nd May 2017 - fluencycontent-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com

We will be investigating how Hampton Court Palace has developed from a large ... finally a visitor attraction with ‘grace and favour’ apartments...

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4 May 2017 Year 7 History Visit to Hampton Court Palace - Mon 22 May 2017 Dear Year 7 Parents and Guardians On Monday 22nd May 2017, the History Department will be taking Year 7 to Hampton Court Palace. This visit will follow on from your daughter’s study of the Tudors this term. We will be investigating how Hampton Court Palace has developed from a large barn on the manor of Hampton, into a Tudor and then a baroque palace, and finally a visitor attraction with ‘grace and favour’ apartments. We shall look at how the buildings developed, imagine what it would have been like to live there at different times in the past, how their use has changed, and think about the benefits and problems the growth of tourism has posed for the people who look after it. We have also booked a workshop where your daughter will be considering the nature of politics and power in Elizabethan England and the religious changes experienced during the Tudor period. We will meet in the Dining Room at 7.45 am, and will return to school by 4.15 pm. Your daughter should wear her school uniform, but will need to bring a coat if the weather is wet as some time will be spent outside due to the nature of the site. Lunch will be provided, but a small amount of money (about £5) can be brought to purchase a drink, ice-cream or souvenirs during the day. The cost of this day trip will be £14.00 and will be added to your Autumn Term fee bill. Yours sincerely,

Miss L. Hunter History Department

Independent Day School for Girls Aged 4-18 Headmistress: Mrs B M Elliott MA (CANTAB) Registered Charity 312766

CHANNING SCHOOL Highgate, N6 5HF Telephone : 020 8340 2328

Fax number : 020 8341 5698

NAME OF TRIP: Hampton Court Mon 22 May 2017 Teacher in Charge: Miss L Hunter PARENTAL CONSENT To be returned, when completed, to the teacher in charge of the expedition, at the above address NO MEDICAL TREATMENT CAN TAKE PLACE UNLESS YOU FILL OUT THESE DETAILS IN FULL. CHANNING SCHOOL CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE IF RELEVANT, ACCURATE INFORMATION IS NOT PROVIDED

EXPEDITION/VISIT: Yr 7 History Trip Hampton Court 1.

I agree to my daughter _____________________________________ (name in block capitals) Taking part in this expedition/visit. I have received written details of the activities involved.


I authorise members of the supervisory staff to approve such essential medical treatment for My daughter as is deemed necessary in an emergency on the advice of a qualified medical Practitioner, which might include the use of anaesthetics and/or blood transfusion.


I agree to impress upon my daughter the necessity to behave responsibly. I understand that there can be no absolute guarantee of safety but appreciate that the school leaders of the visit will do everything practicable to ensure the safety of everyone on the visit.

NAME OF PARENT (in block capitals) Home Address

Home Telephone Numbers If you will not be at home during the activity, please indicate here any other address and telephone number where you can be contacted



Doctor’s Name and address and telephone number Signature of parent: 4.


If there is any medical or other relevant information of which the group leader should be aware please indicate fully in the space



Illnesses which your daughter may have:


Medication plus dose in current use:


Any medication/food which your daughter is allergic to or may not take:

Independent Day School for Girls Aged 4-18 Headmistress: Mrs B M Elliott MA (CANTAB) Registered Charity 312766