Download Counselling Practicum. Credit Value. 3. Level. 5. Pre-requisite /. Co-requisite /. Exclusion. Theories and Models of Counselling. Individua...

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Subject Code


Subject Title

Counselling Practicum

Credit Value




Pre-requisite / Co-requisite / Exclusion

Theories and Models of Counselling

Minimum Pass Grade Assessment Methods

Individual and Group Counselling Skills Workshop D

100% Continuous Assessment Individual Assessment

Group Assessment

1. Participation and Skills in Practices



2. Reflection Paper




Counselling Practicum provides intensive training on professional helping relationship building strategies and intervention methods. Characteristics and dimensions related to such counsellor-client relationship would be introduced, and strategies and intervention methods in the helping process would be practiced in supervised real settings. Teaching is done via an experiential learning approach. Students have to actively participate in practice assignments and the subsequent reflection exercises.

Contribution to Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling Award Outcomes

1. Ability to deal with the competing values and ethical dimensions in decision-making and to address tension, uncertainty or conflict arising from the decision-making process; 2. Ability to integrate knowledge with practice, particularly to synthesize knowledge from a number of disciplines when addressing complex practice situations; 3. Ability to articulate a coherent personal perspective of and approach to guidance and counselling practice in the Chinese context; 4. Ability to acquire the learning to learn knowledge in order to ensure continual development as reflective practitioners in guidance and counselling practice; 5. Ability to contribute to the continuing professional development of personnel in human service organizations.

Last updated in August 2013


APSS5623 for 2013/14

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Integrate the broad foundation of knowledge with the professional knowledge and skills for guidance and counselling practice in resolving problems with clients in various human service settings; b. Apply and integrate counselling knowledge and techniques from related disciplines when addressing clients’ developmental and psychosocial needs.

Subject Synopsis / Indicative Syllabus

This module provides students with supervised field experience in counselling and guidance. Students are required to complete a supervised practicum of 75 hours including 50 hours of face-to-face client contact. The mode of intervention could be individual or group. Students could engage in one-to-one counselling practice, as well as other preventive and developmental interventions. Students are expected to develop competence in establishing counselling relationship, theory-practice integration, provision of counselling intervention, and outcome evaluation. Students will receive regular face-toface individual or group supervision, in which they are encouraged to critically reflect on the relevancy of the theories and practice approaches acquired through the coursework to the local context and to creative synthesize the theoretical knowledge with their indigenous practice in guidance and counselling.

Teaching / Learning Methodology

Students will receive group supervision supplemented by individual guidance from a supervisor in conducting school guidance and counselling activities that is aimed to integrate theories and practice, and to generate new theoretical and practice insights for improving their current practice. Students will be guided to make use of the learning gained from the programme. To complete the subject, students are required to submit reports on their counselling process and a self-reflection paper of not less than 2,000 words.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods / tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a


1. Participation and Skills in Practices


2. Reflection Paper


Last updated in August 2013


APSS5623 for 2013/14

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Assessment will be based on students’ participation in the supervision sessions and their counselling practice. Students will be required to hand in recordings and a reflection paper to critically evaluate their own practice competence.

Student Study Effort Required

Class contact: 

Supervised Practice

50 Hrs.

Individual and Group Supervisions

25 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading prescribed book chapters and articles

20 Hrs.

Viewing cases’ videotapes and practice

50 Hrs. 145Hrs.

Total student study effort

Medium of Instruction

English supplemented with Chinese

Medium of Assessment

English / Chinese

Reading List and References

Essential Brems, C. (2001) Basic Skills in Psychotherapy and Counseling. Wadsworth, Brooks/Cole. Brems, Christiane. (2000). Dealing with challenges in psychotherapy and counseling. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning. Corey, G. (2009) Theory and Practice of Counselling and Psychotherapy (8th edition). California: Brooks/Cole. Cormier, S. & Cormier, B. (2009) Interviewing strategies for helpers: fundamental skills and cognitive behavioral interventions. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole.

Last updated in August 2013


APSS5623 for 2013/14

Egan, G. (2010) The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity- Development Approach to Helping. (9th edition) Australia: Brooks/Cole. Egan, Gerald (2007) Exercises in Helping Skills: A Manual to Accompany the Skilled Helper. Hepworth, D.H., Rooney, R.H. & Larsen, J.A. (2002) Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills (5th ed.) Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole. Hill, C.E. & O’Brien, K.M. (2009) Helping Skills: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action. Washington: American Psychological Association. Ivey, A.E. & Ivey, M.B. (2003) Intentional interviewing and counseling : facilitating client development in a multicultural society. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole. Murphy, B.C. & Dillon, C. (2003) Interviewing in action: process and practice. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/Cole. Nelson-Jones, R. (2000) Introduction to Counselling Skills: Text and Activities. London: Sage. Wheeler, S. (1996). Training Counsellors: The assessment of competence. London: Cassell.

Last updated in August 2013


APSS5623 for 2013/14