;1 th i ,,,, ;1 .!" '" to Feed: Mi xthvrouuhl y 1 It. , i :Ciaol Cottle Mineral containin .' , . , ,/'1 ,'". uffeed to produce on inscrti;,"llJ! r., t, 'nly enough for the 14-doy f"p',ii'l • rr ' n lib. of insecticidal feed r",r ")( I:, , doily for 14 continuOlls do;",

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