ISPA 201 : Best Practices - WTS International

ISPA 2016: Best Practices 300 Powerful Words (Catherine Warren, Eau Spa) Hotel Sales Referral Program (Christina Cabrera, Westin Mission Hills) Pop Up...

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ISPA 2016: Best Practices 3 0 0 P o w e r f u l W o r ds ( Ca t h e r i n e War r en , Ea u Sp a) Ho te l S a l e s Re fe r ra l P ro g ra m (C h r i stin a Ca b rera, Westin Mission H ills) Po p Up S ho p ( Ke nd r a R i c e , T h e S p a at T r u mp Ch icag o) R e t a i l Incen t i ve Co n t e s t s ( Li nd s e y S ap p en field , L oews Don Cesar Sp a Oc ea n a) T i e r e d C o m p e n s a t i o n ( T r i s h M i t te l s tad t, Th e Sp a at T r u mp L a s Veg a s) We d d i ng P ro p o s al Pa c ka g e s ( R i a n on Cep r ian o, Loews Don Cesar Sp a Ocea n a) We l l ne ss C h a l l e n ge ( M a r i a D i Ma rco, T h e Sp a at Sou ther n H ig h la n d s)

3200 Tower Oaks Boulevard, Suite 400 Rockville, MD 20852 | United States t: 301 .622 .7800

Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:


WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to operations, staff communication, promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Simpkins, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Catherine Warren

Property Name:

Eau Spa

Property Type:

Location: Palm Beach, Florida

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy


Staff Communication



2. ALL CATAGORIES: Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) 300 Powerful Words Need: A flip cart (at least 3) Markers Cut out words 10 Minutes to 1 Hour The goal of this exercise is to teach your team members new and powerful words in order to create a more articulate and meaningful verbal exchange with the guests or members whom they serve. Depending on the time allowed, the team members are asked to draw three to ten words out of a hat from the list provided. They are then to look up the meanings of the words on their cell phones or computers. Then the individual is to join a team of 3 to 6 members and create a warm welcome or a fond farewell script for a guest using all of their words. It does not have to make perfect sense, and will read more like a MadLib, but is a fun and effective excerice that will help them to remember the words. A nice introduction would be as follows: "In this exercise, you will learn some new vocabulary that will make your interactions with guests more memorable, gracious, formal and exciting! You will also score higher on the GMAT, LSAT, SAT or GRE should you choose to take one. Please pick ten words per person. You are now responsible for finding the meaning of these ten words, and working them into a story with the rest of your group, and your group members will use their own words, as well to be © 2016 WTS International. All rights reserved.

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incorporated into your own group story. In this story, you will explain to a guest why they are going to revel in their time at your spa, what makes your spa unique and why it was a good decision to bring their guests to your spa for a special occasion." The words to choose from are as follows: 1.












































For example, if you make groups of three, and team members 1, 2 and 3 have each drawn three © 2016 WTS International. All rights reserved.

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words, then they should have nine words all together to use in their script:

1. Team Member 1: Anniversary, Colossal, Frolic 2. Team Member 2: Titanic, Garrulous, Lethargic 3. Team Member 3: Mercurial, Incomparable, Magniloquent

If the team decides on a warm welcome, then they could make up a script with the above words such as follows:

Welcome to Green Spa, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson! We are so thrilled that you chose to celebrate your Anniversary with us! Our spa is titanic, and so you should have plenty of space to frolic in. We promise that our incomparable service will make a colossal impact on your time here, and your concieger who will be assisting you is mercurial and magniloquent, and thus will ensure that you are amused during your time with us. We hope you enjoy your visit, and have a wonderful day!

Then one of the team members has to stand up and present it to the rest of the class and define any words that the group questions. 3. ALL CATAGORIES: What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? The team really liked this exercise and began to use the big words as a joke at fiorst, but soon found that they stick. 4. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice N/A 5. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation? N/A 6. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each:

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Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:

WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to operations, staff communication, promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Simpkins, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Christina Cabrera

Property Name:

Westin Mission Hills

Property Type:

Location: Rancho Mirage, CA

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy


Staff Communication



2. ALL CATAGORIES: Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) Sales, Catering & Confrence Service Manager Incentive Program: The manager will receive 3% of the consumed Spa treatment revenues generated by the Sales, Conference Service or Catering Manager group contracts and commitments. QUALIFICATION 1. The Sales, Catering, and Conference Service Coordinators is responsible for tracking and submitting all contracted group spa all information to the Spa Director. The Spa team will be responsible for contacting the designated group contact to coordinate all appointment details. 2. Spa Director will generate a report through book4time operating system at the end of each month that will be used to reconcile all spa appointments generated by the Sales, Conference Service, and Catering team. 3. The Sales, Conference Service and Catering Team will be given the flexibility to negotiate pricing for groups of ten or more up to 20% off the published price. Groups requiring discounts in excess of the 20% must be approved in advance by the Spa Director. 4. The Sales, Conference Service and Catering Team will be given full credit for the revenue generated on all contracted spa treatments.

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5. Spa appointments must be either contracted or the catering /conference service manager must obtain a commitment on a specific number of spa treatments prior to arrival to be eligible for the incentive. Additional qualifications • The incentive will be paid within (60) days from the end of the quarter • Manager must be employed through the date of payment in order to receive any incentive. • Management reserves the right to change or terminate this program at any time

3. ALL CATAGORIES: What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? This incentive was rolled out in July 2016. Since then we have had 3 groups provide commitments for a specific amount of spa appointments in the year for the year: Nationwide 10/11-12/16 Approx. 132 appts; BlueBird 11/16-17/16 Approx. 40-60 appts or soiree TBD; Aviation 12/8/16 Approx. 65 appointments. This has come from groups that were already on the books. The sales team is working at contracting spa for future business, we has two site visits this past month that were interested in spa, one chose another property and the other we should hear back by mid September if they sign with our resort.

4. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice Group Business- Sales, Catering, Confrence Services management team 5. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation? No 6. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each: Spa is promoted to all group business, on site visits, and during the preplanning process.


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Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:


WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Simpkins, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Kendra Rice

Property Name:

Trump Chicago

Property Type:

Location: Chicago , IL

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy

2. Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) This year in the month of December The Spa at Trump held "holiday pop up shops" . We ordered tables from banquests as well as holiday decorations. We then brought our retail products from our spa boutique to a different area within the hotel and created a "spa pop up shop". December was the first month doing this and it proved to be successful. We did 3 pop up shops. One during a local festival (that was right outside the hotel )and one in our residential lobby and one during a St. Jude event our hotel hosted. The spa pop up shops accounted for 6,000 dollars of our total retail revenue for the month of December. We will be continuing this throughout the year for other holidays as well. (Valentines Day, Mothers Day etc..). 3. Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice? Residents, Hotel Guests and locals 4. Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation? We did not partner with local business's or vendors for this event. Moving forward I may ask them to offer a few complimentary products where whoever makes a purchase at the retail shop is included in a raffle for product. 5. List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each: We worked with out marketing team to create signage for the event. I sent an email blast in demand force as well as a mass email to our residents and posted on social media. Our most successful pop up shop was in our residential lobby. We offered a 20% discount and milk and cookies and it worked! 6. What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? In all our pop up shops comined we made 6,500 dollars.

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Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:

WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to operations, staff communication, promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Simpkins, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Lindsey Sappenfield

Property Name:

Spa Oceana

Property Type:

Location: Loews Don Cesar, St. Pete Beach

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy


Staff Communication



2. ALL CATAGORIES: Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) Retail Contest for team members: Relax & Renew Giveaway. The package consisted of an Aromastone Massage, Express Facial, and lunch on our roof top terrace. Cost to the spa was $155 for service providers for all the winners, $125 in food in beverage. Total cost to the spa was $280. The contest ran one month. Each department had a chance to win for their best performer. Total of 5 prizes to give out. Purpose was to make retail budget of $21,570 dollars which was the highest amount budgeted in 2016. The prize would be awarded to the team member selling the highest dollar amount of retail during the month. With team members who were with $25 of each other in sales, the winner with the highest sell through percentage would be awarded the package. 3. ALL CATAGORIES: What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? The sales contest was a huge success. To provide comparison for the retail numbers The previous month to the contest the LMT winner sold $357.25 with a sales percentage of 4.33%. The winning month she sold $1,085.25 with a sales ratio of 11.18%. Our other most improved sales person was in our nail department. Base sales rate of non contest was $511 with a 10.07% retail ratio. Sales contest month was$1,570.49 with a 22.97% sales ratio. Every department showed improvement during the sales contest month. Total Sales improvement for base month to incentive month was $2,892. ROI on prize investment was $2,612. 4. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice © 2016 WTS International. All rights reserved.

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We wanted to appeal to all of our guests. We worked with locals, groups, and transient hotel guests, as they each had their own incentives. Our local guets are often given a 10% discount as a thank you for choosing us. Our group participants have a retail discount between 10 - 15%, depending on the group contract. Our transient hotel guests have an opportunity for our internal promotion cards, which offer a 10% discount. We also offered Zents GWP for any purchase over $50. And offered complimentary shipping for any purchase over $75. 5. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation? Partnership with Zents for providing complimentary GWP to the spa, and they continue to support us every time we have a request for GWP. Our marketing went out all month long on Demandforce email blasts, and retail is recommended to every patron having a service. 6. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each: Our best marketing strategy during this month was our Seasonal Flyer, seen on our website, print, rack card, internally in the hotel, and offered to the local guests. The success was seen by the bookings of our spring specials at a much higher rate of our standard massage menu services. The constant daily prescence of the rack card made for a very successful month with the seasonal treatments, which had a very strong retail tie in.


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Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:


WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to operations, staff communication, promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Simpkins, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Trish Mittelstadt

Property Name:

Trump LV

Property Type:

Location: Trump LV

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy


Staff Communication



2. ALL CATAGORIES: Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) Tier Compensation Structure with Quarterly Review 3. ALL CATAGORIES: What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? The tiered compensation structure allows for well performing technicians to earn more commission as their average ticket increases, and those that are not to earn the base commission. Since we started this program I have seen an increase in the average ticket due to increased retail sales as well as upgrades. Each quarter I see more and more technicians moving up in their tiers due to an increased average ticket. 4. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice

5. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation?

6. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each:

© 2016 WTS International. All rights reserved.

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Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:

WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to operations, staff communication, promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Simpkins, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Rianon Cepriano

Property Name:

Spa Oceana

Property Type:

Location: Loews Don Cesar, St. Pete Beach

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy


Staff Communication



2. ALL CATAGORIES: Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) Proposal Package - includes Spa services package (services may vary), Restaurant Reservations, and Personal Photographer to capture the moment (see attached photos). Romantic Spa Proposal begins at $500: Includes couples AromaStone massage in Couples Seaside Suite, Manicure and Pedicure, private rooftop cabana reserved, and personal photographer to capture moment during champagne toast Consultation: Site visit, coordination of appointments and photographer, and execution of proposal. Set Up: Tables, chairs, linens, and space rental. Complimentary bottle of bubbly Stellina Di Notte, Prosecco. Upgrades available at additional cost. Romantic Spa and Dinner Proposal begins at $500: Includes Couples AromaStone massage in Couples Seaside Suite, Manicure and Pedicure, Dinner Reservations at Maritana Grille, and personal photographer to capture moment during champagne toast Propose while having a private romantic dinner. Proposal fee does not include dining; menu is © 2016 WTS International. All rights reserved.

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available at normal pricing. Consultation: Site visit, coordination of Spa services and photographer, and execution of proposal. Set Up: Tables, chairs, linens, and space rental. Complimentary bottle of Stellina Di Notte, Prosecco. Upgrades available at additional cost Private server. 3. ALL CATAGORIES: What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? Sales will vary depending on the guests preferences. May include a combination of Spa Revenue, Food and Beverage, and/or Hotel Room Revenue. Price begins at $500 for Spa only package and can go as high as $1500 with a room stay and dinner reservation. 4. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice Local and/or Hotel Guests that want to create a proposal experience 5. PRO M O T IO N / S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation? Partnership with Hotel Sales Team, Hotel Restaurant Outlets, Cheers Events and Local Photographer - Kimberly Dyer Photography. We work together to create an overall experience that includes Spa, Food and Beverage, and personal Photographer to capture the moment. 6. PRO M O T IO N/ S ER V IC E/ P RO M O T IO N/ E V EN T /M AR K ET ING ST R AT EG Y : List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each: Packages are to be promoted via Hotel Website, during Bi-annual Bridal Shows held at the Don CeSar Hotel, and will be featured on the upcoming Spa Oceana Website (2017). High success rate at Bridal Shows and via Hotel Website.


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Best Practice Submission Date Submitted:

WTS encourages our Directors, Managers and Supervisors in the field to share Best Practices as related to promotions, events and marketing strategies. As a community of Industry Leaders, it is beneficial, and our mission, to create a tool box of resources that can be utilized by others. If you have discovered something that works and works well, we want to hear about it! Please fully complete the form below and submit it to our Marketing Communications Manager, Mary Pilch, at [email protected]. GENERAL INFORMATION Submitted By:

Maria DiMarco

Property Name:

Spa Southern Highlands

Property Type:

Hotel: Destination

Hotel: Boutique

Hotel: Urban

Day Spa

Fitness Center


Resort Activities

Country Club

Golf Club

Tennis Facility

Location: Las Vegas

BEST PRACTICE DETAILS 1. What type of Best Practice are you submitting? Promotion



Marketing Strategy

2. Describe your Best Practice in detail (Name, Duration, Purpose, Detailed Description) Wellness Challenge, 6 Weeks, Improve your health and be eligible to win a grand prize of $100. This wellness challenge is a gentle way to start the year. Often times people push too hard and too fast and never reach their New Year's resolution. Accumulate points in three categories: Nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Added physical activity programs will be available including specialty group exercise classes.

3. Who was your target demographic for this Best Practice? All Members 4. Did you partner with any local business or vendors? Please list who and your strategy to their participation? Partnered with Universal, Skin Authority and Lalicious for gift baskets to promote vendors. Sent them marketing information about program. 5. List all Marketing Strategies used, Frequency and Success Rate of each: Email, Bulletin Boards, Newsletter, Word of Mouth, 72% Participation Success Rate YOY 6. What were the overall results of the Best Practice (please provide numbers, sales (think ROI), impact on host facility, etc)? Effectively drove spa and fitness service revenue, facility utilization and created a positive and exciting engagement from membership towards wellness leading it to become an annual program.


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