The Board Report HAMPT ON H

Personnel Report The Board voted on the following items as part of the special voting session under Personnel: • The Board approved Mr. Joshua Cable, ...

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The Board Report



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Disclaimer: The Board Report is a synopsis of the Hampton Township School Board meetings and is not intended as a replacement for any official Board minutes.

~ A Tradition of Excellence ~ The Hampton Township Board of School Directors Bryant Wesley II, Esq. Mrs. Mary Alice Hennessey Mr. Robert Shages Ms. Denise Balason Mrs. Pamela Lamagna Mrs. Gail Litwiler Mr. Lawrence Vasko Mr. Greg Stein Mrs. Cathy Lueers

Board President Board Vice President/Student Affairs Chair Board Treasurer/Policy & Legislative Affairs Chair Board Secretary/Facilities Chair Personnel Chair Educational Programs Chair Finance Chair Technology Chair Transportation Chair

** Denotes members participating via teleconference call/video. *Denotes members not in attendance.

Members of Administration in Attendance Dr. Michael Loughead Superintendent of Schools Dr. Rebecca Cunningham Assistant Superintendent of Schools Mr. Jeff Kline Director of Administrative Services Mr. Rick Farino Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds Mr. Ed McKaveney Technology Director Ms. Tammi Kinzel Manager of Accounting Ms. Shari Berg Public Relations Consultant Mrs. Marlynn Lux Hampton Middle School Principal Mr. Joshua Cable Hampton High School Assistant Principal Mr. Michael Silbaugh Hampton Middle School Assistant Principal

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Special Voting Meeting Personnel Report The Board voted on the following items as part of the special voting session under Personnel: • The Board approved Mr. Joshua Cable, as the Assistant Principal at Hampton High School, effective August 1, 2017 (pending activation of Pennsylvania certification). Salary is $88,000, pro-rated. Mr. Cable is replacing Dr. Stephen Pellathy. Discussion: The Board welcomed Mr. Cable, who was present in the audience. • The Board approved Dr. Roberta Good, to continue as Acting Assistant Principal at Hampton Middle School, from July 1, 2017 through a date TBD, effective July 1, 2017. • The Board approved Mr. Michael Silbaugh as the Assistant Principal at Hampton Middle School, effective date TBD. Salary is $88,000, pro-rated. Mr. Silbaugh is replacing Mrs. Marlynn Lux’s former position. Discussion: The Board welcomed Mr. Silbaugh, who was present in the audience.

Work Session Meeting Public Comment The Board provides the opportunity for members of the public to address the Board about issues appearing on the agenda, as well as issues affecting the District. In accordance with Policy No. 903, individuals wishing to address the Board will be asked to state their name, address and group affiliation, if applicable. Mr. Wesley announced there would be a second public comment period following the meeting. • Mark Farabaugh inquired as to why the wording changes (e.g. “organizational” versus “separate” bank account) that were discussed in regards to Policy 915 in June are not included in the copy of the policy for this evening. Dr. Cunningham noted the wording changes that he referenced. • An elementary parent inquired about the differences in class caps for fourth and fifth grade and how staffing decisions were made given the class sizes. Dr. Loughead replied that although our administrative regulations do not specify a fifth grade cap; however, the district has made the decision to cap the fifth grade classes at Central and Wyland to ensure no additional growth in the fifth grade class sizes. Any new fifth grade students who register at Central or Wyland going forward will be required to attend Poff for the 2017-2018 school year.

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Personnel Report

RESIGNATIONS: • Accept the resignation of Mrs. Virginia Impavido, who is retiring after 23 years with the District, effective June 30, 2017. Mrs. Impavido was a Cook/Baker at Wyland Elementary School. • Accept the resignation of Mr. Walt Baer, who is resigning after 7 years with the District, effective July 21, 2017. Mr. Baer was a 12 month/8 hours per day Custodian at Wyland Elementary School. • Accept the resignation of Ms. Maria Frantz, who is resigning after 2 years with the District, effective August 4, 2017. Ms. Frantz was a Class 1-D Paraprofessional. • Accept the resignation of Ms. Nicole Goldstein, who is resigning after 2 years with the District, effective August 17, 2017. Ms. Goldstein is an Academic Support Math Teacher at Hampton High School. • Accept the resignation of Mrs. Mary Kate Parry, who is resigning after 5 years with the District, effective August 3, 2017. Mrs. Parry was a Class 1-D Paraprofessional at Wyland Elementary School. Discussion: Mrs. Lamagna asked if the Board could assume that all positions would be replaced, and Dr. Cunningham said the positions currently are under review to determine need. TEACHERS: • Approve Ms. Dejana Smajic as a TPE Middle School English Teacher, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is Step-1 Master’s, $46,138. (Ms. Smajic is replacing Mrs. Jill Cole (LTS last year was Ms. Elizabeth Swartzwelder). • Approve Mrs. Rachel Zang as a TPE Grade 4 Elementary Teacher at Wyland Elementary School, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is Step-1, Bachelor’s, $43,888. Mrs. Zang is in a newly-created contract position. • Approve Mrs. Tamara Ammon as a Long-Term Substitute Grade 1 Teacher at Poff Elementary School for the 2017-2018 School Year, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is $30,500. (Ms. Ammon is a LTS class-size reduction teacher.) • Approve Ms. Nina Griffith as a Long-Term Substitute Grade 4 Teacher at Poff Elementary School for the 2017-2018 School Year, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is $30,500. (Ms. Griffith is a LTS class-size reduction teacher.) • Approve Mrs. Dena Finnegan as a Long-Term Substitute Grade 1 Teacher at Central Elementary School for the 2017- 2018 School Year, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is $30,500. (Mrs. Finnegan is a substitute for Mrs. Julia Walls.) PARAPROFESSIONALS/SECRETARIES: • Approve a change in status for Mrs. Kim Gally, from a 2 hour per day Class 1-B Paraprofessional at Central Elementary School, to a 7 hour per day Class 1-B Paraprofessional at Hampton High School, effective August 18, 2017. There is no change in hourly rate. (Mrs. Gally is replacing Mrs. Lisa DeKort’s position.) • Approve Mrs. Jennifer Matelan as a Class 1-D Paraprofessional at Poff Elementary School, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is $16.77 for the 60-day probationary period and $17.02 per hour thereafter. (Mrs. Matelan is replacing Mrs. Marlene Kerestes.) • Approve Ms. Makenzie Yuschak as a Class 1-D Paraprofessional at Hampton Middle School, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is $15.73 per hour for the 60-day probationary period and $15.98 per hour thereafter. (Ms. Yuschak is replacing Ms. Diana Lawry.) • Approve Ms. Lisa Vulakovich as a Class 1-D Paraprofessional at Central Elementary School, effective August 18, 2017. Salary is $16.77 for the 60-day probationary period and $17.02 per hour thereafter. (Ms. Vulakovich is replacing Mrs. Janice Wildy.) The Board Report

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OTHER: • Approve Mr. Joshua Kellogg as a Network Administrator for the District, effective August 1, 2017. Salary is $60,000, pro-rated. (Mr. Kellogg is replacing Mr. Alan Smith.) CUSTODIANS: Approve the following 2017-2018 Night Lead custodial positions:

Name Randy Yester Doug Huber John Glock Wayne Lavery Joseph Petrovich Sam Endlich

Building HHS HHS/3rd shift HMS Central Poff Wyland

2017-18 Hourly Rate $23.56 $23.44 $23.50 $22.44 $23.44 $23.44

• Approve Mr. Joseph Bayer and Mr. Tim Schogren as the Certified Pool Operators for the District for the 20172018 School Year, at an annual stipend of $200 each. • Approve Mr. Joseph Bayer and Mr. Tim Schogren as the Certified Public Pesticide Applicators for the District for the 2017-2018 School Year, at an annual stipend of $200 each. Discussion: Mrs. Litwiler asked for clarification on these positions, and Mr. Kline said the District is required contractually to fill these positions. • Approve Ms. Renee Watterson to continue as the 10 month/40 hour per week District-wide Custodial Substitute for the 2017-2018 School Year. • Approve the /Coach Supplemental positions for the 2017-2018 School Year, at a rate of $130 per point, as listed on the agenda. FOR BOARD DISCUSSION: • Proposed Revisions and Update to the Non-Tenured Act 93 Agreement (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2018). Discussion: There was no Board discussion at this time. Dr. Loughead said the substance of the agreement has not changed. The revisions involve only the clarification of text related to a few positions. Board members asked for an update on the positions still needing to be filled for the 2017-2018 school year. Dr. Cunningham said she was very pleased with the progress made this summer to find outstanding people, and noted that the following positions still are in the process of being filled: Reading Specialist, HS Social Studies, Academic Support for English and Math, two long term subs, several building substitutes, and a few I-B and I-D positions. She anticipates filling all of the positions soon so that the district is fully staffed by the opening of school.

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Technology Report

• None at this time. OLD BUSINESS • None at this time. NEW BUSINESS • Student Device (1:1) Initiative Update Discussion: Dr. Loughead said the new devices are here, and arrived sooner than the District had anticipated. The devices currently are being prepared by the Technology Department for distribution in October. He also noted that a team of teachers from the grades receiving devices this year, led by Dr. Cunningham, worked toward establishing goals for best practices that involve the devices. Dr. Loughead said Administration will continue to collaborate with teachers to ensure the rollout goes smoothly. Updates will be provided to the Board and the public after the teachers receive their professional development. • One2One Risk Solutions Program Proposal Discussion: Ms. Kinzel presented a proposal from the Arthur J. Gallagher insurance program. The District uses this company for other insurance coverages. Through this proposal, parents can register their student’s district-issued device and purchase an insurance waiver. This waiver will protect the families from the cost to repair or replace a district-issued device, and will protect them from loss or theft, provided the parents file a police report if the device is lost or stolen. The proposed insurance waiver costs for families are as follows: • • • •

$25 for the first child per year $20 for the second child per year $15 for any additional children per year No charge for any children on the free or reduced lunch program

Parents who indicate they do not want their children to bring the devices home will not be required to pay the waiver costs, said Dr. Loughead. He indicated that there is much less risk for devices to be damaged while on school property. Mr. Kline said that any student who is participating in the free-or-reduced lunch program will have the fee for insurance coverage automatically waived. Mr. Vasko and Mr. Stein said there needs to be some clarification in the documentation for this insurance program before it goes home to parents because the way it is worded presently leaves several loopholes. Several Board members expressed concern that the District would be liable for damages to devices for students who opt out of taking them home if the damage occurs while on school property. Mrs. Hennessey asked if the devices had protective cases. Dr. Loughead said the iPads have cases; however, the laptop-hybrid devices are designed with hardened exteriors because they were designed for 1:1 scenarios such as this. Dr. Loughead noted that the District is exploring the option of providing protective sleeves for the hybrid devices. The Board Report

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Mr. Wesley asked if other Districts have used this insurance program, and Ms. Kinzel said some of the neighboring districts are using the program, but have varying annual premiums. Some of the examples she provided were: • North Allegheny - $35 • North Hills - $35 • Avonworth - $25 individual/$40 two students/$50 cap per family Mr. Kline said the figures proposed in the packet tonight can be altered to suit the District’s individual needs. Dr. Loughead said the District is unsure how many claims it will have annually, but added that annual fees for students who choose to take devices home could be adjusted if the District finds it has a large surplus at the end of the year at the current $25 rate. Mr. Wesley expressed concern over the annual rates being proposed to participate in the program, noting that it may be a hardship to families who are not participating in the free-or-reduced lunch program, but who may have multiple children in the District. He asked if the fees were truly representative of what the District would need. Dr. Loughead said the annual fees are a starting point for the initial year and can be adjusted if the District determines that the fees can be lowered while still providing adequate coverage for accidental damages to the devices. Mrs. Hennessey asked if building principals would have the discretion to handle situations with families who were not in the free-or-reduced lunch program, but who may need financial assistance paying the annual fees, and Dr. Loughead said that yes, that was a possibility. Mrs. Lamagna asked for clarification on the item on the proposal that indicates the insurance policy would not cover any damage that occurs that is not in accordance with District Acceptable Use Policies. Administration indicated that there currently is a policy in place that addresses what is considered to be acceptable use of District property, which would pertain to the devices. Dr. Loughead noted the proposal the Board is reviewing is not the same documentation that would be provided to parents. He also said that training sessions would be provided to parents in the fall prior to the devices being distributed. Ms. Kinzel said she will work with Administration to refine the agreement and address the concerns posed this evening.

Facilities Report ACTION ITEMS There is no report this evening. OLD BUSINESS • Wyland Roof (Phase 3) – Update Discussion: Mr. Farino indicated that the roof is approximately 75 percent complete. Demolition is complete, the old insulation is down and there is a lot of flashing and detail work yet to be completed. He said eight to ten technicians are on site daily and the expected completion date is still set for August 18th. He said the warranty (20 years) will come in after the work is completed, which is standard procedure. The Board Report

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• HHS Captured Vestibule Project - Update Discussion: The walls are built and the rough opening of the window is in place as of July 29th. Mr. Farino shared photos of the work to date with the Board. The goal for completion is August 31st. Dr. Loughead said Dr. Imbarlina is aware the captured vestibule will not be ready for the start of school but has a plan in place to accommodate the continued work. Dr. Loughead said this is a significant safety improvement for the building. NEW BUSINESS • HHS – Power Outage/HVAC Damage Discussion: A single-phase outage occurred in mid-June and took out 160 Erie Bell actuators in the HVAC system. The system has 220 total actuators. The damage affected the heating-only portion of the HVAC system. Mr. Farino noted the District filed a claim with the insurance to cover the costs of the repairs, which should be completed by August 31st. ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION • HAEE Grant/HMS Tech Collaboration Room Discussion: Mrs. Lueers asked for an update on the status of the tech collaboration room at the Middle School. Updates to the room are being funded by a $25,000 grant from the Hampton Alliance for Educational Excellence (HAEE) and will allow teachers to use the room and its features to enhance and augment regular classroom studies. Dr. Cunningham said that a middle school team is working collaboratively to address a few checkpoints that it must meet in order to fulfill the grant requirements, which are being closely monitored. Board members asked if under the HAEE reports in the future if Administration could include a list of recently-approved projects.


Education Report

• Proposed 2017-2018 District Goals The Proposed 2017-2018 District Goals, which were drafted during a retreat in June, were discussed. The proposed goals for the upcoming year are as follows: Goal #1: Strengthen curricular and instructional practices to continue to challenge all students to achieve at high levels. 1. Continue implementation of the Understanding by Design framework by focusing on the align ment to the Pennsylvania Core Standards, with an emphasis on high‐quality learning activities and performance tasks. 2. Expand the use of the Danielson Framework for Teaching to guide planning and instruction. 3. Review best K‐12 curricular and instructional practices in math, science, and the arts. 4. Expand the use of differentiated learning techniques based upon formative assessments to address students’ needs. Goal #2: Support transformative teaching and learning to promote collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creative problem solving. 1. In order to enhance student learning and to promote transformative teaching, implement Year 1 of a four‐year plan to shift from cart‐based devices to personalized devices. The Board Report

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2. Support and enhance the professional growth of teachers to expand their skills and expertise in the use of instructional technology and digital resources. 3. Review and expand practices on the effective use of instructional technology to promote critical thinking and creative problem solving. 4. Create a District definition of “Innovation” that aligns with the District’s goal of transformative teaching and learning. Goal #3: Promote wellness district-wide, concentrating on the social, emotional, and academic well‐being of our students. 1. Continue to participate in the FBI Heroin Outreach Prevention and Education Initiative in order to inform district action plans to address drug and alcohol prevention. 2. Create partnerships and provide programming to promote positive mental health, including strat egies to address issues of stress and anxiety. 3. Promote internet safety and security measures for our students, parents, and staff utilizing Com mon Sense Media resources and strategies. 4. Utilize Allegheny County Schools Health Insurance Consortium (ACSHIC) resources to promote faculty and staff wellness. 5. Continue to emphasize a culture of Dignity and Respect district wide. Goal #4: Enhance and streamline safety and security procedures across the District. 1. Implement and monitor policies, procedures, and protocols for the utilization of the captured vestibules, visitor badging, and volunteer training and clearances. 2. Continue ALICE training and professional development across the district 3. Evaluate and upgrade the district’s Crisis Plan to ensure necessary resources, procedures, training, and responses. Goal #5: Develop and implement strategies that promote engagement and collaboration with the entire school community. 1. Enhance and expand the Community Education program to provide high‐quality enrichment courses for the residents of Hampton Township 2. Increase connectivity to community residents who do not have students enrolled in the district to promote positive school‐community relationships 3. Streamline internal and external methods of communication to ensure clear and timely informa tion to stakeholders. 4. Promote outstanding examples of teaching and learning to highlight the Tradition of Excellence. Goal #6: Plan and implement strategies for capital improvement projects and the maintenance and utilization of facilities. 1. Implement a High School Academic Design Team to provide an educational vision to guide a plan for a high school renovation project. 2. Implement year‐round internal and external facilities maintenance plans to ensure high‐quality environments for learning. 3. Monitor and make appropriate upgrades to the facilities usage and rental fee schedule. 4. Design a long‐range plan for the maintenance of the district‐wide technology infrastructure in coordination with ongoing facility improvements. Discussion: Mrs. Hennessey asked that an item be added to the goals that covers the District’s commitment to continuing to provide the community with education relating to the 1:1 device initiative. Dr. Loughead said he and Dr. Cunningham will work to add this item to the existing goals framework for presentation next week.

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• Hampton Online Academy Program of Studies Discussion: Dr. Cunningham presented updates to the Hampton Online Academy Program of Studies. The majority of the changes in the document reflect updated dates and contact information. Additional changes include revised quarter ending dates and a fee for end-of-year overdue equipment. Mrs. Litwiler asked about the number of students enrolled in the academy. Dr. Cunningham said the last time she checked, there were about 12 students enrolled, but that she would obtain current enrollment for the academy and report back to the Board next week. • Waterfront Learning Services Discussion: Dr. Cunningham presented the proposed Waterfront Learning Services contract, which is the same as last year’s contract only with the addition of language surrounding the term of the one-year contract. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. NEW BUSINESS • Enrollment Update Discussion: Dr. Loughead provided an up-to-date enrollment estimate for the 2017-2018 School Year and noted the elementary enrollment figures did not change dramatically since his last report to the Board in June. He said last-minute enrollments in August are not unusual, so it is possible that he will have different numbers for the Board in September. A cap has been placed on the fifth-grade classes at Central and Wyland and any fifth grade students who newly enroll in those buildings for the 2017-2018 school year will be required to attend Poff, with transportation provided by the District.

Student Affairs Report ACTION ITEMS • Approve Elementary Parent Handbook Discussion: Dr. Cunningham presented a revised Elementary Parent Handbook for the upcoming school year. Changes in the text were made to provide additional clarity for parents and include a revised definition of Personal Technology, conditions under which indoor and outdoor recess would be held, and language surrounding enrichment which was on the website but not in the handbook. Health information in the appendix was further clarified to assist parents in finding information faster. Mr. Vasko asked if the polio vaccination requirements language could be reworded so that it is clearer, and Mrs. Balason asked if the removal of ticks would be appropriate to include under First Aid. OLD BUSINESS ∙None at this time.

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NEW BUSINESS • Proposal for Calendar Revision for Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences Discussion: Dr. Loughead presented the Board with an alternative plan for the parent/teacher conferences at the three elementary buildings in the fall. Previously, there were three half days scheduled consecutively in November. He said he has had concerns expressed from elementary teachers, noting that half days are very disruptive to the learning schedule. Dr. Loughead proposed changing the way the elementary conferences are scheduled to the following: • November 8th - full instructional day for students and staff • November 9th - half instructional day for students and staff; parent-teacher conferences in the afternoon and evening • November 10th - no school for students; parent-teacher conferences in morning; teachers dismissed mid-day The changes would allow students to attend school the week of November 6th for three consecutive full days, followed by a half day on Thursday and no school on Friday. Dr. Loughead said this actually reflects an improvement in instructional time while still providing ample opportunity for parent-teacher conferences.

Finance Report ACTION ITEMS Approve 2016-17 Budget Transfer totaling $331.33 for the following: Poff; Contracted Carriers - $331.33 OLD BUSINESS There is no report this evening. NEW BUSINESS Pennsylvania State Budget/Hampton Summary Discussion: Mr. Kline said that subsidy payments for July and August will be distributed, even though the revenue portion of the state budget has not been adopted at this time. Mr. Shages said a PSBA platform event he recently attended revealed a big push to change how the money from the state budget will be distributed in the future. A “fair funding” proposal is on the table that would accelerate how certain counties/school districts receive their funding. Mr. Shages said there is a lot of pressure coming from the districts in the eastern part of the state, who would benefit greatly from this proposed funding formula.

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Policy/Legislative Affairs Report ACTION ITEMS • Approval of first Reading of Revised Policy a. 237 – Acceptable Use of Personal Technology Resources Discussion: Dr. Cunningham proposed clarifying the definition of Personal Technology Resources and adding a cross reference to Policy #247 - Bullying in order to bring the policy up to date. • Approval of second Reading and adoption of Revised/Replaced Policies a. 113.2 – Behavior Support b. 113.3 – Screenings and Evaluations for Students with Disabilities c. 200 – Enrollment of Students d. 915 – School-Community, Parent Associations, and Booster/Support Groups Discussion: The first reading for these policies occurred in June. Mr. Shages asked if the administration has received any comments or questions on these policies, and was told that they had not. Regarding Policy 915, Mr. Shages said he had a call from the parent association for the hockey organization and he was able to alleviate their concerns about items that are not included in the actual policy. Additional wording changes from June, as well as the changes mentioned during the public comment period, were discussed and will be made for next week’s meeting. Mrs. Litwiler asked how organizations would be informed about the policy. Dr. Cunningham said she and Mr. Kline will meet with organization leaders this fall to explain the new policy and answer any questions they may have. A current list of organizations to which the policy applies will be provided to the Board. Board members inquired as to the proper procedures for any subsequent groups who wished to become an organization. Parents who wish to organize a new School-Community, Parent Association, or Booster/Support group would need to get permission from the building principal, who would work with the district administration with input from the district solicitor. OLD BUSINESS None at this time. NEW BUSINESS None at this time. LEGISLATIVE REPORT Discussion: The PSBA Conference in October will include the goals for the organization for the 2017-2018 operating year, which is very similar to the agenda for the 2016-2017 legislative year, according to Mr. Shages. The other item discussed at the recent legislative platform is that there are more school districts now in deep financial trouble. They have cut programs already, but may have to drastically cut programs and staffing if they do not receive the funding promised as part of the pending budget.

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Transportation Report ACTION ITEMS • Approve 2017-2018 Transportation Routes/Rates Discussion: Mr. Kline said the routes will be finalized and provided next week for approval. OLD BUSINESS There is no report this evening. NEW BUSINESS • 2017-18 Transportation Notifications Discussion: Instead of mailing out bus notifications this year, the information will be made available on the Infinite Campus portal. A date will be selected for the release of the information, and a detailed email/text/call on how to access the information will be sent to families. An announcement also will be placed on the website and via District social media. Dr. Loughead said that he is also considering an informational/education session for parents on how to access this information and other data through the Infinite Campus portal.

Public Comment An additional opportunity for public comment was provided following the conclusion of the regular agenda items: • Emily Eichas asked for clarification about Poff being the overflow school for new fifth grade registrants at Central and Wyland. She also inquired about the cap that has been instituted at Central and Wyland. Dr. Loughead said there currently are no guidelines for caps at the fifth-grade level. Instead, it has been left to the discretion of the superintendent. She also asked if the elementary schools had an emotional support teacher and if a student could receive an IEP just for emotional support. Dr. Cunningham said that the special education teacher oversees emotional and learning support in the elementary buildings and clarified that a student could receive an IEP for emotional support if that meets the needs of the child.

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Mr. Wesley announced there would be an executive session for legal and personnel matters following the meeting. The next regularly-scheduled meeting is at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 14, 2017 in the Dr. Harold Sarver Memorial Library, HMS.

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