Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 1 January/February 2018 ws Letter R R thing that changes lives. Isn’t that There are three reasons why people will give mon...

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Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 1 January/February 2018


Good News Letter


There are three reasons why

3. Fiscal stability of the institution. People

people will give money to a non-profit

will not give as generously to failing minis-


tries. What people want to hear is that the

1. Belief in the mission. To be blunt,

ministry they are supporting has changed

people want to be a part of some-

lives and there is a vision and ability to do so

thing that changes lives. Isn’t that

in the future. Ask the people in the pews and

why we not only proclaim Christ’s

our community whether or not our congrega-

love for people in worship but live it tion has been there for them. There is more of God’s work to do out by clothing the naked, feeding the hungry and visiting the sick.

with our hands. We are ready, willing and

Your regular financial gifts enable

able to do so with God’s leadership and help

us to transform lives and give hope

from each one of us. Let’s continue making

for the hopeless.

God’s presence real and giving hope to the

2. Regard for staff leadership. Just

hopeless for years to come.

as in government or business there is a leader of every organization. Certainly we would say that it is Christ but we also understand that

Peace, Pastor Jim

Jesus uses humans for leadership in the church on earth. When there is regard for the pastor the giving increases. When they know the pastor is there for them and will be there for others they feel comfort in

Inside This Issue Pastor’s Letter


Church Council, Angel Tree, Birthdays


ingful times. There is also an in-

Book Group, Church Office, Directory, Endowment, Finance, Food Closet


crease in giving when they know the

Prayer Requests, Shut-ins, Thank you


congregation and council are spend-

Property Committee, Worship & Music


ing the money wisely for mission.

Calendars, Schedules

knowing that the good news is being shared in meaningful ways at mean-


Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 2



2018 Treasurer: Randy Witt (717-891-2018)

Looking ahead to Angel Tree 2018...we will be in


bags and tissue paper. As you pack away this year’s

need of any size gift boxes, medium and large gift

Lori Abel (717-793-3993), Cindy Druck (717-741-

items, please keep these things

0419), Charles Grammes ( 717-668-8478), Andrea

in mind. Place items in the

Mumford (717-741-1044), Jean Quickel (717-757-

social hall. Questions: Denise

2872), Raymond Rudacille (717-578-1764)Shawn

Boyer (717-887-8384).

Smith (717-659-9152), Bill Stone (717-417-6580), Elaine Trimmer (717-741-1537), Patti Young (717-


885-7546) Pastor Jim 717-741-4639 (Office), 717757-1917 (Home), 717-654-8850 (cell)

January Cindy Druck

January 1

Treasurer’s Report: Filed for review.

Nancy Marstellar, Hailey Purtell

January 6

Pastor’s Report:

James Polanzke

January 8

Unfinished Business: Plans for youth rec room con-

Dean Henry

January 11

tinue. Cookie exchange will also benefit the food

Will Hineline

January 14


Kimberly Figdore, Grace Krebs

January 15

Kara Gundel, Judy Tipping

January 18

Noah Wenger

January 19

Joyce Mummert, Roger Seitz

January 20

Patrick Gundel, Joshua Stetler

January 26

New Business: Active shooter response training will be attended by Pastor Jim and Bill Stone. Pastor’s 2018 housing allowance approved. Street parking discussed. Bob Quickel will be maintaining the website in 2018. In memory of Pastor Jim’s grandmother, a child will be sponsored in the tutoring program. Next meeting: December 19, 2017 (at the Quickel residence)

Deloris Grammes, Jeanné Hineline, Sharon Smith

January 28

Brandon Nelson

January 29

Denise Boyer

January 31 February


Bill Stone

February 3

Penelope Purtell

February 6

Ray Stump, Jr.

February 8

Fred Fulton

February 9

Victor Dunkle, Zachary Hauri

February 18

Alexandra Deck

February 21

Christian Education, Endowment, Finance

Robert E. Boyer, Elizabeth Polanzke February 25

Property Joan Caruso (717-741-1626)

Lori Trout-Whitebread

Worship & Music

February 26

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 3



The Book Group meets the second Tuesday of each

Be sure to notify the church office if your address

month in the church library at 9:30 am. The January

and/or phone number changes.

9th selection is “The Husband’s Secret” by Liane Moriarty. The February selection is “American Gospel” by Jon Mecham. Please plan to join us! Questions: Mae Myers (717-741-2347).

FACILITIES CALENDAR There is a calendar in the church office to be used by each committee as it sponsors an event. The event(s) should be listed on the calendar under the room(s) that will be used for the event.

CHURCH OFFICE Hours 9:00 am – 3:00 PM Monday - Thursday Phone 717-741-4639 Email [email protected]

FINANCE COMMITTEE Attendance for October: Oct 1 –49, Oct 8-54, Oct 15-60, Oct 22-72, Oct 29-57 Attendance for November: Nov 5-55, Nov 12-61, Nov 19-64, Nov 26– 64 Budget Update


Our monthly income needed to meet our 2017 budget

We are hopeful that with the past few months’ stock

was $$16,423 In November our income was $14,529

market improvement that we will be able to

and our expenses were $15,515. Please remember to

disburse funds in spring 2018. Please remember that

mail your offering if you do not make it to church.

there are no guarantees. Just as a reminder, the funds are disbursed based on the following: 30% will be re- Questions: Randy Witt, Council Treasurer (717-891invested for future needs, 10% will be designated for


outside benevolence, and the final 60% will be disbursed based upon church member requests. Applications should be received at the church no later then January 31, 2018. Endowment guidelines and an application are on the next two pages. Any questions may be directed towards any of the committee members: Danna Drescher, Judy Hess, Joe Smith or Pastor Jim.

FOOD CLOSET If you can donate juice, canned pasta and soup, please mark the bag “Food Closet” and place it in the church. Questions: Curt Ferree (717-741-0444).

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 4

Mabel Grove Trust Guidelines Deadline for the application is January 31, 2018 The funds are designated to fulfill the mission of the congregation. Mission Statement Centered in Christ to gather, grow and go.

The application shall be placed in the Endowment Committee mailbox or mailed and received by the church office by January 31, 2018. The Endowment Committee will forward the respective application to the appropriate committee for review and for them to make a recommendation. The recommendations shall be sent to the Endowment Committee by February 28th and they will be reviewed and recommendations made for the Church Council appropriate to the amount of funds available. The Church Council will make the final decisions for these funds. Additional application forms may be created by copying the enclosed form or contacting the church office. After this process is complete we will have future disbursements, as funds allow, every six months. Just a reminder that 30% of the gain in the fund will be reinvested to help grow the fund for future ministry. 10% of the increase has been designated towards ministry outside of this congregation. That could be something in our community, synod, nation or world. The remaining 60% will be disbursed this fall. Any questions may be directed towards the Endowment Committee members: Danna Drescher, Judy Hess, Joe Smith or Pastor Jim. With the volatility of the stock market, there is no guarantee that funds will be available.

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 5

CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF SPRY 2385 South Queen Street, York, Pennsylvania 17402 MABEL GROVE PERPETUAL TRUST FUND GRANT APPLICATION Mission Statement Centered in Christ to gather, grow and go. Please DO NOT sign contracts, make purchases or promises for these requested funds UNTIL the church council has approved them. Adequate funds may not be available and not all requests may be approved. General Fund expenses may NOT be paid for through this fund.

Name of Committee or Individual Requesting Funds:__________________________________________ Phone Contact Number:______________________

Date of Request:________________________

Describe how the funds will be used: (attach paper if needed) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ How will this project further the mission of the Church? (attach paper if needed) _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ List the items and approximate cost of the items needed to complete this project: Item Needed

Approximate Cost

Total amount requested _____________________ Date needed:_______________________

To be completed by the Endowment Committee

______Request referred to Committee

Committee Name:_________________________

______Request approved for Council review ______Request denied Comments:

Revised 07-03-17

Amount suggested:_________________

_______Request approved _________Amount approved

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 7

PRAYER REQUESTS Additions Jon Bergdoll and family – his wife, Ann Bergdoll, is going through end stage cancer. Ann is the sister-inlaw of Judi Bergdoll, the cousin of Cathy Stetler. Judi Bergdoll and family Andrew Bradford Kristin Dill Vicki Flaharty Andrea Mumford and family. Father-in-law died Nov. 24. Dale Wright, friend of Shawn, Joe and Grace. For health concerns and recent hospitalization. Members and Affiliates Dorothy Kohler has macular degeneration. Friends and Family The family of Alyce Cleeremans, Pastor Jim’s grandmother died October 29. Dennis Gajewski, father-in-law of Sarah Bennett, niece of Patti Young. M. Cathy Gross, friend of Andrea Mumford, newly diagnosed with cancer. Requesting prayers for hope, strength and healing. Ken and Joyce Innerst, mother of Andrea Mumford, have aging issues. The family of Clyde Lentz, Andrea Mumford’s husband’s uncle died October 20. The McDonald family Audriane McFadden June Mumford – aging issues. The family of Ruthmarie Polansky, Pastor Jim’s mother died October 24. The family of Ruthmarie Polansky, Pastor Jim’s mother died October 24. Sharon Smith going through health concerns. Rose Murray Starner, recently diagnosed with stage IV cancer and is going through treatment. Charlie Waltermyer, having bone marrow transplant, has a fever and pneumonia. Christian Wright, friend of Grace Krebs, started infusions for Juvenile Rheumetoid Arthritis. Kelly Yost – cancer In the Military Levi Trimmer, grandson of Elaine Trimmer.

PRAYER REQUESTS continued To have prayer requests included in the newsletter, please provide the information on the Welcome Sheet inserted into the weekly bulletin or call the church office (717-741-4639). Prior to including names on our prayer list, it is required that you receive the person’s permission. Those added to the prayer list will be removed after three months, unless asked to be placed on the list again or updates are added. They will however remain in our hearts & personal prayers. Call the Church Office at 717 741-4639 when: 

A member of your family or a church friend is

admitted to the hospital (so that visits can be made and the proper people notified) 

There is a change to either your name, home or

work phone number, e-mail or address (so that the church records and directory can be changed). 

A new baby arrives in your family

A member of your household leaves for college

or establishes a new residence 

You desire to join Christ Lutheran or are planning

a wedding or baptism 

There is a death

Upcoming surgery

You would like Pastor Jim to visit

If not during regular business hours, call Pastor Jim at 717 757-1917 when: 

A member is hospitalized in an emergency

A death occurs

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 6



The newsletter is available electronically on our web-

We would like to thank everyone who participated

site at or request an emailed copy by

with the Angel Tree mission this year. We were able

emailing the church at [email protected]

to provide gifts for 18 families who also use our food closet. The parents and grandparents were thrilled to

Paper copies will be available for pick up at each en-

see the bright colored bags filled with presents for

trance. For those who are unable to pick one up at the

their children. They were very appreciative. It is a

church or download one from the internet, contact the

great feeling to know that our congregation was able to make Christmas brighter for 45 children and their

church office (717-741-4639) for other options.

families this year. Thank you for your support.

Please have information you would like included in

Judi Bergdoll, Denise Boyer, Joan Caruso and Cathy

the newsletter to the church office by the 15th of the

Stetler I want to thank all of you who have so thoughtfully

prior month.

given a Christmas gift to myself and my family. We

If there is information you would like to have put on

appreciate your expressions of love and support.

the website (, email the information to

Pastor Jim

the church office: [email protected]

Thank you for all of the Christmas gifts and cards given to me and my family. I very much appreciate the kindness and thoughtfulness extended to us.

PRAYER VENTURES Prayer Ventures can be obtained through the elca website: When viewing the newsletter on the website or in email, Prayer Ventures will not be included. However; Prayer Ventures is easily obtained through the above elca website.

Denise Holtzapple I want to thank my church family for the cards, prayers and support during my health issues this past year. I really do appreciate you.

Thank you so much for my cards! They make me happy!

SHUT-INS January/February Dorothy Kohler Birthday March 19 2760 Pine Grove Road, Apt. 110 York, PA 17403 Mae Lightner Birthday: September 2 3999 Palmer Avenue York, PA 17408

Joyce Fengfish

Much love, Sharon Smith

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 8

Property Committee Retreat Center Year End Report 2017 Date



January February March 25 April 7-9 April 28 May 6 May 26-28 June 2-4 June 11

closed for winter closed for winter clean up and opening day Stewartstown United Methodist Church Church member use Christ-Spry Church Council Retreat Girl Scout Troops Church member use Church member use

July 4 July 15-16 July 28-30 August 13 August 18-20 September 2 September 17 September 20 September 26 October 6

Church member use – July 4th party Church member use Church member use Church member use – birthday party Church member use – picnic Church member use – corn roast Christ-Spry church picnic Pfaltzgraff retirees picnic Dillsburg Septic (drained) Church member use

31 5 6 26 11 39 24 31

October 22 October 28 November 2-6 November 23 November 24-26 December 3

Church member use Quickel Lutheran Church – women’s retreat Stewartstown United Methodist Church Church member use – Thanksgiving dinner Brownie Scouts cookie bake Closed for the winter

5 12 14 39 15

Used by Christ Spry Used by Others Total Uses Total Persons Served

8 13 5 10 8 45 3


15 6 21 357

Thanks to all the property committee members and all others for their help during the year.

Submitted by: Al Myers Property Committee

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 9

WELLSPAN eGREETING If you know of a church member, family member or friend who is a patient at the York or Gettysburg Hospitals WellSpan offers a free service to deliver a personal message on select stationary. These greetings may be sent on “Get Well Soon”, “Thinking Of You” or “New Baby” stationary. It is a nice way to let others know that you care. Simply go to for details.

WORSHIP AND MUSIC Choir Rehearsals Chancel Choir meets Wednesdays at 7:00 PM Chancel Chimes meets Thursdays at 7:00 PM Questions: Darlene Winters (717-741-2979). Communion Assistants If you have any questions regarding the communion assistant schedule, or if you need to make any changes to the schedule, please contact Mae Myers (717-741-2347). Reminder If you are scheduled to serve in some capacity during the worship service and find you are unable to serve at that assigned time, please find a replacement and notify the church office (717-741-4639) so that worship can proceed smoothly. Thank you.

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 10





2 Office Closed


3 7:00 PM Chancel Choir














7:00 PM Chancel Chimes

New Year’s Day


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship





7:00 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 PM Chancel Chimes



7:00 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 PM Chancel Chimes




7:00 PM Church Council meeting

7:00 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 PM Chancel Chimes



9:30 am Book Group 7:00 PM Property committee mtg.


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship Council install. & short meeting


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship



7:00 Finance committee mtg.



Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 11

WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR JANUARY If you are unable to serve on the Sunday assigned to you, please trade days with someone else or find a substitute and notify the church office (741-4639) with the corrected schedule. Acolyte

Altar Guild

Communion Assistants

Nursery Assistants




Bailey Green

Darlene Winters

Lori Abel, Joan Caruso, Danna Drescher

Elaine Trimmer.

Jean Quickel

Betty and Bill Stone


Bailey Green

Andrea Mumford

Joan Caruso, Marlyn Geesey, Andrea Mumford

Doris Geesey

Randy Witt

Betty and Bill Stone


Bailey Green

Cindy Druck

Doris Geesey, Raymond Rudacille, Bill Stone

Judy Hess, Barb Mount

Joan Caruso

Betty and Bill Stone


Bailey Green

Vicki Dill

Andrea Mumford, Bob Quickel, Elaine Trimmer

Les Miller

Betty and Bill Stone


Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 12


















7:00 PM Chancel Chimes


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship Souper Bowl


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship






7:00 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 PM Chancel Chimes




7:00 PM Property committee mtg.

7:00 PM Worship 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

9:30 am Book Group

12:00 PM Worship

7:00 PM Chancel Chimes

8:00 am Lenten breakfast

Ash Wednesday


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship


7:00 Finance committee mtg


21 7:00 Lenten Worship 7:30 PM Chancel Choir


8:45 am SCS 10:00 Worship



28 7:00 Lenten Worship

7:00 PM Church Council meeting

7:30 PM Chancel Choir

22 7:00 PM Chancel Chimes

Volume 22, No. 01/02, Page 13

WORSHIP ASSISTANTS FOR FEBRUARY If you are unable to serve on the Sunday assigned to you, please trade days with someone else or find a substitute and notify the church office (741-4639) with the corrected schedule. Date


Altar Guild

Communion Assistants

Nursery Assistants




Bailey Green

Doris Geesey

Lori Abel, Joan Caruso, Danna Drescher

Elaine Trimmer

Rhonda Carl

Betty and Bill Stone


Bailey Green

Andrea Mumford

Joan Caruso, Marlyn Geesey, Andrea Mumford

Doris Geesey

Curt Ferree

Betty and Bill Stone

Judy Hess, Barb Mount

Lori Abel

Betty and Bill Stone

Bailey Green

Betty and Bill Stone

Doris Geesey

Betty and Bill Stone

02-14 Ash Wed.

Cindy Druck


Bailey Green

Elaine Trimmer

Doris Geesey, Raymond Rudacille, Bill Stone


Bailey Green

Vicki Dill

Andrea Mumford, Bob Quickel, Elaine Trimmer


Bailey Green

Darlene Winters

Lori Abel, Joan Caruso, Danna Drescher

Elaine Trimmer