Welcome to Mrs. Gamber's 5th Grade Class!

Welcome to 4th Grade! Parents: Please sign in on the back table. Page 2. Who We Are. Mrs. Nechtman. Mrs. Scherling. Taught 5th Grade. Taught 1-5th Gra...

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Welcome to

th 4


Parents: Please sign in on the back table.

Who We Are Mrs. Nechtman Taught 5th Grade BMES for 19 years I have two kids

Mrs. Scherling Taught 1-5th Grade BMES for 20 years I have three kids

Our Goals     

To create a supportive, nurturing learning community through Kagan strategies To provide personalized instruction through differentiation To encourage social, emotional and academic development To foster an environment where everyone is accepted and valued To support global thinking through real-world application To use technology to enhance our daily learning


   

Agendas  Assignments/events  Teacher Initials  Parent Signature upon completion of homework  Notes back and forth

E-mail- [email protected] Class Phone- 480-575-2277 Cell- 602-677-7540 Class Websites

[email protected] 480-575-2276 602-696-2233

Reading     

Journey’s textbook Book Clubs Whole class literature studies Book Projects Assessments: AimsWeb, Achieve 3000, Weekly Comprehension and Vocabulary Test


Focus on comprehension strategies:       

Making Connections Determining Importance Predictions Questioning Visualization Making Inferences Synthesizing Information

Writing Cross-curricular  Writing Process  Writing conferences  Journals  Go My Access  A variety of writing genres 

Word Study Spelling  Vocabulary  Grammar  Dictionary & Thesaurus skills 

Math AZ Math Standards and Common Core Standards  Small group rotations  Individualized program  Real-life application  MMM  PALS 

Social Studies     

Arizona History & Geography World Geography Ancient China Middle Ages in Europe Branches of Government



Method Natural & Human impact on the environment Classify animals Plant and animal adaptations Renewable and nonrenewable resources Electricity and Magnetism Earth’s Surface Changes Water Cycle and Weather


Normal: o 20 minutes of reading every night o Math practice- what we worked on in class o Weekly Accountability Sheet signed

Other Possibilities:  Projects  Unfinished Work 

Online Parent Portal **


 

All assignments SHOULD be turned in on time. If they aren’t, we will do everything in our power to encourage your child to complete the assignments. If your child is absent, please have them try to do the assignment as soon as possible.


  

Special papers chosen by students are kept in a binder Periodically, students reflect on their growth and set goals The portfolios will be showcased towards at Student-Led Conferences

What a CHARACTER! Grit

Self-control Zest


Intelligence Gratitude Optimism Curiosity

Chronic Absences 

missing 10% or more of the school year for any reason

Fourth grade students scored a whopping 22-points lower (TWO YEARS INSTRUCTION) than kids who didn’t miss school By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes an early warning sign that a student may drop out of high school. Please help get them here on time!

Volunteering     

Help with parties Library Copying Help with special events/activities Who wants to be Room Parent??? 

Thank you for coming tonight! We are looking forward to a fantastic year!

Any Questions?