Download School of Accountancy Journal List. Category I Journals. Accounting, Organizations and Society*. Contemporary Accounting Research*. Journal...

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School of Accountancy Journal List Category I Journals Accounting, Organizations and Society* Contemporary Accounting Research* Journal of Accounting and Economics* Journal of Accounting Research* Review of Accounting Studies* The Accounting Review* Accounting Horizons* Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory* Behavioral Research in Accounting* Journal of Accounting and Public Policy* Journal of Accounting Literature* Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance* Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting* Journal of Information Systems* Journal of Management Accounting Research* Journal of the American Taxation Association* National Tax Journal* Abacus Accounting and Business Research Accounting and the Public Interest Advances in Accounting Advances in Taxation International Journal of Accounting Information Systems International Journal of Auditing Issues in Accounting Education Journal of Accounting Education Management Accounting Research Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management Research in Accounting Regulation Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Category II Journals Other reputable peer-reviewed journals Notes: • Elite journals are italicized. • Preferred journals, which should be targeted for promotion and tenure purposes, are denoted with an asterisk (*). • Journals and categories are subject to change. Published research in journals not on the list will be evaluated periodically by the faculty for inclusion. • A publication in a journal of another discipline will be valued based on the relevant Auburn University department’s evaluation of the journal.