Strength Chart

Brought to you by FITNESSANDBODYIMAGE.COM Strength Chart Body Area Upper Lower 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 8 10 40 50 55 60 70...

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Brought to you by FITNESSANDBODYIMAGE.COM Strength Chart Body Area Upper Lower 8 10 6 8 4 6 3 4 2 3 4 8 8 12

60 40 45 50 50 55 45 40

70 50 50 55 60 65 50 50

80 55 60 65 65 75 60 55

90 60 65 65 75 85 65 60

100 110 120 130 140 70 75 85 90 100 75 80 90 95 105 80 90 95 105 110 85 95 100 110 120 95 105 115 125 135 75 80 90 95 105 70 75 85 90 100

150 100 105 115 125 145 100 90

160 115 120 125 135 155 120 110

170 120 125 135 145 160 125 120

180 125 135 145 155 170 135 125

200 140 150 160 170 190 150 140

210 145 155 170 180 200 155 145

220 155 165 175 190 210 165 155

230 160 170 185 195 220 170 160

240 170 180 190 205 230 180 170

250 175 185 200 215 240 185 175

260 185 195 210 225 245 195 180

270 190 205 215 230 255 205 185

280 200 210 225 240 265 210 195

290 205 220 230 245 275 220 205

300 210 225 240 255 285 225 210

310 220 230 250 265 295 230 220

320 225 240 255 275 305 240 225

330 230 245 265 280 315 245 230

340 240 255 270 290 325 255 240

350 245 265 280 300 330 265 245

360 255 270 290 305 340 270 255

370 260 280 295 315 350 280 260

380 265 285 305 325 360 285 265

390 275 295 315 330 370 295 275

400 280 300 320 340 380 300 280

410 285 310 330 350 390 310 285

420 295 315 335 360 400 315 295

430 300 325 345 365 410 325 300

440 310 330 355 375 420 330 310

450 315 340 360 385 430 340 315

470 330 355 375 400 445 350 330

480 335 360 385 410 455 360 335

490 345 365 395 415 465 365 345

500 350 375 400 425 475 375 350

510 355 385 410 435 485 385 355

520 365 390 415 440 495 390 365

530 370 395 425 450 505 395 370

540 380 405 430 460 515 405 380

550 385 415 440 470 525 410 385

560 395 420 450 475 535 420 390

570 400 430 455 485 545 425 400

580 410 435 465 495 560 435 405

600 420 450 480 510 570 450 420

610 430 460 490 520 580 460 425

620 435 465 495 530 590 465 435

630 440 475 505 535 600 470 440

640 450 480 510 545 610 480 450

650 455 490 520 555 620 490 455

660 460 495 530 560 625 495 460

670 470 505 535 570 635 505 470

680 475 510 545 580 645 510 475

690 485 520 555 585 655 520 485

700 490 525 560 595 665 525 490

710 500 535 570 605 675 535 495

Upper 8 6 4 3 2 8 12

Lower 10 8 6 4 3

Upper 8 6 4 3 2 8 12

Lower 10 8 6 4 3

Upper 8 6 4 3 2 8 12

Lower 10 8 6 4 3

4 8

460 325 345 370 390 435 345 320

Upper 8 6 4 3 2 8 12

Lower 10 8 6 4 3 4 8

590 415 445 475 505 560 440 415

4 8

4 8

For Best Workouts, Don't pause any more than 30-60 seconds between sets. Some weights may be the same in columns because they are in multiples of five. **Fitness and Body Image assumes no liability and shall not be liable for any damages from or in connection with the strength chart and recommends that you please consult your physician before performing exercises using this exercise chart.

190 130 140 150 165 180 140 130

720 510 520 575 655 675 495 415