Recognition of Current Competence (RCC)

3 | P a g e What is Recognised Current Competence (RCC)? Recognised Current Competence or RCC is an alternate pathway to CPP accreditation. RCC...

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RCC | Overview & Portfolio Development Guide

Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) An Alternate Pathway to CPP Accreditation CPP Portfolio Development Guide

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Contents What is Recognised Current Competence (RCC)? .............................................. 3 Benefits of RCC? ................................................................................................. 3 How many units can I get recognition for?............................................................ 3 What units are available for recognition under RCC? ........................................... 3 What do I need to demonstrate to enroll in the RCC process? ............................. 3 What do I need to do? .......................................................................................... 4 How will my application be reviewed? .................................................................. 4 What happens if my RCC application is unsuccessful? ........................................ 4 Handy Hint ........................................................................................................... 5 The three steps to RCC........................................................................................ 6

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What is Recognised Current Competence (RCC)?

Recognised Current Competence or RCC is an alternate pathway to CPP accreditation. RCC recognises that learning can occur in ways other than formal education and training. RCC focuses on cumulative experience such as skills and knowledge developed through life or work experience. RCC offers you the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise within specific planning sectors by submitting a written application which is assessed against the core competencies of up to two CPP units and the undertaking of a minimum of two other CPP units. The Climate Change unit is mandatory as part of the RCC process.

Benefits of RCC?

 Speeds up the process of becoming a Certified Practising Planner  Avoids the problems of participants having to unnecessarily repeat learning experiences  Assesses the participants “current competency / skills” in comparison to the stated learning outcomes.

How many units can I get recognition for?

The RCC process provides recognition of up to two CPP Units. With a condition that Climate Change is a mandatory unit to be undertaken in addition to the two recognised units. Individuals must submit separate applications and fees for each unit you wish to send through the RCC assessment process but they can submit the applications at the same time.

What units are available for recognition under RCC? You may choose from the following units:  Economics of Development  Effective Communication, Negotiation & Mediation  Urban Design  Professional Ethics in Planning

What do I need to demonstrate to enroll in the RCC process? To be assessed under the RCC process you must:     

Be a current full financial member of the Planning Institute of Australia Be able to demonstrate a minimum of fifteen years planning experience Complete the application form and pay the required fee Write an application addressing the core competencies of up to two CPP units Have taken or be willing to take two CPP units, Climate Change being the mandatory unit

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What do I need to do?

Satisfactory completion of a unit requires an individual to demonstrate competence in relation to the competency criteria whilst asking that the participant:  Reflects on life experience  Applies learning to real situations, and  Engages with best practice and current issues RCC is all about self assessment and allows you to assess your strengths and weaknesses which in turn will help to determine whether you have the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience for assessment against a particular CPP unit. An individual wishing to gain CPP accreditation through the RCC process must provide documentary evidence of his or her prior experience against each individual CPP unit. The evidence must be:  Valid, directly related to the unit topic or stated course objective  Current, ideally no less than two years old and no more than five years old  Reliable, for example from a qualified source such as an employer or several documents demonstrating a similar outcome,  Sufficient, you must provide enough detail for an assessment to be made

How will my application be reviewed?

You are submitting an assessment against a specific CPP unit. The convenor of that specific CPP unit will review your application which will include:    

Reviewing your assessment and supporting documentation Considering the evidence provided against the competency criteria Ensuring you have adequately demonstrated competency in all aspects of the course unit If necessary, additional supporting documentation may be sought from the applicant.

What happens if my RCC application is unsuccessful?

If an RCC application does not contain the required evidence or written material, or the application does not demonstrate the required experience against the unit competencies; the application will be unsuccessful. Assessors may request the applicant to resubmit their application or to enroll into the selected CPP unit. The RCC fee is non-refundable.

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Handy Hint Write your assessment as you would a résumé: Reviewing your assessment should be easy for the unit convener and a well organized submission will demonstrate your competencies more effectively. Remember, you must address all of the required competencies, therefore be succinct and descriptive; avoid information that does not add to your claim, in general, quality is far better than quantity. You may find it helpful to use the STAR principle when responding to unit competency criteria. The Star Model offers a useful framework for providing enough detail in your responses and help you to stay on track. Briefly describe the background to give context to your example. Be specific in identifying the problem or challenge. Identify the task that you set out to accomplish. This might also highlight your strategy or thinking when coming up with a plan of action to respond to the challenge or problem. This step also should demonstrate exactly what skills and knowledge is required to attempt any action.

Describe your actions. What did you do specifically? Which skills, knowledge or attitude did you employ? If you were part of a team or project group, focus on what you did.

What happened as a direct result of your action/s? How did the event, project etc go? What was achieved? What was learned? How might you do things differently to improve the outcome next time? (If applicable)

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The three steps to RCC

Remember, your application is your opportunity to demonstrate your skills and expertise against a certain CPP unit without having to sit the course. Write your assessment  Complete the self assessment and evidence sheet for the unit  Organise your evidence and written submissions in order of each competency, and remember to refer to your résumé, job descriptions and other evidence as needed. Organise your assessment properly  Present your assessment in a professional manner so that the convener is able to accurately assess your lodgment.  Write a table of contents or bibliography.  Consider placing your assessment in a binder or folder and use tabs to separate the different competencies. Submit your assessment in hard copy  Submit a covering letter which should contain your PIA membership number,  Your “request for RCC Assessment form” along with the required fee or credit card details  A copy of your résumé which needs to demonstrate the minimum years planning experience to: Manager of Lifelong Learning Planning Institute of Australia PO Box 484 North Sydney, NSW 2059 If you have any questions you can reach the Manager of Lifelong Learning on 0451 680 992 or email [email protected].

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