Syniverse Porting GUI

What is the Syniverse Porting GUI? 3 ... Ported NBR. If submitting a ... 7678 For questions about accessing the Porting GUI contact...

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Syniverse Porting GUI


What is the Syniverse Porting GUI?  Secure way to quickly and easily submit port requests and supplements to a Syniverse WLNP Service Bureau or Clearinghouse customer.  Access to more than 90 different carriers with more than 100 SPIDs.  Used to submit either simple or complex port requests to wireless carriers  »NPDI = B, wireless to wireline  »NPDI = A, wireless to wireless

 Used to check status of port requests sent to a Syniverse WLNP Service Bureau or Clearinghouse customer.


Benefits  TP GUI brings a faster response and an easier porting process.  Enter just the data that wireless carriers need to produce a response.  Porting form makes it easy to create and submit requests.  Basic validations completed by system before submitting your request so time is saved troubleshooting mistakes.


Accessing the System


Logging In To MySyniverse


First Time Logging In


Change Your Password


MySyniverse Home Page Select the LNP Tab to access the Porting GUI



To learn how to use the LNP GUI review the Syniverse Porting GUI training guide

Access online Help, download a pdf file, or contact the Syniverse Port Center


Create a New Port Request If you have more than one SPID click the “Select SPID” link

From the dropdown box choose your company SPID for which you are submitting the port request for. Then click the “Select” button


Required Fields


Required Fields – NPDI = A (wireless to wireless)  

Supplement Type Request Number (format: NNSPIYYJJJXXXXXX)  

 

Version ID 

NNSP = your SPID I = any number from “0” to “9”, corresponding to the “system” sending the request – you can use ‘0’ since your submitting the request manually. YY = the year in 2-digit format (e.g. “10”) JJJ = Julian Date, which is the number of the day of the year , “001” through “366”.  January 29th = Julian date “029”  June 14th = Julian date “165” XXXXXX = a sequential number so the request is unique .This portion of the request number can be 1-6 digits long.


unique number for each version of request (don’t skip though) Must be 00 when sending an Initial Port Request

SSN/Tax ID or OLSP’s Account Number for subscriber 

Beginning 2/29/16 SSN/Tax ID, if submitted, must be 4 numeric digits only (e.g. 1234)

Required Fields – NPDI = A (wireless to wireless) cont…  

  

Old Network Service Provider Desired Due Date & Time (format: MM/DD/YY HH:MM) Implementation Contact Phone Zip Code Ported TN(s)


Required Fields – NPDI = B (wireless to wireline)  

Supplement Type Request Number (a.k.a. PON) (when using letters please Capitalize) Version ID 

OLSP’s Account Number or SSN/Tax ID for subscriber 

    

Must be 00 when sending an Initial Port Request

Beginning 2/29/16 SSN/Tax ID, if submitted, must be 4 numeric digits only (e.g. 1234)

Old Network Service Provider Desired Due Date & Time (format: MM/DD/YY HH:MM) Implementation Contact Phone Zip Code Ported TN(s)


Add Ported TN(s) After completing required fields, select the Number Portability Details box to add your Ported TN(s)

Select “Add” button and enter the Ported NBR. If submitting a multi-line request, click the “Add” button a second time. When complete click the X to close the box.

If not entering 2nd, 3rd, 4th, (etc.) TN remove the blank entry by clicking on the trash can.


Enter Email Address (Optional)

If you would like your response delivered to an address other than the default address provided to Syniverse enter the information in the Email Address field.


Submit Port Request

After entering all required information click the Submit button


Validation Errors

Any required fields that are missing of filled out incorrectly will cause a Validation Error. A notice will appear identifying which required fields were missing or filled out incorrectly. Simply correct the specified fields and click the Submit button again.


Port Request Results Upon successfully submitting your port request you will receive this message.

Click Create Port Request to submit another request or exit the system


Creating a Supplemental Request Click the “Create Sup Request” link

Click the “Create Sup Request” link

Enter the Request Number/PON or Ported TN exactly how you entered it on the initial request and click “Submit” 20

Select Supplement Type Select the Supplement Type from the drop down box


Update & Sup Request

Update, correct or add data in fields as necessary, enter information into the Remarks field and click “Sup Request” 22

Supplemental Request Results

Upon successfully submitting your supplemental request you will receive this message.


Requesting a Port Status Click the “Port Status” link

Enter the Request Number/PON or Ported TN Enter the NNSP and ONSP Click “Submit” *Note: Enter the Request Number/PON using all Capital Letters and the Ported TN must be entered without dashes (ex. 9901074111)


Port Status Results The most current version of your request will be displayed along with the response from your Trading Partner if it has been received

To receive an email with your response enter a valid email address or addresses and click Submit 25

Email Response


Help  Help is available on the LNP Tab by clicking the link, “For Help, please click here”.  For questions about submitting a Port Request or getting a response contact the Syniverse Port Center at 1-888-3387678  For questions about accessing the Porting GUI contact Syniverse Customer Support at 1-800-892-2888 or email at [email protected].


Q&A Q: How do I get responses? A: Your responses will arrive the same way they do today. So, if you currently send LSRs and receive responses (FOCs/Rejects) via e-mail you will still receive the responses via e-mail to the same address you get them at today. If you send and receive via fax then the responses will come to your fax number in use today. Q: How do I handle fall out? A: If you submit a request and receive a Reject it means your request failed data validation at the wireless carrier. Usually this means the phone number and validation data (account number, password/PIN, or social security/tax ID) in the request did not match the phone number and comparable data in the old service provider’s customer record database. To resolve this issue you will create and submit a supplemental request and send it to Syniverse via TP GUI.


Q&A Q: Who can use it? A: Any fax-based wireless, or wireline or VoIP carrier can ask for access to the Porting GUI. Once the carrier has been set up for access, any authorized user of that company can submit a request (a user is authorized by the company administrator). Q: Why doesn’t its data entry form look like an LSR? Where are the other fields normally on a LSR? A: To increase the speed of data entry you need to enter only those fields required for Syniverse to create a valid wireless port request. There is no need to enter other data from an LSR that is not needed in a wireless port request. Q: Does it work for port outs from my carrier (NPDI = “C”)? A: No, not at this time. Syniverse will continue to port requests to you as we do today (email, fax, EDI or your GUI). You will still send responses to us as you do today.


Q&A Q: How secure is the Porting GUI? A: Syniverse takes data safety and security very seriously. Without a matching and valid user ID and password a user cannot log into MySyniverse. MySyniverse provides HTTPS-based security and infrastructure for all Syniverse web-based application interfaces. When a user logs into MySyniverse the user’s log in ID is tied to a company ID number and SPID that provides the user access to only authorized applications (in the case of most wireline carriers this will only be the Porting GUI). Also, since the User ID is tied to a company number they are only able to submit requests from that company and its SPID(s).