Download OT Pengaruh infus Morinda citrifolia cortex terhadap kontraksi ileum marmot terisolir. AU Taroeno;Soegiardjo,CJ ..... TA Acacia;Agathis;Cus...

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Plant ResourcesofSouth-East Asia Bibliography3: Dyeandtannin-producingplants Edition 1

N.Wulijarni-Soetjipto and J.S.Siemonsma (Editors)

PROSEAFoundation, Bogor, Indonesia Pudoc,Wageningen,the Netherlands 1991


ISBN 90-220-1052-X NUGI 835 © PROSEA Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia, 1991. Pudoc-DLO,Wageningen, the Netherlands, 1991. No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded orpublished in any form including print, photocopy, microfilm, electric orelectromagnetic recordwithoutwrittenpermission fromthepublishers, the PROSEA Foundation, P.O. Box 234, Bogor 16122, Indonesia and Pudoc, P.O. Box 4, 6700AA Wageningen, the Netherlands. Printed in Indonesia.

Contents page 1. PROSEA project in short


2. PROSEA bibliographies


2.1 PREPHASE data base


2.2 PROSEA staff involved


2.3 Explanation of codes


3. Bibliography 3: Dye and tannin-producing plants 4. General references and Index of scientific plant names

11 89


PROSEA project in short

Name, location, legal status and structure PROSEA ('Plant Resources of South-East Asia') is a foundation under Indonesian law, with an international charter, domiciled in Bogor. It is an autonomous, non-profit, international agency, governed by a Board of Trustees. It seeks linkages with existing regional and international organizations; PROSEA is an international programme focusing on the documentation of information on plant resources of South-East Asia; PROSEA consists of a Network Office in Bogor (Indonesia) coordinating 5 Country Offices in South-East Asia, and a Publication Office in Wageningen (the Netherlands). Objectives to document and make available the existing wealth of information on the plant resources of South-East Asia for education, extension work, research and industry; to make operational a computerized data bank on the plant resources of South-East Asia; to publish the results in the form of an illustrated multi-volume handbook in English; to promote the dissemination of the information gathered. Target groups those professionally concerned with plant resources in South-East Asia and working in education, extension, research and commercial production (direct users); those in South-East Asia depending directly on plant resources, obtaining relevant information through extension (indirect users). Activities the establishment and operation of data bases; the publication of books; the sponsorship, support and organization of training courses; research into topics relevant to PROSEA's purpose; the publication and dissemination of reports and research results. Implementation The project period has been tentatively divided into 3 phases: preliminary phase (1985-1986): publication of 'Plant Resources of SouthEast Asia, Proposal for a Handbook' (1986); preparatory phase (1987-1990): establishing cooperation with South-East Asia through internationalization, documentation, consultation and publication; reaching agreement on the scientific, organizational and financial structure of PROSEA; implementation phase (1991-1995): compilation, editing and publishing of the handbook; making operational the computerized data bank with the texts and additional information; promoting the dissemination of the information obtained. Documentation A documentation system has been developed for information storage and retrieval called SAPRIS (South-East Asian Plant Resources Information System). It consists of 6 data bases: BASELIST: primarily a checklist of more than 6,200 plant species; CATALOG: references to secondary literature;

PREPHASE: references to literature from South-East Asia; ORGANYM: references to institutions and their research activities; PERSONYM: references to specialists; TEXTFILE: all PROSEA publications and additional information. Publication The following publications have been issued so far: Basic list of species and commodity grouping, Version 1 (1989); A selection, dealing with 86 plant resources, being a cross-section of the commodity groups (1989); Pulses (PROSEA-1), being the first volume of the handbook (1989); Proceedings of the First PROSEA International Symposium (1989); Pulses (PROSEA-1), paper back edition (1990); Bibliography 1: Pulses, Edition 1 (1990); Edible fruits and nuts (PROSEA-2), being the second volume of the handbook (1991); Dye and tannin-producing plants (PROSEA-3), being the third volume of the handbook (1991); Basic list of species and commodity grouping, Final version (1991). The following publications are foreseen for the year 1992: Forages (PROSEA-4); Major commercial timbers (PROSEA-5.1); Rattans (PROSEA-6); Bamboos (PROSEA-7); Vegetables (PROSEA-8). Participating institutions Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), Karung Berkunci 201, Jalan FRI, Kepong, 52109 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Uidya Graha, Jalan Gatot Subroto 10, Jakarta 12180, Indonesia; Papua New Guinea University of Technology (UNITECH), Private Mail Bag, Lae, Papua New Guinea; Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCARRD), Los Banos, Laguna, the Philippines; Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), 196 Phahonyothin Road, Bang Khen, Bangkok 10900, Thailand; Uageningen Agricultural University (UAU), P.O.Box 9101, 6700 HB Uageningen, the Netherlands. In brief, PROSEA is an international project focused on plant resources of South-East Asia; interdisciplinary, covering the fields of agriculture, forestry, horticulture and botany; a research project, making knowledge available for education and extension; ecologically focused on promoting plant resources for sustainable tropical land-use systems; committed to conservation of biodiversity; committed to rural development through diversification of resources and application of farmers' knowledge. Addresses PROSEA Network Office Centre for Research and Development in Biology, Jalan Raya Juanda 22, P.O. Box 234, Bogor 16122, Indonesia, tel.: (0251) 322859; telex: c/o 48304 BPPHBG; fax: c/o (62) (251) 326425. PROSEA Publication Office Uageningen Agricultural University, P.O. Box 341, 6700 AH Wageningen, the Netherlands, tel.: (08370) 84587; telex: 45917 BURLU; fax: (31) (8370) 84731.


PROSEA bibliographies

2.1 PREPHASE data base The PREPHASE data base is a literatu mainly from South-East Asia, compiled and PROSEA Country Offices in 5 Sout after its establishment late 1988, 18,000 mark and is still developing bank is intended primarily to support PROSEA Handbook. After publication Office will summarize the available form as a Bibliography. This Bibliography on Dye and tannin360 records, is the third in a series Grouping.

re data base of less-accessible literature, and built up by the PROSEA Network Office h-East Asian countries. Almost three years the number of records has surpassed the at a rather fast pace. The literature data editors and authors who contribute to the of a Handbook volume, the PROSEA Network information and publish it in a paper-back producing plants, containing approximately of twenty, following the PROSEA Commodity

The following Bibliographies are foreseen for 1991 - 1992: Edible fruits and nuts (Bibliography-2); Forages (Bibliography-4); Major Commercial Timbers (Bibliography-5.1).

2.2 PROSEA staff involved PROSEA staff involved in this compilation (September 1991) Indonesia: S.Danimihardja H.Sutarno N.Uulijarni-Soetjipto Lillian Chua Malaysia: Lesmy Tipot Papua New Guinea: A.Asmann R.A.Banka PhiIippines: N.Altoveros N.B.Pena A.L.Sanico Thailand: S.Duriyaprapan S.Tanpanich 2.3 Explanation of codes The present extract from the PREPHASE data base comprises the following information fields:

1 - 10000; NO = record number; origin of the numbers: Indonesia 10001 - 20000; * Thailand 20001 - 30000; Malaysia 30001 - 40000; PhiIippines 40001 - 50000. Papua New Guinea ET = English title OT = original title AU = author(s) or/and editor(s) CS = corporate source; in general the affiliation of the first author SD = source data AN = annotations (refs = references; ills = illustrations; tabs = tables; maps) LA = language of main texts and summaries AV = availability TA = taxa

SU = subjects; these follow the paragraphs in the texts of the PROSEA Handbook as indicated below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

= synonyms = vernacular names = origin and geographic distribution = uses = production and international trade = properties = description (incl. wood characteristics) = growth and development = other botanical information = ecology = propagation = husbandry/stand management = diseases and pests = harvesting = yield = handling after harvest = genetic resources = breeding = prospects = literature = other

Bibliography 3: Dye and tannin-producing plants

NO1 ETVegetables of theDutch East Indies AU Ochse,JJ;Bakhuizen vanden Brink Jr.RC SDAmsterdam;A.Asher &Co.B.V.;1980;xxxvip;1005p;translation of 'Indische Groenten';1931 AN refs;ill LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 123467 10 11 12

NO3 ET Delicious and fresh fruits OT Buah-buahan lezat dan segar AU Acung;Asikin,Z(ed);Ali,MY(ed) SD Seri UBP 53;Jakarta;Uidjaya;1984;66p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 1234 78 10 11 12 13 15 19

NO 18 ETOrnamental plants OT Tanamanhias AU Sastrapradja,S(ed);Nasoetion,RE;Idris.S;Imelda,M;Roedjito,W;Soerohaldoko,S; Soerojo,L CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 38;LBN 5;1977;135p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 2347811

NO 19 ET Vegetables AU Sastrapradja,S;Lubis,SHA;Djajasukma,E;Soetarno,H;Lubis,I CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Rome;IBPGR;1981;117p;translation of 'Sayur-sayuran';SDE 39;1977 AN ill LA English AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 234 78 1011

NO23 ET Industrial plants OT Tanaman industri AU Sastrapradja,S(ed);Danimihardja,S;Soejono,R;Soetjipto,NW;Prana,MS CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 51;LBN 10;1977;132p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 234 78 10 11 1219


NO 24 ET Medicinal plants OT Tumbuhan obat AU Sastrapradja,S(ed);Asyari,M;Djajasukma,E;Kasim,E;Lubis,1;Lubis,SHA CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 53;LBN 11;1978;126p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 234 6 7 10 11 19

NO 27 ET Indonesian timbers OT Kayu Indonesia AU Sastrapradja,S(ed);Kartawinata,K(ed);Soetisna,U;Roemantyo;Wiriadinata,H; Soekardjo.S CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 55;LBN 14;1979;116p AN refs;ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;8ogor;Indonesia SU 234 78 10 11 19

NO 29 ET Homegarden plants OT Tanaman pekarangan AU Sastrapradja,S(ed);Naiola,BP,-Rasmadi,ER;Roemantyo;Soepardijono,EK;Waluyo,EB CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 75;LBN 16;1979;97p AN refs;ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23 467 8 10 11 14 19

NO31 ET Timbers of dry regions OT Jem's kayu daerah kering AU Sastrapradja,S;Bimantoro,R CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 84;L8N 19;1980;87p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23 478 10 11 12 19

NO 38 ET Indonesian economic plant resources: Legume and other forage plants AU Mehra,KL;Soetjipto,NU;Supardiyono,EK CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 124;LBN 34;1986;51p;revision of 'Makanan ternak';SDE 105;LBN 25;1983 LA English AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Amaranthaceae;Asteraceae;CommeIinaceae;Leguminosae;Rubiaceae SU 123 47 10 11 19


NO39 ET Hedge plants OT Tanaraanpagar AU Sastrapradja,S;Bimantoro,R CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 93;LBN 26;1983;117p AN ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23 46 78 10 11 19

NO41 ET Shrub legumes OT Polong-polongan perdu AU Sastrapradja,S;Afriastini,JJ CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;SDE 114;LBN 29;1984;107p AN refs;ill LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Leguminosae SU 23 46 78 10 11 19

NO 44 ET Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.)Uild. and itspotential as a tannin-yielding plant OT Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.)Wild.dan potensinya sebagai penghasil tanin AU Uji.T CS Bogor Botanical Gardens;Indonesia SD Buletin Kebun Raya [Bulletin of the Botanical Gardens] 4(1):43-46(1979) AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.)UiIId. SU 234 7 11 15

NO45 ET Soga and other plant species used inthe batik industry OT Soga dan jenis tumbuhan lainyang dipakai dalam pembatikan AU Sangat.HH CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Kebun Raya [Bulletin of theBotanical Gardens] 3(2):53-57(1977) AN refs LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Albizia lebbekoides (DC.)Benth.,-Caesalpinia sappan L.;Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Corypha utan Lam.;Curcuma dornesticaVal.;Indigofera arrecta Höchst.ex A.Rich.;Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.)Corner;Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.)Back.ex Heyne;Uncaria gambir Roxb. SU 24

NO 47 ET Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.)Back.(Caesalpiniaceae) AU Sangat.HM CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Rifai,MA(ed);Indonesian Economic Plant Resources No.10;Bogor;LBN;1977;1p


LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Pettophorum pterocarpum (DC.)Back.ex Heyne SU 23 4 710

NO 49 ET Seedling distribution of Acacia arabica Willd. in the Baluran National Park, East Java OT Sebaran anakan Acacia arabica Willd.di areal Taman Nasional Baluran,Jawa Timur AU Suharti,M;Santoso,E;Nazif,M CS Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Bulletin] (490):24-32(1987) AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Acacia arabica (Lam.)Uilld. SU 4 10

NO 50 ET Experiments on the cultivation of Acacia catechu in Java OT Pertjobaan tanamanAcacia catechu di Djawa AU Ardikoesoema,RI;Widarmana,S SD Rimba Indonesia [Indonesian Jungle] 8(1-2):62-99(1959) AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Acacia catechu SU 1234 8 12 13 15 19

NO51 ET Horinda citrifolia L. and itsuses,especially as traditional medicine OT Pohon cengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.)dan manfaatnya,khususnya sebagai obat tradisional AU Hidajat.E CS Bogor Botanical Gardens;Indonesia SD Buletin Kebun Raya [Bulletin of the Botanical Gardens] 3(4):141-144(1978) AN refs;ill LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Horinda citrifolia L. SU 234 68 1011

NO 52 ET The potential of tannins from Tarakan tidal forest,East Kalimantan OT Potensi tanin dan' hutan payau Tarakan,Kalimantan Timur AU Sumadiuangsa,S;Ando,Y CS Forest Products Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan [Forest Products Research Journal] 3(3):25-27(1986) AN refs;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Bruguiera caryophylloides;Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Bruguiera parviflora; Ceriops;Melaleuca leucadendron;Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora conjugata; Rhizophora mucronata


SU4 56 19

HO53 ET Tidal forests inSouth-East Kalimantan (Kota Baru-P.Laut) OT Hutan pajau sekitar Kalimantan Tenggara (Kota Baru-P.Laut) AU Ferns,GW CS Forestry Planm"ng;Banjarmasin;Indonesia SO Rimba Indonesia [Indonesian Jungle] 4(3-5):90-98(1955) LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.)Lam.;Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.)W.& A.ex Griff.; Bruguiera sexangula (Lour.)Poir.;Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Rhizophora apiculata Bl.;Rhizophora mucronata Lam.;Sonneratia caseolaris (L.)Engl.; Xylocarpus granatum Koen. SU 24 7 10 11 14

NO54 ETMangrove bark powder asparticle-board adhesive OT Serbuk babakan bakau sebagai perekat papan partikel AU Sumadiwangsa,S CS Forest Products Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SO Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan [Forest Products Research Journal] 2(4):1-7(1986) AM refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Rhizophora mucronata SU4

NO55 ETAcacia arabica as hedge crop OTMengenal tanaman pagarAcacia arabica AU Hadipurnomo CS Kali Konto Watershed Project;Malang;Indonesia SODuta Rimba [Jungle Envoy] 7(46):13-15(1981) AN ill LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TAAcacia arabica SU 34 7 11 12

NO56 ET The role of plants incontemporary batik dyeing OT Peranan tumbuhan daIam pewarnaan batik masakirn' AU Sangat,HM;Rifai,MA CS Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SD Berita Biologi [Biological News] 2(1):24(1977) LA Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.)Corner; Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.)Back.ex Heyne;Sapindus rarak DC. SU 24 19

NO64 ETAnnato seed


OT Annato-zaad AU Koolhaas,DR;Koppel,C van de SD Mededeeling van het Laboratorium voor Scheikundig Onderzoek [Contributionof the Chemical Research Laboratory] (10):1-12(1935) LA Dutch AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Bixa orellana SU 23456 7 15 16

NO 102 ET Effect of Morinda citrifolia cortex infusion on the contraction of isolated guinea pig ileum OT Pengaruh infus Morinda citrifolia cortex terhadap kontraksi ileummarmot terisolir AU Taroeno;Soegiardjo,CJ;Dirdjosudjono,FXS;Sudjiman;Uibouo,S;Danu R,SS; Sumastuti,R CS Faculty of Pharmacy;Gadjah Mada University;Yogyakarta;Indonesia SD Simposium Penelitian Tanaman Obat I [First Symposium on Medicinal Plant Research];Bogor;1975;p209-228 AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Morinda citrifolia L. SU 26 721

NO 121 ET The hardly known Malacca tree (Phyllanthus emblica L.) OT Kimalaka (Phyllanthus emblica L.)yang jarang dikenal AU Soetisna,U;Hidajat,E CS Bogor Botanical Gardens;Indonesia SD Buletin Kebun Raya [Bulletin of the Botanical Gardens] 3(3):77-80(1977) AN refs;ill LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Phyllanthus emblica L. SU 1234 67 8 1011

NO 192 ET Plant type in Indigofera,Bauhinia and Caesalpinia AU Mehra,KL;Supardiyono,EK;Imamuddin,H;Sukamto,LA CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Proceedings of the International Symposium on South East Asian Plant Genetic Resources,Jakarta,20-24 August 1985;Mehra,KL(ed);Sastrapradja,S(ed);Bogor; National Biological Institute;1985;p167-169 AN ill LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Bauhinia acuminata;Bauhiniamonandra;Bauhinia purpurea;Caesalpinia pulcherrima;Indigofera suffruticosa;Indigofera tinctoria SU 78 17

NO 219 ET Getting to know the economic value of the genus Baccaurea in Indonesia OT Mengenal nilai guna marga Baccaurea di Indonesia AU Uji.T CS Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia


SD Buletin Kebun Raya [Bulletin of the Botanical Gardens] 6(3):77-80(1983) AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Baccaurea SU 2 3 4 6 10 19 NO 229 ET Indonesian cultivated plants, their names and uses OT Tanaman budidaya Indonesia, nama serta manfaatnya AU Naiola.BP CS Centre for Research and Development in Biology,-Bogor;Indonesia SD Bogor;CV Yasaguna;1986;224p AN refs;tab LA English; Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 12 3 4 5 6 9 16 19 NO 249 ET Identification of catechin and catechin-tanning agent in gambier OT Die Bestimmung von Catechin und Catechin-Gerbstoff in Gambir AU Hullsen.CJ van;Koolhaas,DR SD Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas 58(7/8):831-840(1939) AN refs;tab LA German; German AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Uncaria gambir Roxb. SU 2 6 16


NO 329 ET Indonesian medicinal plants AU Dharma,AP SD Jakarta;Balai Pustaka;1987;214p;translation of 'Indonesische geneeskrachtige planten';Amsterdam;De Driehoek BV AN refs;ills LA English AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 12 3 4 7 10 NO 600 ET Effort to support the 'jamu' industry by cultivation of its resources OT Usaha menunjang industri jamu melalui pembudidayaan simplisia AU Sudiarto;Abdullah,HA CS Bogor Research Institute for Industrial Crops;Indonesia SD Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pertanian [Agricultural Research & Development Journal] 3(1):20-23(1984) AN refs;ill LA Indonesian AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Angelica acutiloba;Bupleurum falcatum;Eurycoma longifolia;Ficus deltoidea; Melaleuca leucadendra;Nyctanthes arbor-tristis;Parameria barbata; Pimpinella pruatjan;Piper cubeba;Piper retrofractum SU 2 4 12 17 19


NO 608 ET Morinda citrifolia, amulti-purpose plant as a source of vitaminA OT Mengkudu, tanaman serba guna sumber vitaminA AU Kusno.SR CS Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia SD Majalah Pertanian [Agricultural Journal]31(3):12-14(1983/84) AN ill LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Morinda citrifolia SU 246 7 1016

NO 655 ET Flora of Java AU Backer,CA;Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr.RC SD Vol.I;Groningen;Noordhoff;1963;xxiiip;648p -Vol.II;Groningen;Noordhoff; 1965;(72)p;641p -Vol.111;Groningen;WoIters-Noordhoff;1968;761p AN refs;tabs;maps LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 13 789 10

NO 695 ET Effect of tree age on tannin content OT PengaruViumur terhadap kadar tanindaIam pohon AU Prayitno.TA SD Duta Rimba [Jungle Envoy] 8(55):43-44(1982) AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Acacia decurrens UiUd.;Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. SU 6

NO 702 ET The exotic plantation of Acacia nilotica and its problems in the savanna ecosystem of Baluran National Park OT Tanaman eksotik akasia (Acacia nilotica)dan masalahnya bagi ekosistem savanna di Taman Nasional Baluran AU Alikodra.HS CS Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia SD Duta Rimba [Jungle Envoy] 13(79-80):30-34(1987) AN refs LA Indonesian;summ.inEnglish AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Acacia nilotica (L.)Uilld.exDel. SU 134 78 10 12

NO 841 ET Red root disease of Cinchona,Tephrosia and Flemingia OT Penyakit akarmerah pada Kina,Tephrosia dan Flemingia AU Soekasman;Semangun,H CS Research Station of Tea Plantation;Pagilaran;Indonesia SD IImu Pertanian [Agricultural Science] 1(6):260(1972) LA Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Cinchona ledgeriana Moens ex Trimen;Cinchona succirubra Pav.ex Klotzsch;


Flemingia congesta;Tephrosia vogelii Hook.f. SU 27 1013

NO 847 ET Beautiful greens.Various leaf vegetables in Indonesia OT Si hijau yang cantik. Aneka sayuran daun hijaudi Indonesia AU Oomen,HAPC;Soedarmo,P;Soedarmo,DP;Kusumo,S CS Yayasan Obor Indonesia;Jakarta;Indonesia SD Jakarta;Percetakan PT Gramedia;1984;188p AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23456 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1921

NO891 ET The genus Indigofera L. (Fabaceae-PapiIionoideae) inBurma AU Sanjappa,M CS Botanical Survey of lndia;Howrah;India SD Reinwardtia 10(2):211-244(1985> AN refs;ill LA English; English; Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Indigofera SU 12379 10

NO893 ET A revision ofMalesian Caesalpinia,including Mezoneuron (Leguminosae-Caesalpiniaceae) AU Hattink.TA CS Rijksherbarium;Leiden;Netherlands SD Reinwardtia 9(1):1-69(1974) AN refs;i11;maps LA English; English; Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Caesalpinia SU 134 79 10

NO928 ET Effect of the extraction method on the dye yield of 'lamtoro' (Leucaena leucocephala) OT Pengaruh cara ekstraksi terhadap rendemen zat warna dan' lamtoro AU Suradikusumah.E CS Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;Bogor Agricultural University; Indonesia SD Risalah Kongres IlmuPengetahuan Nasional IV [Proceedings of the 4th National Congress on Sciences];Buku III Dimensi Sumberdaya Alam [Book III Natural Resources Dimension];Sastrapradja,DS(ed);Alfian (ed);Rifai,MA(ed);Kahar,N (ed);Jakarta;Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia;1987;p117-122 AN refs;ill;tab LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)deWit SU 246 16


NO 929 ET Brief observations on Indonesian natural dye-yielding plants OT Sekilas pengamatan terhadap tetumbuhan penghasil pewarna aIami Indonesia AU Rifai.MA CS Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SO Risalah Kongres Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional IV [Proceedings of the 4th National Congress on Sciences];Buku III Dimensi Sumberdaya AIam [Book III Natural Resources Dimension];Sastrapradja,DS(ed);AIfian (ed);Rifai,MA(ed);Kahar,N (ed);Jakarta;Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia;1987;p123-151 AN refs LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 2 4 6 NO 1035 ET The Indies species of Galium OT De Indische walstroo-soorten AU Steenis,CGGJ van CS Netherlands Indies Natural History Associâtion;Buitenzorg SD De Tropische Natuur [The Tropical Nature] 25(9):152-155(1936) AN ill LA Dutch AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Galium;Rubia cordifolia L. SU 3 4 6 7 1021 NO 1071 ET Weeds of rice in Indonesia AU Soerjani,M(ed);Kostermans,AJGH(ed);Tjitrosoepomo,G(ed) SD Jakarta;Balai Pustaka;1987;xvip;716p AN refs;i11,-maps LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 123 4 7 8 10 11 NO 1081 ET Tannin production from tannin-containing materials I.Areca-palm fruits OT Pembuatan tanin dari bahan yang mengandung penyamak (Pinang,Gambir.Bakau, Acacia) I.Buah Pinang AU Basoeki;Tampubolon,E;Syafri SD Hedan;Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri;1982;iiip;17p; DP/BPPI/BI.Md/36/82 AN refs;ilI;tab LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Areca catechu L. SU 23 4 56 7 16 NO 1271 ET Select Indonesian medicinal plants AU Steenis-Kruseman.MJ van CS Flora Halesiana Foundation;Kebun Raya Indonesia;Bogor SD Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia Bulletin (18):1-90(1953) AN refs LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia


SU 2 3 4 6 1021 NO 1272 ET A monograph of the Asiatic.Malaysian,Australian and Pacific species of Mimosaceae,formerly included in Pithecolobium Hart. AU Kostermans.AJGH SO Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia Bulletin (20):1-122(1954) AN refs;ill LA English; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Pithecellobium SU 12 3 4 6 79 10 1221 NO 1313 ET Physical effects of soil compaction and initial growth of Acacia pycnantha (Leguminosae) in a clay-loam soil AU Foong,TW;Wells,N CS Botanic Gardens,Parks and Recreation Department;Singapore SO The Gardens' Builetin,Singapore 37(1):81-91(1984) AN refs;ills LA English; Englsih AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Acacia pycnantha Benth. SU 8 10 NO 1369 ET Mangrove tannin-formaldehyde resins as hot-press plywood adhesives AU Brandts,TG SD Communication of the Forest Research Institute (37);Tectona 42(3-4):137-150(1952) AN refs;ill;tab LA English; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Bruguiera caryophylloides;Bruguiera gymn&rrhiza;Bruguiera parviflora; Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora conjugata;Rhizophora mucronata;Rhizophora stylosa;Schima wallichii SU 3 4 5 6 16 NO 1382 ET Anatto.a shade plant resembling 'rambutan' OT Galinggem,tanaman peneduh mirip rambutan AU Purauinata.R SO Trubus 19(226):109(1988) AN ill LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Bixa orellana SU 2 3 4 7 8 10 11 NO 1394 ET Drought resistant crops OT Droogte resistente gewassen AU Endert.FH SD Tectona 36(4):165-214(1946) LA Dutch; English


AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 10 NO 1425 ET Useful tropical crops OT Nuttige tropische gewassen AU Horst,J van der CS Royal Tropical Institute;Amsterdam;Netherlands SD Zutphen;Tesink;1979;254p AN refs;ill LA Dutch AV PROSEA Network Office;ßogor;Indonesia SU 3 4 7 10 12 14 16 NO K 6 1 ET An ambrosia-galIon Symplocos fasciculata Zoll. AU Docters van Leeuwen,UM CS Leersum;Netherlands SD Annales du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg [Annals of the Botanic Gardens Buitenzorg] 49:27-42(1940) AN refs;ill LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Symplocos fasciculata Zoll. SU 3 10 13 NO 1496 ET The geographic distribution,migrâtion,and dialectical mutation of certain plant names in the Philippines and Netherlands India,with special reference to the materia medica of a Mangyan Hediquillo AU Bartlett.HH SD Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Science Congress;Vol.IV;Berkeley;1939; p85-109 AN refs LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 4 NO 1509 ET The forests and forest products trade in Java and Bali OT Hutan dan perniagaan hasil hutan di Djawa dan Bali AU Soepardi,R SD Djakarta;Perpustakaan Kementerian P.P.dan K.;1954;140p AN ilI;tab LA Indonesian AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 4 5 10 15 16 NO 1547 ET Sap flow rate of several tree species in a tropical rain forest in Uest Sumatra AU Ogino,K;Ninomiya,I;Yoshikawa,K CS Faculty of Agriculture;Ehime University;Matsuyama;Japan SD Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra;Forest Ecosystem and Specification in Wet Tropical Environments;Hotta,M(ed);Kyoto;Sumatra Nature


Study (Botany);Kyoto University;1986;p(1)-(9) AN refs;ills;tab;map LA English; English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 8 10 NO 1549 ET An ethnobotanical approach of a tropical market: Pasar Baru,Bogor,Indonesia AU Duff,K;Monfort,B;Deforesta,H CS BIOTROP;Bogor;Indonesia SD Botanique Tropicale;HontpelIier;France AN refs;iIIs;tabs;map LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 4 16 NO 1555 ET East Katimantan;TAD-Materialien 11;Forest for food AU Jessup,TC;Harjadi,SS;Khumaidi,M;Soedjito,H CS Rutgers University;New 8runswick;USA SD East Kalimantan Transmigration Area Development Project;1980;ivp;72p AN refs;tabs;map LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 NO 1562 ET The myrtaceous genus Syzygium Gaertner in Borneo AU MerriIl,ED;Perry,LM CS Harvard University;Boston;USA SD Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Science 18(3):135-200(1939) AN refs LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium 8ogoriense;Indonesia TA Syzygium SU 13 7 NO 1573 ET Malayan species of Sophora (Legum.) AU Steenis,CGGJ van CS Flora Halesiana Foundation;Buitenzorg;Indonesia SD Bulletin of the Botanic Gardens Buitenzorg 111,17(4):421-428(1948) LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Sophora angustifolia;Sophora benthamii;Sophora glauca;Sophora japonica; Sophora Iongipes;Sophora phiIippinensis;Sophora tomentosa;Sophora wightii SU 12 3 4 6 7 10 NO 1710 ET Extraction and utilization of carotenes and xanthophylls AU Burdick,EM CS 4821 Ronda Street;Coral Gables;Florida;USA SD Economic Botany 10:267-279(1956) AN refs;ill;tab LA English; English


AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Bixa orellana;Capsicum annuum;Crocus sativus;Daucus carota;Elaeis guineensis;Medicago sativa;Zea mays SU 2469 1619

NO 1760 ET Tropical yams and their potential.Part 6.Minor cultivated Dioscorea species AU Martin,FU;Degras,L CS Agricultural Research Service;US Department ofAgricutture;Mayaguez;USA SD US Department ofAgriculture;Agriculture Handbook 538;1978;23p AN refs;iU s ;tabs LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Dioscorea SU 36 789 10 14 15 1619

NO 1808 ET Gardenia augusta, abeautiful plant of medicinal value OT Kacapiring, tanaman cantik berkhasiat obat AU Sardianto SD Trubus 18(216):370-371(1987) AN ills LA Indonesian AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Gardenia augusta SU 234 69 1011

NO 1820 ET Amaranthaceae: Irésine AU Backer,CA SD Flora Malesiana I,4(2):97-98(1949);Steenis,CGGJ van (ed);DJakarta; Noordhoff-Kolff AN refs LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Irésineherbstii Hook.f. SU 234 10

NO 1823 ET Plumbaginaceae AU Steenis,CGGJ van SD Flora Malesiana I,4(2):107-112(1949);Steenis,CGGJ van (ed);DJakarta; Noordhoff-Kolff AN refs;ill LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Aegialitis annulata;Aegialitis rotundifolia;Armeria maritima;Limonium sinuatum.-Plumbago aphylla;Plumbago auriculata;Ptumbago indica;Plumbago zeylanica SU 234 710

NO 1865 ET Bixaceae AU Backer,CA SD Flora Malesiana 1,4(3):239-241(1951);Steenis,CGGJ van (ed);Djakarta;


Noordhoff-Kolff AN refs;iII LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Bixa orellana L. SU 2 3 4 7 10 11

NO 1956 ET The emblic (Phyllanthus emblica L.) AU Morton,JF CS Morton Collectaea;University of Miami;Coral Gables;Florida;USA SD Economic Botany 11:119-128(1960) AN refs;ills LA English; English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Phyllanthus emblica L. SU 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 1 1 12

NO 1965 ET Tropical plants with unusual taste properties AU Inglett,GE;May,JF CS Northern Utilization Research and Development Division;Agricultural Research Service;US Department of Agriculture;I11inois;USA SD Economic Botany 22:326-331(1968) AN refs;itIs;tab LA English; English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 3 4 6 7 10

NO 2006 ET Myrtaceae AU Watt,JM;Breyer-Brandwijk,-MG SD The Medicinal and Poisonsous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa; Watt,JM(ed);Breyer-Brandwijk,MG(ed);1962;p788-800 AN tabs LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Agonis;Eucalyptus;Eugenia;Leptospermum;Psidium;Syzygium SU 4 6

NO 2083 ET Effects of soils under Hopea odorata.Khaya anthotheca and Terminalia arjuna stands on the growth and nodulation of Leucaena leucocephala OT Pengaruh tanah hutan Hopea odorata.Khaya anthotheca dan Terminalia arjuna terhadap pertumbuhan dan pembintilan Leucaena leucocephala AU Suariamihardja,S;Rostiwati,T CS Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Bulletin] (471):1-6(1985) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Hopea odorata;Khaya anthotheca;Leucaena leucocephala;Terminatia arjuna SU 8 10 12


NO 2143 ET Cost analysis of the control of Acacia arabica inBaluran National Park,East Java OT Analisa biaya pengendalian Acacia arabica di Taman Nasional Baluran,Jawa Timur AU Suharti,M;Santoso,E CS Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Bulletin] (505):1-8(1989) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Centre for Research and Development inBiotogy;Bogor;Indonesia TA Acacia arabica SU 1219

NO 2180 ET Overcoming soil fertility constraints inacid upland soils for food crop based farming systems in Indonesia AU Sri-Adiningsih,A;Sudjadi,M;Setyorini,D CS Center for Soil Research;Bogor;Indonesia SD Indonesian Agricultural Research SDevelopment Journal 10(2):49-58(1988) AN refs;tabs LA English AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Albizia falcataria;Flemingia congesta;Imperata cylindrica;Oryza sativa; Zea mays SU 46 12 15 19

NO 2221 ET Description of commercial tree seedlings inSijunjung forest area,West Sumatra OT Pengenalan anakan jenis kayu perdagangan di daerah hutan Sijunjung, Sumatra Barat AU Jafarsidik,Y;Sutomo,S CS Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Bulletin] (493):21-43(1987) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23 78 10

NO 2275 ET The effect of duration and methods of extraction on the quality of gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) OT Pengaruh cara dan lama penyarian terhadap mutu gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.)yang dihasilkan AU Sudibjo,A;SaIya,S;Lubis,EH CS Institute for Research and Development of Agro-based Industry; Bogor;Indonesia SD Warta IHP (Industri Hasil Pertanian) [Journal of Agro-based Industry] 5(1):22-27(1988) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Institute for Research and Development of Agro-based Industry;Bogor; Indonesia TA Uncaria gambir Roxb. SU 26 16


NO 2276 ET The effect of variety and methods of extraction on the yield and catechin content of gambier (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) OT Pengaruh varitas dan cara penyarian terhadap rendemen dan kadar catechin gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) AllSudibyo,A;Pardede,JJ;Suprapto CS Institute for Research and Development of Agro-based Industry;Bogor; Indonesia SD Warta IHP (Industri Hasil Pertanian) [Journal of Agro-based Industry] 5(1):28-31(1988) AN refs;ills LA Indonesian; English AV Institute for Research and Development of Agro-based Industry;Bogor; Indonesia TA Uncaria gambir Roxb. SU 2 6 16

HO 2307 ET Introduction to exported tree species,Series XI OT Pengenalan jenis-jenis poho.n ekspor,Seri ke XI AU Prawira.RSA CS Forest Research Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hutan CForest Research Institute Report] (350):1-71(1980) AN refs;ills LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

NO 2308 ET Introduction to exported tree species,Series IX OT Pengenalan jenis-jenis pohon ekspor.Seri ke IX AU Prawira,RSA;Sutisna,U CS Forest Research Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Institute Report] (303):1-51(1979) AN refs;ills LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 2 3 4 5 7 8

NO 2406 ET Identification of dyes from the leaves of Indigofera tinctoria by thin layer chromatography OT Identifikasi zat warna daun Indigofera tinctoria dengan kromatografi lapisan tipis AU Siburian.TMT CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Pemberitaan Lembaga Penelitian Tanaman Industri [Contributions of the Research Institute for Industrial Crops] 11(1-2):24-27(1985) AN refs;ills LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Indigofera tinctoria SU 4 5 7 12


NO 2466 ET Medicinal plants among the undergrowth of the teak forest and some traditional medicinal practices of local people in Jatisari (Subah,Central Java) OT Jenis-jenis tumbuhan obat di bawah tegakan hutan jati dan beberapa macam obat tradisional penduduk di Jatisari (Subah,Jawa Tengah) AU Jafarsidik,YS;Sutomo,S CS Forest Research Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Institute Report] (411):29-50(1983) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23 4 19

NO 2579 ET The composition of vegetation of the Indonesian Archipelago OT De samenstelling van het plantendek van de Indische Archipel AU Steenis,CGGJ van SD Tectona 38(4>:215-218(1948) LA Dutch AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Artocarpus communis;Decaspermum paniculatum;Morinda elliptica;Peltophorum dasyrachis;Timonius sericeus SU 123 710

NO 2597 ET Vegetable tanning materials: aminor forest produce in India AU Rao,CK;Santappa,M;Nayudamma,Y CS Central Leather Research Institute;Madras;India SD Proceedings of the Eighth Uorld Forestry Congress;Vol.6(B);Jakarta;1978; p1943-1501 AN refs;tabs LA English;summ.inEnglish; French; Italian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Anacardiaceae;Combretaceae;Dipterocarpaceae;Euphorbiaceae;Leguminosae; Rhizophoraceae SU 123 456

NO 2603 ET The influence of shading on diameter and height growth of Shorea javanica V. seedlings in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve,west Java OT Pengaruh naungan terhadap pertumbuhan diameter dan tinggi anakan Shorea javanica V. di Cagar Alam Leuweung Sancang,Jawa Barat AU Wardini,M;Sidiyasa,K;Sutomo,S CS Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Bulletin) (491):11-19(1987) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia TA Barringtonia asiatica;Calamus javensis;Corypha gebanga;Ficus retusa; Ipomoea aquatica;Rafflesia patma;Salacca edulis;Shorea javanica; Terminalia catappa SU 3 8 10 11 1213


NO 2745 ET Classification and properties of several forest products other than wood OT Klasifikasi dan sifat beberapa hasil hutan bukan kayu AU Sumadiwangsa,S CS Forest Products Research Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan [Forest Products Research Institute Report] (285:1-57(1973) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Acacia;Agathis;Cuscuta;Daemonorops;Pinus;Schleichera;Styrax SU 234 6 H 16 NO 2754 ET Yields and properties of charcoal of several Indonesian woods OT Rendemen dan sifat arang beberapa jenis kayu Indonesia AU Hartoyo;Syakri,N CS Forest Products Research Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan [Forest Products Research Institute Report] (62):1-10(1976) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 246 16

NO 2858 ET Physical and mechanical properties of two fast growing species,Albizia falcataria Fosberg and Eucalyptus deglupta Blume AU Kambey,E;Sastradimadja,E;Scharai-Rod,M CS German Forestry Group (GFG);Mulawarman University;Samarinda;Indonesia SD German Forestry Group (GFG)Report (5):55-66(1986) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Albizia falcataria;Anthocephalus ehinensis;Eucalyptus deglupta;Macaranga triloba;Shorea leprosula SU 26 7

NO2941 ET 'Tumpangsari' pond as amultiple use concept to save the mangrove forest in Java AU Sukardjo.S CS Centre for Research and Development inOceanology;Jakarta;Indonesia SD BIOTROP Special Publication (37):115-128(1989) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA English; English AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata SU 234 8

NO 2942 ET Litterfall production and turnover in the mangrove forest inMuara Angke-Kapuk,Jakarta AU Sukardjo,S CS Centre for Research and Development inOceanology;Jakarta;Indonesia SD BIOTROP Special Publication (37):129-143(1989)


AN refs;itIs;tabs LA English; English AV BIOTROP-SEAHEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Avicennia alba;Avicennia marina;Excoecaria agallocha;Rhizophora apiculata; Rhizophora mucronata SU 34 7 1015

NO 2943 ET The structure of vegetation and rate of litter production inmangrove forest at Siar Beach,Lundu,Sarawak,Malaysia AU Othman.S CSUniversity of Agriculture;Serdang;Selangor;Malaysia SD BIOTROP Special Publication (37):145-155(1989) AN refs;ills;map LA English; English AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Acrostichum aureum;Avicennia alba;Bruguiera cylindrica;Bruguiera parviflora;Nypa fruticans;Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata; Sonneratia alba SU 34 1015

NO 2953 ET Status of knowledge on Indonesian mangrove forests OT Status pengetahuan hutan bakau di Indonesia AU Kartawinata,K;Adisoemarto,S;Soemodihardjo,S;Tantra,IGM CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Prosiding Seminar Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove [Proceedings of aSeminar on Mangrove Forests Ecosystem];Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Jakarta;1978;p21-39 AN refs;ill LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 34 79 10

NO 2958 ET Notes on aspects ofmangrove forest exploitation inSouth Sulawesi OT Beberapa catatan tentang aspek pengusahaan hutan mangrove di Sulawesi Selatan AU Nurkin.B CS Faculty of Agriculture;Hasanudin University;Ujung Pandang;Indonesia SD Prosiding Seminar Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove [Proceedings of aSeminar on Mangrove Forests Ecosystem];Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Jakarta;1978;p158-160 AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 235

NO 2971 ET On the management of mangrove forests at Cilacap OT Pengalaman pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Cilacap AU Haditenojo,PS;Abas Ts CS The Public Forest Corporation Unit II;Central Java;Indonesia SO Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove [Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Mangrove Ecosystem];Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);8aturaden;1982;p65-73 AN ills;tabs LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Rhizophora mucronata


SU 2 8 10 11 12

NO 2975 ET The mangrove forest of Tanjung Karawang,Bekasi,Uest Java OT Hutan mangrove di Tanjung Karawang,Bekasi,Jawa Barat AU Djaja,B;Sugardo,G;Indrasuseno,B CS Faculty of Biology;National University;Jakarta SD Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove [Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Mangrove Ecosystem];Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Baturaden;p156-161 AN refs;iIIs;tabs;map LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Avicennia alba;Avicennia marina;Avicennia officinalis;Bruguiera caryophylloides;Bruguiera sexangula;Rhizophora mucronata;Sonneratia caseolaris SU 3 7 10

NO 2976 ET Vegetational analysis of the mangrove forest of Morowali,Central Sulawesi OT Analisis vegetasi hutan bakau Morowali,Sulawesi Tengah AU Darnaedi,D;Budiman,A CS National Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove [Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Mangrove Ecosystem].-Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Baturaden;1982;p162-171 AN refs;iIIs;tabs;map LA Indonesian;summ,in'English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Ceriops tagal;Lumnitzera Iittorea;Osbornia octodonta; Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata;Xylocarpus granatum SU 3 7 10

NO 2977 ET Management of mangrove forests in Indonesia OT Pengelolaan hutan payau di Indonesia AU Wiroatmodjo,P;Judi,DM CS Directorate of Forestry Programme Guidance;Bogor;Indonesia SD Prosiding Seminar Ekosistem Hutan Mangrove [Proceedings of Seminar on Mangrove Forests Ecosystem].-Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Jakarta;1978;p191-198 AN refs;tabs;map LA Indonesian;summ,in English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Bruguiera parviflora;Ceriops tagal,-Rhizophora conjugata;Rhizophora mucronata;Xylocarpus granatum SU 2 3 4 5 7 15

NO 2978 ET Evaluation on the natural regeneration of mangrove forest extending between Gaung river and Mardah river,Riau OT Penilaian permudaan alam hutan mangrove antara sungai Gaung dan sungai Mardah,Riau AU Rasjid.HA CS Forest Research Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove [Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Mangrove Ecosystem];Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Baturaden;1982;p3K-320 AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian


AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Avicennia alba;Bruguiera parviflora;Bruguiera sexangula;Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata;Xylocarpus granatum SU 2357 10

NO2981 ETA preliminary study on planting of Rhizophora species in anAvicennia forest at theMatang mangrove AU Chan,HT;Ujang,R;Putz,FE CS Forest Research Institute;Kepang;Setangor;Malaysia SD Prosiding Seminar II Ekosistem Mangrove [Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar on Mangrove Ecosystem];Soemodihardjo,S et al(eds);Baturaden;1982;p340-345 AN refs;tabs LA English; English; Indonesian AV BIOTROP-SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Avicennia alba;Avicennia marina;Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata SU 34811

NO2990 ET The conservation of forest animal and plant genetic resources AU Sastrapradja,S;Adisoemarto,S;Kartawinata,K;Tarumingkeng,RC CSNational Biological Institute;Bogor;Indonesia SD Proceedings of the Eighth World Forestry Congress;Vol.7(A);Jakarta;1978; p541-567 AN refs;tabs LA English; English; French; Italian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia SU 34 10 12 1721

NO 3002 ET Effects of P and Kminerals on the growth of four species of Indigofera OT Pengaruh penambahan mineral fosfor dan kalium pada pertumbuhan empat jenis Indigofera AU Danimihardja,S;Saefudin CS Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia SD Berita Biologi [Biological News] 3(9):480-481(1989) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Indigofera;Indigofera arrecta;Indigofera hirsuta;Indigofera tinctoria SU 489

NO 3027 ET The flora of some nature reserves and their possible utilization OT Flora beberapa cagar alam dan kemungkinan pemanfaatannya AU Tantra.IGM SD Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Institute Report] (282):1-14(1978) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 127

NO 3194 ET Fiber dimension of Indonesian wood species


OT Dimensi serat jenis kayu Indonesia AU Sudradjat;Rachman,AN SD Laporan Lembaga Penelitian Hasil Hutan [Forest Products Research Institute Report] (158):9-K(1981) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 1 2 4

NO 3225 ET The estimation of temporal processes in tropical rain forest: a study of primary mixed dipterocarp forest in Indonesia AU Riswan,S;Kenworthy,J8;Kartawinata,K CS Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SD Journal of Tropical Ecology 1(2):171-182(1985) AN refs;tabs;maps LA English; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Croton argyratus Bl.;Dryobalanops beccarii Dyer;Eusideroxylon zwageri T.& B.;Macaranga triloba (Bl.)Muell.Arg.;Pternandra azurea (Bl.)Burk.;Shorea smithiana SU 3 7 8 10

NO 3277 ET Demonstration of forest intercropping for reforestation and the production of food crops (Case analysis of intercropping in Cepu Forest District) OT Peragaan tumpangsari hutan dalam peremajaan hutan dan penghasil pangan (Analisis kasus tumpangsari di KPH Cepu) AU Pakpahan,A;Irawan,B;Hendiarto CS Centre for Research in Agro-Economy;Jakarta;Indonesia SD Forum Penelitian Agro-Ekonomi [Agro-Economy Research Forum) 1(2):19-36(1983) AN itls;tabs LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Caesalpinia sappan;Ipomoea batatas;Leucaena glauca;Manihot utilissima; Husa paradisiaca;Oryza sativa;Solanum tuberosum;Swietenia macrophylla; Swietenia mahagoni;Zea mays SU 2 10 12 15

NO 3284 ET Stump,stem and root cuttings OT Stekken en stumps AU Eidmann,FE SD Tectona 26(8):618-685(1933) AN tabs LA Dutch; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia SU 2 8 10 11 12

NO 3288 ET Terminalia catappa L. as landscape element OT Terminalia catappa L. sebagai salah satu elemen lansekap AU Patty,N CS Faculty of Landscape Architecture;Trisakti University;Jakarta;Indonesia SD Jakarta;Fakultas Arsitektur Lansekap;Universitas Trisakti;1979 AN refs


LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Terminalia catappa SU 7 8 1921 NO 3306 ET Analysis of mangrove forest composition at Sungai Sepaku.East Kalimantan OT Analisis komposisi hutan mangrove Sungai Sepaku,Kalimantan Timur AU Anwar,C;Tantra,IGM;Pranantoro,N CS Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Hutan [Forest Research Bulletin] (491):1-10(1987) AN refs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SU 23 10 12 NO 3315 ET Preservative treatment of wood structures in sweet and sea waters AU Kumar,S CS P.O.New Forest;Dehra Dun;India SD Proceedings of the Eighth World Forestry Congress;Vol.6B;Jakarta;1978; p1207-1216 AN refs;tabs LA English; English; French; Italian AV PROSEA Network Office;Bogor;Indonesia TA Bombacaceae;Combretaceae;Leguminosae;Meliaceae;Horaceae;Pinaceae;Ulmaceae SU 24 12 16 19 NO 3453 ET Signs of firewood crisis needs to be addressed immediately OT Gejala krisis kayu bakar perlu segera ditangani AU Soekotjo.WS CS Public Forest Corporation;Jakarta;Indonesia SD Gema Rimba [Jungle Echo] 5(35-36):20-27(1979) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Acacia arabica;Acacia auriculiformis;Azadirachta indica;Calliandra calothyrsus;Gliricidia maculata;Tectona grandis SU 2 4 5 10 NO 3830 ET Smallholder gambier plantations in Sibolangit,Deli/Serdang OT Tanaman gambir rakjat di ketjamatan Sibolangit kabupaten Deli/Serdang AU Sitepu.RS SD Madjalah Berkala Pertanian [Agricultural Periodical] 6(5):10-12(1955) LA Indonesian AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Uncaria gambir SU 2 5 7 10 11 12 14 16 NO 4049 ET Study on the silviculture of firewood species and sandalwood in the eastern part of Indonesia OT Penelitian silvikultur jenis kayu bakar dan cendana di Indonesia Bagian Timur


CS Forestry Research Project;East Nusa Tenggara;Kupang;Indonesia SO Savana (3):19-21(1988) AN tabs LA Indonesian;English AV Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia SU 3 4 8 10 11 12 NO 4166 ET Exploitation of mangrove forests in Ciasem area,Pamanukan,Purwakarta Forest District OT Eksploitasi hutan payau di daerah Ciasem-Pamanukan-KPH Purwakarta AU Naradiman.K SO Bogor;Faculty of Forestry;8ogor Agricultural University;1963;26p AN refs;ills;tabs;maps LA Indonesian AV Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia SU 2 3 7 10 12 NO 4224 ET Reforestation in the watershed areas of Wair Ktau,Uair Pelit and Iligetang, Flores,Nusa Tenggara Timur OT Reboisasi hutan di daerah aliran sungai-sungai Wair Klau.Uair Pelit dan 11igetang,Flores,Nusa Tenggara Timur AU Husaeni.EA SD Bogor;Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;1970;66p AN refs;tabs;maps LA Indonesian AV Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Acacia leucophloea;Acacia oraria;Alstonia viIlosa;Azadirachta indica;Cassia siamea;Leucaena glauca;Palaquium javense;Santalum album;Schleichera oleosa; Swietenia macrophylla SU 3 4 7 8 10 11 12 NO 4569 ET Experiments on the germination of Acacia catechu UilId. in 'alang-alang' (Imperata cylindrica) fields OT Pertjobaan perketjambahan djenis Acacia catechu UilId. di lapangan alangalang AU Purba.H SD Bogor;Faculty of Agriculture;University of Indonesia;1963;66p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian AV Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Acacia catechu (L.f.)Uilld. SU 3 4 7 8 10 11 12 13 NO 4589 ET Possibility of the establishment of a firewood belt in the effort to overcome and reduce timber poaching in Leuweungtis,Garut Forest District OT Kemungkinan pembuatan jalur kayu bakar daIam rangka usaha mengatasi dan mengurangi pencurian kayu di Leuweungtis,Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan Garut AU Rachardja.S SD Bandung;College of Forestry of Uest Java Province;1973;42p AN refs;iIIs;tabs;maps LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia


TA Acacia auriculiformis;Acacia catechu SU 234 578 11 12

NO 4656 ET The influence of temperature on the germination of Acacia catechu seeds AU Clara,T CS Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agicultural University;Indonesia SD Plant Physiology Report;Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University; 1964;23p AN refs;ills;tabs LA English AV Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TAAcacia catechu SU34 678 1011

NO 4707 ET Qualitative and quantitative analyses of folic acid from somemedicinal plants OT Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif asam folat dari beberapa tanaman obat AU Sitohang.MY SD Bogor;College of Analytic Chemistry;1979;72p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian AV College of Analytic Chemistry;Bogor;Indonesia TAAmaranthus tricolor;Blumea balsamifera;EcUpta alba;Elephantopus scaber; Pluchea indica SU 234678 10

NO 4773 ET Preparation of cold soda pulps from mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King),Acacia catechu UiUd.,cinchona (Cinchona succirubra Pav.)and 'johar' (Cassia siamea Lamk)timbers OT Mempelajari pembuatan pulp soda dingin dari kayu mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla King.),Acacia catechu Willd.,kina (Cinchona succirubra Pav.)dan johar (Cassia siamea Lamk) AU Manullang,L SD Bogor;College of Analytic Chemistry;1984;93p AN refs;ills;tabs LA Indonesian AV College of Analytic Chemistry;Bogor;Indonesia TA Acacia catechu (L.f.)WilId.,-Cassia siamea Lam.;Cinchona succirubra Pav.ex Klotzsch;Swietenia macrophylla King SU 23 4 7

NO 5338 ET 'Pacar air' (Impatiens spp.)hybrids havemany lovers OT Pacar air hibrida banyak penggemarnya AU Hukum.R SD Suara Karya, 14October 1987 AN ill LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Impatiens balsamina L.;Impatiens roylei;Impatiens wal1eriana SU 234 79 1121


NO 5383 ET Baphia nitida Lodd. AU Duke,JA;Reed,CF SD Legumes;Duke,JA(ed);New York;Plenum Press;1981;p26-27 AN refs;ills LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Baphia nitida Lodd. SU 23 4 6 7 10 11 H 15 1721

NO 5385 ET Acacia pycnantha Benth. AU Duke,JA;Reed,CF SD Legumes;Duke,JA(ed);New York;Plenum Press;1981;p11-12 AN ills LA English AV UPSEA;Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TAAcacia pycnantha Benth. SU 34 6 7 10 11 14 1721

NO 5481 ET Various medicinal plants as ornamentals OT Berbagai tanaman obat penghias taman AU Haryanto.JB SD Suara Karya, 25 November 1987 AN ill LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Andrographis paniculata;Catharanthus roseus;Crinum asiaticum;Datura metel; Euphorbia tirucalIi;Nyctanthes arbor-tristis;Punica granatum;Triphasia trifolia SU 4 721

NO 5547 ET Development prospects of 'kapulaga sebrang' (Elettaria cardamomum Maton)in Sekar Samodra Flower Garden,Pelabuhan Ratu,Sukabumi OT Prospek pengembangan kapulaga sebrang (Elettaria cardamomum Maton)di Taman Bunga Sekar Samodra Pelabuhan Ratu,Sukabumi AU Jogaswitani,DT SD Bogor;Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;Bogor Agricultural University;1987;48p AN refs;ills;tabs LA Indonesian AV Department of Biology;Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Amomum cardamomum;Amomum compactum;Arenga pinnata;Cocos nucifera;Durio zibethinus;Elettaria cardamomum Maton;Lansium dornesticum;Leucaena leucocephala;Symplocos odoratissima SU 24 79 10 11 1821

NO 5642 ET Utilization of multipurpose trees by rural communities OT Pemanfaatan pohon serbaguna oleh masyarakat pedesaan AU Sastrapradja,S CS Centre for Research and Development inBiotechnology;Bogor;Indonesia SD Prosiding Pertemuan Koordinasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Jenis Pohon


Serbaguna [Proceedings of aMeeting on Coordination of Research and Development of Multipurpose Tree Species];Sumarna,K et al(eds);Bogor;1989; p1-K AN tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SU A 5 1719

NO 5643 ET Socio-economic aspects of multipurpose tree development in the framework of social forestry programme OT Aspek-aspek sosial ekonomi dalam usaha pengembangan pohon serbaguna daIam program kehutanan sosial AU Kartasubrata,J CS Faculty of Forestry;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia SD Prosiding Pertemuan Koordinasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Jenis Pohon Serbaguna [Proceedings of aMeeting on Coordination of Research and Development of Multipurpose Tree Species;Soemarna,K et al(eds);Bogor;1989; p15-39 AN refs;ills LA Indonesian; English AV Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SU 24 5 10

NO 5644 ET Evaluation of fodder trees at several sites in Indonesia AU Siregar.E CS Research and Development Centre for Animal Husbandry;Bogor;Indonesia SD Prosiding Pertemuan Koordinasi Penelitian dan Pengembangan Jenis Pohon Serbaguna [Proceedings of aMeeting on Coordination of Research and Development of Multipurpose Tree Species];Soemarna,K et al(eds);Bogor;1989; p49-63 AN refs;tabs LA English AV Forest Research and Development Centre;Bogor;Indonesia SU 3 6 78 10

NO 5779 ET The role ofAcalypha incity regreening OT Peranan tanaman Acalypha dalam penghijauan kota AU Udiah.U SD Jakarta;Faculty of Landscape Architecture;Trisakti University;1980;29p AN refs;ills LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Acalypha;AIternanthera;Chlorophytum;Codiaeum;Excoecaria;Gardenia;Pisonia; Plumbago;Tectonia;WedeIia SU 4 10 11 1213 NO 5791 ET Terminalia catappa - Indian almond OT Terminalia catappa/ketapang AU Tambunan.A SD Jakarta;Faculty of Landscape Architecture;Trisakti University;1980;12p AN refs;ills LA Indonesian


AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Terminalia catappa SU A78 10

NO 5882 ET Hypotensive effect of Oldentandia corymbosa Linn. extract on cats OT Titik tangkap pengaruh hypotensif ekstrak tanaraanOldenlandia corymbosa Linn. pada kucing AU Muhamad,A;Djojosugito;Mochtar;Arief,M CS Faculty of Medicines;Gadjah Mada University;Yogyakarta;Indonesia SD Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan [Health Research Bulletin] 5(2):27-31(1977) AM refs;ilIs;tabs LA Indonesian; English AV Herbarium Bogoriense;Indonesia TA Apium graveolens;Averrhoa bilimbi;Cucumis sativus;Kaempferia galanga; Horinda citrifolia;Morus alba;Oldenlandia corymbosa SU 26 16

NO 6294 ET Performance of some nitrogen fixing trees on a typic paleudult AU Sudjadi,M;Manuelpiliai,RG;Cagauan,B CS Centre for Soil Research;Bogor;Indonesia SD Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan Pupuk [Soil and Fertilizers Research Contribution] (4):10-16(1985) AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA English; Indonesian AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Leguminosae;Hyrtaceae SU 2348 15

NO 6303 ET Prospect of Flemingia congesta Roxb. for reclamation and conservation of volcanic skeletal soils OT Prospek Flemingia congesta untuk reklamasi dan konservasi tanah-tanah berskelet volkanik AU Sukmana,S;Suwardjo,H;Abdulrachman,A;Dai,J CS Centre for Soil Research;Bogor;Indonesia SD Pemberitaan Penelitian Tanah dan Pupuk [Soil and Fertilizer Research News] (4):50-54(1985) AN refs;iIls;tabs LA Indonesian; English; Indonesian AV Central Library for Agriculture and Biology;Bogor;Indonesia TA Flemingia congesta Roxb. SU 6819

NO 6568 ET Natural products of the lowland forests in the Republic of Vietnam AU Ngan.PT CS Botany Department;University of Saigon;Vietnam SD Symposium on Planned Utilization of the Lowland Tropical Forests,Cipayung; National Biological Institute/BIOTROP/UNESCO/Ford Foundation;1971;p231-237 AN refs LA English AV Centre for Research and Development inBiology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 345


NO 6573 ET 'Sîrih','pinang',and 'gambir' OT Sirih.pinang en gambir AU Zeijlstra FZN.HH SD De landbouw inde Indische Archipel;Vol 1IB;Hall,CJJ van(ed);KoppelaC van de (ed);p584-603 LA Dutch AV Central Library for Agriculture and Research Communication;Bogor;Indonesia TA Areca catechu;Piper betle;Uncaria gambir SU 11 12 14 16 NO 6679 ET Mangrove forest ecosystem:resources and management to attain its conservation OT Ekosistem hutan bakau:sumber daya dan pengelolaan untuk mempertahankan kelestariannya AU Mustafa,H;Ruslydhania;Prawitasari,T CS University of Hasanudin;Ujung Pandang;Indonesia SD Prosiding Pertemuan Teknis Evaluasi Hasil Survai Hutan Bakau [Proceedings of the Technical Meeting on the Evaluation of Survey Results of Mangrove Forests];Pandjaitan.TH et al(eds);Jakarta;Direktorat Bina Sumber Hayati; Deptan;1982;p59-69 AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian AV Centre for Research and Development in Biology;Bogor;Indonesia SU 2 3 10 12 NO 6791 ET Effects of media and growth substances on the growth of gardenia (Gardenia augusta Herr.) cuttings OT Pengaruh perlakuan media dan zat tumbuh terhadap pertumbuhan stek gardenia (Gardenia augusta Herr.) AU Rosana,G SD Bogor;Department of Agronomy;Faculty of Agriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;1987;55p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Faculty of Agriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Gardenia augusta (L.)Merr. SU 2 3 4 7 8 10 11 12 NO 7505 ET Effect of phosphorus application on the growth and leaf yield of Indigofera arrecta Höchst, grown in the greenhouse OT Pengaruh pemupukan fosfor terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi daun pada tanaman Indigofera arrecta Höchst, yang ditanam di rumah kaca AU Widjaja.MB SD Bogor;Department of Agronomy;Faculty of Agriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;1981;24p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Faculty of Agriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Indigofera arrecta Höchst, ex A.Rich. SU 2 3 4 78 10 11 12 NO 7507 ET Effect of nitrogen fertilizer application on the growth and forage yield of


Indigofera spp. OT Pengaruh pemupukan nitrogen terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi bahan hijauan tanaman Indigofera sp. AU Wiyandoko,1 SO Bogor;Department of Agronomy;Facutty of Agriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;1981;27p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Faculty ofAgriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Indigofera arrecta;Indigofera enneaphylla;Indigofera hirsuta;Indigofera suffruticosa;Indigofera sumatrana;Indigofera tinctoria SU 348 10 11 12 13

NO 7688 ET Effect of N.P.and K fertilizer application on the growth and leaf yield of Indigofera spp. inDarmaga IV,Bogor OT Pengaruh pemupukan N,P dan K terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi daun pada tanaman Indigofera spp. di Darmaga IV,Bogor AU Arifin, HS SD Bogor;Department of Agronomy;Faculty of Agriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;1983;76p AN refs;iIls;tabs LA Indonesian; Indonesian AV Faculty ofAgriculture;Bogor Agricultural University;Indonesia TA Indigofera aniI;Indigofera arrecta;Indigofera oligosperma;Indigofera sumatrana SU 234 6 78 10 11 12 15

NO 10265 ET Interesting medicinal plants OT Ya chak phruk:phut samunphrai tina ruchak AU Assawaphanthanakun,S CS Medicinal Plants for Self-Reliance Program;Bangkok;Thailand SO Khrongkarn Samunphrai phua karn phueng ton eng [Medicinal Plants for Self-Reliance Program Newsletter! No.10;Bangkok;Adison Press Products Limited;1986;80p LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 269

NO 10266 ETMedicinal properties of selected plants OT Samunphrai bambat AU Assawaphanthanakun,S SD Khrongkarn Samunphrai phua karn phueng ton eng [Medicinal Plants for Self-Reliance Program Newsletter] No.7;Bangkok; Adison Press Products Limited;1985;54p AN ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 26

NO 10276 ET Effect of moisture content and type of wood on some properties of charcoal OT Phonkratop khong kwamchuen nai mai lae chanit khong mai tor khunnasombat bangprakarn khong tharn


AU Kiatkrajai.P CS Faculty of Forestry;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SD Kasetsart Journal (Natural Sciences) 20(1):93-102(1986) AN refs;ill LA Thai;summ,inThai; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Acacia catechu;Eucalyptus camaldulensis;Leucaena leucocephala;Helia azedarach;Rhizophora candelaria SU 6 7 15 NO 10469 ET Thai medicinal herbs No.3 OT Samunphrai ton thi 3 AU Phuphathanaphong.L CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Bangkok;Funny Publishing Limited Partnership;1982;298p AN refs LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 24 6 7 10 NO 10470 ET Thai medicinal herbs No.4 OT Samunphraithai ton thi 4 AU Chayamarit,K CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Bangkok;Chutimakarnphim Limited Partnership;1985;527p AN refs;ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 2 4 6 7 10 NO 10472 ET Thai medicinal herbs No.5 OT Samunphraithai ton thi 5 AU Phuphathanaphong.L CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Bangkok;Chutimakarnphim Limited Partnership;1987;744p AN refs;ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 4 6 7 10 NO 10474 ET Medicinal herbs OT Samunphrai AU Chaichanthipphayut,C;Dantawan,U;Nontenant,S;Rattanasarn,L CS Chulalongkorn University;Bangkok;Thailand SD Chrongkarn suksa samunpnrai;Bangkok;Chul8longkorn University;1980;256p AN refs;ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 124 6 7


NO 10475 ET Names of plants in Thailand OT Chue phanmai nai Muangthai AU Boonkird,S;Saakorn,J;Sadakorn,T CS Faculty of Forestry;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SD Bangkok;P.Chirakarnphim;1982;657p LA Thai AV PROSEA Thailand Country Office;Bangkok SU 12 NO 10562 ET Medicinal plants for home gardens OT Samunphrai pradap ban AU Kanchanaphi,P;Uirachat,N CS Division of Medical Research/Department of Medical Sciences;Bangkok;Thailand SD Uarasarn khong krom witthayasart karnphaet [The Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences] 27(1):105-108(1985) AN refs LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Bixa orellana L./Cassia siamea Lam.;Orthosiphon aristatus (Bl.)Miq.; Pterocarpus indicus WilId. SU 124 6 7 21 NO 10568 ET Report on the anthelmintic property of Diospyros mollis Griff. OT Rai-ngan buengton karnsuksa maklua phuachai thaiphayat lamsai AU Mokasamit.M CS Department of Medical Sciences;8angkok;Thailand SD Uarasarn khong krom witthayasart karnphaet [The Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences] 2(3):153-169(1960) AN refs;tabs LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros mollis Griff. SU 2 4 6 7 21 NO 10571 ET Natural dyes OT Si chak thammachat AU Phaipradit.H CS Department of Medical Sciences;Bangkok;Thailand SD Warasarn khong krom witthayasart karnphaet [The Bulletin of the Department of Medical Sciences] 2(2):109-119C1960) AN refs LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 24 6 7 NO 10616 ET Diospyros spp. and research prospects OT Khwamrue ruang maklua lae naew thang nai karn wichai AU Saranrom,P;Maolanon,S;Somphong ( P;Kittham.W CS Rational Research Council;Bangkok;Thailand SD Kaen kaset [Khon Kaen Agricultural Journal] 11(3):108-115(1983) AN refs;ill


LA Thai AV Central Library;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros conferiflora;Diospyros decandra;Diospyros glandulosa;Diospyros gracilis;Diospyros insidiosa;Diospyros malabarica;Diospyros mollis; Diospyros rhodocalyx;Diospyros scortechinii SU 4 6 7 9 MO 10637 ET Dyes from sappan wood OT Si thi dai chak maifang AU Det-anan,K CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Vanasarn [Forestry Journal] 33(1):63-65(1975) AN refs LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Caesalpinia sappan L. SU 23 4 6 7 NO 10740 ET Flowering plants in Thailand OT Maidok nai muangthai AU Yongboonkird,A;Sadakorn,C CS Department of Agriculture;Bangkok;Thailand SD Witthayasart [Science] 26(11):9-14(1972) AN ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Adenium coetaneum Staph;Alpinia purpurata.-Beaumontia grandiflora Uall.;Butea monosperma;Congea tomentosa;Cydista aequinoctialis Miers; Melastoma malabathricum L.;Plumeria;Porana volubilis Burm.;Quisqualis indicé L. SU 2 3 79 10 11 NO 10757 ET Edible plants OT Phuet kindai AU Phongpha-ngan,S CS Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research;Bangkok SO Witthayasart [Science] 26(2):49-55(1972) AN ill LA Thai;English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 4 6 7 9 10 NO 10927 ET Cutch tree OT Si siat khong pa mi prayot AU Dhamacharee,B CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Vanasarn [Forestry Journal] 16(2):31-34(1958) AN refs LA Thai; English AV Central Library;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand TA Acacia catechu (L.f.)Willd. SU 4 6 7


NO 10994 ET Plants in southern Thailand OT Chue phanmai bangchanit thang paktai AU Phrayawinitwanandon SD Vanasarn [Forestry Journal] 4 ( H ):211-222(1939) LA Thai AV Central library;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SU 2 4 6 7 10

NO 11011 ET Feasibility study on saffron cultivation by the hill tribes of Thailand AU Wake,NL;Piyapongse,S CS Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research;Bangkok SD Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research Appraisal Report No.10;1960;11p AN refs;tabs LA English; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Crocus sativus L. SU 5 7 8 10 11 15 19

NO 11016 ET Edible wild fruits in Chiang Mai OT Phonlamai pa nai Chiang Mai AU Traisonthi.C CS Chiang Hai;Faculty of Science;Chiang Mai University;Thailand SD [Proceedings of the 25th National Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences,Plant Science Section,Kasetsart University,Bangkok,Thailand,February 3-6,1976];p461-468 AN refs LA Thai, Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 2 3 4 8

NO 11028 ET Ebenaceae in Thailand OT Phanmai wong maklua khong Prathetthai AU Phengkhlai.C CS Royal Forest Department.-Bangkok;Thailand SD [Proceedings of the National Forestry Conference,Forest Biology Section,held at the Royal Forest Department.Bangkok,Thailand, November 7-15,1977];p10-30 LA Thai; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre/Bangkok;Thailand SU 2 3 7 8 9 10

NO 11036 ET M a d u r a cochinchinensis Corner OT Mai kaelae AU Srisombun,C CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD [Proceedings of the National Forestry Conference,held at the Royal Forest Department,Bangkok,ThaiIand,September 9-17,1968];p804-808 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA M a d u r a cochinchinensis (Lour.)Corner SU 2 7


NO 11037 ET Some medicinal plants of the family Compositae OT Phuet samunphrai wong sapsua AU Chayamarit,K CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD [Proceedings of the National Forestry Conference,held at the Royal Forest Department,Bangkok,Thailand,November 19-23,1984];p78-89 AN refs LA Thai; Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TAAgeratum conyzoides L.;Chrysanthemum coronarium L.;Crossostephium chinense (L.)Hak.;Eclipta prostrata (L.)L.;Elephantopus scaber L.,-Emilia sonchifolia (L.)DC.;Eupatorium odoratum L.;Lactuca sativa L.;Tagetes erecta L.; Uollastonia biflora (L.)DC. SU 23 6 7 10

NO 11039 ET Leguminous plants inmangrove forests of Thailand OT Phuet trakun thua nai pa chailane khong Prathetthai AU Chayamarit.K CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD [Proceedings of the National Forestry Conference,held at theRoyal Forest Department,Bangkok,Thailand,November 21-25,1983];p121-156 AN refs LA English; Thai, English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand SU 23 79 10

NO 11076 ET Edible and poisonous plants inThai forests OT Phuet kindai laephuet miphit nai paMuangthai AU Pongpangan,S;Pooprasert,S SD Science Society of Thailand under His Majesty the King patronage;1972;183p AN refs;ill LA Thai;English AV Central Library;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SU4 78

NO 11247 ETA preliminary study on toxicity of diospyrol and oxidized diospyrol from Diospyros mollis Griff. (Maklua) in rabbit eyes AU Pattanapanyasat,K;Panyathanya,R;Pairojkul,C SD Chotmaihet Thang Phaet [Journal of theMedical Association ofThailr-id] 68(2):60-65(1985);TISTR Bibliographical Series No.9;1986;p79;Abstra•..son medicinal plants inThailand No.2;Abstract No.185 LA EngIish; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TADiospyros mollis Griff. SU 6

NO 11291 ET Handbook of 'Rong-thong' OT Khumue samunphrai rongthong CS Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research;Bangkok SD Bangkok;Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research;1982;11p; TISTR Bibliographical Series No.9;1986;p147;Abstracts onme'dicinal plants


in Thailand No.2;Abstract No.343 LA Thai; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Garcinia hanburyi SU 246 12

NO 11299 ET 'Ma-klua' (Diospyros mollis Griff.), naphthalene and naphthalene-1ike substance,'two-fold objectives' OT Haklua;naphthalene lae san khlai naphthalene 'dap song khom' AU Tuchinda,P;Chenphanit,K SD Phaet Sapha San [The Thai Medical Council Bulletin] 8(11):649-653(1979); TISTR Bibliographical Series No.9;1986;p157;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.2;Abstract No.368 LA Thai; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TADiospyros mollis Griff. SU 46 7

NO 11322 ET 'Ma-klua'(Diospyros molIis),their uses and toxicity OT Khwamru ruang maklua nai thang prayuk AU Taechasen.P SD Phaet Sapha San [The Thai Medical Council Bulletin] 8(11):667-670(1979); TISTR Bibliographical Series No.9;1986;p136;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.2;Abstract No.317 LA Thai; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros mollis Griff. SU4 6 7

NO 11361 ET Investigation on fractions isolated from Thai medicinal plants affecting isolated rat ileum OT Kan suksa san sakat yaek dai chak phuet samunphrai thi okrit to lamsai-lek khong nu-khao AU Apisariyakul,A SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p5;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1,-Abstract No.9 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TAAloe vera L.;Bridelia siamensis;Cassia acutifolia;Micromelum pubescens Bl.; Rheum;TerminaIia chebula Retz. SU6

NO 11393 ET A unified hypothesis for pharmaceutical and biological studies on the anthelmintic berry of Diospyros mollis AU Sadavongvivaad,C;Thebtaranonth,Y;Borsub,L;Ruchirawat,S SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p61;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1;Abstract No.206 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros mollis Griff. SU 6


NO 1K21 ET Chemical constituents of Fibraurea tinctoria Lour. AU Boonyaprakarn,P;Dampawan,P;Uiriyachitra.P SD Uarasan Songklanakarin [Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology] 5(4):343-345(1983);TlSTR Bibliographical Series No.9;1986;p15;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.2;Abstract No.31 LA Thai; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Fibraurea tinctoria Lour. SU 619

NO 11443 ET Chemical constituents in the bark of Diospyros siamensis AU Patrakijvanich.P SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p42;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1,-Abstract No.117 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros siamensis Hochr. SU6

NO 11453 ET Study onmedicinal plants for the treatment of dysentery and on laxatives OT Kan suksa ruang samunphrai sung chai pen ya raksa roak-bit laeya rabai AU Kesorn,C;Pawitpok.C SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p26;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1,-Abstract No.76 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Bridelia siamensis;Cassia alata L.,-Cassia fistula L.;Holarrhena antidysenterica;Terminalia chebula Retz. SU 246

NO 1 U 5 4 ET Chemical constituents of Sapium indicum AU Lauvalert.C SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p30;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1;Abstract No.85 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Excoecaria indica (WiIId.)MuelI.Arg. SU 26

NO 11458 ET Cudrania javanensis Tree. OT Kaelae AU Kanchanaphi,P;Natori,S SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p25;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1;Abstract No.73 LA English AV Thai National documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Cudrania javanensis Tree. SU 46 7


NO 11464 ET Constituents of Thai medicinal plants AU Jewers.K SD T1STR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p21;Abstracts onmedicinal plants in Thailand No.1,-Abstract No.61 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Garcinia hanburyi Hook.f.;Wrightia tomentosa SU6

NO 11483 ETA new diglucoside from the anthelmintic berries of Diospyros mollis AU Boasub,L;Thebtaranonth,Y,-Ruchirawat,S;Sadavongvivad.C SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p5;Abstracts on medicinal plants in Thailand No.1,-Abstract N o . H LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros mollis Griff. SU 46

NO 11494 ET Dyes from Madura cochinchinensis OT Si chak mai luang AU Subansenee,W;Dej-anant,K;Denrungruang,P CS Forest Products Research Division;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SO Royal Forest Department.Report on Minor Forest Products Research NO.R225; 1983;p1-4 AN refs LA Thai; Thai; English AV Natural History Library;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand TA Madura cochinchinensis (Lour.)Corner SU 246 721

NO 11514 ET Leguminous plants in themangrove formation in Thailand AU Chayamarit.K CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Bangkok;Kasetsart University;1984;101p AN refs;i11,-map LA English; English AV Graduate School;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand TA Caesalpinia;Canavalia maritima;Cynometra;Dalbergia candenatensis; Dendrolobium umbellatum;Derris;Geissaspis cristata;Intsia bijuga;Mucuna gigantea;Peltophorum pterocarpum SU 23 79 10

NO 11517 ET Study on Terminalia spp. inThailand OT Kan suksa phan mai sakun samor nai prathetthai AU Na-nakhon,U SD Bangkok;Kasetsart University;1982;130p AN refs;i11;maps LA Thai; Thai; English AV Graduate School;Kasetsart Uriiversity;Bangkok;Thailand TA Terminalia SU 24 79 10


NO 11531 ET Katha and cutch from the heartwood of Acacia catechu Uilid. OT Katha laecutch chak kaen khong sisiat AU Denruangruang.P CS Forest Products Research Division;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok; Thailand SO Royal Forest Department.Minor Forest Products Research Report No.R 225;1983;p49-52 AN refs;tabs LA Thai, Thai; English AV PROSEA Thailand Country Office;Bangkok TAAcacia catechu (L.f.)Uilld. SU6

NO 11544 ET Natural dyes from plants and animals in Thailand OT Si thammachat chak phuet lae sat nai Prathetthai AU Subansenee,W;Swîtachart,S;Soithongkham.P CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD Royal Forest Department,Report on Minor Forest Products Research No.R288; 1988;p1-100 AN refs LA Thai AV Natural History Library;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SU 1246 79 1011

NO 11560 ET Properties of Thai medicinal plants OT Pramuan sapphakhum yathai AU Samakhom Rongrian Phaet Phaen Boran SD TISTR Bibliographical Series No.6;1980;p62-63;Abstracts onmedicinal plants inThailand No.1;Abstract No.207-215 LA English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TAAbelmoschus esculentus Moench.;Butea monosperma (Lam.)Taub.;Cananga odorata (Lam.)Hook.f.& Thorns.;Cassia fistula L.;Cinnamomum siamense;Eugenia aromatica O.K.;Hibiscus sabdariffa L.;Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)deWit; Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.)HaviI.;Streblus asper Lour. SU 4 7

NO 11615 ET Sour fruits OT Phonlamai prieo phuenban khong di thi mi khunnakha AU Ketprasert.0 CS Botany and Weed Science Division;Department of Agriculture;Bangkok;Thailand SD Kasikorn [Farmers Journal] 62(4)341-346(1989) AN ref LA Thai AV Field Crops Research Institute;Department of Agriculture;Bangkok; Thailand TA Averrhoa biIimbi;Averrhoa carambola;Citrus aurantifolia;Citrus hystrix; Feronia elephantum;Garcinia schomburghiana;Phyllanthus acidus;Phyllanthus emblica;Spondias pinnata;Terminalia chebula SU 4 7

NO 11627 ET 19ornamental plants inKhlongchan botanical garden OT 19mai pradap laemai hairom nai suan phruksachat Khlongchan


SD Bangkok;Phikanet Publishing;1973;32p AN ref;ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Acacia auriculiformis;Caesalpinia coriaria;Chrysalidocarpus lutescens; Delonix regia;Gliricidia sepium;Pithecellobium dulce;Roystonea regia; Schizostachyum aciculare;Tabebuia heterophylla;Veitchia merrillii SU 1 2 3 A 7 11

NO 11631 ET Fragrant flowers OT Dok mai hom AU Chandraprasong.C CS Department of Horticulture;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SD [National tree planting day];Bangkok;Bangkok Metropolitan Administration; 1986;p89-115 AN i11 LA Thai AV Natural History Library;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand TA Acacia podalyriaefolia;Artabotrys uncinatus;Bauhinia variegata L.;Cestrum diurnum L.;Dichrostachys cinerea;Lawsonia inermis;Oncoba spinosa;Randia parvuta;Stephanotis floribunda;Vatica diospyroides SU 2 3 7 11

NO 11642 ET Properties and utilization of fast-growing trees OT Khunnasombat lae kan chai prayot mai toreo AU Visuthidepakul,S;Hoatrakul,P CS Forest Products Research Division;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD [Proceedings of the National Forestry Conference,Forest Products Research Section,21-25 November 1988];Bangkok;Royal Forest Department;1989;p203-219 AN refs;tab LA Thai; Thai,-summ,in English AV Faculty of Forestry;Kasetsart University;8angkok;Thailand TA Acacia catechu;Azadirachta indica;Cassia siamea;Pinus caribaea;Pinus oocarpa SU 4 7

NO 11643 ET Chemical processing and utilization of Acacia catechu OT Kan chai prayot sisiat-kaen nai kan phattana chonnabot AU Subansenee,W;Denrungruahg,P;Potjamarnpimol,N CS Forest Products Research Division;Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand* SD [Proceedings of the National Forestry Conference,Forest Products Research Division,21-25 November 1988];Bangkok;Royal Forest Department;1989;p1-18 AN ref;ill;tab LA Thai; Thai; English AV Faculty of Forestry;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand TA Acacia catechu SU 2 4 6 7

NO 11683 ET Medicinal plants OT Kao pai kap samunphrai SD Bangkok;Medicinal Herbs Information Center;Mahidol University;1987;194p AN refs;ill;tab


LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thaitand SU 246 7 NO 11685 ETMedicinal herbs No.1 OT Kao pai kap samunphrai No.1 SD Bangkok;Medicinal Herbs Information Center;Faculty of Pharmacy;Mahidol University;[nd];243p AN refs;ill LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Center;Bangkok;Thailand SU 246 7 1011

NO 11797 ET Ornamental trees OT Mai pradap yuenton thi na sonchai AU Pongumpai,S;Khemnak,C CS Faculty of Forestry;Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SD [Kasetsart Extension Journal] 21(3):22-28(1977) LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Butea frondosa;Butea monosperma;Delonix regia;Lagerstroemia macrocarpa; Lagerstroemia speciosa;Tabebuia heterophylla;Terminalia catappa SU 7811

NO 11973 ET Phyllanthus emblica L. OT Makham pom SD Khaosarn Samunphrai LA Thaï

[ M e d i c i n a l Herbs N e w s l e t t e r ]


AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Phyllanthus emblica L. SU 24

NO 11974 ET Terminalia chebula OT Samo thai SD Khaosarn Samunphrai [Medicinal Herbs Newsletter] 39:31-45(1989) LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Terminalia chebula SU 24

NO 12004 ET Literature survey on plants of the genera Gardenia and Randia inthe family Rubiaceae and chemical investigation of the roots of Calophyltum floribundum and Ochrocarpus siamensis OT Kan samruat akasan khong phut sakun Gardenia lae Randia nai wong Rubiaceae lae kan suksa san khemi chak rak tanghon lae rak saraphi AU Phetin,S CS Pracharat Uppatham School;Bangkok;Thailand SD Research and Text Abstracts,Prince of Songkhla University No.4:331(1987) LA Thai AV Horticultural Research Institute;Department of Agriculture;Bangkok;Thailand TA Catophyllum floribundum;Gardenia;Ochrocarpus siamensis;Randia 'SU 6


NO 12024 ET Chemical constituents of Fibraurea tinctoria OT San khemi chak khamin-khrua AU Bunyaprakan,P;Damphauan,P;Uiriyachitra,P SD Research and Text Abstracts;Faculty of Science;Prince of Songkhla University;1989;pD91 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Fibraurea tinctoria SU 6 19

NO 1 2 K 0 ET Pithecellobium dulce OT Hakham thet phut soem raidai thi na sonchai AU Sirirattanaset.B CS Pra phutthabat Agricultural Office;Sara Buri Province;Thailand SD Uarasarn songsoem karnkaset [Journal of Agricultural Extension] 19(31):20-21(1989) LA Thai AV Department of Agriculture;Bangkok;Thailand TA Pithecellobium dulce SU 11 12 13

NO 12288 ET Antifungal compound from Impatiens balsamina leaves OT San prakop thi kha chua ra chak bi thian ban AU Phadungcharoen,T;Likhitwitthayawut,K;Saifah,E;Virunnaphol,S;Laopaksa,A; Kruddhavacho,P;Patarapanich;Hutchaleelaha.A CS Department of Phamacognosy;Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science;Chulalongkorn University;Bangkok;Thailand SD Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 13(2):117-126(1988) AN ref LA Thai; Thai; English AV Thai National Ducumentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Impatiens balsamina SU 4 6 19

NO 12328 ET Extraction and assay of diospyrol from Diospyros mollis OT Kan sakat lae wikhroa ha pariman Diospyrol chak maklua AU Mathiniwong.P SD [Theses Abstracts 1984];Bangkok;Chulalongkorn University;1986;p727 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros mollis SU 6

NO 12419 ET Extraction and testing of colour pigments from Caesalpinia sappan L. OT Kan sakat lae thotsop si chak kaen fang AU Arunrakthawon,T;Kukiatnan,N;Chumsri,P SD Bot khatyo khrongkan phiset [Abstracts of Special Research Project] 2518-2523;Bangkok;Mahidol University;p131 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Caesalpinia sappan L.


SU 319

NO 12434 ET Antimicrobial properties of Thai medicinal plants OT Rit nai kan tan chua chulinsi khong samunphrai thai AU Chanthrasathit,U;Saichitborisut,S;Chotkhamwong,A;Uiwat,C;Somnaphan,A SD Bot khatyo khrongkan phiset [Abstracts of Special Research Project] 2518-2523;Bangkok;Mahidol University;p17 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TAAnnona squamosa;Combretum quadrangulare;Croton oblongifolius;Cudrania javanensis;Cyperus rotundus;Ixora;Quisqualis indica;Rhinacanthus nasutus SU 19

NO 12509 ET Lead contamination of wayside plants in Bangkok OT Kan paetpuan khong takua bon mai khang thanon nai khet krungthep mahanakhon AU Chiasakun.S CS Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand SD [ThesesAbstracts 1979);Bangkok;Kasetsart University;1982;p355-356 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Lagerstroemia loudonii T.& B.;Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv.;Tabebuia heterophylla Briton..-Terminalia catappa L. SU 10

NO 12541 ET Termite resistance of wood OT Khwam thonthan tam thammachat khong mai chanit tangtang to kan khao tham lai khong pluak tai din AU Uongkhalung,C;Saranuwar,Y CS Royal Forest Department;Bangkok;Thailand SD [Abstracts No.1],-Bangkok;Forest Production Section;Royal Forest Department; 1989;p23-24 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TA Amoora cucullata;Anogeissus acuminata;Chickrassia velutina;Dipterocarpus obtusifoIius;Dipterocarpus tuberculatus;Hevea brasiIiensis;Irvingia malayana;Shorea henryana;Terminalia belIirica;Terminalia mucronata SU 6

NO 12578 ET Medicines from flowering plants OT Samunphrai chak mai dok SD [Modern Agricultural Journal] 3(6):64-70(1988) LA Thai AV Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand TA Impatiens balsamina;Tagetes erecta SU 467

NO 12591 ET Efficacies of plant crude-extracts on the diamondback moth larvae AU Sinchaisri,N;Rungsuk,D;Chungsamanyat,N CS Department of Entomology;Faculty of Agriculture;Kasetsart University; Bangkok;Thailand


SD Kasetsart Journal (Natural Sciences) Suppl. 24(5):49-53(1990) AN refs;tabs LA English; English AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thailand TAAbrus precatorius;Acorus calamus L.;Aglaia odorata Lour.;Andrographis paniculata Nees;Bixa orellana L.;Cassia spectabilis DC,-Datura repehs L. SU 4 19

NO 126U ET Ebony tree OT Maklua AU Bunrattanakorakit,L SD Thammachat laesatliang [Nature and Pets Magazine] 1(7):57-58(1989) AN ills LA Thai AV Kasetsart University;Bangkok;Thailand TA Diospyros mollis SU46 7

NO 12619 ET Research onmedicinal plants OT Kan wichai kieokap samunphrai thimi phon nai kan raksa phayat SD Ekkasan wichai parithat: Samunphrai [Review articles:Medicinal plants]; Bangkok;National Research CounciI;1980;p3-13 LA Thai AV Thai National Documentation Centre;Bangkok;Thaitand TAArtocarpus lakoocha;Diospyros mollis SU 46 19

NO 20175 ET Determination of relative tannin contents of thebarks of some Malaysian plants AU Abdul Razak,MA;Low,CK;Abu Said,A CS Forest Research Institute;Kepong;Selangor;Malaysia SD TheMalayan Forester 44(1):87-105(1981) AN ref;tab LAEnglish AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 47

NO 20193 ET Fast growing species of trees suitable for urban roadside and shade planting AU Chee,TY;Ridwan,S CS Forestry Department Headquarters;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia SD TheMalaysian Forester 47(4):263-284(1984) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 34 79 10 11 19 NO 20200 ET Rare fruits in theMalay Peninsula l.'Kundang'and 'cermai' OT Mengenali buah-buahan nadir di Semenanjung Malaysia I.Kundang dan cermai AU Rukayah,A CSMalaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute;Serdang;Selangor


SD Teknologi Buah-buahan [Fruits Technology] 1(1):11-18(1985) AN ref;ill LA Malaysian; English; Malaysian AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Bouea macrophylla;Phyllanthus acidus SU 3 4 8 9 11

NO 20204 ET Kraft pulping properties of individual species from Sarawak Forest Resources I.Peat swamp species AU Logan,AF;Balodis,V;Tan,YK;Philips.FH CS Division of Chemical and Wood Technology;CSIRO;Victoria;Australia SD The Malaysian Forester 47(1):3-27(1948) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 4 6 7

NO 20210 ET The pitch content of Malaysian hardwood sulphate pulps AU Low,CK;Abdul Razak.MA;Yong,FO CS Forest Research Institute;Kepong;Selangor;Malaysia SD The Malaysian Forester 45(2):237-243(1982) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Artocarpus;Calophylturn;Dipterocarpus;Eugenia;Shorea SU 6 7

NO 20214 ET Kraft pulping properties of individual species from Sarawak Forest Resources 11.Mixed Dipterocarp forest species AU Logan,AF;Balodis,V;Tan,YK;Philips,FH CS Division of Chemical and Wood Technology;CSIRO;Victoria;Australia SD The Malaysian Forester 47(2):89-115(1984) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Halaysia;Kepong;Setangor SU 4 6 7

NO 20221 ET Lectins in selected Malaysian legumes AU Lee,DU;Yao,VH;Lew,FY CS School of Biological Sciences;University of Malaya;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia SD The Malaysian Journal of Science 3(A):89-93(1975) AN ref;ill;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Adenanthera pavonina;Bauhinia acuminata;CalIiandra surinamensis;Cassia fistula;Cassia siamea;Clitoria laurifolia;Crotalaria usaramoensis; Desmodium ovalifolium;Entada spiralis;Peltophorum pterocarpum; Pithecellobium elIipticum;Vigna sinensis SU 6


NO 20237 ET A note on developing indigenous ornamental trees in Sabah AU Philips,C CS Forestry Department;Sabah;Malaysia SD The Malaysian Forester 43(1):68-73(1980) AN ref LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 7 8 9

NO 20268 ET A general volume table for Rhizophora apiculata Bl.(Syn. Rhizophora conjugata Linn.) (Bakau minyak) in Matang Mangroves,Taiping,West Malaysia AU Sandrasegaran.K CS Forest Research Institute;Kepong;Selangor;Malaysia SD The Malayan Forester 35(1):24-36(1972) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Rhizophora apiculata BI.;Rhizophora mucronata SU 8

NO 20280 ET Malayan timbers for furniture AU Menon,KB;Burgess,HJ CS Forest Research Institute;Kepong;Malaya SD The Malayan Forester 20(3):152-162(1957) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 4 7

NO 20288 ET Keladan and perah kernels AU Peel.JD CS Forest Research Institute;Kepong;Mataya SD The Malayan Forester 17(4):206-207(1954) LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Croton tiglium;Dryobalanops oblongifolia;Elateriospermum tapos;Jatropha curcas;Shorea SU 6

NO 20290 ET Methods of increasing growth and obtaining natural regeneration of the mangrove type in Malaya AU Noakes.DSP CS Department of Forestry;Federation of Malaya SD The Malayan Forester 18(1):23-30(1955) LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Acrostichum;Avicennia;Bruguiera;Ceriops tagal;Nypa fruticans;Rhizophora; Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea;Sonneratia alba;Xylocarpus granatum SU 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 15


NO 20390 ET Multipurpose tree species and their propagation by in-vitro method AU Rao,AN CS Department of Botany;National University of Singapore SD Proceedings of the Seminar on Tissue Culture of Forest Species,Kuala Lumpur,15-18 June 1987;p93-103 AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 11

NO 20406 ET Contribution of reproductive biological studies towards the conservation and development of Malaysian plant genetic resources AU Soepadmo,E CS Department of Botany;University of Malaya;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia SD Proceedings of the National Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources,Subang Jaya,Malaysia,23 November 1988;p1-41 AN ref LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 9 17 18 19

NO 20556 ET Mangrove tannins as an adhesive for wood-based panels AU Mohd.Nor,MY;Chew,LT;Abd.Razak,MA;Azizol,AK CS Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SD Journal of Tropical Forest Science 1(2):97-102(1988) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Mataysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Anisoptera;Rhizophora mucronata SU 4 7 13

NO 20588 ET Removal of tannin in cashew juice OT Pembuangan tanin dalam jus gajus AU Ahmad,I;Shafie Mamat.E CS National University of Malaysia;Bangi;Setangor SD Pertanika 7(2):83-90<1984) AN ref;ill LA Malaysian; English; Malaysian AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Anacardium occidentale SU 6

NO 20734 ET Preliminary studies on the uses of medicinal plants from the family Menispermaceae in Peninsular Malaysia OT Kajian awal ke atas kegunaan ubat-ubatan dari famiIi Menispermaceae di Semenanjung Malaysia AU Meli,H CS National University of Malaysia;Bangi;Selangor SD Bangi;Selangor;National University of Malaysia;198..? AN ref;ill;tab LA Malaysian; English


AV National University of Malaysia;ßangi;Setangor TA Coscinium fenestratum;Cyctea laxifLora;Fibraurea chloroLeuca;Pericampylus glaucus;Stephania japonica;Tinomisciutn petiolare;Tinospora crispa SU 4 6 7 9

NO 20763 ET Penological studies of the sea almond AU Uee,TC;Rao,AN CS Department of Botany;National University of Singapore SO Journal of the Singapore Academy of Science 14:46-48(1985) AN ref;i11 LA English AV Agricultural University of Malaysia;Serdang;Selangor TA Terminalia catappa SU 8 9

NO 20785 ET Inheritance of flower and stem colours in balsam (Impatiens batsamina L.) AU Kong,YS;Chow,KH CS Department of Botany;National University of Singapore SD Malayan Nature Journal 3 4 ( 2 ) :105-110(1980) AN ref;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Halaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Impatiens balsamina L. SU 7 9 18

NO 20794 ET Synopsis of Memecylon L.(Melastomaceae) in the Malay Peninsula AU Maxwell,JF CS Botanic Gardens;Singapore SD Malayan Nature Journal 34(1):7-24(198)) AN ref;ill;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Memecylon SU 7

NO 20795 ET The phenology of the yellow flame tree,Peltophorum pterocarpum AU Ng,FSP CS Forest Research Institute;Kepong;Selangor SD Malayan Nature Journal 33(3-4):201-208(1980) AN ref;itl;tab LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Setangor TA Peltophorum pterocarpum SU 8 10

NO 20812 ET Physical effects of soil compaction and initial growth of Acacia pycnantha (Leguminosae) in a clay-loam soil AU Foong,TU;Wells,N CS Botanic Gardens.Parks & Recreation Department/Singapore SD The Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 37(1):81-91(1984)


AN ref;ill;tab LAEnglish AV Forest Research InstituteMalaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Acacia pycnantha SU8

NO 20894 ET Ethnobotany.Part II AU Paul Chai.PK CS Forest Department;Kuching;Sarawak;Malaysia SD The Sarawak Museum Journal 26(47):243-270(1978) AN ill LA English AV Ministry ofAgriculture;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia SU 4 6 79

NO 20974 ET Ecological studies of mangrove forests inSarawak AU Chai.PPK SD Kuala Lumpur;University of Malaya;1982:424p AN ref;i11;tab;maps LA English AV University of Malaya;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia TAAcrostichum aureum;Avicennia;Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Nypa fruticans; Rhizophora;Sonneratia alba;Xylocarpus moluccensis SU 34 9 10

NO 21007 ET Guide to garden plants4 AU Ng.FSP SD Nature Malaysiana 14(1):18-28(1989) AN ill LA English AV Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute;Serdang; Selangor TA Annona;Antigonon leptopus;Artabotrys odoratissimus;Cananga odorata; Carmona retusa;Coccoloba uvifera;Cordia;Homalocladium platycladum; Impatiens;Moringa oleifera;Polyalthia longifolia;Polygonum;Rhodoleia championi SU 234 7911

NO 21448 ET Tree flora of Sabah,Volume 2 AU Cockburn.PF CSDepartment of Forestry;Sandakan;Sabah;Malaysia SD Sabah Forest Record No.10:1-124(1980) AN ref;i11;maps LA English AV Department of Forestry;Sandakan;Sabah;Malaysia SU 123 4 710

NO 21549 ET Studies on the ethnobotany and uses of local plants as traditional medicine by the Chinese inMalaysia OT Kajian etnobotani dan penggunaan tumbuhan tempatan sebagai ubatan tradisional oleh kaum Cina di Malaysia


AU Goh,BY CS National University of Malaysia;Bangi:Selangor SD Bangi;Selangor;National University of Malaysia;1986;227p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA Malaysian; English AV National University of Malaysia;Bangi;Selangor SU 2 3 4 6 7 9

NO 21770 ET Endemic trees of the Malay Peninsula AU Ng,FSP;Low,CM;Mat Asri.NS CS Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SD FRIM Research Pamphlet 106:117(1990) AN refs LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 3 10 21

NO 21830 ET Alkaloids and insecticidal actions of the extracts of some Menispermaceae species AU Mohd.Supri,M;Muhammad,Z;Abd.Hamid,AH CS University of Malaya;Kuala Lumpur;Malaysia SD Proceedings Seminar Tahunan ke-4 Kumpulan Sebatian Semulajadi,3-4 February 1987 [Proceedings of the 4th Annual Seminar of the Natural Products Group]; Serdang;Selangor;Agricultural University of Malaysia;p129-135 AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA English; Malaysian AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Arcangelisia toureiri;Cosciniurn btumeanum;Fibraurea chloroleuca;TiIiacora triandra;Tinomiscium petiolare;Tinospora crispa SU 6

NO 21846 ET An ethnobotanical study of an Iban community of Pantu Sub-district,Sri Aman,Division 2,Sarawak AU Pearce,KG;Victor Luna,A;Surik,J SD Sarawak Museum Journal 3 7 ( 5 8 ) :193-270(1987) AN refs;tabs;maps LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor SU 4 7 10

NO 21853 ET The alkaloids in (A) the stems of Fibraurea chloroleuca and (B) the stems of Rauwolfia perakensis AU Loh.SK CS Department of Botany;National University of Singapore SD Singapore;National University of Singapore;1965;169p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA English AV National University of Singapore TA Fibraurea chloroleuca;Rauwolfia perakensis SU 6


NO 218SS ET Morphological and taxonomicat studies on two Menispermods (Fibraurea chloroleuca and Tinomiscium petiolare) AUTan.YF CSDepartment of Botany;National University of Singapore SD Singapore;National University of Singapore;1977/78;85p AN refs;iU s ;tabs LA English AV National University of Singapore TA Fibraurea chloroleuca;Tinomiscium petiolare SU 79

NO 21858 ET Flower and stem colour inheritance,flowering behavior and seed germination of Impatiens balsamina L. AU Kong.YS CSDepartment of Botany;National University of Singapore SD Singapore;National University of Singapore;1979/80;57p AN refs;iIIs;tabs LA English AV National University of Singapore TA Impatiens balsamina L. SU 6 78

NO 22243 ETManagement and utilization of mangroves inAsia and Pacific CS FAO;United Nations;Rome;Italy SD FAO Environment Paper 3;1982;160p AN refs;iIIs;tabs;maps LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Avicennia;Bruguiera parvifolia;Ceriops tagal;Excoecaria agallocha; Heritiera Iittoralis;Lumnitzera Iittorea;Nypa fruticans;Rhizophora; Sonneratia;Xylocarpus granatum SU 4 10 12 15 16 17 1921

NO 22246 ET Current status of mangrove exploitation,management and conservation inSabah AU Phillips.C CS Forest Research Centre;Sandakan;Sabah;Malaysia SD Proceedings of the Asian Symposium onMangrove Environment -Research and Management,25-29 August 1980,University of Malaya,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia; p809-820 AN refs;tabs;maps LA English AV Forest Research Institute Malaysia;Kepong;Selangor TA Avicennia;Bruguiera;Ceriops;Lumnitzera;Rhizophora;Xylocarpus granatum SU 1221

NO30004 ET Vascular flora of Mount Makiling and vicinity (Luzon:PhiIippines). Part1 AU Pancho.JV CSDepartment of Botany;College of Arts and Sciences;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SD Kalikasan,Supplement 1;1983;iiip;476p AN refs;ill;tab


LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 1 2 3 7 10

NO 30006 ET Major weeds of the Philippines AU Moody,K;Munroe,CE;Lubigan,RT;Paller,EC SD College;Laguna;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;Weed Science Society of the Philippines;1984;328p AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 1 2 7 10 11

NO 30009 ET Philippine plants as possible sources of antifertility agents AU Herrera,CL;Ramos,EV;Villanueva,BA SD Philippine Journal of Science 113(1-2):91-129(1984) AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 6

NO 30015 ET Promising fruits of the Philippines AU Coronel.RE SD Second edition;College;Laguna;College of Agriculture;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;1986;viip;522p AN refs;ill;tab;maps LA English AV Publications Office;College of Agriculture;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16

NO 30017 ET Guidebook to grassland plants - A resource material for biology teachers CS Foundation for the Advancement of Science Education,Inc;Science Education Center;University of the PhiIippines;Quezon City SD Quezon City;Science Education Center;University of the Philippines; 1983;viiip;178p AN refs;ill LA English AV Institute of Plant Breeding;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 1 2 4 7 10

NO 30071 ET Nono, an ugly tree of versatile utility AU Binua,TM;Bugaring,JA SD Canopy International 8 ( 4 ) :15(1982) AN refs;ill LA English AV Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau;College;Laguna;PhiIippines TA Morinda bracteata SU 3 4 7


NO 30106 ET Tatisai: another tree of multiple uses AU lanting,MV SD Canopy International 12(4):5(1986) AN refs;i11 LA English AV Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau;College;Laguna;PhiIippines TA Terminalia catappa SU 467

NO30111 ET Mangrove reforestation inCentral Visayas AU Yao.CE SD Canopy International 12(1):6-9(1986) AN refs;ill LA English AV Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau;College;laguna;PhiIippines TA Avicennia officinalis;Ceriops tagal;Rhizophora apiculata;Sonneratia alba SU 478 10 13

NO 30123 ET Talisai: a tree of many uses SD Philippine Lumberman 19(1988) LA English AV Ecosystem Research and Development Bureau;College;Laguna;PhiIippines TA Terminalia catappa SU 4 7

NO 30212 ET Morphological characteristics of some Philippine hardwoods and other plant fibers AU Tavita,YL;Palisoc,JG SD Forpride Digest 8(3-4):31-47(1979) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Alphitonia phiIippinensis;Anisoptera thurifera;Artocarpus blancoi;Bambusa spinosa;Canarium luzonicum;DiIlenia phiIippinensis;Homalanthus populneus; Lagerstroemia piriformis;Octomeles sumatrana;Saccharum officinarum; Ueinmannia luzoniensis;XanthoxyIura rhetsa SU 6 7

NO30241 ET Kalumpit bark as apossible source of tannins for leather manufacture AU Gonzales,EV SD Forpride Digest 1(1):34(1972);PhiIippine Abstracts 14(3-4):19(1973) LA English; English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Terminaliamicrocarpa Decne SU4 6 16

NO 30273 ET Notes on the diseases of forest species in the Philippines AU Quinones,SS;Dayan,MP SD Sylvatrop 6(2):61-68(1981)


AN refs;iLI;tab LA English AV Library;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Dendrocalamus latiflorus;Gmelina arborea;Lawsonia inermis;Pterocarpus indicus;Samanea saman SU 13

NO 30310 ET Studies on thetannin extracts from thebarks of sixhardwood species AU Mule,EI;Gonzales,EV SD Forpride Digest 2(3-4):35-39(1973);PhiIippine Abstracts 16(1-2):34(1975) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Acacia;Anthocephalus chinensis;Paraserianthes falcataria;Pterocymbium tinctorium;Syzygium cumini;Tristaniopsis decorticata SU 615 NO 30312 ET Focus on ourmulti-purpose bast fiber producing plant species AU Pasig,SD;Garcia,PR SD Canopy International 9(11):9-10(1987) LA English AV Ecosystem Research and Development B u r e a u ; C o l l e g e ; L a g u n a ; P h i I i p p i n e s SU 2 4 7 NO 30313 ET Medicinal plants: oneof the resources ina secondary dipterocarp forest AU Baconguis,JR;Bato,ND;Siapno,FE;Panot,IA SD Philippine Lumberman 19-22(1989) AN refs;tab;map LA English AV Ecosystem Research and Development B u r e a u ; C o l l e g e ; L a g u n a ; P h i I i p p i n e s SU 2 3 4 7 19 NO 30316 ET Potential bast fiber and paper pulp species for reforestation AU Lauricio.FM SD Canopy International 4(4):6(1978) AN refs LA English AV Ecosystem Research andDevelopment Bureau;College;Laguna;PhiIippines TA Antidesma bunius;Imperata cyIindrica;Litsea sebifera;Macaranga tanarius; Metochia umbellata;PiIiostigma malabarica;Trema orientalis SU 48

NO 30376 ET Chromosome numbers of Philippine weeds AU Pancho.JV SD Kalikasan 2 ( 3 ) :159-194(1973) AN refs;tab LA English AV tibrary;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;Cotlege;Laguna SU 139


NO 30597 ET The Philippines recommends for fuelwood production and charcoal utilization CS Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development;Los Banos;Laguna SD Los Banos;Laguna;PhiIippine Agriculture and Resources Research Foundation,Inc;1985;95p;Technical Bulletin Series No.56 AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Philippine Council for Agriculture,Forestry and Natural Resources Research and Development,-Los Banos;Laguna TA Albizia lebbek;Bruguiera cylindrica;Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Bruguiera parviflora;Bruguiera sexangula;Casuarina equisetifolia;Ceriops tagal; Gliricidia sepium;Gmelina arborea;Leucaena leucocephala;PiIiostigma maIabaricum;Pithecellobium dulce;Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata; Trema orientalis SU 2 4 7 H

NO 30712 ET Clastogenic effects on bone marrow erythrocytes of some medicinal plants AU Sylianco,CYL;Panizares,I;Jocano,,AP SD Philippine Journal of Science 114(1-2):39-52(1985) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library/University of the Philipines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 3 4

NO 30719 ET Production and utilization of tannin from ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)de Wit) barks AU Manas,AE SD Philippine Journal of Crop Science 108(3-4):153-167(1979) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)de Wit SU 6 16

NO 30736 ET The tertiary alkaloids of Mahonia phiIippinensis Takeda AU Sulit,SV;Santos,GA SD Philippine Journal of Science 92(1):35-39(1963) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Mahonia phiIippinensis Takeda SU 6

NO 30877 ET Studies on the floral anatomy of some Apocynaceae AU Tiagi,B;Dixit,G SD Philippine Journal of Science 95(1):123-141(1966) AN refs;i11 LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Carissa carandas L.;Lochnera rosea Reichb.;Nerium indicum MilI.;Rauwolfia serpentina Benth.;Vatlaris solanacea;Wrightia tinctoria R.Br.


SU 7 9 16

NO 30883 ET Efficacy of native tan barks and chemicals used in the preservation of cotton twines used in the construction of fishing nets AU Bersamin,SV;De Jesus,A;CastiIlo,B SD Philippine Journal of Science 9 6 ( 2 ) :143-157(1967) AN refs;i11;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Ceriops decandra (Griff.)Ding Hou SU 2 4 6

NO 30898 ET The taxonomie position of Philippine leguminous trees AU Quimbo,LL SO Philippine Journal of Science 106(3-4):87-98(1977) AN refs LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Leguminosae SU 2 3 7

NO 30901 ET Culture of indicator plants in soil from coconut groves affected by cadang-cadang AU Velasco,JR;Canoy,CS;De Guzman.RO SD Philippine Journal of Science 100(2):83-94(1971) AN refs;itI;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 8 10 13

NO 30903 ET Screening of Philippine plants for anti-cancer activity AU Masilungan,VA;Relova,RN;Raval,JS SO Philippine Journal of Science 96(4):393-398(1967) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 4 6

NO 30904 ET The ethnobotany of the Tasaday: the useful plants AU Yen,DE;Gutierrez,HG SD Philippine Journal of Science 103(2):97-139(1974) AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 3 4 6 7

NO 30905 ET Screening of plants from the Hakiling area for antimicrobial substances AU Masilungan,VA;Kalaw,CV;Masilungan.FDLC


SD Philippine Journal of Science 92(4):421-430(1963) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los ßanos;College;Laguna SU 2 6 16

NO 30906 ET Edible wild plants in Philippine forests AU Honsalud,HR;Tongacan,AL;Lopez,FR;Lagrimas,MQ SD Philippine Journal of Science 95(4):431-561(1966) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 3 4 7

NO 30939 ET Jatropha curcas Linn, (tabu) as a source of natural dye AU Alde,HR;Agcaoili,F;Cochico,RS SD Philippine Journal of Science 77(1):55-60(1947) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Jatropha curcas L. SU 2 3 4 16

NO 30955 ET The effect of pH on the intensity of colored extracts from Leucaena glauca (L.)Benth. (ipil-ipil) and Bixa orellana L. (achuete) seeds.Canarium luzonicum (Blume)A.Gray (pili) pulp and Mirabilis jalapa L. (alas-cuatro) flowers AU Manalo,J8;Anzaldo,FF;Torres,RC SD NRCP Research Bulletin 38(2):306-313(1983) AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Bixa orellana L.;Canarium luzonicum (Bl.)A.Gray;Leucaena glauca (L.)Benth.; Mirabilis jalapa L. SU 6 16

NO 30966 ET Screening of Philippine medicinal plants used in the treatment of tuberculosis for substances inhibitory to Mycobacterium tuberculosis 607 AU Masilungan,VA;Diokno,NC;Quisumbing,VB AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 4 6 16

NO 30968 ET Philippine plants used for arrow and fish poisons AU Quisumbing.E SD Philippine Journal of Science 77(2):127-178(1947) AN refs AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 3 4 7


NO 30983 ET A study on the dyeing properties of sibukao wood extract AU Llamas,EL;Tayag,CE SD Philippine Technology Journal 13(1):54-62(1988) AM ilI,-tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Caesalpinia sappan L. SU 2 4 6 7 16

NO 30984 ET Sibukao (Caesalpinia sappan L . ) :a multipurpose tree AU Zerrudo,JV SD Philippine Technology Journal 12(2):32-42(1987) AN refs;i11,-tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Caesalpinia sappan L. SU 2 3 4 6 7 19

NO 31053 ET Some methods of preventing the putrefactive fermentation of kamachile bark tanning liquor AU Salcedo,IS;Escalera,EM SD Natural and Applied Science Bulletin 12(3):211-226(1952) AN refs LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth. SU 6 16

NO 31091 ET Studies on the mutagenicity of pigments from seeds of Bixa orellana L. AU Banzon,RB;Aranez,AT SD Natural and Applied Science Bulletin 36(3-4):161-182(1984) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Bixa orellana L. SU 6 16

NO 31102 ET Mangrove research in the PhiIippines,1600-1983 AU Zamora.PM SD Natural and Applied Science Bulletin 35(3):211-223(1983) AN ill LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2 4 20

NO 31115 ET Spice crops: processing of its products and by-products AU Arida.VP SD NSDB/NSTA Technology Journal 7 ( 2 ) :11-20(1982) AN refs;ill


LA English AV Library;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU46

NO31118 ET Tannin extraction and utilization from bakauan barks AU Manas,AE SD NSTA Technology Journal 7(1):57-64(1982) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Rhizophora apiculata Bl. SU6 16

NO31134 ET Chemistry,extraction and utilization of tannin from ipil-ipil barks AU Manas,AE SDNSDB Technology Journal 4(2):47-59(1979) AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)deWit SU6 16

NO31274 ET Tannin content from barks of cainito,kamagong andpagatpat AU Hermoso,JMSP SD Baybay;Leyte;Visayas State College ofAgriculture;1989;31p AN ref;tabs LA English AV Library;Visayas State College of Agriculture;Baybay;Leyte;PhiIippines TA Chrysophyllum cainito L.;Diospyros phiIippinensisDesr.;Sonneratia alba J.Sm. SU67 12

NO31317 ET Proximate chemical analyses of somePhilippines barks,woods,and bamboos AU Monsalud,MR;Nicolas,PM SD Philippine Journal of Science 87(2):119-142(1958) AN ref;ill;tabs LA English AV Library;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU46 16

NO31319 ET Screening of Philippine plants for steroidal sapogenins.I AU Anzaldo,FE;Haranon,J;Ancheta,S SDPhilippine Journal of Science 85(3):305-314(1956) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 26

NO31323 ET Readjustments in the nomenclature of Philippine Eugenia species


AUMerrill,ED SD Philippine Journal of Science 79(4):35-430(1950) AN refs LAEnglish AV Library;University of the Philipines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Eugenia SU 123

NO 31327 ET The Pinatubo Negritos,their useful plants and material culture AU Fox.RB SD Philippine Journal of Science 81(3-4):173-414(1952) AN ill;tab;maps LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 24

NO31457 ET Collection and yield of Philippine tanbarks AU Lopez,FR;Zamuco,IT SD Forestry Leaves 16(1):53-66(1965) AN refs;ilI,-tab LA English AV Library;University of thePhilippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Calophyllum inophyllum;Parkia roxburghii G.Don;Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth.;Pterocarpus indicus UiIId..-Terminaliamicrocarpa Decne; Terminalia nitens Presl;Trema orientalis (L.)Blanco SU 26 17

NO 31549 ET The chemical composition of some Philippine barks AU Hernando,GM;Gomez,L SD Natural and Applied Science Bulletin 9(4):355-374(1949) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 236 16

NO32071 ETA survey of some of theeconomic plants of theMamanwas of Pangaylan, Santiago,Agusan AU Faustino.FP SD College;Laguna;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;1985;52p AN refs;i11;tab;maps LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 2346 7

NO 32072 ET Somemedicinal plants and the traditional practices in some towns of Bukidnon AU Lerom.RR SD College;Laguna;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;1983;60p AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna


TA Annona muricata L.;Bixa oreUana L.;Musa textilis Nee.;Persea gratissima Gaertn.;Samanea saman (Jacq.)Merr. SU 24 69 NO 32085 ET Further study on the inocula potential from tungog (Ceriops tagal (Perr.) C.B.Robinson) incoconut tuba AUMiciano.TR SD College;Laguna;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;1976;23p AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;Cotlege;Laguna TA Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Cocos nucifera L. SU 4569

NO 32086 ET Microorganisms present on tungo (Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Robinson) AU Opulencia.TS SD College;Laguna;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;1975;16p AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob. SU 23469

NO32224 ET Tissue culture of medicinal plants:an investment for the future AU Cardenas,LB;Quimado,MO SD Research at Los Banos 5(2):14-15(1986) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Carmona retusa;Catharanthus roseus (L.)Don.;Ervatamia pandacaqui; Hydnocarpus alcalae C D C .;Impatiens balsamina L.;Tinospora crispa (L.) Hook.f.STh.;Vitex negundo L. SU 411

NO 32380 ET Research investigation on the tanning characteristics of some Philippine tanbarks AU Santos,FP;Cababa,FM SD Philippine Abstracts 7(3):111(1966) AN refs LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna SU 9

NO 32390 ET Mangosteen for tanning AU Deocadiz.LA(ed) SD Philippine Farmers Journal 18(9):32(1976) LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Garcinia mangostana L. SU 4616


NO 32583 ET Firewood and tanbark from bakauan AU Melana,EE SD Canopy International K ( 5 ) :10(1990) AN refs;i11 LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Aegiceras corniculatum Blanco;Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.)Lam.;Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.)U.S A.ex Griff.;Ceriops;Rhizophora mucronata Lam.; Sonneratia caseolaris (L.)Engl.;Xylocarpus moluccensis M.Roem. SU 4 5 9 12 H 19 21 NO 32727 ET Kamachili has medicinal properties AU Gibe,BP SO PCARRD Farmnews 12(5-6):S(1986) LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth. SU 4 10 21

NO 32759 ET Tannin glues AU Manas,AE SD Philippine Lumberman 15(4):35,39(1969) AN refs LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.)Lam.;Bruguiera parviflora (Roxb.)U.S A.ex Griff.; Bruguiera sexangula (Lour.)Poir.;Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Rhizophora mucronata Lam. SU 4 9

NO 32760 ET Production of high alpha (dissolving) pulps from bakauan-babae (Rhizophora mucronata Lam.) AU Nicolas,PM;Bawagan,60 SD Philippine Lumberman 16(1):40-46(1970) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;College;Laguna TA Rhizophora mucronata Lam. SU 4 6 10 16

NO 32774 ET Study on the fiber morphology and pulping quality of balanti (Homalanthus populneus (Gaisel.)Pax.) AU Delà Cruz.RZ;Fernandez.EC SD Philippine Lumberman 19(1):34-44(1973) AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;University of the Philippines at Los Banos;Cotlege;Laguna TA Homalanthus populneus (Geiseler)Pax SU 6 9 16


NO 32865 ET Sibukao (Caesalpinia sappan l . ) : a multipurpose tree AU Zerrudo,JV SD Philippine Technology Journal 12(2):32-42(1987) AN refs;itt;tab LA English AV Library;Science and Technology Information Institute;Department of Science and Technology;Metro Manila;PhiIippines TA Caesalpinia sappan L. SU 3 4 6 7 10 11 14

NO 32881 ET A study on the dyeing properties of sibukao wood extract AU Llamas,EL;Tayag,CE SD Philippine Technology Journal 13(1)54-62(1988) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;Scientific and Technology Information Institute;Department of Science and Technology;Metro ManiIa;PhiIippines TA Caesalpinia sappan L. SU 4 6 7 10 16

NO 32916 ET The effect of pH on the intensity of colored extracts from L.glauca (L.) Benth. (ipil-ipil) and Bixa orellana L. (achuete) seeds,C.luzonicum (Blume)A. Gray (pili) pulp and H.jalapa L. (alas-cuatro) flowers AU Manalo,JB;Anzaldo,FE;Torres,RC SD NIST Research Abstracts 15(1983) LA English AV Library;Industrial Technology Development Institute;Department of Science and Technology;HaniIa;PhiIippines TA Bixa orellana L.;Canarium luzonicum (Bl.)A.Gray;Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)de Wit;MirabiIis jalapa L. SU 6 16

NO 32959 ET Bakauan plantation: strategies for the rehabilitation of denuded mangroves SD Technology Transfer 2(2):1-23(1990) AN refs;i11;tab LA English;Bisaya AV Library;Department of Environment and Natural Resources;DiIiman;Quezon City;PhiIippines TA Rhizophora apiculata Bl.;Rhizophora mucronata Lam.;Rhizophora stylosa SU 4 7 11 12 14

NO 32967 ET Philippine mangroves AU Paulme,IS SD Ministry of Natural Resources Quarterly 1(3):9-13(1979) AN refs;i11;tab LA English AV Library;Department of Environment and Natural Resources;DiIiman;Quezon City;PhiIippines TA Avicennia officinalis L.;Nypa fruticans Wurmb;Pemphis acidula Forst.; Rhizophora.-Sonneratia caseolaris (L.)Engl.;Xylocarpus granatum Koen. SU 3 4 9


NO 32993 ET Mangrove inventory of the Philippines using landsat multisectoral data and the image 100 system AU Bia.RT;Jara,RS;Lorenzo,EN;de Jesus,BR SD NRMS Research Monograph Series No.2;1978 AN ill LA English AV Library/Department of Environment and Natural Resources;DiIiman;Quezon City;PhiIippines TA Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.)Lam.;Rhizophora apiculata Bl. SU 821

NO 33000 ET The isolation and structure elucidation of the major sesquiterpene hydrocarbon in the leaves of Bixa orellana Linn. AU Lapid,MRG;Guevara,BQ SD Acta Manilana 36:17-22(1987) AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;University of the PhiIippines;DiIiman;Quezon City TA Bixa orellana L. SU 26 16

NO 33005 ET The screening and stability studies of plant pigments AU Bitalac,LP;Paja,PA;Recio,8V;Tinao,IV;Tolentino,FC SDActa Manilana 37:41-49(1988) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of thePhiIippines;DiIiman;Quezon City SU 216

NO 33015 ET Ceriops and Rhizophora tungog incoconut tuba (alcohol) production AU Fernandez,UL;Zabalerio,ZD SO The Philippine Journal of Coconut Studies 12(1):29-31(1987) AN refs;i11 LA English AV Library;University of the PhiIippines;DiIiman;Quezon City TA Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Cocos nucifera L.;Rhizophora mucronata Lam. SU 416

NO 33085 ET Moluccan sau (Albizia falcataria) AU Dayan.CP SD Research Information Series on Ecosystems 1(4):1-14(1989) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;Bureau of Forestry Development.-Department of Environment and Natural Resources;DiIiman;Quezon City;PhiIippines TA Albizia falcataria SU 23 4 7 10 11 12 13

NO 33178 ET Philippine vegetable tanning materials


AU Salcedo,IS SD Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association 40(3):77-82(1953) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;College ofPharmacy;University of thePhiIippines;Ermita;Manila SU 234 6

NO33179 ET The distribution of berberine and related bases inPhilippine medicinal plants AU Santos,MB;Santos,AC SD Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association 40(4):117-120(1953) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;College of Pharmacy;University of thePhiIippines;Ermita;Manila TAArchangelisia flava (L.)Merr.;Argemonemexicana L.;Berberisbarandana; Mahonia philippinensis Takida SU26

NO33259 ET Studies on somemedicinal uses of makahiya,gumamela,mayana and rosal AU Lerma,NV;Yap,NL;Sarile,AS;Yu,EL;Surla,lY SDActa Manilana 35:36-57(1986) AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;University of the PhiIippines;DiIiman;Quezon City TA Gardenia augusta (L.)Merr;Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.,-Mimosapudica L.; Plectranthus scutellaroides (L.)R.Br. SU6 16

NO33283 ET Some studies on the fermentation of camachile bark tanning liquor AU Roxas,SV;Salcedo,IS SD Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association 38(8):223-229(1951) AN refs;tab LA English AV L i b r a r y ; C o l lege of Pharmacy;Uni v e r s i t y of the Phi Iippines;Mam" la TA PithecelIobiurndulce (Roxb.)Benth. SU4 6 7 16

NO 33290 ETMorphological studies on Philippine drugs Ill.Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob. bark AU Concha,JA;Bell"sario,AC,-Valenzuela,P;Santos,AC SD Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association 44(8):263-275(1957) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;College of Pharmacy;University of the PhiIippines;Manila TA Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob. SU 24 6 7

NO33294 ETA survey of some Philippine plants for steroidal sapogenins AU Anzaldo,FE;Maraon,J;Ancheta,S SD Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association 43(7):235-237(1956)


AN refs LA English AV Library;College of Pharmacy;University of the PhiIippines;Manila TA Dioscorea hispida Dennstedt;Macaranga tanarius (L.)Muell.Arg.;Nerium indicum Mill. SU 6 16

NO 33296 ET Morphological studies on Philippine drugs I.Lagerstroemia speciosa leaf, Areca catechu seed,and Curcuma longa rhizome AU Concha,JA;Belisario,AC;Valenzuela,P;Santos,AC SD Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association 43(1):3-13(1956) AN refs;ill LA English AV Library;College of Pharmacy;University of the PhiIippines;Mam'la TA Areca catechu L.;Curcuma longa L.;Lagerstroemia speciosa Pers. SU 4 6 7 NO 33375 ET Response of potted annatto seedlings (Bixa orellana L.) to various levels of urea AU Camancho,JJP;Baluyut,NM SD USM College of Agriculture Research Journal 1(2):101-105(1990) AN tab LA English AV Library;University of Southern Mindanao;Kabacan;Cotabato;PhiIippines TA Bixa orellana L. SU 4 8 12

NO 33411 ET The community structure of the mangrove forest in Pangasihan,Gingoog City AU Quimpang,VT;Porquiz,HC;Gurrea,L;Samaniego,LA;Ebuna,RM SD CMU Journal of Agriculture,Food and Nutrition 9(1):84-104(1987) AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;Central Mindanao University;Musuan;Bukidnon;PhiIippines TA Aegiceras corniculatum Blanco;Avicennia marina (Forsk.)Vierh.;Avicennia officinalis L.;Ceriops decandra (Griff.)Ding Hou;Rhizophora apiculata Bl.; Rhizophora mucronata Lam.;Sonneratia caseolaris (L.)Engl.;Xylocarpus granatum Koen. SU 4 6 10

NO 33433 ET Performance analysis of prague powder,anatto (Bixa orellana Linn.) and turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) as food additives on chicken ham barbecue style AU Mercado,LN;Ebua,E;Caterial,RB CS Central Mindanao University;Musuan;Bukidnon;PhiIippines SD CMU Terminal Report;25p AN ilI;tab LA English AV Library;Central Mindanao University;Musuan;Bukidnon;PhiIippines TA Bixa orellana L.;Curcuma tonga L. SU 4 6 16


NO 33456 ET Tropical leaf vegetables inhuman nutrition AU Lorico.CM SD Bulletin of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines 23(5):7,10-11(1983) AN refs LA English AV Library;College of Medicine;University of the PhiIippines;Ermita;Manila TA Morinda citrifolia L.;Portulaca oleracea L.;Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.)DC. SU 247 10 16

NO 33460 ET Botanical plants found effective against fungal and bacterial diseases of legumes AU Franje,NS SD NOMCARRD Newsletter 10(4):14(1990) AN ill LA English AV Library;Central Mindanao University;Musuan;Bukidnon;Philippines TA Allium sativum L.;Bidens pilosa L.;Impatiens balsamina L.;Plumeria acuminata Ait. SU 2613

NO 33499 ET Toxicity problem of tannin in sorghum AU Bello,VP SD USMARC Monitor 10(2):5(1989) LA English AV Library;University of Southern Mindanao;Kabacan;Cotabato;PhiIippines TA Sorghum bicolor (L.)Moench SU 6

NO33605 ET Study on charcoal yield of Moluccan sau (Albizia falcataria),tamarind (Tamarindus indica)and camachile (Pithecellobium dulce) through pit method AU Aguinaldo,MA SD Batac;Ilocos Norte;College of Agriculture;Mariano Marcos State University; 1985;33p AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;Mariano Marcos State University;Batac;Ilocos Norte;Philippines TA Albizia falcataria;Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth.;Tamarindus indica L. SU 4 6 15 16

NO 33632 ET Study on charcoal yield of molave (Vitex parviflora),binunga (Macaranga tanarius)and mango (Mangifera indica)through pit method AU Ines,CF SD Batac;Ilocos Norte;Mariano Marcos StateUniversity;1985 AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;MarianoMarcos State University;Batac;Ilocos Norte;Philippines TA Macaranga tanarius (L.)Muell.Arg.;Mangifera indica L.;Vitex parviflora A.L.Juss. SU 247 15 16


NO 33644 ET Study on charcoal yield of camachile (Pithcellobium dulce),tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and mollucan sau (Albizia falcataria) through cylinder method AU Alejo.SL SD Batac;Ilocos Norte;Mariano Marcos State University;1985;vip;27p AN refs;i11;tab LA English AV Library;Mariano Marcos State University;Batac;Ilocos Norte;PhiIippines TA Albizia falcataria (L.)Fosberg;Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth.; Tamarindus indica L. SU 2 4 6 7 14

NO 33797 ET Hastening germination of talisai (Terminalia catappa Linnaeus) seeds AU Cariaga.JD SD Echague;Isabela;Isabela State University;1980;22p AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;Isabela State University;Echague;Isabela;PhiIippines TA Terminalia catappa L. SU 4 8 12

NO 33805 ET Comparative charcoal yield of some tree species AU Cadiente.NG SD Echague;Isabela;Isabela State University;1982;17p AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;Isabela State University;Echague;Isabela;PhiIippines TA Chrysophyllum cainito L.;Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.)de Wit;Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth.;Psidium guajava L.;Tamarindus indica L. SU 6 16

NO 33819 ET Hastening germination of siar (Peltophorum pterocarpum Back.) seeds AU Busto.LP SD Echague;Isabela;Isabela State University;1979;20p AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;Isabela State University;Echague;Isabela;PhiIippines TA Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.)Back.ex Heyne SU 2 4 8 10 12

NO 33852 ET A comparative study of the efficacy of crotamiton and Tinospora rumphii in the treatment of scabies in children * AU Javier,PR;Guevara,BQ;SoleviIla,RC SD Journal of the Philippine Medical Association 58(7):268-276(1983) AN itI;tab LA English AV National Library;FiIipiniana and Asia Division;Ermita;Manila;PhiIippines TA Centella asiatica (L.)Urb.;Eclipta prostrata (L.)L.;Ervatamia pandacaqui (Poir.)Pich.;Ipomoea muricata (L.)Jacq.;Nerium indicum Mi11.; Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.)Vahl.-Symphytum officinale L.;Tinospora crispa (L.)Hook.f.S Th.


SU 46716

NO 33860 ET The wise utilization of jackfruit (Lanka)seeds and pulp AllFranco,M;Akia,J;Garcia,N SD Saint Louis University Research Journal 15(2):360-372(1984) LA English AV National Library;FiIipiniana and Asia Division;Erraita;Manila;PhiIippines TAArtocarpus heterophyllus Lam. SU 46 721

NO33910 ET Preliminary phytochemical screening of suma (Arcangelisia flava (L.)Merr. AU Nalliw.DA SD Echague;Isabels State University;1987;viiip;22p AN refs;tab LAEnglish AV Library;Isabela State University;Echague;PhiIippines TA Arcangelisia flava (L.)Merr. SU 26 16

NO 34070 ET From flowers to pills:herbal medicine over the counter AU Quimpo.EMF SD The Filipinas Journal of Science and Culture 2:26-32(1981) AN ill LA English AV National Library;Manila;PhiIippines TA Cerbera thevetia;Mimosa pudica L.;Morinda citrifolia L.;Moringa oleifera Lam.;Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.)Benth.;Tamarindus indica L.;Theobroma cacao L.;Vitex negundo L. SU 24

NO34085 ETA chemical investigation of the leaves of Bauhinia malabarica Roxb. AU Borja.RG CS Centro Escolar University;Manila;PhiIippines SD Graduate and Faculty Studies 7:109-122(1956) AN refs;tab LA English AV National Library;Manila;Philippines TA Bauhinia malabarica Roxb. SU 236 716

NO34089 ETA survey of the antibacterial properties of some local plant products AU Sadili.MV CS Centro Escolar University;Manila;PhiIippines SD Graduate and Faculty Studies 5:158-174(1954) AN refs;tab LA English AV National Library;ManiIa;PhiIippines TA Areca catechu L.;Canarium luz*onicum (Bl.)A.Gray;Caryophyllusaromaticus; Chenopodium ambrosioides L.;Cinnamomum camphora Nees & Eberm.;Cinnamomum cassia Bl.;Citrus aurantium L..-Eucalyptus globulus;Mentha piperita Huds.


SU 26 16

NO 34100 ET A phytochemical study of the leaves of Psidium guajava with particular reference to the tannin content AU Tamayo.SV CS Centro Escolar University;Hanila;PhiIippines SD Graduate and Faculty Studies 1:169-175(1950) AN refs;tab LA English AV National Library;Manila;PhiIippines TA Psidium guajava L. SU 6 16

NO 34144 ET The rooting responses of stem cuttings of selected ornamental plants to naphthalene acetic acid (NAA)and different rooting media AU Miranda,TD SD Manila;Centro Escolar University;1985;xiip;176p AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV National Library;Manila;PhiIippines TA Gardenia augusta (L.)Merr.;Ixora coccinea L.;Jasminum sambac Ait.;Rosa centifolia L. SU 8 13

NO 34145 ET The effect of some local plant dyes and the length of time of boiling on the quaiity of buri AU Rodriguez,LH SD Aborlan;Palawan National Agricultural College;1973;29p AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;Palawan National Agricultural College;Aborlan;PhiIippines TA Bixa orellana L.;Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.;Corypha utan Lam.,-Curcuma longa L.;Premna cumingiana Schauer SU 24 16

NO 34146 ETA study on the use of the leaves,barks and roots of some local plants in dyeing saguran AU Anunciado.PP SD Aborlan;Palawan National Agricultural College;1974;28p AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;Palawan National Agricultural Cotlege;Abortan;PhiIippines TA Bixa orellana L.;CaesaIpiniasappan L.;Ceriops tagal (Perr.)C.B.Rob.; Corypha utan Lam.;Premna cumingiana Schauer SU 24

NO 40001 ET Floristics and ecology of themangrove vegetation of Papua New Guinea AU Percival,M;Womersley,JS CS Division of Botany;Department of Forests;Lae;Papua New Guinea SD Lae;Division of Botany;Department of Forests;1975;96p;Botany Bulletin No.8


AN ilI,-maps LA English AV Library;National Herbarium;Division of Botany;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Aegiceras cornicutatum Blanco;Ailanthus;Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.)Lam.; Excoecaria agallocha L.;Hen'tiera littoralis Dryand.;Pemphisacidula Forst.; Rhizophora mucronata Lam.;Xylocarpus moluccensis M.Roem. SU 4 6 7 19 NO 40049 ET Antibacterial activity of some medicinal plants of Papua New Guinea AU Leach,AJ;Leach,DN;Leach,GJ CS National Veterinary Laboratory;Port Moresby;Papua New Guinea SD Science in New Guinea 14(1):1-7(1988) AN refs;tab LA English; English AV library;National Herbariurn;Division of Botany;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Bridelia penangiana;Codiaeum variegatum;Cycas circinnalis;Cycas media; Hibiscus tiliaceus;Hypericura papuanum;Ipomoea pes-caprae;Kalanchoe pinnata; Horinda eitrifolia;Pterocarpus indicus;Tridax procumbens SU 4 6 19 21 NO 40079 ET Traditional uses of mangrove resources in the central province AU Rau.M CS Forest Products Research Centre;Port Moresby;Papua New Guinea SD Harvest 11(1):5-11(1985) AN refs;i11;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Avicennia marina;Bruguiera gymnorrhiza;Bruguiera sexangula;Ceriops; Heritiera littoralis;Lumnitzera racemosa;Nypa fruticans;Rhizophora apiculata;Rhizophora mucronata;Rhizophora stylosa;Xylocarpus SU 4 6 10 21 NO 40127 ET Bixin content of Bixa oretlana in Papua New Guinea AU Hart,G CS Department of Agriculture,Stock and Fisheries;Port Horesby;Papua New Guinea SD PNG Agricultural Journal 17(1):8-11(1964) AN refs;ill;tab LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Bixa orelIana SU 2 3 4 6 8 9 19 21 NO 40173 ET Notes on green manuring AU Green,EC CS Lowlands Agricultural Experiment Station;Kerevat;Papua New Guinea SD PNG Agricultural Journal 7(4):303-306(1941) LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Arachis hypogaea;Calopogonium mucunoides;Centrosema pubescens;Coffea; Crotalaria;Desmodium scorpiurus;Erythrina Iithosperma;Indigofera arrecta; Leucaena leucocephala;Mimosa invisa;Pueraria javanica;Tephrosia Candida; Theobroma cacao;Vigna



NO 40192 ET Some nut-bearing plants inPapua New Guinea AU Henty.EE CS Division of Botany;Office of Forests;Lae;Papua New Guinea SO Proceedings of theSecond Papua New Guinea Food Crops Conference,Goroka K - 1 8 t h July 1980;Port Moresby;Department of Primary Industry; 1982;Part 1;p78-85 AN refs LA English; English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Aleurites moluccana;Anacardium occidentale;Canarium;Castanopsis acuminatissima;Inocarpus fagifer;Macadamia integrifolia;Omphalea gageana; Pandanus Julianettii;Pangium edule;Terminalia SU 1234689 10 1621

NO 40253 ET Agrilus attack on Terminalia catappa around theUniversity of Technology campus AU Mercer,CWL CS Department of Forestry;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SD Klinkii 1(1):103-105(1985) AN refs;ill LA English AV Department of Forestry;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Eucalyptus deglupta;Terminalia catappa SU 1321

NO 40259 ET Theother products from the forest AU Croft,JR CS Division of Botany;PNG National Herbarium;Lae;Papua New Guinea SD Klinkii 3(3):35-52(1987) AN refs;i11 LA English;summ in English AV Department of Forestry;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 12469 161921

NO 40293 ET Crop research report fortheperiod July 1969toDecember 1982 AU Byrne,PN(ed) CS TheUorld Bank/Papua New Guinea Agricultural Support Service Project SD Port Moresby;Department of Primary Industry;1984;482p AN refs;ilI;tab LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 123 89 1011 1213 14 15 16 171819

NO 40299 ET Handbook of the flora of Papua New Guinea;Vol.1 AU Uomersley,JS(ed) CS Division of Botany;Department of Forests;Lae;Papua New Guinea SD Government of Papua New Guinea;1978;ixp;276p AN refs;ill;maps


LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 NO 40300 ET Handbook of the flora of Papua New Guinea;Vol.2 AU Henty,EE(ed) CS Office of Forests;Division of Botany;Lae;Papua New Guinea SO Volume 11;Government of Papua New Guinea;1981;ixp;276p AN refs;i11;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Bixa orellana;Bombax ceiba;Camptostemon schultzii;Ceiba pentandra; Cochlospermum gi11ivraei;Coriaria papuana;Elaeocarpus;Engelhardia rigida; Gyrocarpus americanus;Hernandia;Sloanea tieghemi;Sycopsis dunii; Turpinia pentandra SU 12 3 4 6 78 9 10 11 16 17 NO 40301 ET Commercial timbers of Papua New Guinea; their properties and uses AU Eddowes.PJ CS Forest Products Research Centre;Port Moresby;Papua New Guinea SD Port Moresby;Forest Products Research Centre;0ffice of Forests; 1977;xiv;195p AN i11;tab;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 12 4 5 6 721 NO 40335 ET Flora of the Bismarck archipelago for naturalists AU Peekel.PG CS Missionary of Sacred Heart;Vunapope;East New Britain province;Papua New Guinea SD Lae;Office of Forests;Division of Botany;1984;638p AN refs;i11;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 12 3 4 6 78 9 10 11 NO 40339 ET Manual of the forest trees of Papua New Guinea;Part 1.Revised Combretaceae AU Coode.MJE CS Division of Botany;Department of Forests;Lae;Papua New Guinea SD Port Moresby;Department of Forests;1969;86p AN ilI,-maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Combretaceae SU 12 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 NO 40345 ET The Labu lakes; A study on coastal and mangrove dynamics AU Johns.RJ CS Forestry Department;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SD Lae;PNG University of Technology;1981;iiip;Report on field trips conducted by


students from PNG Forestry Coltege,Bulolo and the PNG University of Technology,1981 AN ilI;tab;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 4 10

NO 40354 ET The alpine flora of New Guinea AU Van Royen.P CSDepartment of Botany;Bernice P.BishopMuseum;Honolulu;Hawaii SD Vol.3;Taxonomic part:Winteraceae toPolygonaceae;Vaduz;Germany; J.Crammer;1982;iip;1171p AN refs;i11 LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 34 6 1021

NO 40388 ET An annotated checklist of the flora of Kairiru island,New Guinea AU BorreLl,OwCS School of Botany;University ofMelbourne;Australia SD Australia;Marcellin College;1989;xiip;241p AN refs;i11;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea S U 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 1 0 1 1

NO 40391 ET Subsistence agriculture improvement manual AU Goeltenboth.F(ed) CSUau Ecology Institute;Uau;Papua New Guinea SD Uau Ecology Institute Handbook No.10;1985;xp;231p AN refs;iIl;tab;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 124 10 11 12 1321

NO 40426 ET Field notes describing species that have been more or less botanically determined AU Lane-Poole,CE CS Commonwealth Forestry Advisor;Government of the Commonwealth of Australia SD The forest resources of the territories of Papua and New Guinea; Melbourne;Government of the Commonwealth of Australia;1925;p69-162 LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 24 78 9 1021

NO 40435 ETAbstracts of the Papua New Guinea Food Crops Conference,29April -2May 1975 CSDepartment ofAgriculture,Stock and Fisheries & Faculty ofAgriculture; University of Papua New Guinea;Port Moresby SD Lae;University of Technology;1975;17p LA English; English


AV Library;PNG University of Technology;lae;Papua New Guinea SU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

NO 40463 ET A guide to specifying PNG timber for structural and non-structural purposes CS Forest Industries Council of Papua New Guinea;Port Moresby;Papua New Guinea SD Port Moresby;Forest Industries Council of Papua New Guinea;1986;44p AN refs;tab LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 2 4 6 7 18 21

NO 40481 ET Properties and uses of Papua New Guinea timbers CS Forest Products Research Centre;Port Moresby;Papua New Guinea SD 4th revision of the Second Trade Note;Hohola;Port Moresby;Forest Products Research Centre;Division of UtiIization;Department of Forests;1970;45p LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 1 2 3 4 6 7 21

NO 40484 ET Medicinal plants of Papua New Guinea AU Holdsuorth.DK CS Chemistry Department;University of Papua New Guinea;Port Moresby SD South Pacific Commission Technical Paper No.175;1977;123p AN refs;iIl;maps LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea SU 1 2 4 21

NO 40486 ET Wood utiIisation,part 1: Uood structure and properties AU Hunt,IS CS PNG Forestry College;Bulolo;Papua New Guinea SD Port Moresby;Office of Forests;Department of Primary Industry; 1977;115p;Training manual for the Forestry College Vol.9 AN ill LA English AV Library;PNG University of Technology;Lae;Papua New Guinea TA Agathis alba;Araucaria cunninghamii;Casuarina;Cinnamomum cutilawan; Cryptocarya massoy;Eucalyptus deglupta;Haematoxylon campechianum;Intsia bijuga;Magnolia;ManiIkara kanosiensis;Ochroma;Pinus;Pterocarpus indicus; Rhizophora;Santalum macgregorii;Tectona grandis;Toona sureni;Vatica papuana SU 2 4 6 7 21


4. General references and Index of scientific plant names

General references (listing somany taxa that they are not included in the Index of scientific plant names) 1,3, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 29, 31,39, 229,329, 655, 847, 929, 1071, 1271, 1394, 1425, 1496, 1509, 1547, 1549, 1555, 1965, 2221, 2307, 2308, 2466, 2754, 2953, 2958, 2990, 3027, 3194,3284,3306,4049, 4166, 5642, 5643, 5644,6568, 6679, 10265, 10266, 10469, 10470, 10472,10474, 10475, 10571, 10757, 10994, 11016, 11028, 11039, 11076, 11544, 11683, 11685, 20175, 20193, 20200, 20204, 20214, 20237, 20280, 20390, 20406, 20894,21448, 21549, 21770, 21846, 30004, 30006, 30009, 30015, 30017,30312, 30313, 30376, 30712, 30901, 30903, 30904,30905, 30906, 30966, 30968, 31102, 31115,31317, 31319, 31327,31549, 32071, 32380, 33005, 33178, 40259, 40293, 40299,40301, 40335, 40345, 40354» 40388, 40391, 40426, 40435, 40463, 40481, 40484

Index of scientific plant names Abelmoschus esculentus 11560 Abrus precatorius 12591 Acacia 2745, 30310 Acacia arabica (See also Acacia nilotica) 49, 55, 2143, 3453 Acacia auriculiformis 3453, 4589, 11627 Acacia catechu 50,4569, 4589, 4656, 4773, 10276, 10927, 11531, 11642, 11643 Acacia decurrens 695 Acacia leucophloea 4224 Acacia nilotica (See also Acacia arabica) 702 Acacia oraria 4224 Acacia podalyriaefolia 11631 Acacia pycnantha 1313, 5385, 20812 Acalypha 5779 Acorus calamus 12591 Acrostichum 20290 Acrostichum aureum 2943, 20974 Adenanthera pavonina 20221 Adenium coetaneum 10740 Aegialitis annulata 1823 Aegialitis rotundifolia 1823 Aegiceras corniculatum 32583, 33411,40001 Agathis 2745 Agathis alba 40486 Ageratum conyzoides 11037 Aglaia odorata 12591 Agonis 2006 Ailanthus 40001 Albizia falcataria (See also Paraserianthes falcataria) 2180, 2858,33085, 33605, 33644 Albizia lebbek 30597 Albizia lebbekoides 45 Aleurites moluccana 40192 Allium sativum 33460 Aloe vera 11361 Alphitonia phiIippinensis 30212 Alpinia purpurata 10740 Alstonia villosa 4224 Alternanthera 5779 Amaranthaceae 38 Amaranthus tricolor 4707 Amomum cardamomum 5547 Amomum compactum 5547 Amoora cucullata 12541 Anacardiaceae 2597


Anacardium occidentale 20588, 40192 Andrographis paniculata 5481, 12591 Angelica acutiloba 600 Anisoptera 20556 Anisoptera thurifera 30212 Annona 21007 Annona muricata 32072 Annona squamosa 12434 Anogeissus acuminata 12541 Anthocephalus chinensis 2858,30310 Antidesma bunius 30316 Antigonon leptopus 21007 Apium graveolens 5882 Arachis hypogaea 40173 Araucaria cunninghamii 40486 Arcangetisia flava 33179, 33910 Arcangelisia loureiri 21830 Areca catechu 1081,6573,33296, 34089 Arenga pinnata 5547 Argemone mexicana 33179 Armeria maritima 1823 Artabotrys odoratissimus 21007 Artabotrys uncinatus 11631 Artocarpus 20210 Artocarpus blancoi 30212 Artocarpus communis 2579 Artocarpus heterophyllus 33860 Artocarpus lakoocha 12619 Asteraceae 38 Averrhoa bilimbi 5882, 11615 Averrhoa carambola 11615 Avicennia 20290,20974,22243, 22246 Avicennia alba 2942, 2943, 2975, 2978,2981 Avicennia marina 2942, 2975, 2981,33411,40079 Avicennia officinalis 2975,30111,32967,33411 Azadirachta indica 3453, 4224, 11642 Baccaurea 219 Bambusa spinosa 30212 Baphia nitida 5383 Barringtonia asiatica 2603 Bauhinia acuminata 192,20221 Bauhinia malabarica 34085 Bauhinia monandra 192 Bauhinia purpurea 192 Bauhinia variegata 11631 Beaumontia grandiflora 10740 Berberis barandana 33179 Bidens pilosa 33460 Bixa orellana 64, 1382, 1710, 1865, 10562, 12591,30955,31091,32072,32916, 33000, 33375,33433,34145, 34146, 40127, 40300 Blumea balsamifera 4707 Bombacaceae 3315 Bombax ceiba 40300 Bridelia penangiana 40049 Bridelia siamensis 11361, 11453 Bruguiera 20290, 22246 Bruguiera caryophylloides 52, 1369, 2975 Bruguiera cytindrica 2943, 30597


Bruguiera gyranorrhiza 52,53, 1369, 2971, 2976, 2977, 20974, 30597, 32583, 32759, 32993,40001, 40079 Bruguiera parviflora 52,53, 1369, 2943, 2977, 2978,30597,32583, 32759 Bruguiera parvifolia 22243 Bruguiera sexangula 53, 2975, 2978, 30597, 32759, 40079 Bupleurum falcatum 600 Butea frondosa 11797 Butea monosperma 10740, 11560, 11797 Caesalpinia 893, 11514 Caesalpinia coriaria 44, 11627 Caesalpinia pulcherrima 192 Caesalpinia sappan 45, 3277, 10637, 12419, 30983, 30984, 32865,32881, 34146 Calamus javensis 2603 Calliandra calothyrsus 3453 Calliandra surinamensis 20221 Calophyllum 20210 Calophyllum floribundum 12004 Calophyllum inophyllum 31457 Calopogonium mucunoides 40173 Camptostemon schultzii 40300 Cananga odorata 11560, 21007 Canarium 40192 Canarium luzonicum 30212,30955,32916, 34089 Canavalia maritima 11514 Capsicum annuum 1710 Carissa carandas 30877 Carmona retusa 21007, 32224 Caryophyllus aromaticus 34089 Cassia acutifolia 11361 Cassia alata 11453 Cassia fistula 11453, 11560, 20221 Cassia siamea 4224, 4773, 10562, 11642, 20221 Cassia spectabilis 12591 Castanopsis acuminatissima 40192 Casuarina 40486 Casuarina equisetifolia 30597 Catharanthus roseus 5481,32224 Ceiba pentandra 40300 Centella asiatica 33852 Centrosema pubescens 40173 Cerbera thevetia 34070 Ceriops 52,22246, 32583, 40079 Ceriops decandra 30883, 33411 Ceriops tagal 45,53, 56, 2976, 2977, 20290, 22243,30111,30597, 32085, 32086, 32759, 33015,33290,34145, 34146 Cestrum diurnum 11631 Chenopodium ambrosioides 34089 Chickrassia velutina 12541 Chlorophytum 5779 Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 11627 Chrysanthemum coronarium 11037 Chrysophyllum cainito 31274, 33805 Cinchona ledgeriana 841 Cinchona succirubra 841,4773 Cinnamomum camphora 34089 Cinnamomum cassia 34089 Cinnamomum culilawan 40486 Cinnamomum siamense 11560 Citrus aurantifolia 11615


Citrus aurantium 34089 Citrus hystrix 11615 Clitoria laurifolia 20221 Coccoloba uvifera 21007 Cochlospermum gillivraei 40300 Cocos nucifera 5547, 32085, 33015 Codiaeum 5779 Codiaeum variegatum 40049 Coffea 40173 Corabretaceae 2597, 3315, 40339 Combretum quadrangulare 12434 Commetinaceae 38 Congea tomentosa 10740 Cordia 21007 Coriaria papuana 40300 Corypha gebanga 2603 Corypha utan 45,34145, 34146 Coscinium blumeanum 21830 Coscinium fenestratum 20734 Crinum asiaticum 5481 Crocus sativus 1710, 11011 Crossostephium chinense 11037 Crotalaria 40173 Crotalaria uSaramoensis 20221 Croton argyratus 3225 Croton oblongifotius 12434 Croton tiglium 20288 Cryptocarya massoy 40486 Cucumis sativus 5882 Cudrania javanensis (See also Madura cochinchinensis) 11458, 12434 Curcuma domestica (See also Curcuma longa) 45 Curcuma longa (See also Curcuma domestica) 33296,33433, 34145 Cuscuta 2745 Cycas circinnalis 40049 Cycas media 40049 Cyclea laxiflora 20734 Cydista aequinoctialis 10740 Cynometra 11514 Daemonorops 2745 Dalbergia candenatensis 11514 Datura metel 5481 Datura repens 12591 Daucus carota 1710 Decaspermum paniculatum 2579 Delonix regia 11627, 11797 Dendrocalamus latiflorus 30273 Dendrolobium umbellatum 11514 Derris 11514 Desmodium ovalifolium 20221 Desmodium scorpiurus 40173 Dichrostachys cinerea 11631 Dillenia philippinensis 30212 Dioscorea 1760 Dioscorea hispida 33294 Diospyros confertiflora 10616 Diospyros decandra 10616 Diospyros glandulosa 10616 Diospyros gracilis 10616 Diospyros insidiosa 10616


Diospyros malabarica 10616 Diospyros mollis 10568, 10616, 11247, 11299, 11322, 11393,11483,12328, 12614, 12619 Diospyros philippinensis 31274 Diospyros rhodocalyx 10616 Diospyros scortechinii 10616 Diospyros siamensis 11443 Dipterocarpaceae 2597 Dipterocarpus 20210 Dipterocarpus obtusifolius 12541 Dipterocarpus tuberculatus 12541 Dryobalanops beccarii 3225 Dryobalanops oblongifolia 20288 Durio zibethinus 5547 Eclipta alba 4707 Eclipta prostrata 11037, 33852 Elaeis guineensis 1710 Elaeocarpus 40300 Elateriospermum tapos 20288 Etephantopus scaber 4707, 11037 Elettaria cardamomum 5547 Emilia sonchifolia 11037 Engelhardia rigida 40300 Entada spiralis 20221 Ervatamia pandacaqui 32224, 33852 Erythrina tithosperma 40173 Eucalyptus 2006 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 10276 Eucalyptus deglupta 2858, 40253,40486 Eucalyptus globulus 34089 Eugenia 2006, 20210, 31323 Eugenia aromatica 11560 Eupatorium odoratum 11037 Euphorbia tirucalli 5481 Euphorbiaceae 2597 Eurycoma longifolia 600 Eusideroxylon zuageri 3225 Excoecaria 5779 Excoecaria agallocha 2942, 22243,40001 Excoecaria indica 11454 Feronia elephantum 11615 Fibraurea chloroleuca 20734, 21830,.21853,21855 Fibraurea tinctoria 11421, 12024 Ficusdeltoidea 600 Ficus retusa 2603 Flemingia congesta 841,2180,6303 Galium 1035 Garcinia hanburyi 11291, 11464 Garcinia mangostana 32390 Garcinia schomburghiana 11615 Gardenia 5779, 12004 Gardenia augusta 1808,6791,33259,34144 Geissaspis cristata 11514 Gliricidia maculata 3453 Gliricidia sepium 11627, 30597 Gmelina arborea 30273,30597 Gyrocarpus americanus 40300


Haematoxylon campechianum 40486 Heritiera littoratis 22243 40001, 40079 Hernandia 40300 Hevea brasU iensis 12541 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 33259 Hibiscus sabdariffa 11560 Hibiscus tiliaceus 40049 Holarrhena antidysenterica 11453 Homalanthus populneus 30212,32774 Homalocladium platycladum 21007 Hopea odorata 2083 Hydnocarpus alcalae 32224 Hypericum papuanum 40049 Impatiens 21007 Impatiens balsamina 5338, 12288, 12578, 20785, 21858, 32224,33460 Impatiens roylei 5338 Impatiens ualleriana 5338 Imperata cylindrica 2180, 30316 Indigofera 891, 3002 Indigofera anil 7688 Indigofera arrecta 45, 3002, 7505, 7507, 7688, 40173 Indigofera enneaphylla 7507 Indigofera hirsuta 3002, 7507 Indigofera oligosperma 7688 Indigofera suffruticosa 192, 7507 Indigofera sumatrana (See also Indigofera tinctoria) 7507, 7688 Indigofera tinctoria (See also Indigofera sumatrana) 192,2406,3002, 7507 Inocarpus fagifer 40192 Intsia bijuga 11514,40486 Ipomoea aquatica 2603 Ipomoea batatas 3277 Ipomoea muricata 33852 Ipomoea pes-caprae 40049 Iresine herbstii 1820 Irvingia malayana 12541 Ixora 12434 Ixora coccinea 34144 Jasminum sambac Jatropha curcas

34144 20288, 30939

Kaempferia galanga 5882 Kalanchoe pinnata 40049 »Chayaanthotheca 2083 Lactuca sativa 11037 Lagerstroemia loudonii 12509 Lagerstroemia macrocarpa 11797 Lagerstroemia piriformis 30212 Lagerstroemia speciosa 11797,33296 Lansium domesticum 5547 Lawsonia inermis 11631,30273 Leguminosae 38,41, 2597, 3315,6294, 30898, 40098 Leptospermum 2006 Leucaena gtauca (See also Leucaena leucocephala) 3277, 4224, 30955 Leucaena leucocephala (See also Leucaena glauca) 928, 2083, 5547, 10276, 11560, 30597, 30719, 31134,32916, 33805, 40173 Limonium sinuatum 1823 Litsea sebifera 30316


Lochnera rosea 30877 Lumnitzera 22246 Lumm'tzera littorea 2976, 22243 Lumnitzera racemosa 40079 Hacadamia integrifolia 40192 Hacaranga tanarius 30316, 33294, 33632 Macaranga triloba 2858, 3225 Madura cochinchinensis (See also Cudrania javanensis) 45, 56, 11036, 11494 Magnolia 40486 Mahonia phiIippinensis 30736, 33179 Mangifera indica 33632 Manihot utilissima 3277 Manilkara kanosiensis 40486 Medicago sativa 1710 Melaleuca leucadendra (See also Melaleuca leucadendron) 600 Melaleuca leucadendron (See also Melaleuca leucadendra) 52 Melastoma malabathricum 10740 Melia azedarach 10276 Heliaceae 3315 Melochia umbellata 30316 Hemecylon 20794 Mentha piperita 34089 Micromelum pubescens 11361 Mimosa invisa 40173 Mimosa pudica 33259, 34070 Mirabilis jalapa 30955, 32916 Hitragyna speciosa 11560 Moraceae 3315 Morinda bracteata 30071 Morinda citrifolia 51, 102, 608, 5882, 33456, 34070, 40049 Morinda elliptica 2579 Moringa oleifera 21007, 34070 Morus alba 5882 Mucuna gigantea 11514 Musa paradisiaca 3277 Husa textilis 32072 Myrtaceae 6294 Nerium indicum 30877,33294, 33852 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis 600, 5481 Nypa fruticans 2943, 20290, 20974, 22243, 32967, 40079 Ochrocarpus siamensis 12004 Ochroma 40486 Octomeles sumatrana 30212 Oldenlandia corymbosa 5882 Omphalea gageana 40192 Oncoba spinosa 11631 Orthosiphon aristatus 10562 Oryza sativa 2180, 3277 Osbornia octodonta 2976 Palaquium javense 4224 Pandanus julianettii 40192 Pangium edule 40192 Parameria barbata 600 Paraserianthes falcataria (See also Albizia falcataria) Parkia roxburghii 31457 Peltophorum dasyrachis 2579



Peltophorum pterocarpum 45,47,56, 115K, 20221, 20795, 33819 Pemphis acidula 32967 40001 Pericampylus glaucus 20734 Persea gratissima 32072 Phyllanthus acidus 11615 Phyllanthus emblica 121, 1956, 11615, 11973 Piliostigma malabarica (See also Piliostigma malabaricum) 30316 Pitiostigma malabaricum (See also Piliostigma malabarica) 30597 Pimpinella pruatjan 600 Pinaceae 3315 Pinus 2745, 40486 Pinus caribaea 11642 Pinus oocarpa 11642 Piper betle 6573 Piper cubeba 600 Piper retrofractum 600 Pisonia 5779 Pithecellobium 1272 Pithecellobium dulce 11627, 12140, 30597, 31053, 31457,32727,33283, 33605, 33644, 33805, 34070 Pithecellobium ellipticum 20221 Plectranthus scutellaroides 33259 Pluchea indica 4707 Plumbago 5779 Plumbago aphylla 1823 Plumbago auriculata 1823 Plumbago indica 1823 Plumbago zeylanica 1823 Plumeria 10740 Plumeria acuminata 33460 Polyalthia longifolia 21007 Polygonum 21007 Porana volubilis 10740 Portulaca oleracea 33456 Premna cumingiana 34145, 34146 Psidium 2006 Psidium guajava 33805, 34100 Psophocarpus tetragonolobus 33456 Pternandra azurea 3225 Pterocarpus indicus 10562,30273, 31457,40049, 40486 Pterocymbium tinctorium 30310 Pueraria javanica 40173 Punica granatum 5481 Ouisqualis indica

10740, 12434

Rafflesia patma 2603 Randia 12004 Randia parvula 11631 Rauwolfia perakensis 21853 Rauwolfia serpentina 30877 Rheum 11361 Rhinacanthus nasutus 12434 Rhizophora 20290, 20974, 22243, 22246, 32967,40486 Rhizophora apiculata 52,53, 1369, 2941, 2942, 2943, 2976, 2978, 2981,20268, 30111, 30597, 31118, 32959,32993, 33411, 40079 Rhizophora candelaria 10276 Rhizophora conjugata 52, 1369, 2977


Rhizophora mucronata 52, 53, 54, 1369, 2941, 2942, 2943, 2971, 2975, 2976, 2977, 2978, 2981, 20263, 20556, 30597, 32583, 32759, 32760, 32959, 33015, 33411, 40001, 40079 Rhizophora stytosa 1369, 32959, 40079 Rhizophoraceae 2597 Rhodoleia championi 21007 Rosa centifolia 34144 Roystonea regia 11627 Rubia cordifolia 1035 Rubiaceae 38 Saccharum officinarum 30212 Salacca edulis 2603 Samanea saman 30273, 32072 Santalum album 4224 Santalum macgregorii 40486 Sapindus rarak 56 Schima wallichii 1369 Schizostachyum aciculare 11627 Schleichera 2745 Schleichera oleosa 4224 Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea 20290 Shorea 20210, 20288 Shorea henryana 12541 Shorea javanica 2603 Shorea leprosula 2858 Shorea smithiana 3225 Sloanea tieghemii 40300 Solanum tuberosum 3277 Sonneratia 22243 Sonneratia alba 2943, 20290, 20974,30111, 31274 Sonneratia caseolaris 53, 2975, 32583, 32967, 33411 Sophora angustifolia 1573 Sophora benthamii 1573 Sophora glauca 1573 Sophora japonica 1573 Sophora longipes 1573 Sophora phiIippinensis 1573 Sophora tomentosa 1573 Sophora wight)ï 1573 Sorghum bicolor 33499 Spathodea campanulata 12509 Spondias pinnata 11615 Stachytarpheta jamaicensis 33852 Stephania japonica 20734 Stephanotis floribunda 11631 Streblus asper 11560 Styrax 2745 Swietenia macrophylla 3277, 4224, 4773 Swietenia mahagoni 695, 3277 Sycopsis dunii 40300 Symphytum officinale 33852 Symplocos fasciculata 1461 Symplocos odoratissima 5547 Syzygium 1562, 2006 Syzygium cumini 30310 Tabebuia heterophylla 11627, 11797, 12509 Tagetes erecta 11037, 12578 Tamarindus indica 33605, 33644, 33805, 34070


Tectona grandis 3453, 40486 Tectonia 5779 Tephrosia Candida 40173 Tephrosia vogelii 841 Terminalia 11517, 40192 Terminalia arjuna 2083 Terminalia bellirica 12541 Terminalia catappa 2603, 3288, 5791, 11797, 12509, 20763, 30106, 30123,33797, 40253 Terminalia chebula 11361, 11453, 11615, 11974 Terminalia microcarpa 31457, 32127 Terminalia mucronata 12541 Terminalia nitens 31457 Theobroma cacao 34070, 40173 Tiliacora triandra 21830 Timom'us sericeus 2579 Tinomiscium petiolare 20734, 21830, 21855 Tinospora crispa 20734, 21830, 32224, 33852 Toona surent 40486 Trema orientalis 30316, 30597, 31457 Tridax procumbens 40049 Triphasia trifolia 5481 Tristaniopsis decorticata 30310 Turpinia pentandra 40300 Ulmaceae 3315 Uncaria gambir 45, 249, 2275, 2276, 3830,6573 Vallaris solanacea 30877 Vatica diospyroides 11631 Vatica papuana 40486 Veitchia merrillii 11627 Vigna 40173 Vigna sinensis 20221 Vitex negundo 32224, 34070 Vitex parviflora 33632 Weinmannia luzoniensis 30212 Wedelia 5779 Wollastonia biflora 11037 Wrightia tinctoria 30877 Wrightia tomentosa 11464 Xanthoxylum rhetsa 30212 Xylocarpus 40079 Xylocarpus granatum 53, 2976, 2977, 2978, 20290,22243, 22246,32967,33411 Xylocarpus moluccensis 20974,32583, 40001 Zea mays

1710,2180, 3277


PROSEA -Plant Resources of South-East Asia The handbook (blue cover, hardbound) - No 1.Pulses.L.J.G. van der Maesen and Sadikin Somaatmadja (Editors). Pudoc, Wageningen. 1989. - No 2. Edible fruits and nuts.E.W.M.Verhey and R.E. Coronel (Editors). Pudoc, Uageningen.1991. - No3. Dye and tannin-producing plants.R.H.M.J. Lemmens and N.UulijarniSoetjipto (Editors). Pudoc,Uageningen. 1991. The handbook (green cover, paperback) - No 1.Pulses.L.J.G. van der Maesen and Sadikin Somaatmadja (Editors). ESCAP/CGPRT Centre,Bogor. 1990. (only for sale indeveloping countries of South-East Asia and the Pacific). Bibliographies (orange cover, paperback) - Bibliography 1:Pulses.Edition 1.N.Wulijarni-Soetjipto and J.S. Siemonsma (Editors). PROSEA Project, Bogor, Indonesia. 1990. - Bibliography 3:Dye and tannin-producing plants.Edition 1.N.UulijarniSoetjipto and J.S. Siemonsma (Editors). PROSEA foundation, Bogor, Indonesia and Pudoc,Wageningen, the Netherlands.1991. Miscellaneous - A selection. E.Westphal andP.CM. Jansen (Editors). Pudoc,Uageningen. 1989. - Basic list of species and commodity grouping. Version 1.R.H.M.J. Lemmens, P.CM. Jansen, J.S. Siemonsma, P.M. Stavast (Editors). PROSEA Project, Uageningen, the Netherlands. 1989. (distributed by Pudoc,Uageningen). - Proceedings of the First PROSEA International Symposium, May 22-25,1989, Jakarta, Indonesia. J.S. Siemonsma and N.Wulijarni-Soetjipto (Editors). Pudoc, Uageningen. 1989. (out of print).