Served by the Eudist Fathers of the North American Province

Page 2 With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good News January 14, 2018 English: 3rd Saturday of the month at...

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With Burning Hearts, We Proclaim the Good News

St. John Eudes Served by the Eudist Fathers of the North American Province 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH OFFICE 9901 Mason Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Friday 818-341-3680 & Fax 818-882-4326 SCHOOL OFFICE 9925 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 818-341-1454 & Fax 818-341-3093 Fr. Lawrence Goodwin, CJM - Pastor [email protected] - ext. 116 Facebook: Frlawrence Goodwincjm Fr. Carlos Valencia, CJM - Associate Pastor [email protected] - ext. 104 Barbara Danowitz - School Principal [email protected] - 818-341-1454 Gina Ibarra - Business Manager [email protected] - ext. 102 Isela Mora - Parish Secretary [email protected] - ext. 101 Mary Ellen Pike – Gift Shop Manager [email protected] - ext. 157 LITURGIES English Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00, 12:45 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. Español Domingo 2:15 p.m. Daily Mass in English Monday through Friday: 6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Holy Days: 6:30 a.m. 8:15 a.m. & 12:15 p.m. English 7:30 p.m. Spanish Civic Holidays 9:00 a.m. only, no 6:30 or 8:15 a.m. Morning Prayer – Liturgy of the Hours Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. in Chapel Confessions Saturday 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., or by appointment

January 28, 2018

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good News

In Deuteronomy today we hear that God’s very words will fill the mouth of a true prophet, but a false prophet will, in a manner of speaking, put mere mortal words into God’s mouth. In Mark’s Gospel, we see Jesus teaching and healing as a true prophet, one filled with the authority of God’s own voice. The whole history of our church is filled with both true and false prophets. Some false prophets were extremely popular and quite well-versed in scripture, and even held positions of authority. But in today’s Gospel we learn that Jesus’ fame spread because he taught with authority; he wasn’t an authority because he was popular or famous. Elsewhere, we also learn from him, in his desert temptation confrontations with Satan, that anyone can quote scripture, even against God’s purposes. Today we hear that his authority was not like that of the scribes, who held the official positions of religious authority in his day. Our work is to do our best to discern the true prophets in our midst, and to be true prophets as well. The psalmist tells us how to do this: by not hardening our hearts when God speaks. If we truly listen to God, it will be God’s very words filling our mouths.

January 28, 2018

Please pray for the following priests this week: Jan 28 Rev. Edward Dover, St. James the Less Catholic Church, La Crescenta Jan 29 Rev. Edwin Duyshart, St. Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church, Los Angeles Jan 30 Rev. Luke Dysinger, O.S.B., St. Andrew’s Abbey & Retreat House, Valyermo Jan 31 Rev. Mattias Ewing, O. Carm. Crespi Carmelite Community, Encino Feb 1

Rev. Guillermo Garcia Vargas, C.S., St. Charles Residence, Sun Valley

Feb 2

Rev. Thomas Feltz, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Encino

Feb 3

Rev. Robert Garon, St. Didacus Catholic Church, Sylmar

English: 3rd Saturday of the month at 12:00 p.m. NO BAPTISMS DURING LENT 2018 Baptism Seminar Classes are held the 3rd Sunday of every month (no baptismal Seminar in December) In Room A/B of Grill Hall from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. (No need to pre-register) Any Questions? Contact (818) 341-3680 For those baptizing at another parish and taking the class here, the fee is $25 per person.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at the conclusion of the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Join us for an hour of tranquility in the company of the Lord. Benediction is at 6:00 p.m.

This week you will be hosted by the SJE School. Come in and enjoy the coffee, donuts and camaraderie! Nellie Newman, Phil McManama & Jaime Garcia S.H. Ministry

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good


Cub Scouts Pack 466 Cub Master Will Levesque 818-488-4230 [email protected] Ulises Garcia 818-339-1674 [email protected]

RCIA Br. David K. Betz, S.M. – ext. 105

Swim Team Miguel Fernandez -818-346-7820


Rev. Lawrence Goodwin, Pastor, ext. 116 a a

Rev. Carlos Valencia, Associate Pastor, ext. 104 M@s e a Ramón Flores Fr. Carlos’ Assistant, 805-907-9909 Gina Ibarra Business Manager, ext. 102 Barbara School Principal [email protected] Edgar Contreras Coordinator of Youth Ministry ext. 121 as@ e Br. David K. Betz, S.M. RCIA Coordinator ext. 105 Nancy Sayward Children’s Ministry Coordinator ext. 117 e Jose Schnaider Spanish Ministry a e a Dana e Music Director, e Sargon Younan, Project Director John School Board Chairperson

Marriage Prep CoordinatorRicca Francis 818-585-7791 [email protected] LITURGY COMMISSION Liturgy Director Sargon Younan [email protected] Spanish Liturgy Coordinator: Ramón Flores 805-907-9909 [email protected] Media Ministry - Fr. Lawrence Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Chris Hwang 818-486-0516 [email protected] Chris Ranieri 818-993-1668 Lectors – Sylvia Kongelbeck [email protected] 818-882-9131 Altar Servers - (Training) Phil Moore [email protected] (Schedule) Shy Suttles 818-624-4749 [email protected] Sacristans - Sargon Younan 818-687-2041 Ushers - Bob Smiley 818-701-5585 Music Ministry – Dana Howell [email protected] Gabor Lukin, Organist Matthew Park - Contemporary Choir Carlos Perez-Carrillo - Spanish Choir Liturgical Environment – Karen Fredrickson [email protected]

Isela Mora, Parish Secretary, ext. 101 [email protected] Virginia Daniels, Receptionist, ext. 100 or 112 [email protected] Celia Estrada, Bookkeeper, ext. 152 [email protected]

COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Edgar Contreras ext. 121 EDGE Gail McKenzie [email protected] CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Children’s Ministry Coordinator Nancy Sayward, ext. 117

Marta Garcia, Ministry Admin. Asst. ext. 110 [email protected]

Spanish Religious Education Sister Guadalupe 818-885-6265

Michelle Bevilacqua, Bulletin, ext. 120 [email protected]

Children’s Drama Irene Castaneda [email protected]

Helio Martinez, Maintenance Marina Martinez Lourdes Torres, Cook, ext.119

January 28, 2018

Children’s Liturgy -

Girl Scouts - Shy Suttles 818-624-4749 [email protected] Gabi Breard 818-832-0407 [email protected]

[email protected] COMPASSION COMMISSION Terry Hernandez 818-718-0752. Sandwich Sunday – Nellie Newman Footcare Ministry - Kathy Putnam [email protected] Bereavement – Dan & Agnes Young 818-368-5208 Bereavement Spanish Bereavement Support John Chady 818-341-0761 Oasis 213-251-3572 Respect Life 818-341-3680 Blood Drive Nisha Joseph 661-810-6583 Saint Vincent de Paul Chris Ranieri 818-993-1668 SVDP Home Pick-up 800-974-3571 Divorced & Widow/er Support Kathy Tickner 818-349-9335 Alcoholics Anonymous Maria Czech 818-631-2029 Al-Anon 818-760-7122 Retrouvaille Rosa & Martin Baeza 818-201-9330. FILIPINO COORDINATING COUNCIL Mia Macalino 818-517-4300 FACILITIES COMMITTEE SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Men’s Council Joe Ramirez 818-694-1234 Gift Shop - ext. 157 Mary Ellen Pike 949-375-1239 SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS SPIRITUAL MINISTRIES Fr. Carlos 818-341-3680 ext. 104 [email protected] Fr. Lawrence 818-341-3680 ext. 116 Forever Grateful Prayer Group Jazzy Yuhico, 818-625-3386, [email protected] Junior Legion of Mary Legion of Mary William Vellone 818-341-1558 Maria Greer Teddy Haftl 818-449-9851 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Josie Gomes 818-341-8473 Tercian Lay Carmelite Community Maria 818-280-3944; [email protected] Rosary for Life Terri Tanis 818-886-1318

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good News

January 28, 2018

Feast Day Celebration Our Lady of Lourdes Ministry February 17, 2018, 1:00pm Procession, crowning, Flower & Candle Offering, Living Rosary, Eucharistic Celebration and Fellowship.

1st Year Confirmation February 6th 7:00 to 8:30 pm Social in Grill Hall February 11th 3:30 to 5:00pm in Grill Hall

Contact: Carmelita Canoy: (818) 205-3192 Marielou Benardine (818) 730-6639 Please wear white dress with blue sash (Blue sash will be provided in the Narthex)

2nd Year Confirmation February 6th 7:00 to 8:30pm Social in Grill Hall For more information call Edgar Contreras at 818-341-3680 and ask for ext. 121.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Tuition Raffle We are starting a Vacation Bible School (VBS) Planning Committee, if you are interested in a Leadership role for VBS, in the Summer of 2018, contact: Nancy Sayward Children Ministry Coordinator at 818-341-3680 ext. 117 or [email protected] for more information.

The 2018 Daily Mass Record is here in the parish office for all your Mass Intentions for the New Year.


 

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) – We are in need of Adults to lead in our Liturgy Dismissal during our 11:00am & 12:45pm Mass. Come share your knowledge with others. National Catholic School Week starts 1/28 – 2/2 no Religious Education Classes during this week See below for Reconciliation information.

RECONCILIATION RETREAT February 3rd 2018 In grill hall from 8am-1pm 2nd year classes only FIRST RECONCILIATION February 24th 2018 In the Church Starting at 10am 2nd Year Classes only

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good

January 28, 2018

Saturday, February 10th 6:00pm, in Grill Hall Come dine with your special girl and dance the night away. Tickets are $30 per couple and $5 additional tickets. Dinner and drinks are included. Pictures are sold separately. Raffle tickets will be sold at the event as a fundraiser. Tickets will be available in the Plaza after the 9:00 & 11:00am Masses or contact: Children’s Ministry - Nancy Sayward 818-341-3680, ext. 117 or [email protected]

The 6th Annual SJE Wine Tasting Spectacular is coming to Grill Hall on Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. Tickets are on sale pre-event for $30.00 per person. Or you can get together with ten of your best friends and reserve your own table for $270. Tickets can be purchased after each Sunday morning mass beginning February 4 and continuing through February 18, as well as during the week at the church rectory. For you procrastinators, tickets will be available at the door on the day of the event at no increase in cost. Of course, attendance is limited to those over 21 years of age. The Wine Tasting Spectacular is sponsored by the SJE Men’s Council and is always lots of fun. For the price of admission, you’ll be able to sample a wide variety of wines from California and around the world. And for the first time in recorded history, your admission price includes un-limited wine tasting and appetizers. Also, please remember, all proceeds benefit the Men’s Council charities and our Church community.

See back of bulletin for more information

For further information, to purchase tickets, or volunteer to help, please contact Paul La Bella at 818-683-3011, Dennis Gaj at 818-620-3404, Jeff Naftel at 818-935-3633, or Tom Siciliano at 818-631-3694




Information & Registration

29 Jan 2018


Information & Registration

5 Feb 2018


Kick Off

26 Feb 2018


Session One

5 Mar 2018


Session Two

12 Mar 2018


Session Three

19 Mar 2018


Session Four

2 Apr 2018


Session Five

9 Apr 2018


Session Six

16 Apr 2018


Session Seven

23 Apr 2018


Immersion Experience Option 1

28 Apr 2018

8am – 3pm

Immersion Experience Option 2

5 May 2018

8am – 3pm

Post Immersion Session

7 May 2018


Hello Cursillistas! If you have made a Crusillo and would be interested in helping in having a Cursillio here at St. John Eudes, please contact Fr. Lawrence at: [email protected].

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good News

A Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

January 28, 2018

The 2018 Calendars are available in the Parish Office A donation would be greatly appreciated.

I have called you; you are mine, Isaiah 43:1

Are you feeling called to deeper faith? Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Have you been baptized but not yet received Confirmation and Holy Communion? RCIA encourages a change of heart and transformation of spirit while deepening our understanding of God. The journey begins with Inquiry, which meets every Tuesday at 7:30 pm in Grill Hall Rm G. The journey incorporates all aspects of parish life: prayer, worship, Scripture study, community, and acts of charity. The RCIA process is open to adults and youth (grade 6 and up) If you are interested, or know someone who might like to join us, please call Brother David in the RCIA office: 818-341-3680 ext. 105 Upcoming Event: Sunday January 28th, 9am Mass Looking forward to officially accepting 4 youth into the RCIA process.

CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP ST. JOHN EUDES Please join us on:  Jan. 31, 2018 (Wednesday)  7:15 PM  SJE Church  Wild Goose Series Segment 12: The Spirit’s Freedom "Freedom is not the ability to do anything we want, whenever we want. Rather, freedom is the ability to live responsibly the truth of our relationship with God and with one another. "- Pope St. John Paul II

Scout Sunday is February 4th. At the 9:00am Mass all are invited to wear their Scout uniforms: boys and girls, leaders, past and present from any troop or pack. St John Eudes Parish charters Cup Pack 466 (Kinder to 5th grade), Girl Scout Troop 1806 (Kinder to 4th Grade) and Girl Scout Troop 2806 (5th grade to 8th grade). We will all have information booths following Mass for anyone interested or with questions. Thank you St. John Eudes for all your support!!

The Holy Spirit brings freedom from fear, anger, and the past. So often Christians find themselves bound by so many things and are not aware that the Holy Spirit wants to bring the freedom of God to them. Many are slaves to anger, envy, jealousy, comparisons, and addictions. You do not have to live life like that. In this segment we will discuss how the Holy Spirit can bring you greater freedom. Open to ALL. For further information, please call: Jazzy (818) 625-3386; Imelda (818) 882-8962

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good News

January 28, 2018

Come join us on Saturday, February 3 for breakfast and fellowship in Grill Hall from 6:30 to 8:00am. This week we continue Fr. Larry’s series “Knowing Jesus and His Church”. We will be discussing “How to Pray.” Join the ancient tradition of altar serving! Carry the cross, the book of prayers and the light of Christ Swing the thing that makes smoke (the thurible) Be close to the altar INFORMATION MEETING Mon Feb 5, 2018: 6:30PM in Church (with at least one parent) TRAININGS 3:00 to 5:00 PM IN CHURCH FRIDAYS, except 1st Fridays: Feb 9, 16, 23 Mar 9, 16, 23, (No class Good Friday) Apr 13, 20, 27 May 11, 18, 25 As needed: June 15, 22, 29 (No class June 8th)

For Questions Please contact Shy Suttles: [email protected] 818-624-4749

To train you must be: 4th grade or older Be Baptized Received First Communion LOVE JESUS! 

Join us for OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, January 28, 10:00am - 1:00pm. Applications for TK-6th Grade for the 2018-2019 school year will be available in the school office and on the school’s website Please call the office for more information (818) 341-1454. Scholastic Book Fair is on Sunday, January 28 from 9:00am - 1:30pm in Grill Hall. Are you interested in our AMAZING TK and Kinder programs? Come to the TK and K Information Meeting on Monday, February 5 at 7:00pm in Grill Hall.

All are invited so that together we can seek God’s Purpose and ways. For more information Contact Fred Perez at 818-749-5126 or [email protected]

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Con Corazones Ardientes Proclamamos la Buena Nueva

Coordinador: Padre Carlos Valencia [email protected] Asistente: Ramón Flores (805) 907-9909 Mesa Coordinadora: Jose Schnaider (818) 469-9040 Lectores: Claudia Corbera

28 de enero 2018

Los Bautismos en español son el primer sábado del mes a las 12:00pm. Es requerido tomar las clases pre-bautismales en Espanol. Mas información llamar al 818-341-3680 ó [email protected]. Si necesitan tomar la clase para bautizar en otra parroquia el costo es de $25 por persona

Ministros de la Comunión: Nelson & Leticia Jiménez (818) 718-8762 Ujieres: Juan Godoy (818) 749-4541 Carlos Ciprés (818) 212-6512 Ana Zacarías (818) 489-2466 Monaguillos: Belén Rangel (818) 993-3509 Coord. de Coros: Carlos Pérez (818) 233-4814 Catecismo: Madre Guadalupe (818) 885-6265 Grupo de Oración: Jose Soto (818) 724-1335 Semilla del Reino: Vilma Hernández (818) 231-3844 Encuentro Matrimonial: Israel Pedroza (818) 935-0448 Coord. de Liturgia: Ramón Flores (805) 907-9909 Coord. de Bautismos: Gustavo & Gaby Camberos (818) 235-3292 Comunidad San Pablo: Mario España (818) 402-4711 Retrouvaille: Martin & Rosa Baeza (818) 996-0821 Visita a enfermos: Luisa Parada (818) 633-9368

Sabado, 10 de febrero A las 6:00pm Iglesia de San Juan Eudes Grill Hall Ven a cenar con tu chica especial y baila toda la noche. Los Boletos son $30 por pareja y $5 boletos adicionales. Cena y bebidas incluidas las fotos se venden por separado. Los Boletos de la rifa serán vendidos en el evento como una recaudación de fondos. Boletos se venderá en la Plaza después de las Misas de 9am, 11am y 2:15pm. O contacto Ministerio de Niños - Nancy Sayward 818-341-3680, ext. 117, [email protected]

Guardería Necesitamos adultos para cuidar a los niños de preescolar durante las misas de 2:15 pm de los domingos

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With Burning Hearts We Proclaim the Good News

(818)341-3680 ext. 157 • cell (949)375-1239 Sunday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Closed Monday. Tuesday through Friday: 8:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Evangelization: Religious Minorities in Asia That Christians, and other religious minorities in Asian countries, may be able to practice their faith in full freedom.

The Shop is located at the Mason parking lot Church entrance

Parent and caregiver observations can help protect a child in danger, and you should know when it’s important to speak up. Although it may be awkward to approach a parent you do not know, if you have witnessed a scenario where the child is in danger of physical or mental abuse, it is your responsibility to act in that child’s best interest. In addition to reporting concerns, think about any practical solutions that can help keep kids safe pending an investigation and solution. For a copy of the VIRTUS© article “Voicing Concerns About a Child’s Environment,” email: [email protected] or call 213-637-7227.

Jan 28 - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Schools Week 5:30pm Bernie Aberin†, Alice Lim Susan Choo - Birthday 7:30am Jeff Wyant - Healing 9:00am Julie L. Wolff† 11:00am People of the Parish 12:45pm Kathrine McConnell† 2:15pm Juan Antonio Cuevas Romero† 5:30pm Macaria Permentilla Navarro† Mon. 1/29 6:30am Ana Gascon - Birthday Gary Boudreau† 8:15am Rodney Johnson† People Suffering from Addictions Tues. 1/30 6:30am Martha Clement - Healing 8:15am Adrian Iler - Healing People Suffering from Addictions

Monthly Give Us This Day books

Speak up with concerns about a child's environment . . .

January 28, 2018


Dt 18:15-20 Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 1 Cor 7:32-35 Mk 1:21-28


2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 Ps 3:2-7 Mk 5:1-20


2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 - 19:3 Ps 86:1-6 Mk 5:21-43


2 Sm 24:2, 9-17 Ps 32:1-2, 5-7 Mk 6:1-6


1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12 1 Chr 29:10-12 Mk 6:7-13


Mal 3:1-4 Ps 24:7-10 Heb 2:14-18 Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]


1 Kgs 3:4-13 Ps 119:9-14 Mk 6:30-34

Wed. 1/31 - St. John Bosco 6:30am Joe Boker† 8:15am All Souls in Purgatory Thurs. 2/1 6:30am Jim Mendrala - Healing 8:15am All Souls in Purgatory Fri. 2/2 - The Presentation of the Lord First Friday 6:30am Dorothy Lino - Birthday 8:15am Pacita Ochoa† People Suffering from Addictions Sat. 2/3 - St. Angela Merici 8:15am Lydia Nunez - Birthday

For more information please email: [email protected]