Scope of Services Traffic Signal Retiming Contract

Scope of Services Traffic Signal Retiming Contract ... Section 3.6 of the Florida Traffic Engineering ... Submit scope of services and fee estimates f...

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Scope of Services Traffic Signal Retiming Contract FM NO. 230017-8-32-01 Florida Department of Transportation District Four


Contents 1.

Background ........................................................................................................................................... 3


Summary of Services ............................................................................................................................. 3


Consultant Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 4 a.

Project Manager Minimum Requirements and Responsibilities ...................................................... 4


Specific Tasks and Deliverables ......................................................................................................... 5


Arterial Location Review Meetings ................................................................................................... 7


Draft Timing Report Meeting (if necessary/repeat as neEDED) ....................................................... 7


Final Timing Report Meeting (if necessary) ...................................................................................... 8


Progress Meetings............................................................................................................................. 8


Data Collection Services .................................................................................................................... 8


Department Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 9


Initiation & Length of Services .............................................................................................................. 9


1. BACKGROUND The purpose of this contract is the development and implementation of new signal timing plans that enhance mobility on arterial roadways. This includes updating the yellow and all-red clearance times per Section 3.6 of the Florida Traffic Engineering Manual. This contract’s effort includes, but is not limited to, the development of traditional signal retiming plans (where needed), non-traditional TSM&O style signal retiming efforts, context sensitive timing plans, work zone mobility, bridge and railroad preemption timing plans, signal performance metrics, special events, some aspects of connected vehicles, and other tasks as directed by the Department. This contract will be a task work order driven contract that will allow the Department to issue work as needed.

2. SUMMARY OF SERVICES The purpose of this project is to provide data collection services and traffic signal retiming engineering services, including before and after studies if needed. The CONSULTANT will be required to work on project specific tasks issued via work orders. The signal retiming engineering service work may require and include data collection services. The CONSULTANT is expected to advise the Department of data collection needs for the development of new signal timing plans. The signal retiming engineering services will include the efforts to develop and/or evaluate signal timing plans that improve traffic flow, reduce delay and stops on the State Highway System while adhering to the procedures and standards found in the Florida Traffic Engineering Manual and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Studies. The scope of the signal retiming services is broadly divided into seven different categories (1) context sensitive signal timing, (2) work zone management, (3) bridge and railroad preemption timing, (4) special events, (5) public complaints/requests, (6) upcoming TSM&O retiming efforts (signal performance metrics and connected vehicles), and (7) other work as directed by the Department. The 7 categories of this contract may require either partial retiming, full retiming, or both depending on the work needed. Full retiming will require development of a full set of optimized timing parameters including cycle length, splits, and offsets. Partial retiming will utilize existing cycle lengths but will evaluate existing splits and offsets and make adjustments as needed to improve traffic flow and safety. The CONSULTANT will be responsible for evaluating all of the State roadways requested for improvements in all retiming categories. The CONSULTANT will make recommendations for plan development and, if approved, will be developed by the CONSULTANT staff. The CONSULTANT will be responsible for working with the local agencies to identify the causes of congestion and will be responsible for coming up with signal timing plans for mitigating these causes through the above mentioned categories. Needed improvements will be recommended by the CONSULTANT to the Department and the signal maintaining agencies for evaluation and approval. Data requirements and a plan for obtaining this data will be included in these recommendations. If data collection services are required and approved, separate task work orders will be issued. Improvements may also be developed and implemented through A-3

separate work orders at the Department’s discretion, including before and after studies if needed. Anticipated activities may include data collection, micro simulation modeling, signal timing plan development, and plan refinement. The Consultant is expected to coordinate with the Department and local agencies in order to avoid duplicating any other signal retiming efforts. In addition, the Department is required to use this contract to help it achieve its goal of retiming all coordinated traffic signals every 3 years and all uncoordinated traffic signals will be retimed every 5 years. The CONSULTANT is to continually coordinate with District staff to ensure that all eligible efforts associated with this contract are tracked and are providing substantial support to the Department in meeting this goal.

3. CONSULTANT REQUIREMENTS The CONSULTANT shall provide qualified technical and professional personnel to perform the assigned tasks and responsibilities. The personnel will be expected to abide by the Department standards and procedures when fulfilling their responsibilities. The Consultant shall be qualified by the Department to perform the following types of work: Major Work Types: 6.1 Traffic Engineering Studies 6.2 Traffic Signal Timing; Minor Work Types: 6.3.1 Intelligent Transportation Systems Analysis and Design The CONSULTANT shall designate a full-time Project Manager who shall respond to all authorizations for services under this Contract. The signal timing engineers shall be approved by the Project Manager. Any changes in the Project Manager identified by the CONSULTANT shall be subject to review and approval by the Department in writing before performing any billable services. All personnel requests must be accompanied by an up-to-date resume which shall include all required licenses, certifications and description of the duties the individual being proposed will be responsible for.

PROJECT MANAGER MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES The CONSULTANT Project Manager shall have knowledge of and/or experience in planning, design, development, implementation and operation of a transportation management system that focuses on a multimodal (cars, transit, commercial vehicles) network comprised of arterial and freeway segments. The CONSULTANT Project manager shall possess the following qualifications:  

Good leadership and interpersonal skills. Knowledge of existing and future transportation system management and operation strategies and technologies. A-4

      

Knowledge of traffic signal timing and retiming. Knowledge of traffic adaptive responsive signal control. Knowledge of traffic data collection, analysis and reporting techniques. Knowledge of communication network principles. Knowledge in transit and freight operations. Ability to communicate effectively in writing and in words to a variety of audiences. Good time management skills.

The CONSULTANT Project Manager is not required to be a Professional Engineer. In the event that a document needs to be signed and sealed, the CONSULTANT Project Manager will be responsible for providing a qualified P.E. to fulfill this requirement. The CONSULTANT’s Project Manager shall be responsible for the general management, oversight, quality control and administration of contract activities and support personnel. The CONSULTANT Project Manager shall ensure that the requirements of the contract are met on a daily basis at all times and that the task deliverables are in accordance with the contract, protocols and policies. The responsibilities include, but are not limited to:       

Provides oversight of all work performed under this contract Provide staff and resources for all tasks and activities throughout the duration of the contract Follows the direction set by Department’s Project Manager or designee. Performs project related assignments to include the planning, organizing, and developing of complicated tasks as assigned by the Department. Direct oversight of project professionals and staff. Direct the training of workers to improve performance and acquaint workers with contract requirements, policies and procedures. Recommends changes, reviews progress, and approves work products.

SPECIFIC TASKS AND DELIVERABLES 1. Kickoff meeting A Kickoff Meeting will be held between the CONSULTANT Project Manager and the Department Project Manager within two weeks of contract execution. Meeting Action items:  Finalize invoice format, project schedule and monthly status report format  Discuss task work order scope of services  Identify critical project tasks  Define project milestones 2. Interim Action Items: a) Submit monthly progress reports and invoices for this contract to the District’s Project Manager. b) Submit scope of services and fee estimates for task work orders including: Conduct network evaluation for candidate locations for signal retiming (this includes updating all traffic signal to the new yellow and all-red clearance times), considering: i) Recurring congestion events (1) Meet with the Department and maintaining agencies for initial input A-5

(2) Obtain and evaluate weekday and weekend travel time, speed, throughput performance, to determine where recurring congestion dynamic signal timing patterns are feasible (3) Prioritize and submit to the Department and maintaining agencies approval for the candidate locations/segments for dynamic signal retiming plans and other types of retiming plans ii) Non-recurring congestion events (1) Meet with Department and maintaining agencies for initial input (2) Prioritize and submit to the Department and maintaining agencies approval for the candidate locations/segments for dynamic signal retiming plans and traditional retiming plans iii) Collect existing physical data for SYNCHRO (or VISSIM) base model and condition diagrams iv) Work with the Department Project Manager on issuing work orders for collecting turning movement count data (as needed) v) Collect existing signal timing sheets vi) Develop design turning movement counts vii) Code SYNCHR (or VISSIM) simulation of existing conditions viii) Develop timing improvement recommendations ix) Develop signal timing plans and program into signal system software for implementation x) Fine tune signal timing plans xi) Develop performance thresholds for TMC Operators to activate and deactivate dynamic signal timing plans. If a plan was approved to be developed when an operator is not present, such as on the weekends or outside of the hours for arterial operations, recommendations for how the Department and the signal maintaining agency can implement without physically being at the TMC will be made. xii) Attend all necessary meetings xiii) Agency Coordination: must communicate with any Counties, Cities, FDOT departments and other municipalities that are contained within the project scope. Also note any other agencies that may be affected by the scope of work and project locations. xiv) Coordinate with the Department, maintaining agencies, and Cities (as needed) to collect all information needed to successfully assess and implement new signal timing plans. Examples of the data to be collected and used in this project include: (1) Speed, Throughput, and Travel time statistics (from the ATMS and other sources) (2) Travel time data collection to be facilitated by use of Bluetooth devices (3) Crash statistics (side swipe and rear end crashes) (4) Occupancy (5) Scheduled special events (6) Known bottleneck locations (7) Special project information, including the following types/actual projects: (a) Transit Signal Priority projects (b) Transit Queue Jump projects (c) All Aboard Florida (d) WAVE Street Car (e) I-95 Express (f) Other related projects A-6

ARTERIAL LOCATION REVIEW MEETINGS Frequency: Meetings to be held via teleconference with the signal maintaining agencies and the Department on a regular basis as arterial evaluations are completed. The CONSULTANT will prepare the agenda for all meetings and provide all materials and handouts for discussion (as necessary). Subsequent to each meeting The CONSULTANT will prepare meeting minutes and a list of “action items” developed and assigned at that meeting and distribute these items to the meeting attendees and others as directed by the Department. Subtask Products: 1. Technical Meeting Agenda 2. Technical Meetings Minutes 3. Project “Action Items” Listings Meeting Action Items: 1. Discuss arterial review and prioritization process 2. Finalize locations for dynamic signal retiming plan and traditional timing plan development 3. Discuss and evaluate timing improvement recommendations, including estimated and measured benefits Interim Action Items: (All project intersections) 1. Develop dynamic signal timing improvements 2. Prepare and submit Draft Data Analysis and Documentation Report 3. Submit timing coding forms

DRAFT TIMING REPORT MEETING (IF NECESSARY/REPEAT AS NEEDED) Action Items: (All project intersections) 1. Discuss results of Data Analysis and Documentation Report and suggest revisions (if needed) Interim Action Items: 1. Submit revised Synchro (or VISSIM) output (if requested) 2. Develop timing improvement recommendations 3. Implement new system timings in cooperation with the Maintaining Agencies (if required per arterial) 4. Implement and document new controller timing parameters if necessary (if required per arterial) 5. Fine tune timing plans in the field (if required per arterial). The CONSULTANT shall provide their own vehicle and resources to perform the necessary work. 6. Conduct arterial review and ‘Before’ travel time and delay evaluations 7. Summarize ‘Before’ travel time and delay evaluation data (if required per arterial) 8. Conduct ‘After’ travel time runs (if required per arterial) 9. Prepare and submit final project report For the dynamic signal timing plans, the ‘Before’ data shall be collected during and or after the prioritization process. The ‘After’ data may be more difficult to collect if the event is non-recurring. A A-7

period of 30 days will be observed and if the event the plan was designed for does not occur, the ‘After’ benefits can be estimated upon Department approval.

FINAL TIMING REPORT MEETING (IF NECESSARY) Action Items: (All project intersections) 1. Discuss ‘BEFORE/AFTER’ travel time improvements (if required per arterial) 2. Discuss final project report contents

PROGRESS MEETINGS Frequency: Meetings to be held via teleconference or in person with the FDOT Project Manager and the CONSULTANT Project manager on a monthly or bi-weekly basis determined by the FDOT Project manager. The progress meetings shall address, as a minimum three areas: 1. Timing Implementation Progress: This includes all significant implementation progress; summarize problem(s) encountered and resolution(s). 2. Contract Progress: A project schedule or CPM chart shall be developed and delivered to the Department for review and approval no later than thirty (30) days after Notice to Proceed has been given. The project schedule shall be updated in each status report. The schedule shall address work activities by task and Subtask. Contract work shall not be authorized prior to Department approval of the entire Status Report format. A fiscal schedule shall be developed by the Consultant and updated in each status report. The schedule shall provide a summary of money expended on this contract by Task and Subtask to “budget values” and “percent work complete”. The schedule shall include anticipated and actual billing costs to the Department for payment of work on this contract. 3. Management: Document, for the reported period, all significant variations from the project schedule and the reason for these variations. This includes all significant management and coordination problems encountered, and all resolutions.

DATA COLLECTION SERVICES The CONSULTANT shall provide data collection services as needed. This includes turning movement counts/approach counts, speed studies, travel time studies, and pedestrian counts. All turning movement counts shall reflect seasonal traffic volumes; whether such volumes are directly measured in the field or expansion factors are used. The seasonal expansion factors to be used can be obtained from the FDOT Planning Office. All count forms prepared by the CONSULTANT to record the data for this task shall be neat and legible. All submitted count data shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida. For each intersection location the CONSULTANT shall provide one copy each to the Department and the Signal Maintaining Agencies for review:   

Vehicle movement raw field data Summary of vehicle movements Pedestrian volumes and crossing activity for all intersection approaches

The CONSULTANT shall include options for collecting this data through the use of Intelligent Transportation System devices, such as temporary deployments of Probe Sensors, Vehicle Detection A-8

equipment and video analytics. If needed, as part of the before and after studies, travel times should be determined by the use of Bluetooth/Wi-Fi or other technologies or strategies as directed by the DEPARTMENT. The CONSULTANT shall provide this type of data collections services as well.

4. DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITIES The Department will be responsible for the following:  Assist in the development of an attendee’s list, respond within one week to requests from the CONSULTANT for meetings, and actively participate in all meetings.  Send the CONSULTANT copies of all correspondence, materials, information or data directed to others if that information is related to work in this contract and appropriate for the project files.  Review and provide comments on the submitted proposed locations for signal retiming effort.  Respond to the CONSULTANT’s request to modify the turning movement counts collection times, and will review and provide comments on the submitted seven (7) days 24-hour approach counts submitted by the CONSULTANT. If upon revision, it is found that some intersections might need recounting, the CONSULTANT will have two (2) weeks to count and resubmit data.  Review the timing data as presented for implementation into the computerized signal system. The Department will review the Modification Report submitted by the CONSULTANT. If not approved the CONSULTANT has two (2) weeks to resubmit the revised report.  Provide data from the ATMS as requested by the CONSULTANT. The ATMS in Broward County can provide speed, volume, travel time and Origin/Destination. The ATMS in Palm Beach County can provide speed, travel time, some volumes, and Origin/Destination.

5. INITIATION & LENGTH OF SERVICES Services to be provided by the CONSULTANT will be initiated and completed as directed by the Department’s Project Manager or designee for each assignment authorized under this contract. Such specific assignments shall be clearly defined by a Task Work Order which shall document the specific work to be performed, the products and services to be provided, the assigned staffing, the task schedule, the task cost, and method of compensation. The initial term for this contract is two years.
