POWER OF PRAYER - Let God be True

POWER OF PRAYER “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 Introduction: 1. The temptations our youth face and the re...

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POWER OF PRAYER “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

Introduction: 1. The temptations our youth face and the rebellion of some should cause us to … to … pray more! 2. Can we stir up our faith from scripture to remember the power of prayer to provoke more prayer? 3. You can do more in any matter of life by praying than you can by any other personal effort. 4. The Bible plainly declares that powerful praying can accomplish much (James 5:16). Do you use it? 5. This requires knowledgeable (effectual) and passionate (fervent) prayer by a godly person (righteous). 6. Our God created the universe and preserves it for destruction; He can do anything you desire or need. 7. He specifically wants you to live carefree based on His ability, not yours (Psalm 127:1-2; Phil 4:6-7). 8. Jacob provides a wonderful example of God being vulnerable to men with needs (Genesis 32:24-32). 9. The reason your life is not better in spiritual grace and/or in blessings is due to lack of prayer (Ja 4:2). 10. This subject is very large and extends throughout the Bible, but we will limit our points to only a few. 11. Let us briefly remind ourselves of the power of prayer to have confidence and trust in its efficacy. 12. Let us briefly remind ourselves of a few of the learned and necessary conditions for powerful prayer.

POWER OF PRAYER A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S.

Prayer has power for a spouse without a dating service or matchmakers (Gen 24:12-15). Prayer has power with a spouse though the situation may be tough (Esth 4:13-17; Mal 2:13). Prayer has power when health fails and the prognosis is grim (II Kgs 4:22-37; Isaiah 38:1-8). Prayer has power for life in general to be unusually blessed and sheltered (I Chron 4:9-10). Prayer has power over enemies (Ex 3:7-10; Num 16:15,22; II Kings 19:14-19; Ps 18:4-19). Prayer has power over nations for godly intercessors (Gen 18:23-33; Jer 29:4-7; Dan 9:1-3). Prayer has power for children when a godly father intercedes (Job 1:4-5; 42:13-17). Prayer has power for prayer meetings as when the early church prayed (Acts 4:23-31). Prayer has power in desperation as with Hagar (Gen 16:6-14; Matt 14:30-31; Acts 12:5,17). Prayer has power for spiritual revival among the carnal (I Kgs 18:21-40; Ps 119:25,37). Prayer has power for conceiving children even when barren (I Sam 1:9-20; 2:20-21). Prayer has power for jobs and businesses (Gen 28:16-22; 32:9-10; Neh 2:1-8; Dan 2:14-23). Prayer has power even if mostly sighing and crying (Ex 2:23-25; Ps 56:8; Mal 2:13). Prayer has power for restoration (II Chr 33:11-13; Ps 51:7-15; Jon 2:1-10; Luke 23:42-43). Prayer has power over weather (Josh 10:12-14; II Kings 20:8-11; Jas 5:17). Prayer has power for godliness (Ex 33:18-23; 2Kg 2:9-12; Lu 11:13; Ac 10:1-6;Ep 3:14-21). Prayer has power for wisdom (I Kgs 3:5-13; Prov 2:3-9; Lu 11:13; Eph 1:17-18; James 1:5). Prayer has power for dilemmas (II Chron 20:12-18; Prov 16:33; Acts 1:21-26). Prayer has power when overwhelmed (I Sam 30:6-8; II Chron 14:9-15; Ps 142:1-3).


Prayer is made powerful when practiced effectually (Jas 5:16; Luke 11:1). So learn to pray. Prayer is made powerful when done fervently (Jas 5:16-17). Get passionate about praying. Prayer is made powerful when done righteously (Jas 5:16; Ps 34:15; 66:18). Obey God. Prayer is made powerful without details, repetition, or length (Mat 6:7-8; 10:29-31; Ro 1:9). Prayer is made powerful without eloquence (Rom 8:26-27). The Holy Spirit adds two things. Prayer is made powerful by not quitting (Luke 11:5-8; 18:1-6; Rom 12:12; I Thess 5:17). Prayer is made powerful by adding fasting for greater obstacles (Matt 17:15-21; I Cor 7:5).

Conclusion: 1. If you are convicted that you have neglected prayer, then begin tonight to pray more earnestly. 2. If you do not know how to pray effectually, in a way that is heard, than seek more information. 3. Pray is a large subject throughout the Bible, and if you are earnest, you will want to learn more. 4. If you want to consider the subject further, seek other sermons, outlines, Nave’s, etc. 5. Matthew 18:19 teaches two to agree in prayer, which is so perfect for spouses (Gen 2:18; I Pet 3:7). 6. David and Daniel prayed three times daily … and you can even do it in bed (Psalm 4:4; 42:8). 7. Your voice can be heard in God’s holy dwelling place, even in heaven (II Chr 30:27; Rev 5:8; 8:3-4). 8. Enjoy Psalm 18 as David described how God heard his prayers and came roaring to his rescue! For Further Study: 1. See “Rules for Effectual Prayer” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/bible-guidelines-for-effectual-prayer.pdf. 2. The sermon outline, “Prayer Is a Priority,” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/prayer-is-a-priority.pdf. 3. The sermon outline, “Wrestling with God,” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/wrestling-with-god.pdf. 4. The sermon, “Faith Like a Mustard Seed,” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/faith-like-a-mustard-seed.pdf. 5. The sermon, “When Life Is Hopeless,” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/when-things-seem-hopeless.pdf. 6. See, “Too Hard for the Lord?” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/is-anything-too-hard-for-the-lord.pdf. 7. The sermon outline, “Against All Odds,” … http://www.letgodbetrue.com/sermons/pdf/against-all-odds.pdf. 8. Naves Topical Bible on prayer … http://www.biblestudytools.com/concordances/naves-topical-bible/prayer.html. 9. The sermon outline, “The Bible and Prayer,” … is not yet in e-format for Internet or email delivery.