Presenter: Frank Kurz ANUBIS - CFAA

Z. The Building Code regulates where a fire alarm system is required, and its operation. The Installation Standard details how the devices are...

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Presenter: Frank Kurz

ANUBIS systems technologies

“Security for Life”

How to Help Your Boss With Hair Loss!

CFAA BC Chapter Technical Seminar April 15, 2015 – Vancouver, B. C.

THE BUILDING CODE Division B Parts 2 & 3

THE FIRE CODE Division B Part 6 Division C Part 2



FIRE ALARM/EVC SYSTEMS TESTING NBC Requirements NFC Requirements High Rise Testing Visual Inspection Supervision - Addressable versus Conventional End-of-Line Resistors Isolator Modules Stand-alone Capability Audibility Zoning & Annunciation CAN/ULC-S536 Appendix “E” Form CAN/ULC-S537 Appendix “C” Form

COMMUNICATORS Monthly Testing Requirements: CAN/ULC-S536 Periodic Testing Requirements: NFPA 25 Annual Testing Requirements: CAN/ULC-S536 Appendix “E” CAN/ULC-S561 Appendix “C” Acceptable Installations Acceptable Testing Agencies ULC’s Role: Shared Station Certificate Full Service Certificate



Design, Construction & Retrofit of Buildings: N Public Health & Safety N Fire Protection, and N Structural Sufficiency


l Architectural:

N Containment, fire resistance rating of the structure, and means of egress


N Automatic extinguishing systems, standpipe and hose systems, and smoke control/smoke removal systems


N Fire detection, alarm & suppression systems, exit and emergency lighting units, emergency power, voice communication systems and elevator operation

Division B, Part 2 of the Building Code Z

Provides the particular year or edition of the referenced Code or Standard that is to apply.


All parts of the system must be installed and must operate as intended by applicable Standards and all devices must be compatible and not restrict the operation of any other device.


CAN/ULC-S524 (The Installation Standard) details operational requirements for integrating systems with voice capability, how to operate ancillary devices, and power requirements for proper operation.


CAN/ULC-S524 (The Installation Standard) also specifies the need for certification of all devices and equipment and details the installation requirements pertaining to the various system components such as manual stations, detectors and signals.


CAN/ULC-S537 (The Verification Standard) ensures all components that make up a fire alarm system comply with CAN/ULC-S524 (The Installation Standard) and the DESIGN.


CAN/ULC-S1001 (The Commissioning Standard) ensures that all components that integrate the fire alarm system with the building’s related life safety systems complies with the objectives of the Building Code and the DESIGN.

Division B, Part 3 of the Building Code Aside from Section 3.2.4 (which deals specifically with Fire Alarm and Detection Systems), there are many requirements in other parts, sections, subsections or articles which have fire detection, alarm & suppression system requirements. Examples of Building Code Sections which must be referenced include: N Subsection Hold-Open Devices outlines requirements relating to door holdopen devices and their relationship with the Fire Detection, Alarm & Suppression system; N Subsection 3.1.9 Building Services in Fire Separations and Fire Rated Assemblies documents the requirements for maintenance of the integrity of required fire separations when electrical conduits must penetrate those fire separations; N Subsection 3.2.6 Additional Requirements for High Buildings calls for voice communications systems, central alarm and control facilities, and smoke control measures; N Article Emergency Power for Fire Alarm Systems; N Article Protection of Electrical Conductors


The Building Code regulates where a fire alarm system is required, and its operation. The Installation Standard details how the devices are installed.


The Building Code also details where automatic detection devices are required, the monitoring of sprinkler systems and where fire sprinklers can perform automatic fire detection for the fire alarm system.


The Building Code defines the need for signals, signal duration and offsite alarm transmission. The Installation Standard details their installation and interconnection.


The zoning of the system is defined in the Building Code as well as annunciation and the requirements for emergency voice communication systems. Installation & operation (including degraded operation of networked systems) is specified in the Installation Standard.

N The system must use only devices and components that have been inspected, tested and listed by a nationally recognized testing authority. In Canada this is Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC). N Fire alarm field devices must specifically be designed and manufactured in accordance with one of the several ULC Standards. N The application and installation of each device must meet the requirements of both the Building Code and the CAN/ULC-S524 Standard for the Installation of Fire Alarm Systems. N Installation materials and methods must follow applicable rules in the Canadian Electrical Code Part 1 Section 32 and related sections.


The installation must be Verified in accordance with CAN/ULC-S537 Standard For The Verification of Fire Alarm Systems, and Commissioned as part of an Integrated System


All work performed during these various stages, must be performed by qualified personnel.


No single source shall be involved in the design, installation and Verification of a fire alarm system.


IT IS VITAL THAT you ensure the Codes and Standards used in the design and installation of a life safety system are the ones currently referenced.

Referenced Standards: A CSA:

CAN/CSA-C282-05 – Emergency Electrical Power for Buildings Z32-04 – Electrical Safety and Essential Electrical Systems in Health Care Facilities B44-07 – Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators


CAN/ULC-S524-06 – Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems CAN/ULC-S536-04 – Standard for Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems CAN/ULC-S537-04 – Standard for Verification of Fire Alarm Systems CAN/ULC-S1001-11 – Standard for Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems CAN/ULC-S552-02 – Standard for Maintenance and Testing of Smoke Alarms CAN/ULC-S553-02 – Standard for Installation of Smoke Alarms CAN/ULC-S561-03 – Standard for Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems


Practice Guideline Stamp Guideline

Jurisdictional Authority Via Formal Bylaw or Bulletin

A City of Vancouver:

Bulletin 2003-009-EL Bulletin 2000-021-EL

ONSITE DOCUMENTATION Plans and Specifications Fire Alarm Riser Drawing Manufacturer’s Installation & Operating Instructions Verification Appendix “C” Report(s) Commissioning Report(s) Annual Appendix “E” Reports Fire Safety Plan Manual Monthly Test Reports

Building Code Requirements Reference Standards:

CAN/ULC-S537-04 Standard for Verification of Fire Alarm Systems

Z Verification

Appendix “C” Form

Z Commissioning


Vancouver Building Bylaw (VBBL)

Fire Code Requirements Reference Standard:

CAN/ULC-S536-04 Standard for Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems

o Periodic Testing



Z Annual Testing


Visual & Operational

Monthly Test Report

Appendix “E” Form

Fire Code Requirements Application 1) This Part includes requirements for the inspection, testing, maintenance, and operation of portable extinguishers, water-based fire protection systems, special extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, emergency electrical power supply systems, and emergency lighting. Appendix “A” contains wording that presupposes that the fire protection equipment “whether required by Code or voluntarily installed, will be designed in conformance with good fire protection engineering practice and will meet the appropriate installation requirements in the relevant Standards”.

Fire Code Requirements Division “C” Part 2 Administrative Provisions Records 1) Where this Code requires that tests, inspections, maintenance or operational procedures be performed on a fire safety system, records shall be made and the original or a copy shall be retained at the premises for examination by the authority having jurisdiction. 2) The initial verification or test reports for each system shall be retained throughout the life of the systems. 3) Records of tests, inspections, maintenance or operational procedures undertaken after the initial tests referred to in Sentence (2) shall be retained so that at least the current and immediately preceding records are available. 4) Notwithstanding the conditions stated in Sentence (3), no record shall be destroyed within two years of having been prepared.


the installation of smoke control measures, provision of areas of refuge, emergency operation of elevators, venting to aid fire fighting, additional sprinkler coverage, provision of a Central Alarm and Control Facility, provision of voice communication systems, and protection of electrical conductors.

What does the Testing Standard require you to do? What does ASTTBC’s Practice Guideline require you to do? What would a Life Safety Professional be expected to do?

Smoke & Fume Control

Where are you going to find this information?

B Building Plans and Specifications B Fire Safety Plan Manual







Calculating Battery Capacity! Supervisory Capacity:

0.740 Amps x 24

17.16 AH 4 x 6v-12AH



Supervision 5.7.11 Conventional Circuit End-of-Line Device Each input circuit end-of-line device shall be tested for open circuit fault, short circuit fault and ground fault conditions. The results shall be recorded in the Inspection Report. Each output circuit end-of-line device shall be tested for open circuit fault, short circuit fault and ground fault conditions. The results shall be recorded in the Inspection Report. Should you check the voltage while you’ve got the device down?

Addressable Systems

Addressable Devices

Addressable Systems Isolators!

Z Data Communications Loop DCL (Signal Line Circuit - SLC) Z Power Buss Z Audio Buss Z Signal Buss Z Suite Signal Isolators

Addressable Systems Isolators! Class “A” Circuit Installation ONLY ONE WIRE UNDER EACH TERMINAL SCREW + IN (from FACP or previous isolator) - IN (from FACP or previous isolator) + OUT (to devices in area) - OUT (to devices in area) IS THIS A “T” – TAP??

Addressable Systems Isolators!

Addressable Systems


Addressable Systems



STAND-ALONE CAPABILITY CAN/ULC-S537-13 Clause (it’s Clause in the “04” version) “Where fault isolation in data communication links is provided between control units or transponders, the field wiring shall be shorted between each pair of control units or transponders, in turn, annunciation of the fault confirmed and operation outside the shorted section confirmed.” Section 5.3 (it’s Section 4.3 in the “04” version) deals with the Verification requirements of Large Area Networks What is a Large Area Network? What’s the “magic number”? 1000 Devices!

STAND-ALONE CAPABILITY CAN/ULC-S536-13 Clause 6.6.3 (it’s 5.6.3 in the “04” version) Where fault isolation in data communication links is provided between control units or transponders and between transponders, introduce a short circuit fault and confirm annunciation of the fault and operation outside the shorted section between each pair of: A. Control unit to control unit; B. Control unit to transponder; and C. Transponder to transponder

Individual Device Testing Each enabled function/feature of the field device shall be tested and annunciation confirmed while connected to the control unit or transponder. All field devices shall be tested on a yearly basis, except in the event that a device cannot reasonably be made accessible for safety considerations (for example, continuous process operations, energized electrical equipment, radiation, and height), the device and its location shall be recorded and identified as “inaccessible” in the remarks column of the report similar to that shown in Appendix E3.2, Individual Device Record. The last test date shall also be recorded in the remarks column of E3.2. Those field devices identified as being inaccessible as noted in the remarks column of E3.2, shall be tested at least once every two years.

Individual Device Testing (Inaccessible Devices) Elevator Shaft Fire Detectors? Schedule testing on the same day as the Elevator Monthly Inspection! Insuite Signalling Appliances? Owner MUST arrange for access. THIS IS A BILLABLE EXTRA!! High heat detectors – What’s “high” and what’s considered “unsafely high”? What size ladder do you need? Is a man-lift required?

Is an audibility meter required? For a Verification? 150mm??

For an Annual Test? Required NBCC Audibility Levels: 65 dBA Minimum 10 dBA Above Ambient 75 dBA at the pillow At what level are VISUAL Devices Required? Ambient greater than 87 dBA

(in areas where hearing protection is required, in an audiometric booth, or inside a sound proof room)

AUDIBILITY CAN/ULC-S536-04 Each audible signal device and visible signal device shall be inspected and tested for operability, including the following functions, as applicable: A. Proper installation and tightness of shell or housing and evidence of tampering, such as physical obstruction of moving mechanical parts. B. … C. The audibility of the alert signal and/or alarm signal and of voice messages shall function as intended throughout the area served by the device. D. …

AUDIBILITY CAN/ULC-S536-04 Each audible signal device for use in suites of residential occupancy shall be inspected and tested for the following, as applicable: A. Proper installation and tightness of shell or housing and evidence of tampering or physical obstruction; B. … C. The audibility of the alert signal and/or alarm signal and of voice messages throughout the area served by the device. D. Silencing means provided for in-suite devices is accessible and clearly identified; and E. Operation of the switch silences in-suite signal(s).

INTELLIGIBLITY CIS – Common Intelligiblity Scale STI – Speech Transmission Index NBCC 2010 (BCBC 2012) Clause (2) “The voice communication system described in Clause (1)(b) shall be capable of broadcasting prerecorded, synthesized, or live messages with voice intelligibility meeting or exceeding the equivalent of common intelligibility scale score of 0.70 (See Appendix A)” Clause 1.10.1(C) of CAN/ULC-S537-13 states: “The intelligibility of voice messages shall function as intended throughout the area served by the device as specified in accordance with Section[2] of the National Building Code [CIS  0.70]. (Refer to Appendix C6.4, Signalling Device Intelligibility Measurement; and Appendix H, Intelligibility Measurements);”

Zoning & Annunciation

CAN/ULC-S536-04 APPENDIX “E” CAN/ULC-S537-04 APPENDIX “C” How many pages? What’s wrong with the ASTTBC Forms? - Formatting - Errors - MISSING!

COMMUNICATORS Verification Testing Requirements: CAN/ULC-S537 Monthly Testing Requirements: CAN/ULC-S536 Annual Testing Requirements: CAN/ULC-S536 Appendix “E” CAN/ULC-S561 Appendix “C” Acceptable Installations Acceptable Testing Agencies ULC’s Role




Z Certification of Installed Premises Equipment Z Certification of Installation Providers Z Certification of Monitoring Facilities Z Field Installation Inspection (Randomly Selected) Z Monitoring Facilities Inspection (Annually) Shared Station Certificate

Full Service Certificate

Issued to an installation where two separate agencies are involved:

Issued to an installation where the Monitoring Centre employs their own installers

Installation Provider Monitoring Centre

COMMUNICATORS What kind of certificate to submit? There are two options: 1. A document that is acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction, your local Building Official for new construction/installation and your Fire Official for existing buildings/installations. (This presupposes that they’re also willing to accept an

alternate individual or agency’s judgement!)

2. A ULC Protective Signalling System Certification – provided through ULC Listed Alarm Company. Companies that are certified to CAN/ULC-S561 can be found in our ULC Online Directory at and using the following ULC Category Codes:

DAYRC – CAN/ULC-S559-04 - Equipment DAYYC – CAN/ULC-S561-03 – Shared Installation Co. DAYIC – CAN/ULC-S561-03 – Shared and Full Service Fire Signal Receiving Centres Quoted From an article by Frank Donati and Alan Cavers in the March 2015 CFAA Journal

What makes a fire alarm technician a true LIFE SAFETY EXPERT? Adopt the principals of a professional Practice Guideline (such as the one published by ASTTBC)

READ THE BLOOMIN’ THING!!! Gain in Knowledge Remain Vigilant Never Compromise Your Integrity