Internal Audit II: Audit of Sales and Marketing Business

Internal Audit II: Audit of Sales and Marketing Business Processes and HR Management 2 How to apply? Please complete the registration form online...

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Internal Audit II: Audit of Sales and Marketing Business Processes and HR Management Who should attend  Managers and specialists of Internal Audit Department, Internal Control Department, Risk Management  Managers and staff of HR department, Sales and Marketing Department  Employees who work on the implementation and development of the Internal Audit function in the company. Duration 2 day / 16 academic hours/ 16 CPD-units/ 14 CPE credits Required level of preparation Prior to this training we recommend the participants first attend our training: “Internal Control: Fundamentals of Theory and Practice I”, “Risk Management”, “Internal Audit I”

Objectives  To familiarize participants with objectives and main aspects of operational audit  To analyze business processes “Sales and Marketing” and “HR management” using internal audit  To learn the procedure of creating the work program for operational audit of business process  To exercise practical skills for internal audit reporting according to the best practice.

As a result of training participants will be able  Define key goals for processes “Sales and Marketing” and “HR management”  To articulate risks and control procedures inherent in these processes  Make a description of the audit procedures under audit by the selected processes.

Course peculiarities Case studies, aimed at the improvement of participants’ professionalism.

Training methodology  Training is conducted in an interactive form and includes a number of case studies.  Training participants are provided with specially designed training materials in Russian.

Internal Audit II: Audit of Sales and Marketing Business Processes and HR Management

Training outline Day 1 Audit risk-based: key features  Prioritization of business processes  Risk matrix  Internal control evaluation scale The formation of the plan of activities of the internal audit service

 Risks of product placement  Risk of promotion  Facilitation on the basis of the business case “Identification and analysis of goals and key performance indicators of the process “Sales and Marketing” New areas of risk process “Sales and Marketing”

 Engagement work programme

Summary of the course

Test: The stages of internal audit

 Detailed analysis of the process “Sales and Marketing”:

Internal audit of the process “HR management”  Identification, analysis of “HR management” goals and key performance indicators

 Sale’s ethics

 Recognition and basics of risk assessment, associated with the employees. Detailed analysis of the process “HR management”:

 Price and discount policy formation

 Recruitment of the employees  Staffing  Planning and monitoring of the employees’

career  Organization of remuneration and motivation  Training of the employees

Examples of the decomposition process Objectives and indicators of process efficiency  Sufficiency of staff and his movement

 Research and client base creation  Planning and carrying out of advertising

campaigns  Formation of public relations.

Case study: Operational audit of the process “Sales and Marketing” - creation of the work program and recommendations of internal auditor.

Certificates Certificates of the EY Academy of Business.

Place and time

 Indicators characterizing features of the organizational structure

Open trainings are conducted at EY Academy of Business from 9:30 to 16:30.

 Indicators of the structure of working time and efficiency of its use

In-company training

Facilitation on the basis of the business case “HR management”

 Preliminary analysis of clients’ training needs, identification of aims and goals

 New areas of risk process of human resources Management

 Training adaptation industry

Case study “The Formation of the working program of audit”

 Flexible approach to training location and schedules  Report on the training results on request.

Day 2 Case study (continuation): Operational audit of the process “HR management” – recommendations of internal auditor Internal audit of the process “Sales and Marketing”

Recommended training scheme  Internal Control: Fundamentals of Theory and Practice  Risk Management  Preparing for Audit: Best Practice  Internal Audit I: New Approach

 Risk area of tactical marketing

 Internal Audit II: Audit of Sales and Marketing Business Processes and HR Management

 Risks product policy

 Fundamentals of Corporate Governance

 Definitions of strategic and tactical marketing

 Risk pricing

How to apply? Please complete the registration form online at our web site: