The Shadowless Light

1 The Shadowless Light by Beloved Jesus O Thou Glorious, Shadowless Light of Eternity! Thou Mighty I AM Presence! Thou Light as of a Thousand...

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The Shadowless Light by Beloved Jesus


 Thou Glorious, Shadowless Light of Eternity! Thou Mighty I AM Presence! Thou Light as of a Thousand Suns! Descend, descend, descend into Earth, in such Dazzling Splendor and Power, that all absorb Thy Beauty and Perfection! Thou art All in All, Thou Infinite I AM Presence of Eternal Blazing Light! Thou art the full and only Authority for all mankind throughout the Earth forever! Reveal Thyself everywhere! Release Ascended Master Power without limit NOW, and flood this Earth with Mighty Miracles of Perfection in all activities! Bring to pass the Eternal Victories of the ages! Let every human being on Earth see and feel the Almightiness of Thy Light, in such an onrush of Thy Glorious Presence, that all become the Fullness of Thyself, Thy Joy, Thy Freedom, and Thy Love forever. Thou Beloved Shadowless Light of the Mighty I AM Presence! Thou art the Great Treasure House of the Universe! Let Thy Limitless Gifts of every Good Thing pour out upon the Earth their Mighty Blessings and Happiness for all mankind, that a Great Song of Praise may burst forth from the heart of humanity, in Eternal Gratitude for Thy Splendor poured out to all! Let Thy Pure Love flow forth from the Heart of the Secret Love Star and drench the Earth with that Golden-Pink Liquid Light that bathes all in Thy Ecstasy and Glory! Let the full Ocean of Thy Supreme Joy overwhelm this world and make of it a Brilliant Sun of Everlasting, AllPowerful, Limitless Light that casts no shadow; and in which only the Blazing Glory of Thy Absolute God Perfection can forever dwell. Thou Adorable Presence of All-Pervading Infinite Light from out the Great Central Sun, we call unto Thee to bless us with the FULLNESS of Thyself and hold us safely within Thy Mighty Diamond Heart forever. We love Thee, we adore Thee, we bless Thee, we accept Thee, we acknowledge Thee, we feel Thee, we praise Thee, we worship Thee, Thou Mighty I AM Presence! — the Eternal All-Enfolding Light! The Light of God that never, never, never, fails! I AM that Light, now and forever!   


Tube of Light Beloved Mighty I AM Presence! Enfold me now in Thy Mighty, Magic, Electronic Pillar of Ascended Master Light Substance! Make it so Powerful that no human creation can pass through. Within this Mighty Tube of Light, blaze Thy Violet Transmuting Flame in, through, and around my four lower bodies and consume everything less than Thy Perfection. In its place, charge my world and all I contact with the Ascended Master Consciousness and with the Substance and Consciousness of each one of the Ascended Masters’ Living Presence and Activity. See that this Light keeps me invisible, invincible, and invulnerable to everything but Thy Almighty Presence and infinitely sensitive to Thee and Thy Divine Perfection. (3x)

Adoration to the Living God   I call upon Thee – O Living God! Thou Beloved Mighty I AM Presence in the Heart of the Great Central Sun! Radiant with Illuminating Fire, O Unseen Parent of the Sun! Pour forth Thy Light-giving Power, and fan the Spark of Thy Divinity on the Altar of my Heart into a Mighty God Flame. Amplify this Thine Own Heart Flame and let It be magnified by the Fire Breath of Thy Holy Spirit.

Mighty God in me! I face Thy Eternal Sunrise and receive Thy Mighty Radiance and Activity visibly manifest in my experience. Manifest Thy Power and open for us that innermost Temple of Almighty God within this Celestial Fire! Manifest Thy Light for our Regeneration, and let the Breadth, Height, Fullness, and Crown of the Solar Radiance of the SunBehind-The-Sun appear. Stand Forth! Revealed in and through us as Thy Christ Presence. I AM the Eternal Flame of Life! I AM a White Fire Being from the Heart of God! Inbreathing the Great Love-Breath of the Almighty, I dwell within my Golden Ray from the Great Central Sun! 2

Crowned with the Diamond Rays of Attainment, I abide upon my Sacred Lotus Throne of Light, letting my Love flow out unto all creation! I AM a Sun in the Palace of Infinite Light! My world, the Altar of Infinite Space! My Radiance, the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet! I AM the Undying Flame of Life everywhere! I AM the Great Eternal Joy and Glory and Perfection of Eternal Being! I AM! I AM! I AM! Three times three! I AM! I AM! I AM! ELOHIM! ELOHIM! ELOHIM! ELOHIM! ELOHIM! ELOHIM! ELOHIM! Seven times seven! I AM! E–LO–HIM!   

The I AM Lord’s Prayer by Beloved Jesus

My very own God Presence, Eternal Source of my Being, Holy and Sacred is Thy Name, I AM. I AM Thy Kingdom come. I AM Thy Will being done. I AM on Earth, even as I AM in Heaven. Thy Life is my Bread. Thy Love, my Forgiveness, Freely given to all. Thy Light consumes every temptation. Thy Presence dispels all evil conditions. I AM Transfiguration’s Kingdom! I AM Resurrection’s Power! I AM Ascension’s Glory! All this I AM, Forevermore! Amen. 3

Hail Mary   

Healing Hail Mary, Full of Grace,  The Lord is with Thee.  O Sacred Heart of the Mother Flame,  Hold the Immaculate Vision  For us, the Sons and Daughters of God.   Holy Mary, Queen of Angels,  Hear our call for Wholeness.  Pray for us now in our Victory,  Our Perfection and Ascension fulfilled.

Transmutation Hail Mary, Full of Grace,  The Lord is with Thee.  O Sacred Heart of the Mother Flame,  Hold the Immaculate Vision  For us, the Sons and Daughters of God.   Holy Mary, Queen of Angels,  Hear our call for Violet Flame.  Pray for us now in our Victory,  Our Perfection and Ascension fulfilled.


The I AM Affirmations By Beloved Jesus and Beloved Saint Germain

I AM THAT I AM. I AM alive forevermore. I AM Abundant, Celestial Life everywhere made manifest. I AM Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. I AM Eternal Youth and Beauty. I AM God, the One without a second. I AM here, and I AM there. I AM Limitless, Omnipresent Substance bringing everything into form. I AM Perfect Sight and Hearing. I AM the Active Presence of God, the Source of all Life and Intelligence. I AM the Ascension in the Light. I AM the Bread of Life. I AM the Eternal, Transcendent, Electronic Body of Ascended Master Light. I AM the Good Shepherd giving Life to all. I AM the Guardian Presence. I AM the Healing Presence. I AM the Illimitable Light of God everywhere made manifest. I AM the Kingdom. I AM the Power. I AM the Glory of Love conquering all.


Calls for Victory   Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Mighty Victory! Turn this and every human condition in my experience upside down and bring an Ascended Master Miracle of your Victory out of them. I claim your Ascended Master Consciousness and Attainment of Victory and Perfection as the only Governing Presence in my mind, my body, my feeling world, and every particle of my spiritual, personal, financial, business, and legal affairs, and the affairs of every Child of the Light throughout America and the world. Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Mighty Victory! Hold all these conditions purified, beautified, and free from every discord that your full Glory may pour forth and bless all mankind with whom I come in contact.

Calls for Protection Mighty I AM Presence! Your Authority is in Action in my world! Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Archangel Michael! You and your Legions of Angels stand within my world right now! Release the Blue Lightning of Ten Thousand Suns right now! Sweep into all astral and psychic opposition and human conditions in my world and annihilate them right now! Mighty I AM Presence! Beloved Jesus, Beloved Archangel Michael and Beloved Archeia Faith: Take command of me and of all appearances of imperfection and unreality in my world. Beloved Archangel Michael: Blaze! (3x) your Blue Lightning in, through, and around all opposition to the Victorious Achievement of each and every call I make today and of the inner purposes of this Decree Service.


Prince Michael Archangel And Legions of Light! I need Thee, come quickly, To banish all fright! Chorus: Blaze Thy Blue Lightning! Release Cosmic Fire! Seize every appearance of human desire! Bolts of Blue Lightning! Descend from above! Shatter all darkness opposed to God’s Love! Sword of Blue Flame and Sheets of White Fire! Raise record and memory higher and higher! Saint Michael Archangel, Great Whirlwind of Power! Oh Champion my Cause With each passing hour! Lord Michael Archangel, Great Sword of Blue Flame! Protect us, Defend us, In God’s I AM Name! Coda: Sunder unreality! Reveal my fiery Destiny! Defend my Christ Identity! And Manifest my Victory! (3x) Let There Be LIGHT! — By Archangel’s Might. Let There Be FAITH! — In All that is True. Let There Be POWER! — God Freedom to win. Let There Be JOY! — God Will to attend.


Violet Fire In the Name of the Beloved Mighty Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own Beloved Holy Christ Presence, by the Power and Authority of the Immortal, Victorious Threefold Flame blazing upon the Altar of my Heart, I call to Beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun, Beloved Helios and Vesta in the Sun of our System, Beloved Saint Germain and Portia, Beloved Maha Chohan, Beloved Omritas “Ruler of the Violet Planet,” Beloved Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Beloved Mighty Elohim Arcturus and Victoria, Beloved Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus and the Seven Holy Kumaras, Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary, Beloved Kwan Yin, the Lords of Karma, and the Hierarchs of the Elements  — Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha, to Blaze the Violet Transmuting Flame throughout my entire consciousness, being, and world. Expand that  Flame to include all mankind and elemental life. To this end, I decree: I AM the Violet Fire God’s All Consuming Love. I AM the Violet Fire Descending from Above! I AM the Violet Fire So Crystalline and Bright. I AM the Violet Fire Releasing Freedom’s Might! I AM the Violet Fire Transmuting Thru and Thru. I AM the Violet Fire Making All Things New! I AM the Violet Fire Of Mist and Flame Supreme. I AM the Violet Fire Restoring Heaven’s Dream! I AM the Violet Fire A Mighty Whirling Flame. I AM the Violet Fire Ascending Once Again! I AM the Violet Fire Transmuting Thru and Thru. I AM the Violet Fire Freeing Me and You! 25