Download Jacob took his family to Vienna. He was bankrupt. He moved from one apartment to the next and found it difficult to find work. FREUD: "A th...

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The Psychodynamic Approach

Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)

Freud was born in Frieburg, Moravia (now Pribor in the Czech Republic)

Freud’s background

Born to Jacob (who was 40 years old) and Amalie (20 years younger than Jacob). When Freud was 3, the family left Frieburg. Freud was haunted by leaving his aunts, uncles & his home. FREUD: "I have never got over the longing for my home…"

Jacob took his family to Vienna. He was bankrupt. He moved from one apartment to the next and found it difficult to find work. FREUD: "A thing I remember from my boyhood is that when wild horses on the pampas have been once lassoed, they retain a certain nervousness for life. In the same way, I once knew helpless poverty and have a constant fear of it."

FREUD: "When I was a young man," my father said, "I went for a walk one Saturday… I was well dressed, and had a new fur cap on my head. A Christian came up to me and with a single blow knocked off my cap into the mud and shouted: 'Jew!' " And what did you do, I asked. "I picked up my cap," was his quiet reply."

Freud felt disappointed by his father’s response. This shame stayed with him.

Freud- The Doctor Freud studied medicine at the University of Vienna (1881). He studied both physiology & neurology.

Freud spent time working with Charcot at the Salpêtrière. Charcot, a French neurologist & Hypnotist, was interested in exploring patient’s symptoms (that appeared to have no physical cause). This was known as Hysteria.

Psychoanalysis – Key factors The unconscious can affect our behaviour.

Human personality & abnormality can develop from childhood. You can treat neurotic patients through talking. His ideas were based on dream interpretation.

The psychoanalytic movement

Freud had many followers throughout his career. Carl Jung

Alfred Adler Anna Freud.

The unconscious

Levels of consciousness

The conscious- What we are aware of at the time represents the tip of the iceberg. The preconscious- Most of our thoughts & ideas are not accessible at that time.

The unconscious- This part of our mind is inaccessible. We are not aware of what lurks here!

Evidence for the unconscious

Slips of the tongue (parapraxes) Psychological symptoms Creativity

Courage & determinism

Can’t get you out of my head! You hear a song in a shop. You visit the shop again & the song pops into your head. The song pops into your head for no reason. You are not in the shop!

There is no link to your past or present. Something outside of your control is operating! Your unconscious!

Slips of the tongue (parapraxes)

"A Freudian slip is like saying one thing, but meaning your mother."

such as a man accidentally calling his wife by the name of another woman, seem to represent relatively clear cases of Freudian slips.

The id, ego & superego

The id is the primative, biological part of the mind. It is the psychic energy of the sexual & aggressive drives & hidden memories.

The Ego (Ich, or I)

It has contact with the outside world. The ego aims to gratify the id if it is possible. It considers social reality & defends the conscious mind against displeasure.

The super-ego (the Uber-ich or above I) Pressures the ego to control the id. It is the moral part of the personality. It consists of the ego-ideal which sets ideal standards & rewards with feelings of pride. The conscience punishes bad behaviour with feelings of guilt.

Freud’s dream theory

Guardians of sleep Dreams represent unfulfilled wishes from the id. The dream sensor uses symbolism to disguise the id wishes. Unconscious meanings can also be condensed into one dream image. Emotions can be separated from their true source & displaced onto trivial sources. The manifest content (is the part that is remembered) is analysed to uncover the latent content (the hidden id impulses or meaning).

The psychosexual stages Oral stage- passively sucking then aggressively biting Anal stage- expulsive (letting go), (retentive sub-stage) controlling bowel movements Phallic stage (3-5/6)- the oedipus complex Latency stage- Cognitive development Genital stage- onset of puberty, libido is reawakened & is attaches to external love objects

The Oedipus Complex Oedipus (taken from the Greek tragedy), killed his Father & married his Mother. The child becomes aware of anatomical sex differences. Boys & girls both go through this conflict, however Freud concentrated mostly on boys resolving the conflict. Girls resolve the conflict known as the Electra complex.

Ego defence mechanisms

Ego defense mechanisms are often used by the ego when id behavior conflicts with reality and either society’s morals, norms, and taboos or the individual’s expectations as a result of the internalization of these morals, norms, and their taboos.

Examples of defence mechanisms Repression- forcing a threatening feeling/wish out of consciousness Displacement- transferring our feelings from their true target onto a harmless target Denial- Failing/refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality Rationalisation- finding an acceptable excuse (a cover story) for some really quite unacceptable behaviour/situation

Psychoanalysis Freud’s approach to treatment involved the patient lying on the couch & Freud sitting out of view. The analyst tries to make the ‘unconscious conscious’. The search for childhood conflicts & dream analysis is important. Transference is also explored.

An Evaluation of Freud’s methods Freud’s sample was mostly middle class women (unrepresentative) His data was very subjective

He mostly studied himself, disordered patients & one child Freud’s notes consisted of his memories

Did he interpret all symbols as sexual?

Freud’s contribution to Psychology


Forgetting Crowd behaviour

Phobias Personality Aggression etc!

The case of little Hans Hans: When the horse in the bus fell down, it gave me such a fright, really! Father: Why did it give you such a fright? Hans: Because the horse went like this with its feet. (He lay down on the ground and showed me how it kicked about.) It gave me a fright because it made a row with its feet." Freud noted that Han’s fear of horses had developed just after the he had experienced some anxiety dreams about losing his mother, and around the time he had been warned about playing with his widdler.

An example of dream analysis

‘In the night there was a big giraffe in the room and a crumpled one: and the big one called out because I took the crumpled one away from it. Then it stopped calling out: and I sat down on top of the crumpled one’. Both Freud and the father believed that the long neck of the giraffe was a symbol for the large adult penis. However Hans rejected this idea.

Freud- Spent his last days in England In 1933, the Nazis publicly burnt a number of Freud's books. In 1938, shortly after the Nazis annexed Austria, Freud left Vienna for London with his wife and daughter Anna. Freud had been diagnosed with cancer of the jaw in 1923, and underwent more than 30 operations. He died of cancer on 23 September 1939. Click on the link to the Freud Museum for more information.

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