Node.js Workshop

Chief Evangelist / Node Tech Lead [email protected] @sh1mmer Tom Hughes-Croucher Node.js Workshop...

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Node.js Workshop

Tom Hughes-Croucher Chief Evangelist / Node Tech Lead @sh1mmer [email protected]

Overview • • • • • • • • •

Running order

Introduction Why Server-Side JavaScript? What is Node? Using Node Understanding Node Node Ecosystem Programming Style More Complex applications Deploying Node apps to the cloud

Introduction • Tom Hughes-Croucher • Chief Evangelist at Joyent • Node.js core contributor • Author of "Up and Running with Node.js"

Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript


Up and Running

Tom Hughes-Croucher

Major update this week

Why Server-Side JavaScript?

JavaScript programmers 3>2>1

Massive Code base of jQuery and other JS libraries

Laziness or “I’m sick of writing stuff twice” I could have said efficiency, but I think we all secretly long to sit around in our underwear.

Progressive Enhancement is free* Remember WWCD (What Would Crockford Do)

*close enough

TL;DR: SSJS is Awesome Like a Unicorn riding a Narwhal

If SSJS is so awesome why is it "new"?

1. Professionalism

“Yahoo!'s corporate motto is: Don't be eval().“

2. JavaScript Runtimes

Runtimes • V8 (Google), C++ • Spider Monkey (Mozilla), C++ • Rhino (Mozilla), Java


Spider Monkey

JavaScript Performance


Sep 08!

Mar 11!

Anatomy of SSJS


{ !

Runtime != Browser

No DOM (By default, anyway)

Summary • Benefits of SSJS • Lots of JavaScript expertise • Lots of web code in JS libraries • Write once, run anywhere • Progressive Enhancement • Why SSJS happened now • Professionalism in JavaScript • New generation of JavaScript runtimes

What is Node?

Node • JavaScript programming environment • Uses V8 runtime • Event Driven • Non-blocking libraries • Supports CommonJS module format • Supports C/C++ based add-ons

Service behind traffic server

Woah! Overload.

1. It's JavaScript

See Above.

2. It's Fast

concurrency=300, Smaller is Better 400

response time (ms)

300 server nginx thin tornado node_buffer








response size (bytes)




3. It's easy to extend

'Modules' in JS 'Add-ons' in C

4. Node is _not_ Rails/ Django/etc

Node is bare-bone to the metal

However, the Node community are making Rails/Django/etc

5. Node is young

Stable is "stable" Unstable moves fast

Using Node

Using Node • Part 1. Installation • Part 2. Basics • Part 3. Getting stuck in

Part 1. Installation

Nave a.k.a the easy way

Enki:~ $ wget -q master/ Enki:~ $ chmod 755 Enki:~ $ ./ install latest

Nave • Installs and versions Node • Allows Node shells with specific versions • Allows you to get 'latest' <-- Stable • May add 'unstable' option in future

Manual Installation

Go to and get the URL of the current stable release

Enki:~ $ wget -q Enki:~ $ tar xzf node-v0.4.10.tar.gz Enki:~ $ cd node-v0.4.10 Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $

Local or system?


Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ mkdir ~/local Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ ./configure --prefix=~/local Checking for program g++ or c++ : /usr/bin/g++ Checking for program cpp : /usr/bin/cpp ... Checking for fdatasync(2) with c++ : no 'configure' finished successfully (3.466s)

Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ make Waf: Entering directory `/Users/sh1mmer/node-v0.4.10/build' DEST_OS: darwin DEST_CPU: x86 Parallel Jobs: 1 [ 1/69] cc: deps/libeio/eio.c -> build/default/deps/libeio/eio_1.o /usr/bin/gcc -rdynamic -D_GNU_SOURCE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1 -DEV_MULTIPLICITY=0 -pthread -g -O3 -DHAVE_OPENSSL=1 DX_STACKSIZE=65536 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DHAVE_FDATASYNC=0 DPLATFORM="darwin" -DNDEBUG -Idefault/deps/libeio -I../deps/ libeio -Idefault -I.. ../deps/libeio/eio.c -c -o default/deps/libeio/ eio_1.o ...

Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ make install Waf: Entering directory `/Users/sh1mmer/node-v0.4.10/build' DEST_OS: darwin DEST_CPU: x86 Parallel Jobs: 1 * installing build/default/config.h as /Users/sh1mmer/local/ include/node/config.h * installing build/default/node as /Users/sh1mmer/local/bin/ node * installing build/default/src/node_config.h as /Users/sh1mmer/ local/include/node/node_config.h Waf: Leaving directory `/Users/sh1mmer/node-v0.4.10/build' 'install' finished successfully (0.373s) Enki:~/node-v0.4.7 $

Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/ local/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/local/git/bin:/Users/ croucher/Code/narwhal/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/ git/bin:/Users/sh1mmer/bin Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ node -v -bash: node: command not found Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ echo PATH=~/local/bin:\$PATH >> ~/.profile Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 $ node -v v0.4.10


Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 ... Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 ... Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 ... Enki:~/node-v0.4.10 v0.4.7 Enki:~/node-v0.4.10

$ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install $ node -v $

Exercise • Get Node head from Github using Git

• Install to ~/node

Part 2. Basics

node-repl Interactive JavaScript terminal

$Enki:~ $ node

$Enki:~ $ node >3>2>1 false > true == 1 true > true === 1 false

> console.log('Hello World'); Hello World > .help .clear Break, and also clear the local context. .exit Exit the prompt .help Show repl options > .clear Clearing context... > .exit Enki:~ $

Enki:~ $ node > var foo = "bar"; > foo; 'bar' > .clear Clearing context... > foo ReferenceError: foo is not defined at [object Context]:1:1 at Interface. (repl:98:19) at Interface.emit (events:27:15) at Interface._ttyWrite (readline:295:12) at Interface.write (readline:132:30) at Stream. (repl:79:9) at Stream.emit (events:27:15) at IOWatcher.callback (net:489:16)

var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }).listen(8124, ""); console.log('Server running at');

var http = require('http'); //include the http library

http.createServer(function (req, res) { }).listen(8124, ""); //create an http server //when ‘stuff’ happens call this anonymous function //listen on port 8124 of the IP

http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end('Hello World\n'); }) //when ‘stuff’ happens my function fires //I get a request object and a response object //I write to the response object header //HTTP status 200 and content-type ‘text/plain’ //close the response with the body: //Hello World

console.log('Server running at'); //write Server is running at //to the console

Interactive Debugging

Enki:~/Code/node-examples $ node --debug helloworld.js debugger listening on port 5858 Server running at

Enki:~ $ npm install node-inspector [email protected] ./node_modules/node-inspector ├── [email protected] └── [email protected] Enki:~ $ node-inspector visit to start debugging

Exercises • Modify the HTTP server to return the text "I'm learning Node"

• Change the HTTP response to HTML and return your text in an HTML page

• Return the User-Agent string from the browser as part of your HTML page

• Return different textual responses to 2 (or more) browsers

Part 3. Getting Stuck In

HTTP Client

var http = require('http'); var request = http.request({'host': '', 'port': 80, 'path': '/', 'method':'GET'}); request.on('response', function (response) { console.log('STATUS: ' + response.statusCode); console.log('HEADERS: ' + JSON.stringify (response.headers)); response.setEncoding('utf8'); response.on('data', function (chunk) { console.log('BODY: ' + chunk); });

Streaming API

write(data) Request

write(data) end() response(headers) data(chunk) data(chunk)


data(chunk) end()

Destination (

Exercise • Fetch the and output the contents to the console

• Create a web server • Create an HTTP client • POST data to your web server • Output the POST data to console


object.on('event', function() { //stuff } );


EventEmitter • manage "event handlers" • list of functions to be called per event

• provide mechanism to trigger events

var util = require('util'), EE = require('events').EventEmitter; util.inherits(MyClass, EE); var myObj = new MyClass(); //nb using first class functions myObj.on('something', function);

exports.inherits = function (ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor; ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false } }); };

More than just core

CommonJS Modules

Library format for SSJS

math.js exports.add = function() { var sum = 0, i = 0, args = arguments, l = args.length; while (i < l) { sum += args[i++]; } return sum; };

increment.js var add = require('math').add; exports.increment = function(val) { return add(val, 1); }; var inc = require('increment').increment; var a = 1; inc(a); // 2

Protip exports.awesome = function() { //yay my code is awesomesauce }; var = function() { //exports is a global //by redeclaring it as //a local variable //your code _will_ fail };

Exercise • Create a CommonJS module called "fish" • Provide functions to: • swim • mouth breath • flop around • Import your module into a node project • Call the various functions

Node Package Manager (NPM)

NPM is written in JavaScript for Node

Enki:~ $ cat `which npm` #!/usr/bin/env node ;(function () { // wrapper in case we're in module_context mode var log = require("../lib/utils/log") log.waitForConfig()"ok", "it worked if it ends with") var fs = require("../lib/utils/graceful-fs") , path = require("path") , sys = require("../lib/utils/sys") , npm = require("../npm") , ini = require("../lib/utils/ini") , rm = require("../lib/utils/rm-rf")

Enki:~/Code/node(master) $ npm install express [email protected] ../../node_modules/express ├── [email protected] ├── [email protected] └── [email protected] Enki:~/Code/node(master) $

Yay. Easy.

Install instructions


Sinatra Style MVC framework

var app = require('express').createServer(); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.send('hello world'); }); app.listen(3000);

HTTP Verb Oriented


app.use(express.bodyParser()); app.use(express.cookieParser());'/', function(req, res){ // Perhaps we posted several items with a form // (use the bodyParser() middleware for this) var items = req.body.items; console.log(items); res.send('logging'); });


var express = require("express"); app.configure(function () { var public = __dirname + "/../public/"; public = require("path").normalize(public);


app.set("views", __dirname + "/views"); app.set("view engine", "jade");

app.get("/", function (req, res) { res.render("index", { locals : { h1: 'Router Stats', scripts : [ "/public/smoothie.js", "/public/raphael.js", "/public/base.js", "/public/gfx.js", "/public/explore.js", "/public/app.js" ] } } });

Exercise • Create an Express server • Serve two different pages based on

value of the HTTP Get param "page"

• Create a redirect from /old to /new • Set a cookie on the client

Express in depth

Routes • Routes are based on verbs • GET • POST • PUT • DELETE • ALL (not a real verb, but obvious)

Simple routes

app.get(‘/’, function(req,res) { res.send(‘hello root’); });

Routes with variables

app.get(‘/user/:id’, function(req,res) { res.send(‘hello ‘ +; });

Optional flags in routes

app.get(‘/:filename?’, function(req,res) { if(req.params.filename) { res.send(req.params.filename); } else { res.send(‘root’); } });

Regex as routes

app.get(/\//, function(req, res) { //like using ‘/’ ? res.send(‘/’); });

app.get(/^\/\d+\/?$/, function(req,res) { res.send(‘matches a number’); });

app.get(/^\/(.+)\/?$/, function(req,res) { //note translation of %23, etc res.send(‘Got: ’ + req.params[0]); //also captures become an array });

Using regex to define parameters

app.get(‘/index.:format((html|json))’, function(req,res) { res.send('Got: ' + req.params.format); });

app.get('/:id(\d+)', function(req,res) { //only digits, right? res.send(; });

app.get('/:id(\\d+)', function(req,res) { //escape your \ in strings res.send(; });

Routing magic: Router.js function normalizePath(path, keys) { path = path .concat('/?') .replace(/\/\(/g, '(?:/') .replace(/(\/)?(\.)?:(\w+)(?:(\(.*?\)))?(\?)?/g, function(_, slash, format, key, capture, optional){ keys.push(key); slash = slash || ''; return '' + (optional ? '' : slash) + '(?:' + (optional ? slash : '') + (format || '') + (capture || '([^/]+?)') + ')' + (optional || ''); }) .replace(/([\/.])/g, '\\$1') .replace(/\*/g, '(.+)'); return new RegExp('^' + path + '$', 'i'); }

Routing magic • •

If . before :variable? then . is also optional

• • •

/ at the end of URLs automatically optional

If ? is not after a variable then only the previous character is affected * Can be used as a wildcard in routes Includes when end of URL is optional e.g. '/app/e?'

Regex can be used any place in a route string e.g. '/app/(\\d)r?'

Exercises •

Create an express app with routes that capture '/' '/products' and '/services'

Create a route that captures the product ID after '/product/' e.g. '/product/abc12' and returns it in the response

Use a regular expression to restrict the ID parameter to 3 letter followed by 3-5 numbers

Create a route using a regex that matches the entire route

Passing Control • Routes are actually 'stacked middleware' • You can pass control between routes • The next() function calls the next matching route

app.get('/users/:id', function(req, res, next){ var id =; if (checkPermission(id)) { // show private page } else { next(); } }); app.get('/users/:id', function(req, res){ // show public user page });

Passing Control •

next() is a function of router (and defined in the closure containing the route)

router will grab routes in the order they were declared

e.g. since'/*' will match everything so it should be the last route!

router doesn't care about verbs so you can use all () to operate on all verbs/routes and then use next () to pass to get(), put(), etc

Exercises • Create a simple check for correct product

IDs if not pass control to a route showing a custom error page

• Use app.all() to check user permission

before showing (mock-up) edit controls on a web site


It's a pattern

req, res




req, res



Dispatcher next()

req res

req, res, next

var express = require('express'), app = express.createServer(); var middleware = function (req, res, next) { = 'bar'; next(); }; app.use(middleware); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send(;

var express = require('express'), app = express.createServer(); var middleware = function (req, res, next) { var send = res.send; res.send = function(d) { res.send = send; res.send('hijacked! ' + d); } next(); }; app.use(middleware); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('hi'); });

Connect middleware (Renamed express.* for convenience)

• • • • • •

logger bodyParser cookieParser session static errorHandler

• • • • •

profiler responseTime basicAuth favicon vhost

var express = require('express'), app = express.createServer(); app.use(express.logger()); app.use(express.bodyParser()); app.use(express.cookieParser()); app.use(app.router); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/images')); app.use(express.errorHandler()); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send('
Ordering matters

Router uses "internal middleware"

var express = require('express'), app = express.createServer(); var middleware = function (req, res, next) { = 'bar'; next(); }; app.get('/', middleware, function(req, res) { res.send(; });

var a, b, c, d; a = b = c = d = function(req,res,next) { next(); } var set1 = [a,b]; var set2 = [c,d]; var all = [set1, set2]; app.get('/set1', set1, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); }); app.get('/set2', [c,d], function(req,res) { res.send('output'); }); app.get('/all', all, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); });

Middleware factories

Middleware are just functions

var a, b, c, d; a = b = c = d = function(req,res,next) { next(); } var set1 = [a,b]; var set2 = [c,d]; var all = [set1, set2]; app.get('/set1', set1, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); }); app.get('/set2', [c,d], function(req,res) { res.send('output'); }); app.get('/all', all, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); });

var mFactory = function(letter) { return function(req,res,next) { var send = res.send; res.send = function(d) { res.send = send; res.send(letter + ' ' + d); } next(); } }; var set1 = [mFactory('a'),mFactory('b')]; var set2 = [mFactory('c'),mFactory('d')]; var all = [set1, set2]; app.get('/set1', set1, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); }); app.get('/set2', set2, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); }); app.get('/all', all, function(req,res) { res.send('output'); });

Exercise • Create a middleware to detect mobile

phone browsers and attach a boolean to req

• Create an express app that serves up links to an image using staticProvider

• Modify Profiler to profile your app and write each profile to a log file

• Create a middleware factory that sets the HTTP Expires header based on roles

Error handling

function NotFound(msg){ = 'NotFound';, msg); Error.captureStackTrace(this, arguments.callee); } NotFound.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype; app.get('/404', function(req, res){ throw new NotFound; }); app.get('/500', function(req, res){ throw new Error('keyboard cat!'); });

app.error(function(err, req, res, next){ if (err instanceof NotFound) { res.render('404.jade'); } else { next(err); } });

View Rendering

app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.render('index.ejs', { title: 'Falsy Demo' }); });

Enki:~/Code/express-demo $ tree . ├── app.js ├── lib ├── public └── views ├── index.ejs ├── layout.ejs ├── layout1.ejs └── partials └── stylesheet.ejs 4 directories, 5 files Enki:~/Code/express-demo $

Don't forget to install npm install ejs npm install jade

layout.ejs <meta charset="utf-8"> <%= title %> <%- body %>

• layout is a framework unless you turn it off

• body is a special variable for layout referring to the file specified

app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.get('/', function(req,res) { res.render('index', { title:'Falsy Demo'}); });

//global app.set('view options'), { layout: false; }); //or per route res.render(index, {layout: false});

Partial views

View Partials • Repeating elements • Take a collection • Iterate over the collection • "Built in" variables for managing collections

layout.ejs <meta charset="utf-8"> <%- partial('stylesheet', stylesheets) %> <%= title %>

<%= header %>

<%- body %>


res.render('index', { locals: {'title': title, 'header': header, 'content': content, stylesheets: ['/public/style.css'] }, } );

Exercises •

Create an express server that use jade, haml, ejs to render an index page

Create a public folder and include file from it (CSS, images, etc) in your layout

• •

Create a route for '/blog/id' to accept only digits

• •

Create a view for the '/blog/id' show the correct post

Make a 'fake database' (array) of blog posts and use a middleware to validate each id is valid Use a view partial to a preview of each blog post on the index page
