Production & Marketing Management : ... Principles and Practice of Management - T.N.Chhabra, ... pdf Machine - is a pdf writer...

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PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT C.E.T. : 4.203 Sessionals : 30 Examination : 70

Periods per week : 4 Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs. Nature of Exam. : Theory.

Objectives: To give the basic concepts of management ( A brief study of some the topics) and application in areas like purchase, Finance, HRD, Production, and Marketing with reference to Chemical and Food Industries. UNIT - I Management definition, Administration Vs Management Principles and Functions of Management, levels of management - System and Contingency approach to management - steps in Planning - Forecasting methods - Decision making process - organization : Definition , Line, staff, functional and matrix type organization, span of control (Graicuna`s Formulae), Centralization Vs Decentralization. UNIT - II Coordination Vs Cooperation - Direction Vs Supervision - Communication : process, grapevine, networks and barriers of communication - Managerial grid, Theory of X, Y and Z; Job Enrichment Vs Job enlargement - Control process - Introduction to Personnel Management: Functions, staffing process, need fro HRD, Training & Development (TWI Programme) UNIT - III Measurement of Morale - Job Design -Industrial Relations: Human relation Vs Industrial relations, Trade Unionism, Industrial Unrest, Wage and Incentive concepts - Role of ILO - MIS in industry - Management of public enterprises. UNIT - IV Introduction to Financial Management : Sources of Finance, capital & its structure (CFS & FFS) Financial statements, cost sheet - Introduction to Purchase & Material management Purchasing objects and principles, types of purchasing, Vendor selection, rating, evaluation & Development - Inventory control, ABC analysis, stores organization and pricing of issues - concept of Warehousing. UNIT - V Production & Marketing Management : Types of Production, Quality control (Tools used), PPC, Maintenance management - Marketing management ; Definition and concept of marketing, functions of marketing, market research, Types of markets, Sales Forecasting and promotion - Pricing - Advertising Strategy - Product Identification - A brief note on International Marketing. Examination : One Question from each unit with internal choice. Reference Books: Principles and Practice of Management - T.N.Chhabra, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi (6th edition, 2000) Principles and Practice Management - L.M.Prasad, Sultan chand Publications, New Delhi (6th edition, 2001) pdfMachine - is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease! Get yours now! “Thank you very much! I can use Acrobat Distiller or the Acrobat PDFWriter but I consider your product a lot easier to use and much preferable to Adobe's" A.Sarras - USA