Total English - Pearson Longman - Pearson English Language

3 See inside back cover for CEF correlation chart General English Total English Starter Elementary Pre-intermediate Inter...

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Total English

Effective, flexible and totally engaging Based on Common European Framework (CEF) ‘can do’ objectives, Total English is the ideal choice for teachers who want a well-organised course with clear learning aims and a wide range of authentic supplementary material – like a free DVD in every coursebook.

Starter – Advanced NEW LEVELS

The DVD features material from a diverse range of sources – original short films, documentaries and authentic extracts from successful films and television programmes. Each item on the DVD is related to the topic of a specific unit from the course book. The Teacher’s Book contains thorough teaching notes, photocopiable activities, DVD worksheets, and a free Test Master CD-ROM with fully editable tests for all stages of the course.

Pre-intermediate Richard Acklam and Araminta Crace Intermediate Antonia Clare and J.J. Wilson

Advanced Antonia Clare and J.J. Wilson

Free Teacher Testing Resources The Teacher’s Books include the new Test Master CD-ROM which contains fully editable tests. See p. 51 for more information TEA



Upper Intermediate Richard Acklam and Araminta Crace

The Companion Website features teaching tips, photocopiable worksheets, webquests and links to other useful websites.


Elementary Mark Foley and Diane Hall

The workbooks are a perfect self-study tool, with a built-in vocabulary builder section, progress and review tests. The workbook CD-ROM features: • interactive self-study ‘catch-up’ material for busy students who miss lessons • a communicative ‘Can-do’ game to practise functional language • an interactive phonetic chart to aid pronunciation skills • the workbook audio material (also playable on an audio CD player).


Starter Jonathan Bygrave


General English

Total English lessons give a new twist to familiar topics such as culture, jobs, media, taste and survival. Each book is divided into 10-12 units and contains a balanced mix of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills work including writing.

Total English


Course Book (With DVD) Teacher’s Book (With Test Master CD-ROM) Workbook (With Key and CD-ROM) Workbook (Without Key, With CD-ROM) Workbook (With Key, Without CD-ROM) Workbook (Without Key) Class Audio Cassette Class Audio CD DVD (PAL/ NTSC) Video PAL VHS Video NTSC VHS

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Starter NEW 978 1 405 84828 2 978 1 405 84830 5

Elementary 978 1 405 81561 1 978 1 405 84319 5

Pre-intermediate 978 1 405 81562 8 978 1 405 84320 1

Intermediate 978 1 405 81563 5 978 1 405 84321 8

Upper Intermediate 978 1 405 81564 2 978 1 405 84322 5

Advanced NEW 978 1 405 84827 5 978 1 405 84829 9

978 1 405 82915 1 978 1 405 82914 4 978 1 405 82826 0 978 1 405 82829 1 978 1 405 82822 2 978 1 405 82823 9 978 1 405 84759 9 - -

978 1 405 82008 0 978 1 405 82690 7 978 1 405 81987 9 978 0 582 84182 6 978 1 405 80042 6 978 1 405 80043 3 978 1 405 80047 1 978 1 405 80045 7 978 1 405 80046 4

978 1 405 82009 7 978 1 405 82691 4 978 1 405 81991 6 978 0 582 84194 9 978 1 405 80048 8 978 1 405 80049 5 978 1 405 80053 2 978 1 405 80051 8 978 1 405 80052 5

978 1 405 82260 2 978 1 405 82692 1 978 1 405 82245 9 978 0 582 84188 8 978 1 405 80055 6 978 1 405 80056 3 978 1 405 80060 0 978 1 405 80058 7 978 1 405 80059 4

978 1 405 82258 9 978 1 405 82693 8 978 1 405 82250 3 978 0 582 84637 1 978 1 405 80063 1 978 1 405 80064 8 978 1 405 82247 3 978 1 405 80066 2 978 1 405 80067 9

978 1 405 82259 6 978 1 405 82241 1 978 0 582 84176 5 978 1 405 80054 9 978 1 405 80061 7 978 1 405 84757 5 -

See inside back cover for CEF correlation chart

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Total English

Sample material

From the Total English Advanced course book

General English Lead-in acts as a springboard into the topic of the unit and engages students’ interest, introducing essential vocabulary related to the topic.

d 5 84827 5 5 84829 9

5 82259 6

5 82241 1 2 84176 5 5 80054 9 5 80061 7 5 84757 5



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Total English

Sample material

General English

Each lesson focuses on a specific grammar area, stated at the top of the page.

From the Total English Advanced course book

Stimulating reading texts are often taken from authentic sources like magazines, newspapers and advertisements.

‘Can do’ objectives are linked to the CEF and give students a clear purpose for the lesson.


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13/02/07 10:42:23 At the heart of each unit, there are three core input lessons, offering interesting angles on the unit topic. The active grammar approach encourages students to think about how language works and discover the rules for themselves. There is also a reference and practice section built into every unit.

General English

Lifelong learning boxes offer tips and strategies for developing students’ study skills.


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Total English

General English

Sample material

From the Total English Advanced course book

AC free

Each unit contains a substantial listening element.


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13/02/07 10:42:24 A Communication page to revise the language from the unit in a freer, more communicative context.

Each communication task pratices a range of skills and has a measurable goal or outcome.

General English 7

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Total English

Sample material from the Total English Starter course book

General English

Sample material

The pronunciation in the book deals with word and sentence stress, weak forms, intonation and difficult sounds.


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All lessons feature some speaking practice and there are regular ‘How to...’ boxes throughout the course which focus on the words and expressions learners need to carry out specific functions.

General English 9

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Total English

Sample material

Sample material from the Total English Starter course book

General English

The Film bank page features a range of exercises designed to stimulate interest in each DVD extract and make the material contained on the DVD accessible to students.


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New Cutting Edge Six levels

Course books now available with self-study CD-ROM Cutting Edge delivers a comprehensive, practical language syllabus using a fun, communicative approach. Students learn to communicate effectively, accurately and confidently through solid grammar work, a focus on high-frequency vocabulary and regular well-structured speaking tasks. • New for 2007: self-study CD-ROMs available with the course books which provide additional grammar and vocabulary practice, plus ‘Real life’ video sequences.

The Teachers’ Resource Books include step-bystep notes and activities and the Test Master CDROM provides fully editable tests for all stages of the course. Lesson planning is made easy by using the Companion website – worksheets, webquests, CEF framework documents. The documentary-style videos and accompanying workbooks provide rich, cultural content to engage students’ interest.

General English

• New Cutting Edge Digital – exciting new software for the interactive whiteboard. See page 51.

Starter – Advanced

Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor with Jane Comyns Carr, Frances Eales and Chris Redston

Also available: American Cutting Edge

Free Teacher Testing Resources The Teacher’s Books include the new Test Master CD-ROM which contains fully editable tests. See p. 51 for more information.

*New editions for Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate levels. The new editions are completely compatible with the Starter and Advanced levels.

Cutting Edge/New Cutting Edge Starter Course Book 978 0 582 49804 4 Course Book with CD-ROM 978 1 405 85226 5 Class Audio Cassettes (2) 978 0 582 50182 9 Class Audio CDs (2) 978 0 582 50183 6 Workbook Audio Cassette 978 0 582 50181 2 Workbook Audio CD(s)* 978 0 582 50175 1 Teacher’s Book (With Test Master CD-ROM) 978 1 405 84365 2 Workbook (With Key) 978 0 582 50177 5 Workbook (Without Key) 978 0 582 50176 8 Tests -

Elementary 978 0 582 82501 7 978 1 405 85227 2 978 0 582 82505 5 978 0 582 82506 2 978 0 582 82507 9 978 0 582 82508 6 978 1 405 84348 5 978 0 582 82503 1 978 0 582 82504 8 978 0 582 34451 8

Pre-intermediate 978 0 582 82509 3 978 1 405 85228 9 978 0 582 82513 0 978 0 582 82514 7 978 0 582 82515 4 978 0 582 82516 1 978 1 405 84349 2 978 0 582 82511 6 978 0 582 82512 3 978 0 582 34449 5

Intermediate 978 0 582 82517 8 978 1 405 85229 6 978 0 582 82521 5 978 0 582 82522 2 978 0 582 82523 9 978 0 582 82524 6 978 1 405 84350 8 978 0 582 82520 8 978 0 582 82519 2 978 0 582 34450 1**

Upper Intermediate 978 0 582 82525 3 978 1 405 85230 2 978 0 582 82529 1 978 0 582 82530 7 978 0 582 82531 4 978 0 582 82532 1 978 1 405 84351 5 978 0 582 82528 4 978 0 582 82527 7 978 0 582 34450 1**

Advanced 978 0 582 46943 3 978 0 582 46946 4 978 0 582 46957 0 978 0 582 46958 7 978 0 582 50173 7 978 1 405 84364 5 978 0 582 46945 7 978 0 582 50174 4 -

Cutting Edge Video Cassettes

Elementary/Pre-intermediate Intermediate/Upper Intermediate

PAL VHS NTSC VHS Activity Book

978 0 582 46942 6 978 0 582 46941 9 978 0 582 46939 6

978 0 582 46937 2 978 0 582 46936 5 978 0 582 46938 9

*Starter – Pre-intermediate = 2 CDs / Intermediate – Advanced = 1 CD **Covers Intermediate/Upper Intermediate

See inside back cover for CEF correlation chart

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Cutting Edge

Sample material taken from the New Cutting Edge intermediate course book

General English

The grammar syllabus can be extended even further using the Language Summary at the back of the book

Listening activities include a range of different accents


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extenguage ok

General English

Students can check unknown vocabulary using the minidictionary in the back of the book.

Regular pronunciation boxes. A range of activity types are used in the course book, including discrimination exercises and dictation, and an equal emphasis is placed on understanding and reproducing.


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Language to go

Sample unit

from Language to Go upper intermediate course book

General English

Clearly defined objectives for each unit.

Elementary – Upper Intermediate

Series Editor Simon Greenall Elementary Carina Lewis and Simon le Maistre Pre-intermediate Gillie Cunningham and Sue Mohamed Intermediate Araminta Crace and Robin Wileman Upper Intermediate Antonia Clare and JJ Wilson

Speaking is the skill most often practised in Language to Go.

Language to Go Course Book with Phrasebook Teacher’s Resource Book Class Audio Class Audio Cassette Class Audio Class Audio CD


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Elementary Level 978 0 582 40396 3 978 0 582 40414 4 978 0 582 40529 5 978 0 582 50659 6

Pre-intermediate Level 978 0 582 40397 0 978 0 582 50658 9 978 0 582 40530 1 978 0 582 50657 2

Intermediate Level 978 0 582 40398 7 978 0 582 40415 1 978 0 582 40531 8 978 0 582 50656 5

Upper Intermediate Level 978 0 582 40399 4 978 0 582 40416 8 978 0 582 40532 5 978 0 582 50655 8

See inside back cover for CEF correlation chart

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The flexible course for students who want useful everyday English Language to go is the perfect solution for short, intensive courses and can easily be expanded into a longer course. • The course book has a ‘built-in’ workbook: a practice section at the back with extra exercises and a grammar reference for support. • Language points are regularly revised and recycled, making it easier for students who join the class after a few lessons • The Teacher’s Resource Book includes photocopiable activities for every lesson, a photocopiable Writing Bank for additional skills work, and test material. • The free phrasebook in the back of the course book covers essential words and expressions, and useful advice for everyday communication.

General English

Each lesson teaches a manageable ‘chunk’ of language to use straightaway.

The final activity gets students to put the language into practice.

‘Language to Go provides modern, interesting contexts and introduces relevant language. These coursebooks miraculously help new trainees (teachers) to develop the skill of time-tabling and lesson planning because each unit is divided into three clear parts, and each section is very clearly signposted.’ International House Journal


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