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Journal of Chemical Education (ISSN 0021-9584) is published monthly by the American Chemical Society at 1155 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036, and the Division of Chemical Education, Inc., of the American Chemical Society, Office of Publication, at University of Wisconsin—Madison, 209 N. Brooks St., Madison, WI 53715. Periodicals postage paid at Washington, DC and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Journal of Chemical Education, Subscription Services, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210. American Chemical Society 1155 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872-4600; TDD (202) 872-6076; Fax (202) 776-8264

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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: NORBERT J. PIENTA University of Georgia Department of Chemistry Athens, Georgia 30602 USA (706) 542-6559 [email protected]



ARTHUR M. HALPERN Indiana State University

GREGORY T. RUSHTON Precollege Stony Brook University




JOHN M. RISLEY The University of North Carolina at Charlotte

MARCY H. TOWNS Chemical Education Research Purdue University


Thomas Kuntzleman

University of New Hampshire

Spring Arbor University

Grace Baysinger

Savita Ladage

Stanford University Libraries

Tata Institute of Fundamental

Ron Blonder Weizmann Institute of Science Stacey Lowery Bretz Miami University Melanie Cooper



CHAIR: Ellen J. Yezierski

Research Jennifer Lewis

SECRETARY: Daniel B. King

University of South Florida Peter Mahaffy

TREASURER: Frank J. Torre

The King’s University Ingrid Montes

MEMBERS: Cheryl Baldwin Frech, Michelle L. Head, Deborah G.

Michigan State University

University of Puerto Rico—Río

Herrington, Irvin J. Levy, Maria T. Oliver-Hoyo, Laura E. Slocum

Deanna Cullen

Piedras Campus

Whitehall High School

Tina Overton

Andrew Dicks

Monash University

University of Toronto Ingo Eilks University of Bremen Alison Flynn University of Ottawa Cheryl Baldwin Frech University of Central Oklahoma Fernando Galembeck University of Campinas

Gabriel Pinto Polytechnic University of Madrid Todd Silverstein


Willamette University Vincente Talanquer University of Arizona Zakiya Wilson-Kennedy Louisiana State University Donald Wink

University of Georgia 140 Cedar Street Athens, GA 30602-2556 Tel 706-542-8523 or 800-991-5534; Fax 202-354-4826 E-mail [email protected]

University of Illinois at Chicago

LaTrease Garrison

David Yaron

American Chemical Society

Carnegie Mellon University

Jon Holmes

Ellen Yezierski

209 North Brooks Street

Chemical Education Xchange

Miami University

Madison, WI 53715-1116

University of Wisconsin–Madison