RMA Annual eStatement Studies Users Guide – Manasota SCORE

RMA Annual eStatement Studies Users Guide – Manasota SCORE Prepared by: T Latimer, J Pfeiffer and J May 20 July 2010 RMA Annual Statement Studies is a...

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RMA Annual eStatement Studies Users Guide – Manasota SCORE Prepared by: T Latimer, J Pfeiffer and J May 20 July 2010

RMA Annual Statement Studies is available online on both PCs at the SCORE office. There is a link icon on the desktop – click on it to start the program. The first screen gives you search choices. You can use dropdowns, search words, or use the US Census database (click Find NAIC Code link) to find the NAIC code(s) for the business in question.

Click on the link and it opens a new window so you can search for the NAIC code. This code is the basis for the reports that you will get from the eStatement Studies.

Enter your search term to find the NAIC code.

Once you have found the number (Ann’s Nursery used as the example), write the number or highlight it and copy ( Ctrl-C) the number to the clipboard. Close the Census window and go back to the RMA page.

Enter or paste ( Ctrl-V) the NAICS number in the Search for an Industry field and click Go.

The industry segment should appear. Click on the FRB Sales tab. This is the data view that banks want to see, ratios related to company sales.

You can also pick the year and regions to narrow down the region if there is enough data to make good comparisons for your client’s business.

Bankers will generally use the SECOND year financial projections for comparisons to RMA data since year 1 is generally only a partial year. Also, bankers will compare the segment based on company size and the average of all business in their evaluation of the projected financials. Any variances need to be explained! Ann’s Nursery is <$1MM / year of sales in year 2.

You can click on Print button to get a hard copy of the data, but the text is small. However, the easiest way to work with all the data is to click the Export button to export to Excel so you can size text and columns to suit you use.

Once in Excel, you can delete columns you don’t want and rows that you will not need. For Ann’s Nursery, the data that you might use is shown below for a bank loan application evaluation.

Joe May has suggested the report elements, shown below, primarily the ratios, that would be used for the comparisons. For Assets, Liabilities, and Income categories, the values are % of the total category. Additional detail will be found on the P&L and Balance Sheet statements. Note: the numbers in brackets [ ] are the number of reports that may be less than the total of all reports received by RMA.

If the analysis is being prepared for investors, the following ratios should also be used. Title RATIOS % Profit before Taxes / Tangible Net Worth - upper % Profit before Taxes / Tangible Net Worth - median % Profit before Taxes / Tangible Net Worth - lower % Profit before Taxes / Total Assets - upper % Profit before Taxes / Total Assets - median % Profit before Taxes / Total Assets - lower

0-1MM 5.3 (11) -2.3 -78.3 1.5 -4.2 -15.0

All 22.3 (162) 7.6 -4.9 7.4 1.9 -3.9