Rube Goldberg Project Design a “Rube Goldberg”

Design a “Rube Goldberg”-style machine that uses at least 4 different types of simple machines to ... Squeeze juice from an orange Dust a table...

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Energy Project Due: December 8, 2014 (A Day) and December 9, 2014 (B Day) Rube Goldberg Project Design a “Rube Goldberg”-style machine that uses at least 4 different types of simple machines to accomplish one of the tasks listed below. Types of simple machines: levers, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, wedges, and wheel and axles. . Tasks: Water a plant Squeeze juice from an orange Dust a table Dispense hand sanitizer Hammer a nail Requirements: You must use at least 4 different types of simple machines, but may use as many of each as needed. (For example, you may use 3 levers, 2 pulleys, 2 screws, and 1 inclined plane.) 

You need at least 5 steps that must take place before the task is accomplished

Must be neatly drawn and labeled using ABC’s to show order of steps from start to finish.

Do not use lined paper. Use construction paper/computer paper/drawing paper.

Explanation of how the machine will work and what task it will accomplish in at least 10 sentences.

Grading: 1) 1 point for each type of simple machine = 4 points

5) 10 points for the explanation (1 point per sentence)

2) 1 point for each step = 5 points

6) 5 points for presentation to class

3) 1 point for labeling the steps = 5 points.

7) 10 points for being turned in on time.

4) 1 point for not using lined paper

Bonus: If you actually make your Rube Goldberg Project, video tape it working, or show a combination of pictures showing it working then I will replace your lowest quiz grade for 2ndquarter with your project grade.

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