NFL AM Super Bowl Sweepstakes Official Rules

NFL AM Super Bowl Sweepstakes Official Rules No Purchase Necessary to Enter or Win. A Purchase Will Not Increase Your Chances of Winning. Eligibility:...

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N FL AM Super Bow l Sw eepstakes Official Rules N o Purchase N ecessary to Enter or Win. A Purchase Will N ot Increase Your Chances of Winning. Eligibility: The N FL AM Super Bow l Sw eepstakes (hereafter, “Sw eepstakes”) is open to legal resid ents of the fifty (50) United States and District of Colum bia w ho are 18 years of age or old er as of d ate of entry. Employees, officers, d irectors, agents and representatives of N FL N etw ork (“Sponsor”), the N FL Parties (d efined as N FL Properties LLC, the N ational Football League, its m em ber professional football clubs, N FL Ventures, Inc., N FL Ventures, L.P., N FL Enterprises LLC, N FL International LLC, N FL Prod uctions LLC and each of their respective affiliates, ow ners, subsid iaries, sharehold ers, officers, d irectors, partners, agents, representatives and em ployees, both ind ivid ually and collectively) and each of their respective parents, affiliates, subsid iaries, w holesalers, retailers, d istributors, suppliers, ad vertising and promotion agencies (hereafter collectively, “Released Parties”), and each such ind ivid ual’s im m ed iate fam ily m em bers (m other, father, sister, brother, child , husband , w ife and their respective spouses, regard less of w here they resid e) and those living in their sam e household s, w hether or not related , are not eligible to participate or w in. Void w here prohibited by law . All applicable fed eral, state and local law s ap ply. Tw itter Inc. (“Tw itter”) is neither a Sponsor of nor affiliated w ith this Sw eepstakes. By entering, you und erstand that you are provid ing your inform ation to the Sponsor and not to Tw itter. Promotion Period: Sweepstakes begins 6:00:00 am Eastern Tim e (“ET”) on 1/ 28/ 13 and end s at 10:00:00 am ET on 2/ 1/ 13 (hereafter, “Prom otion Period ”). How To Enter: To enter and receive one (1) entry, @NFL_AM Tw itter follow ers m ust post a tw eet d uring the Prom otion Period inclusive of hashtag: #CaptionThis (hereafter, each, an “Entry”). If you are not alread y an @N FL_AM Tw itter follow er, you m ay become one by visiting the NFL AM’s Tw itter page at tw / N FL_AM and clicking on the "Follow " button. If you have a Tw itter account, you w ill be required to follow the prom pts to login to your account. If you d o not have a Tw itter account, you m ay follow the prom pts to sign -up for free. Entries m ust be received by 10:00:00 am ET on 2/ 1/ 13 to be eligible. Limit one (1) Entry per person per Tw itter username for the duration of the Promotion Period. Entries received from any person or Tw itter username in excess of the above stated limitation w ill be void. The use of script, m acro or automated d evices (or any other d evices or practices intend ed to autom ate or subvert any asp ect of Entry) to enter the Sw eepstakes is prohibited and any Entry through such m eans, and any Entry that is d eem ed to be ineligible (at Sponsor’s sole d iscretion and in accord ance w ith these Official Rules) w ill be void . In the event of a d ispute as to th e id entity of an entrant based on the Tw itter usernam e subm itted , Entry w ill be aw ard ed to the authorized account hold er of the Tw itter usernam e from w hich said Entry w as subm itted provid ed such ind ivid ual is eligible accord ing to these Official Rules. Released Parties are not responsible for late, lost, stolen, incom plete, m isd irected , d elayed , garbled , d am aged , inaccurate or und elivered tw eets, “Follow ” requests, d irect m essages or Entries, or for telephonic, hum an or com puter failures, problem s or

errors, interruptions in service d ue to system upgrad es, repairs, m od ifications or other causes, failures or m alfunctions of connections, satellite, netw ork, cable, Internet Service Provid er (ISP), phones, phone lines or telephone system s, traffic congestion on the internet, technical or m echanical m alfunctions, or other m alfunctions or errors, w hether caused by equipm ent, program m ing, hum an error or otherw ise relating to or in connection w ith the Sw eepstakes, includ ing, w ithout lim itation, errors w hich m ay occur in connection w ith the ad m inistration of the Sw eepstakes, the processing of d irect m essages, tw eets or Entries, the announcem ent of a prize, for any injury or d am age to participant’s or any other person’s com puter or other d evice relating to or resulting from participation in this Sw eepstakes, or for printing, typographical, hum an or other errors appearing in these Official Rules or other Sw eepstakes-related m aterials. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole d iscretion, to void any Entries or “Follow ” requ ests of entrants and d isqualify such entrants w hom Sponsor believes have attem pted to tam per w ith or im pair the ad m inistration, security, fairness or proper play of this Sw eepstakes and / or w ho are in violation of these Official Rules. Winner Selection: Tw o (2) potential Grand Prize w inners w ill be rand om ly selected from am ong all eligible Entries received d uring the Prom otion Period . Draw ing w ill be cond ucted by Sponsor on or about 2/ 6/ 13. By participating, entrants agree to the term s of these Official Ru les and to the d ecisions of the Sponsor, w hich w ill be final and bind ing in all m atters relating to the Prom otion. If a w inner is at least eighteen (18) but still consid ered a m inor in his/ her jurisd iction of resid ence, Sponsor reserves the right to aw ard the prize in the nam e of his/ her parent or legal guard ian w ho w ill be responsible for fulfilling all requirem ents im posed on w inner set forth herein. Potential w inners w ill be notified via Tw itter Direct Message by Sponsor from the @N FL_AM Tw itter hand le and m u st respond w ithin seven (7) d ays and provid e their full nam e, telephone nu m ber (inclu d ing area cod e), d ate of birth, m ail and / or em ail. Od d s of w inning a prize w ill d ep end on the total num ber of eligible Entries received . Lim it one (1) prize per person per household . Prizes: Tw o (2) Grand Prizes: An N FL jersey autographed by select celebrities/ personalities w ho appear on-air on N FL AM d uring the airing of Super Bow l XLVII taking place on 2/ 3/ 13. Approxim ate Retail Value (“ARV”): $110 each. Exact brand , size and team representation of jersey and exact autographs on jersey are d eterm ined by Sponsor in its sole d iscretion. All prize d etails are at Sponsor’s sole d iscretion. Prizes are aw ard ed “as is” w ithout any w arranty or guarantee, either express or im plied by Sponsor. All costs and expenses associated w ith the acceptance and use of a prize not specified herein as being aw ard ed , includ ing, but not lim ited to, all fed eral, state and local taxes are each w inner’s sole responsibility . Total ARV of all prizes = $220. Miscellaneous: N o transfer, assignm ent, cash red em ption, or substitution of prize is perm itted except by Sponsor, w ho reserves the right to substitute a prize w ith one of com parable or greater value, at its sole d iscretion and except as otherw ise provid ed herein. Potential w inners m ay be required to execute and return an Ad d ress Verification Form as w ell as any other d ocum ents required by Sponsor w ithin seven (7) d ays of d ate of issuance of notification. N on -com pliance w ith any of the foregoing or w ith these Official Rules m ay result in d isqualification and aw ard ing of prize to an alternate w inner, at Sponsor’s sole d iscretion and tim e perm itting. If potential prize w inner’s Tw itter Direct Message, notification letter or prize is returned as und e liverable, or if a

potential w inner fails to respond to such Tw itter Direct Message w ithin seven (7) d ays, potential w inner w ill be d isqualified and tim e perm itting, an alternate w inner m ay be selected for the applicable Weekly Period at Sponsor’s sole d iscretion. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and agree that: 1) Sponsor and its d esignees m ay use (unless prohibited by law ) entrant’s nam e, city and state of resid ence, photograph, Entry, any oral or w ritten statem ents, and / or likeness for advertising, trad e and / or any other purposes in any m ed ia now or hereafter know n throughout the w orld in perpetuity, w ithout further com pensation, perm ission or notification, and 2) the Released Parties and Tw itter shall have no liability and w ill be held harm less by entrant for any claim , action, liability, loss, injury or d am age to entrant or any other person or entity, includ ing, w ithout lim itation, personal injury or death to entrant or any other person or d am age to personal or real pr operty, d ue in w hole or in part, d irectly or ind irectly, by reason of the acceptance, possession, use or m isu se of a prize and any related activity thereto or participation in this Sw eepstakes. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole d iscretion, to termina te this Sw eepstakes (or portion thereof) for any reason, includ ing should virus, bugs, w orm s, non authorized hum an intervention or other causes corrupt or im pair the ad m inistration, security, fairness or proper play of the Sw eepstakes or for any other reason and , in the case of term ination, at its d iscretion, rand om ly select the w inner(s) from am ong all eligible non-suspect entries received prior to the event that required such term ination. CAUTION : Any attem pt to d eliberately d am age the w ebsite or und erm in e the legitim ate operation of this Sw eepstakes is a violation of crim inal and civil law s and should su ch an attem pt be m ad e, the Sponsor reserves the right to seek any and all rem ed ies available from any such person(s) responsible for the attem pt to the fu llest extent perm itted by law . Arbitration: Except w here prohibited by law, as a cond ition of participating in this Sw eepstakes, entrant agrees that (1) any and all d isputes and causes of action arising out of or connected w ith this Sw eepstakes, or any prize aw ard ed , shall be resolved ind ivid ually, w ithout resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by final and bind ing arbitration und er the rules of the Am erican Arbitration Association and held at the AAA regional office nearest the entrant; (2) t he Fed eral Arbitration Act shall govern the interpretation, enforcem ent and all proceed ings at such arbitration; and (3) jud gm ent upon such arbitration aw ard m ay be entered in any court having jurisd iction. Und er no circum stances w ill entrant be perm itted to obtain aw ard s for, and entrant hereby w aives all rights to claim , punitive, incid ental or consequential d am ages, or any other d am ages, inclu d ing attorneys' fees, other than entrant’s actual out -of-pocket expenses (i.e., costs associated w ith participating in this Sw eepstakes), and entrant further w aives all rights to have d am ages m ultiplied or increased . Choice of Law : All issues and questions concerning the construction, valid ity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of entrant and Sponsor in connection w ith the Sw eepstakes, shall be governed by, and construed in accord ance w ith, the substantive law s of the State of California, USA. Winners List: For the list of w inners (available after 3/ 6/ 13), send a self-ad d ressed , stam ped envelope to be received by 3/ 6/ 13 to: N FL AM Super Bow l Sw eepstakes Winners, C/ O NFL N etw ork, 10950 Washington Boulevard , Culver City, CA 90232.

Sponsor: N FL N etw ork, 10950 Washington Boulevard , Culver City, CA 90232.