Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski

Morrisey, Dorothy Osmun, Virginia Wysocki. ECONOMIC CITIZENSHIP—Pa ... Civics, $3, $2, CHS. Alumni Associa...

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Highest average, Phyllis Pettit bach, Katherine Kline, Sam La- Joan Little, John MacFarlane, MarMr. and Mrs. ] J Second highest average, Gordon and family a n d B ^ ^ Barber, William Lester, Erraa Luce, tin McGraw, Carrie Mae McMurtry, Conklin and Mrs. Ernest B & \ S j John Marvin, Russell McCaa, Glen- Imogene Martin, Eileen Matylas, Legion Auxiliary Essay Prize, $1, spent Sunday t n M " ? l e e m2 da McGraw, Phyllis McVay, Wini- Dean Midey, Dorothy Milliken, Beredina 50 cents, Legion Auxiliary t Benham. with gj fred Moot, Mahlon Rasmusson, Ros- tha Miller, John Miller, Shirley First Prize, Elaine Bell anne Rogers, Ann Marie Seeley, Mogg, Marjorie Mowers, Shirley Audrey Owens a , t ( J n , Second Prize, JOan Little Paul Simmons, George Smith, Ro- Norton, Lloyd Williams, Jean Nunded H The following report of the ReCHEMISTRY—Gerald Brown. El- bert Stevens, Curtis Stewart, Violet namaker, Ruth Osmun, Virginia Gary Whipple Memorial Prize, $2, -school picnic at Hi«.?? 16 with Audrey E m e r s ^ *"! Rents and Final Examinations held dridge Cole, Monroe Cole, James Supanik, Daniel Swift, Bettie Thurs- Perry, Flora Rambuski, Doris RamMr. and Mrs. Gardner Whipple June 17 to 21 at Cuba Central Johnson, Franklin Jordan, Patsy ton, Lindsay Treadway, Marjorie sey, Eloise Rogers, Aletha Scutt, Mrs. Grace Brown 0 „ Highest in Geography, Marion Awards and prizes, with the School is released by Supervising LaBarber, Glenadore Martin, Gen- Vaughan, David Wagoner, Anna Marjorie Sheehan, Don Shelley, afternoon in Cuba a n d t t l > Butts evieve Moot, Edward Rhow, Eliza- Belle Wakefield, George Watson, Ethel Taylor, I^awrence Thurston, names of donors, as distributed at Readers Digest Subscription, Read- graduation exercises Principal Alfred L. Colburn: VS** the Grade and Commencement ExENGLISH I—Audrey Allen, Loisi b e t h Rudolph, Merritt Setchel, Le- Don Weaver, Neva Wixson. Mr. and Mrs. H Z e > Ruth Van Fleet, August Wagner, ercises of Cuba Central School by ers Digest Smith, Beulah Spencer, Class Valedictorian, Jean Mullin Hinsdale spent S u n d a y " ^ Armstrong, John Balch, Elaine Bo- land ARITHMETIC—ThurBton Andrus, Jerold Warner, Mary Anne Watters, Supervising-Principal Alfred L. ColArthur Frost's. DonW^' tens, Helen Botens, Mary Bresney, Charles Torpey, Donald Totten, Wil- Floyd Barber, Jean Barringer, Lee Cecil Wyckoff. burn, were as follows: turned home with them t t f Colin Brown, Betty Bump, Rhea liam Wright. SPELLING—Helen Jean Botens, Barringer, Patricia Beebe, Elaine Most Improvement and Effort, $1 ECONOMICS — Genevieve Bump, Bell, Fanny Benjamin, Delores Florence Kind, Bertha Miller, DorCase, Thomas Childs, Robert Clegs ^ n e time with her aunt '^ each, by P. T. A. horu, Richard Congdon, Gordon Marion McCarthy, Jean Mowerg. othy MilHken, August Wagner. Blatchley, Charles Botens,^ Louis Kindergarten, Edwin Rambuski Conklin, Nancy Davis, Vera EdReporter, Mr*1. Cecile Frost ¥ • » Film SILENT READING — Florence BOOKKEEPING I—Helen Burch. Botens,1 Henry Brown, Matilda * " " "Devel " e l o p e d KM Grade One, Harriet Hamilton R. D. 2, Cuba; Phone 10-F13 Wards, Jean Farwell, Louise Golla, Emily Wright. Kind, Bertha MiHer, Lawrence Brown, Donald Burch, Faye CalGrade Two. Okla Sweet JUMBO PRINTS O f , Arland Hasard, Carl Hess, James Mr. and Mrs. Art Robinson and BOOKKEEPING II — W i l b u r houn, Margaret Eggleston, Edward Thurston, Lindsay Treadway. Grades One and Two, Patsy WarKish, Jerold Learn, Delma Luce, sons of Olkahoma spent Saturday GENERAL SCIENCE—Audry Al- ren for only M P Butts, Howard Guild, Ruth Man- REGENTS & FINALS Continued Betty McKelvey, Frances Milliken, len, Lois Armstrong, Patricia Beewith Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Owens. German, Evelyn German, Lucy Mailers Free ning, Dena Psyhos, Alberta Sloat. Grade Three, Joyce Zemke Writ, Rachel Moot, Teresa Mullin, CoraMr. and Mrs. John Davis of Hamilton, Richard Harbeck, Bruce be, Elaine Botens, Helen Botens, TYPEWRITING I—Doris Barber, Grade Four, June Graves dean 'O'Brien, Donalyn Perry, PhylEC0H0MY PHOTO T i l Mary Bresney, Colin Brown, J3etGrades Three and Four, Dolores Clarksville and Charles Ingalls of lis Pettit, Flora Rambuski, Elva Eleanor Bernard, Eldridge Cole, I Henning, Lois Henning, Florence ty Bump, Sidney Bump, Mary Butts, Box 288 Abbotts spent Sunday at Arthur John Conklin, Betty Farner, Bettie Kind, Lyle Layman, Elizabeth LitHitchcock »- «• 01™, ». J"» Randolph, Leon Randolph, Leonard Rhea Case, Thonias Childs, Robert Frost's. Hoffman, Dorothy Longwell, Ruth tle, Joan Little, John MacFarlane, Grade Five, Frances Wright Randolph, Betty Shay, Gene Sloat, Cleghorn, Richard Congdon, Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hakes and The Last Word In Cor»etry Grade Six, Arlouine Case, Hattie daughter, Myrtle Grace, were in Virginia Sweet, Arlah Taylor, Manning, Marion McCarthy, James Imogene Martin, Eileen Matylas, Conklin, Nancy Davis, George EdMiller, Doji^^y Osmun, Edward Martin McGraw, Carrie Mae McA s Kovako ,, j£ Jeanne Taylor, Nellie Taylor, Norwards, Jean Farwell, Ermejr^ { i#a**Vatrous, 'Pa., Sunday. man Underwood, June Valentine, Rhow, Arby Swift, Leora Taylor, Murtry, Dean Midey„ BertU CHlter, son, Louis Golla, Arland Hasard, Highest Average in lEnglish, $.50 Mrs. Fred Gardner of Maplehurst Mary Anne Totten, Helen Van John Miller, Boretby>Milliken Shirr Naomi Wagner, Marion Whitney, each, American Legion Auxil- spent Wednesday night and ThursJames Kish, Viola Kleinbach, Fleet, Wesley Wakefield, Emily Mogg, Marjorie Mowers, ShirGertrude Williams, Marjorie Wills, iary day with her daughter, Mrs. Chet Wright. ley Norton, Jean Nunnamaker, Ruth James Learn, Jerold Learn, John Paul Wiltsey, Guy Ingalls. Grade Four, Marion Butts Lester, Delma Luce, Francis MilliZacker. ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY II—El- Osmun, Virginia Perry, Doris RamGrade Five, PhylMs McKelvey ENGLISH II—Lenora Jane Ab- aine Botens, Merwin Brown, Leora sey, Eloise Rogers, Aletha Scutt, ken, Rachel Moot, Theresa Mullin, Grade Six, June Shelley bott, Mae Bells Barber, Barbara Taylor, Norman Wiltsey. Don Shelley, Marjorie Sheehan, Coradean O'Brien, Phyllis Pettit, Grade Seven, Barbara Butts Flora Rambuski, Elva Randolph, Bartlett, Manie Booth, Wilbur BUSINESS ARITHMETIC — Le- Lawrence Thurston, Ethel Taylor, Leon Randolph, Leonard Randolph, Grade Eight, Margaret Eggleston Butts, William Childs, Edward nora Jane Abbott, Doris Barber, El- Ruth Van Fleet, August Wagner, r B Clapp, Mary Congdon. Ralph Crom- eanor Bernard, Richard Botens, Jerold Warner, Mary Anne Wat- Betty 'shTy7 Gene"sioat,"TirgJnra "ffa'° Evenings News Spelling, Suits Buffalo Evening News I N G O O D CONDITION well, Mary Jean Culbert, Marguer- Evelyn Conklin, Ralph Cromwell, ters, Cecil Wyckoff. Sweet, Arlah Taylor, Jeanne TayCoats First prize, dictionary, Eileen ite Downie, Verna Edwards, Hazen Hazen Everetts, Betty Farner, MeriELEM. ENGLISH—Thurston An- lor, Nellie Taylor, Russell Taylor, Everetts, Betty Earner, Helen Ger- lee Luce, John McCarthy, George drus, Jean Barringer, Patricia Bee- June Valentiner Naomi Wagner, Matylas; second, Jean Barringer; Dresses man. Betty Goodrich, Mary Lou Morrisey, Dorothy Osmun, Virginia be, Elaine Bell, Fanny Benjamin, Zora Wakefield. Marion Whitney, third, Barbara Butts Highest Average in English, four Halstead, Ella Johnson, Betty Jor- Wysocki. 2 for $1.20 Delores Blatchley, Charles Botens, Paul Wiltsey, Eva Zuver, James Zuyears, $2.50, American Legion Jttani" Joseph „ LaBanber. Dorothy ver, Philip Mott, Walter Townsend, ECONOMIC CITIZENSHIP—Pa- Helen Jean Botens, Louis Botens, W e P a y Before Removino Auxiliary Lyon, Marjorie Mabey, Tom Mc- tricia Beebe, Mary Bresney, Sidney Henry Brown, Matilda Brown, Sid- Ralph Balch, Donalyn Perry, GerJCAimx&OTHES Ahlmat Jean Mullin Laughlin, George Morrisey, Betty Bump, Mary Butts, Rhea Case,. trude Williams. Donald Burch, Mary e y Bump, of I n d i a n a p o l i s Music, $3, $2, Bartlett Hardware Co. Musto, Vivian Psyhos, Francis CIVICS—Audrey Allen, Lois ArmThomas Childs, Robert Cleghorn, Butts, Faye .Calhoun, George Ed Darling & Company Highest average, Helen Van Fleet Shanley. Robert Sheehan, _Sylvia | Richard Congdon, Gordon Conklin, | w a r d S i Margaret Eggleston, Edward strong, Ralph Balch, Colin Brown, $26 to $50 None Better P O R T V I L L E 3111 Second Highest average, Beulah Sloaji^ Roy Strait, Betty Jane Tot-j1 Jean Farwell, Ermena Gleason, Ar- j German, Evelyn German, Lucy Nancy Davis, George Edwards, Vera C a l l Collect Spencer ten, Jack Utter, John Watson, Jean land Hasard, Viola Kleinbach, Jer-1 Hamilton, Richard Harbeck, Bruce Edwards, Louise Golla, Morris Hull, GEORGE SCHREINER American History, $3, $2, Mrs. C. Williams, Alma Wills, Norma Wilt- old Learn, Robert Learn, John Les- . Henning, Lois Henning, Morris Guy Ingalls, James Kish, Delma A. Ackerly > sey, Virginia Wysocki. Milliken, Philip ter, Rachel Moot, Coradean O'Brien, H u l l Elaine Jordan, Florence Kind, Luce, Francis Highest Average, Eldridge Cole ENGLISH III—Doris Barber, El- Phyllis Pettit, Flora Rambuski, El- [ L y l e Layman, Elizabeth Little, Joan Mott, Teresa Mullin, Donalyn PerSecond highest average, Gerald oise Briggs, Barbara Brown, Elva va Randolph, Francis Shanley, Bet-j Little, John MacFarlane, Carrie Mc- ry, Leorj Randolph, Leonard RanBrown Brown, Helen Burch, Marion Cham- ty Shay, Gene Sloat, Dorothy Stout, Murtrie, Arthur Mabey, Imogene dolph, Virginia Sweet, Nellie Tayberlin, Evelyn Conklin, George Egg- Arlah Taylor, Herbert Taylor, Jean Martin, Eileen Matylas, Dean Mi- lor, Walter Townsend, Norman Un- Homemaking, $3, $2, Phelps & Sibley leston, George Enos, Rupert Finne- Taylor, Russell Taylor, Marjorie dey, Bertha Miller, John Miller, derwood, June Valentine, Naomi Highest average, Alice McCarthy more, Robert Frazer. Howard Guild. Wills, Marion Whitney. Dorothy Milliken, Marjorie Mowers, Wagner, Zora Wakefield, Gertrude Second highest average, Evelyn Bettie Hoffman. James Johnson, Williams, Paul Wiltsey. BUSINESS TRAINING •^rifSj^jShirley Norton, Jean Nunnamaker, Conklin Junior Lewis, Phyllis Little, Doro- Allen, Lois Armstrong, Maebel ;€ebelle jftuth Osmun, Virginia Perry, Doris HOMEMAKING A—Betty Bump, thy Longwell, Merilee Luce. Glenn- j Barber. Betty Bump, Mary Cong Ramsey, Eloise Rogers, Aletha Rhea Case, Jane Childs, Mary Cong- Homemaking, project, skills average, attitude, $3, $2, Cuba adore Martin, Janice Marvin, Ruth\ don, Vera Edwards, Verna Ed- Scutt, Marjorie Sheehan, Donald don, Verna Edwards, Ermena GleaGrange -'"'.< Manning, Evelyn Matylas, Alice Mc- wards, Carl Hess, Ella Johnson, Shelley, Dorothy Stout, Ethel Tay- son, Betty Goodrich, Ella Johnson, First Prize Winifred Thomas Carthy, LaVerne McKelvey, Mary Betty Jordan, Arthur Mabey, Fran- lor, Russell Taylor, Lawrence Betty Jordan, Delma Luce, Beatrice Second Prize, Jean Mowers Ground a s you like it when Ann McLaughlin, Anthony Micros, cis Milliken, Rachel Moot, Dorothy Thurston, Ruth Van Fleet, Zora Micros, Jean Mowers, Coradean O'Agriculture, including test marks, Vincent Midey, James Miller, Gen- Osmun, Vivian Psyhos, Flora Ram- Wakefield, Mary Anne Watters, Brien, Donalyn Perry, Virginia you buy It. There is not a projects, dairy record sheets, evieve Moot, Dorothy Osmun, Har- buski, Elva Randolph, Alma Wills, Marion Whitney, Lloyd Williams, Sweet, Arlah Taylor, Nellie Taylor, better coffee value any where note books, shop work, Future old Perkins, Norbert Perry, Betty James Zuver. Cecil Wyckoff. than Zozo. Try it today! Winnie Thomas, Helen Van Fleet, Farmer activities, general inRudolph. John Setchel, Alberta FRENCH I—Barbara Brown, MarEva Zuver. terest, $3, $2, Cuba Grange Sloat. Leland Smith. Arby Swift. [ guerite Downie, Vivian Psyhos. ! ELEM. HISTORY—Thurston Andrua Floyd First prize, Donald Totten HOMEMAKING B—Maebelle BarWesley Wakefield. Laura Wether-1 FRENCH II—Elva Brown, Helen i Barber, Jean Barnnger, Second Prize, Albert Subject by. Emily Wright. Eva Zuver. ; Burch, George Eggleston, Bettie j L e e Barringer, Elaine Bell, Fanny ber, Barbara Bartlett, Manie Booth, ENGLISH IV-Eleanor Bernard, j Hoffman, Phyllis Little, Dorothy | Benjamin, Delores Blatchley, Phyllis Ingalls, Merilee Luce, Dor- Latin, $3 each, Mrs. Frank Williams, Cha es Sr. Gerald Brown, Merwin Brown, Gen- j Longwell, Janice Marvin, Elizabeth | ^} Botens, Louis Botens, Hen othy Lyons, Alice McCarthy. Highest Average, Latin 1, Manie REPRESENTATION I — E l b a ry Brown, Matilda Brown, Donald evieve Bump, Eldridge Cole, Mon- j Rudolph, William Wright, Booth Brown, George Eggleston, Viola roe Cole, Irene Fodor, Helen Green, j LATIN I—Barbara Bartlett, Man- Burch, Faye Calhoun, Margaret Highest Average, Latin 2, Janice Elsie Harbeck, Betty Harris, Jane ; j e Booth, Mary Culbert, Helen Ger- Eggleston, Edward German, Eve- Kleinbach, Dorothy Longwell, NorMarvin Hitchcock, Franklin Jordan, Patsy < man, Mary Lou Halstead, Phyllis lyn German, Donn Granger, Lucy man Wiltsey, Virginia Wysocki. pound bag 1 4 c REPRESENTATION II — Elaine Highest Average, Latin 3, Jean LaBarber, Richard Lewis, John Mc- Ingalls, Evelyn Matylas, Betty Mus- Hamilton, Richard Harbeck, Bruce Carthy, Marion McCarthy. Beatrice to, Betty Shay, Sylvia Sloan, Betty Henning, Lois Henning, Elaine Jor- Botens, Jane Childs, Evelyn Maty- Mullin Micros, Jean Mowers, Jean Mullin, Jane Totten, Laura Wetherby, Jean dan, Florence Kind, Theresa Kovia- las, James Miller, Alberta Sloat, Civics, $3, $2, CHS. Alumni Associako, Lyle Layman, Elizabeth Little, Phil Shoots, Mary Anne Totten. tion Dorothy Phelps. Dena Psyhos, Ed- Williams. ward Rhow, Anna Mae Seward, LATIN II— Doris Barber, Eloise Marion Scutt, Beulah Spencer, Al- Briggs, Marion Chamberlin, William j bert Subject, Leora Taylor, Wini- Downie, Marguerite Downie, Robert! fred Thomas, Sylvia Watt, Myeerah Frazer, Glennadore Martin, Janice PalmollVe Soap of Schoolgirl Complexions 2 ^HC Woodkirk, William Wright. j MarfTn, Alice McCarthy, LaVerne Lifebuoy IT'S LATHER KILLS B-O 4 for 2 3 C PLANE GEOMETRY — Lenora McKelvey, Anthony Micros, GenOxydol . . . . , 2 for 1 7 c large 18C Abbott, Wiliiam Childs. Edward evieve Moot. Clapp, Mary Jean Culbert, Marguer-1 LATIN III—Helen Green, Jane H a r r i s Ready Suds 5 lb pkg 4 9 c Oxygen Flakes 2 f o r 2 9 c ite Downie, Helen German, Mary | Hitchcock, Dorothy Longwell, Jean Lou Halstead, Betty Harris, Joseph! Mullin, Sylvia Watt, Myeerah Wood^ F 16 o r cans J J ( LaBarber, Malcolm Lewis, Evelyn! kirk. Matylas, Jean Mullin. Betty Musto,) AGRICULTURE I—Elbert BarHarold Perkins. Vivian Psyhos. Uo-; ber, James Bresney. Elroy Brown, Kirkman's Soap Flakes . .' . I P ^ 37c bert Sheehan, Sylvia Sloan, Leland Ralph Cromwell, Rupert Finnemore, Kirkman'S Cleanser 2 for 9t Floating Soap 4for19c Smith, Betty Jane Totten, Jack Ut-: James Kish, Arthur Mabey, John Cold DuSt . (FAIRY SOAP) 3 ' 1 0 c large pkg 17C ter, Jean Williams. : McCarthy, Albert .Subject. Arby WI1H TOWEL Silver Dust TRIGONOMETRY- Eloise Briggs, Swift, Donald Totten, Walter Town-z3TorpicT22r Irene .odor, George Enos, Howard , send, Harold Warner, James Wood. Guild, Jane Hitchcock, Bettie Hoff- j AGRICULTURE II—James BreaFull Quart rnan, Richard Lewis, Phyllis Little, ney, Elroy Brown, Wilbur Ingalls, Marion McCarthy, LaVerne McKel- John McCarthy, Albert Subject, Arvey, Glennadore Martin, Janice Mar- by Swift, Donald Totten, James vin, Anthony Micros, Beatrice Mi- Wood. Hot °* C n W ' cros, Genevieve Moot, Norbert PerMUSIC I—James Bresney, Gerald „ G oW e n ry, Betty Rudolph, John 'Setchel, Brown, Mary Butts, Ralph CromCOKN Nelson Shaffer. Sylvia Watt, Myer- well, Nancy Davis, Hazen Everetts, rah Woodkirk, William Wright. Rupert Finnemore, Betty Harris, ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA John Richard Howard, Dorothy Lyons, gplCEU Balch. Mary Bresney, Colin Brown, Merilee Luce. George Morrisey, Thomas Childs, Richard Congdon, Beulah Spencer, Roy Strait, Helen Gordon Conklin, George Edwards, j Van Fleet,' Zora Wakefield. Gertrude Jean Farwell, Louise Golla, Guy In- Williams. BeauUf galls, John Lestei, i n n ; - ; J.I'lU-j INDUSTRIAL ARTS I—Richard 12-oz. 0 6 " Fax o n Todmyt ken. Philip Mott, Teres:, Mullin.' Botens, Wilbur Butts, Sidney Bump, Sauepk r a u t n • This is your big moment. Ford Dealers are T r , » C» Phyllis Pettit. Jean Sloat, Jeanne! William Childs, Edward Clapp, Rowanted dnd you'll be money ahead by purchasTaylor, Russell Taylor, Naomi Wag- bert Cleghorn, John Conklin, Haz^n knocking the cover off used car prices and you i n g n o w . Easy terms a n d l o w d o w n payner. Gertrude Willi r-.s. Rani Wilt-; Everetts. Rupert Finnemore, Ro'.-.r, can't afford to miss the bargains offered.* Look ments and your present car will be taken in : Frazer, Howard Guild, Robert 'Ins sey. over the listings here—pick out the car you've trade. Now's the time at your Ford Dealer's. Famous reg. can HISTORY -V I mora Jane Ab- kins, Arland Hasard, James John T n, William . son, Joseph LaBarber, Junior Lewis, Libby's bolt, Barbara B Helen Ger-j Thomas McLaughlin, George MorriChilds. Edward r n Per Month with Your Present Clapp's STRAINED BABY FOODS 3 cans %0t man, Mary Lou Halstead, Joseph sey, Harold Perkins, I^eonard RanC l a p p S CHOPPED FOOD and JUNIOR DINNERS 19C Car on Down Payment Puts LaBarber. Malcolm Lewis, Eliza- dolph. John Setchel, Merritt Setchbeth Musto, Harold Perkins, Sylvia el, Nelson Shaffer, Francis Shanley, Blltter Danahy-Faxon - Sweat Craam or Tub lb 3 " you in a 1936 or 1937 Ford, Sloan, Betty Jane Totten, Joan Wil- Robert Sheehan, Bruce Spencer, Sliced Bread SUN GLO - MUX MADE 20 oz u*t 8e liams, Alma Wills, Roy Strait, Herbert Taylor, NorChevrolet or Plymouth! HISTORY B — Merwin Brown, man Underwood, Jack Utter, Har Far North tall No. 1 cans Mary Jean Culbert, Helen Green, old Warner, John Watson; Richard Other makes on equally attractive terms of our Budget Plan! I Selected Pink Elsie Harbeck, Marion McCarthy,! Lewis. J a m e s Miller, Leland Smith, Jack DESIGN II— Merwin Brown, GenDollar Q u a l i t y T e a t AH Brand. g £ 2 9 c ' £ * 15c evieve Bump, Jane Childs, Betty Utter. Bdwards First P r i z e Jells Assorted 8 oz glasses 2 ! 1*e 1937 FORD V-8 SfcOAN DE'1933 FORD V-8 PICKUP */2 HISTORY C—Eleanor Bernard. Farner, Irene Fodor, Helen Green, 1939 MODEL 91-A FORD V-8 LIVERY. In fine order in TON TRUCK with deluxe Faxon M o c h a Blend C o f f e e IT-S BETTER I» 2jc Eloise Briggs, Gerald Brown, Eve- Betty McKelvey, Tom McLaughlin, TUDOR SEDAN. Low Mileevery' respect Cab. Motor overhauled. In age. Motor overhauled. lyn Conklin, Eldridge Cole, Monroe James Miller, Anna Mae Seward, Faxon Pure M a y o n n a i s e GENUINE Pmtiarl9c excellent conwill sell Tires a n d Cole, William Downie, George Enos, Phil Shoots, Bruce Spencer, Winidition in ever}] for ._ p a i n t Ilk Irene Fodor, Elsie Harbeck, Betty fred Thomas, Charles Torpey, Mary way. FANCY new. I lb Anne Totten, Harris, Franklin Jordan, Patsy LaHOT HOUSE ss Barber, Richard Lewis, Jean MowCOMPREHENSIVE HOMEMAK3 tor * 5 C Pineapples Large Size Cuban Bra, Norbert Perry. Dena Psyhos, ING—Evelyn Conklin, Marjorie Ma15 lbs 3lC Edward Rhow, Anna Mae Seward, bey, Anna Mae Seward, Laura N e w Potatoes White Tatty Marion S c u t t Leland Smith, Wini- Wetherby. 6oz 31c Large Lemons Juicy California fred Thomas, Charles Torpey, Wes- GEOGRAPHY—Paul Allen, Ethyle 2ibsl3c Home Crown Peas Delicious ley Wakefield, Sylvia Watt, Myee- Burt, La Verne Burt, Barbara Butts, Large heads 8C Curtis Cleghorn, Harold Cole, Gorrah Woodkirk, Emily Wright. Iceberg Lettuce Home Grown PHYSICS — Marion Chamberlin, don Cromwell, John Culbert, Fran3 ibs 10c New Cabbage solid Tasty William Downie, George Enos, Wil- ces Farasworth, Helen Farwell, RoThese Low Price* Thru June tMh—All Welfare Orders Honored bur Ingalls, Phyllis Little, LaVerne [bert Feuchter, Erline Field, Albert McKelvey, Anthony Micros, Norbert Green, Thomas Guild, Evadene HaePerry, Marion Scutt, John Setchel; ard, Audrey Hitchcock, Mary HopNelson Shaffer, Beulah Spencer, kins, Conrad Johnson, Charles JorSylvia Watt. dan, Norma Kirkum, Grace Klein-

Awards and Prizes Won by CCS Pupils At Close of Year

Reports Result of Regents And Final Exams at CCS

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Bill Matylas Garage Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
