Self Help Guide for U-DISE

such as student's admission/attendance register for student enrolment related information, staff registers for teacher related information etc. Step 1...

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Self-Help Guide for U-DISE


School is the source of all education data.

Self-Help Guide : UDISE-DCF School Level Information system/records at school level The school maintains updated records (physical and in some cases electronic) to capture information about students, teachers, infrastructure and management of the school. This information is used for various school level planning activities such as School Development/Improvement Plans (SIP) and under the centrally sponsored schemes such as SSA, MDM, RMSA etc. Updated information is also useful for meetings by the School Management Committee (SMC), School Management and Development Committee (SMDC) or Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to take decisions for the school. Updated records also help in reporting to the cluster, block, district or state offices with accurate information in a timely manner. The Data Capture Format (DCF) for U-DISE also seeks information from these various records and helps in integrating a lot of information into one format. The details on filling-up the DCF and submission is provided below

Step 1: Filling-up the Data Capture Format (DCF) 1

Teachers/staff who have undergone some form of training in the current or previous years in filling-up the DCF form should be assigned this activity.

Attention: If no one in the school has undergone training, 2-3 senior teachers can be assigned this responsibility.



Before you set-out to fill the form, keep all the relevant records (handy with you) such as student’s admission/attendance register for student enrolment related information, staff registers for teacher related information etc. First, check all the pre-printed sections of the DCF (such as year of establishment, location of the school etc.) for accuracy.

Attention: In case of any mistakes in the pre-printed sections, highlight the changes/corrections using a red pen.


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Self-Help Guide | School


Fill-in the blank sections of the DCF using relevant school records and as per the instructions/guidelines for filling-up the DCF.

Tip: If you have received specific guidelines from the state for the current year, then refer to those for filling up appropriate codes etc. Else, refer to Guidelines for filling DCF published by NUEPA . 5



For the enrolment by age data, provide the age of students as on 30th September. To identify Children With Special Needs (CWSN), refer to the Guidelines for identification of CWSN. If you don’t have information on any particular data field (such as the year of establishment, year of up-gradation Latitude/Longitude etc.) then contact the SMC/SMDC members, cluster, block or district office to obtain it from the records maintained there. Make a note of the source of this information in the DCF.

Tip: Provide updated contact details of the school including mobile number(s) of head teacher and /or senior teacher involved in this activity.

Step 2: Review of the DCF and submission 1


The review of the DCF is to be carried out by any staff member other than the one who has filled the form. Head Teacher (HT) or school in-charge to do a final review and sign off the form for submission to cluster block or district (as per instruction) for data entry.

Attention: In case of any doubt or lack of clarity, seek help from your cluster, block or district officers and provide accurate information.

Tip: HTs can use a suggested checklist to review the form.

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Tip: Keep a copy of final DCF submitted at the school.


Self-Help Guide | School

Step 3: Clarification and support during data entry at block/ district office 1

Some clarification or information may be sought from you during data entry at the block or the district office.

Attention: Extend all support and cooperate with your block, district office to provide any missing information or clarification.

Step 4: Post-data entry review 1


Seek your own school report card from block/district office. Review the school report card. If you spot any mistake or inaccurate information then send it back to block/district office within 3-4 days with the corrections.

Tip: You can check your school report card at for current and previous years and highlight any errors to district office for correction.

Step 5: Use of U-DISE data 1


The school report card and the filled-in DCF integrates data from various school records and presents it in a format that is handy and for ready reference. It can be used to provide data which is unlikely to change within that year (such as infrastructure etc.) as sought by block, district, state officers, or other departments.

Good practice: A good school displays information that is useful for community members, parents, teachers and students at appropriate places in school premises.

Attention: For frequently updated information such as attendance, use updated school records.


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District is the critical link between schools and the State.

Self-Help Guide : UDISE-DCF District & Sub-district Level Preparation for data collection through Data Capture Format (DCF) of U-DISE Attention: As per MHRD’s directions in letter dated September 18, 2012 staff appointed under SSA and RMSA should work together to ensure that the unified system of U-DISE ('U' here stands for 'Unified' elementary and secondary schools) is effectively captured for all schools. Every district should maintain a master list of all schools (government, private unaided, aided, recognized, unrecognized) along with their U-DISE codes. Update the master list regularly based on recent information received from block and cluster offices. This is important as there may be schools which have been closed, combined or merged into one or a new school may have opened during the year.

Attention: If you notice that there is a change in the U-DISE code of the school due to change in village boundary etc. bring this to the notice of all concerned up to the school level.

Step 1: Preparation for training of BRCs, CRCs, School HTs 1



Develop a calendar of activities with timelines for your district and share with the Block Resource Centre Coordinator (BRCC), Cluster Resource Centre Coordinator (CRCC). Adherence to the timelines is critical to the success of the process. Make a list of common errors made by schools while filling up the DCF. You can get this information by looking at previous years’ U-DISE data and report of the 5% Sample Check.

Tip: This list may be provided to the schools as a reference check while they are filling the DCF.

Organise and co-ordinate trainings in the district as per instructions and guidelines from the state. This will require communication to schools, arranging logistics and circulation of training materials such as DCF and guidelines to fill it.


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Self-Help Guide | District

Tip: Schools that are joining U-DISE for the first time and schools that have not attended any training in the past are more likely to make errors. Pay special attention to these schools. An experienced and trained head master may be asked to support and mentor participants from new schools. 4

It is important to take regular backups of data during the data entry as it will be of significant help in case the oracle database is corrupt. The U-DISE software automatically creates a backup with date-time stamping while exiting from the School Database Module whenever the data is changed.

Tip: Users can also take manual backup on weekly basis. Refer to the User’s manual for backup and restoring data using DUMP file.

Step 2: Distribution of DCF 1


Distribute the DCF to all the schools. The schools covered in previous year(s) to be given a pre-printed DCF where as new schools to be given blank formats. Provide phone number(s) of a contact person (preferably District and Block MIS Coordinator or someone who is fully familiar with DCF) on the DCF as a helpline for schools to contact in case of any clarification and guidance in filling up the forms.

Tip: It is advisable to provide more than one contact numbers as there may be many queries from several schools.

Step 3: Collection of DCFs from schools 1


Ensure that 100% of all DCFs circulated are returned by the schools as per schedule. It is the responsibility of the CRC followed by BRC to ensure submission of all school forms. Coordinators need to be guided at the time of the training that school visits are required to ensure submissions.

Attention: In case a block is unable to complete submission of DCF from all the schools despite repeated trying, the district MIS coordinator needs to take this matter up to DEO.

Tip: If any school has not submitted the form on time then CRCCs and BRCCs to be instructed to make school visits to understand the reasons and help the school. Available at


Self-Help Guide | District

Step 4: Scrutiny of DCFs Undertake multi-level scrutiny of forms: 1

CRC Coordinators to check the filled-in DCF for completeness for 100% of the schools covered in their area (including private schools).

Tip: In case of incomplete DCF or doubt regarding any field then visit the school to match the information with the school records. 2

BRCCs to undertake scrutiny and internal consistency check for 20% of the DCFs.

Tip: Look out for schools, blocks that have had issues of data quality and completeness in the past. 3

District office to undertake scrutiny of 10% schools.

Tip: Choose a representative mix of schools – only elementary, integrated school that also has secondary classes for scrutiny.

Step 5: Data Entry in U-DISE software 1

After the scrutiny, all the filled DCFs need to be handed-over to block or district office for data entry.

Tip: Create a list schools (with schools codes) who have completed and submitted DCFs for checking.


Data entry of the DCF to be undertaken by the MIS staff employed at the Block or district office.

Attention: You may outsource the data entry to an external organisation but in the long run it is advisable to train personnel within the department to undertake this activity. An external agency is less likely to be responsible for data accuracy and consistency.


Monitor the data entry process to ensure the process is on track and to address any issues.


Tip: Apply validation rules, default values etc. while undertaking data entry as instructed during the training.

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Self-Help Guide | District


In case of any missing information in the formats, BRCC and CRCC to contact schools to get the required information.

Tip: Inform the coordinators about the mistakes or missing values of the formats.

Attention: Do not fill missing information with bogus data.

Step 6: Compilation, consistency checking and cleaning 1



Data compilation: In districts where the data entry takes places at Block level it is important for the District MIS Coordinator to merge all the Block specific data files into a single district database. To preview/print pre-defined reports, the data needs to be first compiled using the ‘Data Compilation module’ of UDISE software. Undertake consistency checking of data for your district. This helps in identifying possible errors or omissions that could have been made at school or during data entry. There are several ways of checking this: a

Run the consistency module in the U-DISE software and address the issues highlighted by the software.

Attention: The findings of the software need to be checked with the filled-in DCF or if required with the school.




Preliminary analysis of school level data can be undertaken for few important indicators such as Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR), Student Classroom Ratio (SCR), % of girls’ enrolment. This will help to identify outliers which will then need to be verified with the raw data. Some basic errors can be spotted by running certain queries such as schools with no enrolment, schools without a teacher, schools with no classrooms etc. on the database. Time-series reports can be generated to match the number of schools, enrolment, teachers over the last two years to check if there are big variations in numbers that cannot be justified.

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Self-Help Guide | District


Data Cleaning: Correct all the errors or outlier data points detected during the consistency checking process by consulting schools.

Attention: Use other functional data systems maintained by the state which may be updated more frequently (such as teachers’ employment/salary data) to triangulate information as of on 30th September of the year collected in U-DISE.

Step 7: Report generation and sharing 1

School Level: Generate a first draft of School Report Card (SRC) languagebased on filled-in DCF submitted by schools using U-DISE software and circulate to schools for verification and correction.

Attention: Principals should receive school report cards in time to rectify inaccuracies and send the verified and signed SRCs back to district where the errors can be rectified.


District and Sub-district/Block Level: Analyse Block and District level data and present to district authorities (BEOs, DEOs and CEOs).

Tip: Check basic information about total number and type of schools, enrolment, teachers etc. and discuss education indicators in detail during district level meetings and trainings.



Compare the indicators and other data of the current year with that of the previous year to understand the trends/outcomes. Submit your district data to the State office after due checking and all the corrections have been made at the district level.

Step 8: Using U-DISE data 1

U-DISE data is useful for reporting to district authorities and other line departments such as department of tribal affairs, health or social welfare which may require specific information from education department.

Tip: It will be useful for the district office to keep record of disaggregated data of students and teachers (by age, class, gender, social categories) for reporting.


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Self-Help Guide | District


U-DISE data is useful for conducting detailed situational analysis of the district. This forms the basis for developing Annual Work Plan and Budgets (AWP&B) for both SSA and RMSA.

Tip: Districts could prepare queries or seek it from the state to develop Planning Tables as required for the AWP&B. 3


In addition, districts can prepare and publish analytical and time-series reports for monitoring the progress of the district in different aspects. For example Kolkata and Gondia distirct. Block Reports Cards could also be generated by Districts and shared with all Blocks.

Good Practice: Districts may explore the possibility of sharing their U-DISE reports on internet through their state portals.

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Self-Help Guide for U-DISE


Accurate and complete information enables the State to strengthen all schools.

Self-Help Guide : UDISE-DCF State Level Preparation for data collection through Data Capture Format (DCF) of U-DISE Finalisation of DCF and software updates Conduct a meeting with all district MIS coordinators to discuss the DCF for the year and finalise state specific variables.

Attention: Ensure that the same variables are used uniformly in all districts.

Share the finalised state-specific DCF with NUEPA to ensure printing of revised DCF using U-DISE software in regional language if required.

Attention: Ensure that the state appropriate version of the software is being used by all the districts.

Finalisation of instructions/guidelines for filling up of DCF (in regional language) Prepare a calendar of activities specific for the state and ensure it is made available to all persons involved at the state and the district offices.

Tip: Adapt the Calendar of activities provided by NUEPA to your state context.

Prepare state specific detailed instructions for schools for filling-up the DCF.

Attention: Refer to the 5% Sample Check Report to identify variables with significant deviations and develop detailed instructions.

Tip: Refer finalised DCF, DCF guidelines and FAQs provided by NUEPA for preparing your own guidelines.

Provide a list of school records/documents that are required by school to complete the DCF. Develop a responsibility matrix detailing out responsibilities for different activities (especially for data cleaning and review) at different levels and fix accountabilities for conducting the different steps.


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Self-Help Guide | State

Step 1: Printing of DCFs/ Instructions Manual 1

Print required number of copies of the DCF and the instruction manual and send to all districts for circulation (if the printing is not done at the district level).

Tip: Ensure that documents printed are legible and that there is enough space for respondents to correct and/or fill-in the required information.

Step 2: Organising training 1




Preparing and organising materials: Create a repository of training materials (including guidelines, FAQs etc.) which are specific to your state and make them available for the training.

Tip: It is advisable that while developing training material for the current year, inputs provided from NUEPA, MHRD, TSG on state U-DISE data of previous years are considered.

It is advisable that the states refer to NUEPA’s training resources for training. This will help in avoiding transmission loss in cascade mode of training.

Tip: If required, the state can translate NUEPA’s resources into their regional language and use these materials during trainings.

The focus during the training should on interpretation and clarification of issues and doubts. There are two types of training to be provided: a


Technical training to district MIS staff: Undertake a technical/refresher training of district MIS staff as DCF usually undergoes some modification every year and there are also some updates to the software. Training of trainers for filling up of DCF at schools: Instruct the trainers to highlight the importance of reliable and accurate data from schools for a better education system.

Tip: Instruct the district coordinators to circulate the DCF and guidelines to schools in advance and ask schools to prepare a first draft of DCF before the training. Utilise the training to clarify specific doubts and help in interpretation of certain fields. Available at


Self-Help Guide | State

Attention: Focus on certain regions (blocks, schools) that have not provided accurate or complete information in the past years.

Step 3: Support during data collection and entry to ensure complete coverage 1


Organise awareness campaigns (in form of media campaign (see video), celebrating U-DISE day (i.e.30th September)/week) to encourage and motivate all schools ‐ especially private schools ‐ to participate in filling the DCF. This could be complemented by letters from appropriate authorities (school boards, state education secretary, District magistrate etc.) to schools to comply and provide information in timely manner.

Tip: Students enrolled in DIETS could be motivated to participate in the DCF collection process as it would give them an opportunity to visit schools and understand how schools records are maintained.


Conduct action research by visiting some schools to understand the reasons and impediments that prevent them from completing forms. For example, if private schools are unwilling to provide specific information on few fields (mainly financial details) they should still be encouraged to provide all other information on the DCF.

Step 4: Review of data quality, completeness and consistency 1

Data Completeness: Maintain a comprehensive School Directory/Master list at State. The directory should be updated regularly with inputs from District offices with every cycle.

Tip: Ask districts to submit a list of schools that have submitted DCFs and match that with the master list of schools to check 100% coverage. 2


Merge all the district data and undertake consistency check through the U-DISE software. Generate district-wise time-series report on schools, enrolment, facilities, and teachers.


Tip: Current year’s information should be compared with last year to ensure there are no significant deviations. Available at

Self-Help Guide | State


If your state has other data/EMIS systems that are more frequently updated than U‐DISE (e.g. Samagra Shiksha portal of MP, Teacher’s database of Karnataka) use that to triangulate data.

Step 5: Finalisation and submission 1

Present important education indicators such as GER, NER, Drop-out rate, PTR, SCR etc. to key stakeholders/authorities from Department of School education, SSA and RMSA societies in a joint forum to share aggregated information of the state level data system and seek feedback.

Tip: Data of the current year must be compared with that of the previous year for scrutinizing the trends/outcomes.


Undertake corrections based on feedback from stakeholders from state and district level.

Tip: State office should plan to get at least one round of feedback from districts before submission.


Print the Data Submission Certificate from U-DISE software and submit the same along with the data to NUEPA and MHRD.

Step 6: Data reporting and sharing 1

Prepare and publish Analytical Reports after the finalisation of data.This report could then be used as reference throughout the year for reporting and sharing information related to school education.

Tip: It is useful to track key indicators and show their progress over years.

Good Practice: Publications based on U-DISE are developed in many states such as Karnataka, Telangana, Assam, Maharashtra etc. which should be made available online as well.

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