
New Delhi: Tata Psychology, 10th edition. Belmount: Wadsworth cengage Learning. Clinical Psychology. Carson, R.C., Butcher, J N., Mineka, S,. & Hooley...

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Cognitive Psychology Matlin. M.W. 2012. Cognition. 8th Edition: New Delhi: Wiley Global Education Kellogg, R.T 2003. Cognitive Psychology, 2nd edition. New Delhi: Sage publications

Social Processes Baron, R.A, Branscombe, N R, & Byrne, D, R. (2008) Social Psychology, 12th Edition. Myers, D.G. 2006. Social Psychology. 8th Edition. New Delhi: Tata
Biological Processes Kalat.J.W 2009 . Biological Psychology, 10th edition. Belmount: Wadsworth cengage Learning

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Health Psychology Brannon,L, & Feist . 2007. Health psychology . Sanfrancisco: Wadsworth

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