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Focus 3: Converting Meters and. Centimeters. Lesson 22. Solving speed situations with the formula rate x time. 6.RP.3b (Solving Unit Rate Problems). F...

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rate EngageNY Lessons

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Topic A: Representing and Reasoning About Ratios Lesson 1

Understand the concept of a ratio.

6.RP.1 (Understanding Ratio Relationships between Two Quantities)

Lemonator 9000

Focus 4: Writing a Ratio

Lesson 2

Use the precise language and notation of ratios. Create ratios in context of

Representing Ratios

6.RP.1 (Understanding Ratio Relationships between Two Quantities)

Representing Ratios

Representing Ratios Using Models and Tables

SLA 6.RP.1

Focus 3: Ratio Scenarios

Focus 5: Expressing a Ratio from a Word Problem Lesson 3

Using diagrams and models to represent and solve ratios.

6.RP.1 (Understanding Ratio Relationships between Two Quantities) Focus 1: Modeling Ratios

Lesson 4

Identify equivalent ratios.

6.PR.3a (Making Tables of Equivalent Ratios to Relate and Compare Quantities) Focus 1: Understanding Equivalent Ratios

Lesson 5

Find equivalent ratios using the Part-to-Part ratio.

Lesson 6

Changing the ratio when a quantity changes.

Lesson 7

Understand the relationship between ratios and fractions and the

6.RP.1 (Understanding Ratio Relationships between Two Quantities) Focus 2: Part-to-Whole and Part-to-Part Relationships

Lesson 8

Understand the value of a ratio.

Topic B: Collections of Equivalent Ratios Lesson 9

6.PR.3a (Making Tables of Equivalent Ratios to Relate and Compare Quantities)

Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rate EngageNY Lessons

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Focus 2: Using Models to Create a Table

Focus 3: What's the Pattern?

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Identify the structure of a ratio table to make additional entries. Comparing different ratios using multiple ratio tables. Represent ratios on a double number line diagram. Use the value of a ratio to write and solve equations.

Ratio Tables and Graphs

6.PR.3a (Making Tables of Equivalent Ratios to Relate and Compare Quantities)

Ratios and Graphs

Focus 5: Equations for Ratio Relationships

Ratios and Tables

Identifying Ratios Using Tables and Graphs

Understanding Unit Rate

Lesson 14

Representing ratios in the coordinate plane.

6.PR.3a (Making Tables of Equivalent Ratios to Relate and Compare Quantities) Focus 4: Ratio Relationships on the Coordinate Plane

Lesson 15

Observing the points follow the line y=kx where k is the ratio.

Topic C: Unit Rates Lesson 16

Using a ratio to determine the unit rate.

Expressing Unit Rate

6.RP.2 (Understand Unit Rates with a Ratio)

Understanding Unit Rate

Identifying Unit Rate

SLA 6.RP.2

Focus 4: Unit Rates in Ratio Notation

Focus 5: Solving for Unit Rate

6.RP.3b (Solving Unit Rate Problems)

Focus 3: Price per Pound

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Associating unit rates and ratios.




6.RP.2 (Understand Unit Rates with a Ratio)

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Divide Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers

Focus 1: Rates and Unit Rates

Focus 3: Modeling Unit Rates

6.RP.3b (Solving Unit Rate Problems)

Focus 1: Finding and Using Unit Rate

Focus 4: Unit Rate and Equivalent Ratios

Lesson 18

Lesson 19

Interpreting rate as a division of two quantities to simplify multiplying a rate Solving by using unit rates in tables, graphs, and equations.

6.RP.2 (Understand Unit Rates with a Ratio) Focus 2: Better Buys

Lesson 20

Solving by analyzing different unit rates in a variety of formats.

Solving Problems Involving Unit 6.RP.3b (Solving Unit Rate Problems) Rate

Solving Problems Involving Unit Rate

Solving Problems Involving Unit Rate

Focus 5: What's the Best Buy?

Lesson 21

Using rates to convert measurement units.

6.RP.3d (Using Ratios to Convert Measurement Units) Focus 1: Cups in a Gallon

Focus 3: Converting Meters and Centimeters Lesson 22

Solving speed situations with the formula rate x time.

6.RP.3b (Solving Unit Rate Problems)

Focus 2: Distance, Rate, and Time

Lesson 23

Solving constant rate work problems.

Topic D: Percent

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 1: Ratios and Unit Rate EngageNY Lessons Lesson 24

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Understand that percents are related to a ratio that is a part out of 100.




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6.RP.3c (Understanding Percent as a Rate per 100) Focus 1: What is Percent?

Lesson 25

Understand the relationships between a fraction, decimal, and

6.RP.3c (Understanding Percent as a Rate per 100) Focus 5: Modeling Percent with a 10 x 10 Grid

Lesson 26

Find a percent of a quantity or a whole using the part and percentage.

Solving Percent Word Problems

6.RP.3c (Understanding Percent as a Rate per 100) Focus 2: Percent Discounts

Lesson 27

Find a percent of a quantity or a whole using the part and percentage.

Percent Relationships

Expressing and Solving Percents

Percent Relationships

Expressing Percents as Fractions, Decimals, and by Using Models

6.RP.3c (Understanding Percent as a Rate per 100) Focus 3: Finding the Percent from a Total

Focus 4: Finding the Total from a Percent

Lesson 28

Lesson 29

Find a percent of a quantity or a whole using the part and percentage. Find a percent of a quantity or a whole using the part and percentage.

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions EngageNY Lessons

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Topic A: Dividing Fractions by Fractions Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Use visual models to divide a fraction by a whole number. Understand the difference between dividing a fraction by a whole number and Use visual models to divide fractions by fractions with common denominators. Use visual models to divide fractions by fractions with different denominators.

6.NS.1 (Word Problems with Quotients of Fractions) Focus 1: Using Models to Divide Fractions

Lesson 5

Demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions by setting up a

6.NS.1 (Word Problems with Quotients of Fractions) Focus 5: Interpreting a Division Equation

Lesson 6

Demonstrate an understanding of dividing fractions by setting up a

6.NS.1 (Word Problems with Quotients of Fractions) Focus 3: Using Models to Solve a Word Problem

Lesson 7

Connect models of fractions to multiplication through the use of

6.NS.1 (Word Problems with Quotients of Fractions) Focus 2: Understanding Division of Fractions

Lesson 8

Divide fractions by mixed numbers.

Topic B: Multi-Digit Decimal Operations Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying Lesson 9

Add and subtract multidigit decimals.

6.NS.3 (Applying the Four Operations to Multi-Digit Decimals) Focus 1: Adding Multi-Digit Decimals

Focus 2: Subtracting Multi-Digit Decimals

Lesson 10

Apply the distributive property to find the product of decimals.

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 2: Arithmetic Operations Including Division of Fractions EngageNY Lessons Lesson 11

Estimation of decimal products and the connection between

TenMarks Resources Assignments Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide: Multi-Digit Decimals Estimating with All Operations: Multi-Digit Decimals




6.NS.3 (Applying the Four Operations to Add, Subtract, Multiply, Multi-Digit Decimals) Divide Multi-Digit Decimals Focus 3: Using Patterns to Multiply

Multiplication and Division of Multi-Digit Decimals

Focus 4: Multiplying Multi-Digit Decimals Using the Standard Algorithm

Addition and Subtraction of Multi-Digit Decimals

Focus 7: Simplifying Expressions using the Four Operations

Using Models to Add Decimals

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Assessments SLA 6.NS.3

Using Models to Divide Decimals

Using Models to Multiply Decimals Using Models to Subtract Decimals Topic C: Dividing Whole Numbers and Decimals Lesson 12

Estimating digits in a quotient.

6.NS.2 (Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers)

Focus 2: Estimating to Check the Quotient Lesson 13

Dividing multi-digit numbers using the algorithm.

6.NS.2 (Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers)

Focus 1: Understanding Division

6.NS.3 (Applying the Four Operations to Multi-Digit Decimals) Focus 5: Dividing Multi-Digit Decimals

Lesson 14

Using the algorithm to divide multi-digit numbers with and without

6.NS.2 (Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers)

SLA 6.NS.2

Focus 3: Expressing Quotients with Remainders Focus 4: Understanding Decimal Quotients Focus 5: Writing a Remainder as a Decimal Focus 6: Dividing a 5-Digit Dividend by a 3-Digit Divisor

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Using powers of 10 to aid in decimal placement and division of multi-digit

Topic D: Number Theory – Thinking Logically About Multiplicative Arithmetic Lesson 16

Lesson 17

Lesson 18

Using even and odd to understand multiples and factors. Using divisibility rules for 3 and 9 to find factors and multiples. Find LCM and GCF and apply factors to the Distributive Property.

Identifying the Greatest Common Factor

6.NS.4 (Identifying Greatest Common Factors and Least Common Multiples)

Identifying the Greatest Common Factor

Identifying the Greatest Common Factor

Find the Greatest Common Factor

SLA 6.NS.4

Focus 1: Understanding Factors and Multiples Focus 2: Strategies for Identifying the Greatest Common FActor Focus 3: Using the GCF to solve a Word Problem Focus 4: Utilizing the Distributive Property to Find the Sum Focus 5: Strategies for Identifying the Least Common Multiple Focus 6: Using the LCM to Solve a Word Problem Lesson 19

Discover Euclid's Algorithm as a means to find the CGF.

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 3: Rational Numbers EngageNY Lessons

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Topic A: Understanding Positive and Negative Numbers on the Number Line Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Positive and negative numbers on the number line. Real-world positive, negative, and zero values.

Using Integers to Represent Quantities

6.NS.5 (Understanding Magnitude and Direction with Positive and Negative Numbers)

Using Integers to Represent Quantities

Positive and Negative Numbers in Real World Situations

Elevate Your Position

SLA 6.NS.5

Focus 1: Using Positive and Negative Numbers to Represent Position Focus 2: Identifying Context Clues for Positive and Negative Numbers Focus 3: Using Positive and Negative Numbers to Represent Temperature Focus 4: Playing with Positive and Negative Numbers at the Bank Focus 5: How Low Can You Go?

Lesson 3

Real-world positive, negative, and zero values.

Lesson 4

The opposite of a number.

6.NS.6 (Understanding Opposites and Identifying Rational Numbers on a Number Line and a Coordinate Plane)

Bunny Hop

Focus 1: Identifying Opposite Numbers on the Number Line Lesson 5

The opposite of a number's opposite.

Identifying Opposite Numbers

6.NS.6 (Understanding Opposites and Identifying Rational Numbers on a Number Line and a Coordinate Plane)

Opposite Numbers

Identifying Opposite Numbers Using a Number Line

Find Opposite Numbers

Focus 2: Identifying the Opposite

Lesson 6

Rational Numbers on the number line.

Rational Numbers on Number Lines and Coordinate Planes

6.NS.6 (Understanding Opposites and Identifying Rational Numbers on a Number Line and a Coordinate Plane) Focus 3: Locating Rational Numbers on a Number Line

Topic B: Order and Absolute Value

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 3: Rational Numbers EngageNY Lessons Lesson 7

Ordering of integers and rational numbers.

TenMarks Resources Assignments Ordering Rational Numbers

Lessons 6.NS.7 (Comparing Rational Numbers and Understanding Absolute Value)



Comparing Rational Numbers on a Number Line

Ordering and Comparing Rational Numbers

Comparing Rational Numbers on a Number Line

Ordering and Comparing Rational Numbers

Understanding Absolute Value

Understanding Absolute Value of Rational Numbers

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Focus 3: Comparing and Interpreting Integers in a Real-World Context Focus 4: Comparing and Interpreting Negative Numbers in a Real-World Context Lesson 8

Ordering of integers and rational numbers.

Lesson 9

Comparing integers and rational numbers.

Lesson 10

Writing comparisons using inequality statements.

Use Inequality Statements to Express Real World Context

6.NS.7 (Comparing Rational Numbers and Understanding Absolute Value) Focus 1: Writing Inequalities Using the Number Line Focus 2: Writing Inequalities to Compare Rational Numbers Using a Vertical Number Line

Lesson 11

Absolute value.

Understanding the Absolute Value of Rational Numbers

6.NS.7 (Comparing Rational Numbers and Understanding Absolute Value) Focus 5: Identifying Absolute Value

Focus 6: Interpreting Absolute Value in a Real-World Context Lesson 12

Absolute value and order.

Lesson 13

Order in the real world.

Absolute Value and Statements about Order

6.NS.7 (Comparing Rational Numbers and Understanding Absolute Value)

SLA 6.NS.7

Focus 7: Identifying and Comparing Absolute Values Topic C: Rational Numbers and the Coordinate Plane Lesson 14

Ordered pairs.

6.NS.8 (Fun with the Four Quadrants)

Focus 1: Mapping With the Coordinate Plane

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 3: Rational Numbers EngageNY Lessons Lesson 15

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Locating ordered pairs on the coordinate plane.




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6.NS.6 (Understanding Opposites and Identifying Rational Numbers on a Number Line and a Coordinate Plane) Focus 4: Understanding the Relationship Between Quadrants and Signs of Numbers in Ordered Pairs 6.NS.8 (Fun with the Four Quadrants)

Focus 2: Sinking Ships

Lesson 16

Finding symmetry in the coordinate plane.

6.NS.6 (Understanding Opposites and Identifying Rational Numbers on a Number Line and a Coordinate Plane) Focus 5: Identifying and Understanding the Relationship Between a Point and Its Reflection Over an Axis

Lesson 17

Setting up the coordinate plane and drawing on it.

Opposite Numbers in the Coordinate Plane

Solving Problems with Points on the Coordinate Plane

6.NS.6 (Understanding Opposites and Identifying Rational Numbers on a Number Line and a Coordinate Plane)

Opposite Numbers on a Coordinate Plane

Identifying Opposite Numbers on the Coordinate Plane

Focus 6: Plotting and Identifying Integers in the Coordinate Plane

Identifying Distances Between Points on a Coordinate Plane

Identifying Distances Using Points on a Coordinate Plane

SLA 6.NS.6

6.NS.8 (Fun with the Four Quadrants)

Focus 3: Follow the Leader: Understanding Position on the Coordinate Plane Lesson 18

Finding distance on the coordinate plane.

6.NS.8 (Fun with the Four Quadrants)

Focus 5: Finding Side Lengths on the Coordinate Plane Focus 6: Finding Distances on the Coordinate Plane Lesson 19

Problem solving using the coordinate plane.

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 4: Expressions and Equations EngageNY Lessons

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Topic A: Relationships of the Operations Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction. Understanding the relationship between multiplication and division. Understanding the relationship between multiplication and addition.

6.EE.3 (Applying the Properties of Operations to Generate Equivalent Expressions) Focus 2: Writing Equivalent Expressions

Lesson 4

Understanding the relationship between division and subtraction.

Topic B: Special Notations of Operations Lesson 5

Discovering exponents

6.EE.1 (Write and Evaluate Numerical Expressions Involving Whole-Number Exponents) Focus 1: Exponential Notation Means Repeated Multiplication

Lesson 6

Order of operations.

6.EE.1 (Write and Evaluate Numerical Expressions Involving Whole-Number Exponents) Focus 4: Using Order of Operations in Expressions Focus 5: Using Order of Operations with Exponents

Topic C: Replacing Letters and Numbers Lesson 7

Substituting numbers in for letters.

6.EE.2 (Write, Read, and Evaluate Expressions in which Letters Stand for Numbers) Focus 2: Writing Expressions with Variables to Solve Word Problems

Lesson 8

Substituting letters in for numbers.

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Topic D: Expanding, Factoring, and Distributing Expressions Lesson 9

Writing addition and subtraction expressions.

Lesson 10

Writing and expanding multiplication equations.

Lesson 11

Factoring expressions.

Lesson 12

Identify Equivalent Expressions: Distributive Property

Distributing expressions.

6.EE.3 (Applying the Properties of Operations to Generate Equivalent Expressions)

Identifying Equivalent Expressions

Focus 5: Using Factoring to Solve Word Problems

Operations with Like Terms

Identifying Equivalent Expressions Using the Distributive Property

SLA 6.EE.3

6.EE.3 (Applying the Properties of Operations to Generate Equivalent Expressions) Focus 1: Understanding the Distributive Property Focus 3: Applying Properties of Operations to Produce Equivalent Expressions 6. EE.4 (Identifying Equivalent Expressions)

SLA 6.EE.4

Focus 5: Equivalent Expressions and the Distributive Property Lesson 13

Writing division expressions.

6.EE.2 (Write, Read, and Evaluate Expressions in which Letters Stand for Numbers) Focus 1: Writing Expressions with Numbers and Variables

Lesson 14

Writing division expressions.

Topic E: Expressing Operations in Algebraic Form Lesson 15

Lesson 16

Reading expressions in which letters stand for numbers. Writing expressions in which letters stand for numbers.

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Writing expressions in which letters stand for numbers.

Topic F: Writing and Evaluating Expressions and Formulas Lesson 18

Use variables to write expressions involving addition and subtraction.

6.EE.6 (Using Variables to Represent Numbers When Solving Problems) Focus 4: Varying a Variable

Lesson 19

Develop expressions involving addition and subtraction from real-world situations and evaluate

Using Order of Operations to Evaluate Expressions

6.EE.2 (Write, Read, and Evaluate Expressions in which Letters Stand for Numbers)

Using Order of Operations to Evaluate Expressions

Using Order of Operations to Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

Writing and Solving Equations with Variables

Identifying Expressions that Represent Situations

Focus 3: Using Substitution to Evaluate Expressions Lesson 20

Develop expressions involving multiplication and division.

6.EE.6 (Using Variables to Represent Numbers When Solving Problems) Focus 3: Writing and Evaluating Algebraic Expressions within a Context

Lesson 21

Develop expressions involving multiplication and addition.

Writing Equations Using Variables

6.EE.6 (Using Variables to Represent Numbers When Solving Problems) Focus 2: Using Algebraic Expressions to Represent a Real-World Context

Lesson 22

Develop expressions involving exponents.

Using Substitution to Determine Solutions

6.EE.1 (Write and Evaluate Numerical Expressions Involving Whole-Number Exponents) Focus 2: Understanding Repeated Multiplication

Topic G: Solving Equations Lesson 23

Identifying true and false number statements.

6.EE.5 (Understanding Solutions of Equations and Inequalities) Focus 1: Comparing Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 24

Identifying true and false number statements.

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 4: Expressions and Equations EngageNY Lessons Lesson 25

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Finding solutions to make equations true.




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6.EE.5 (Understanding Solutions of Equations and Inequalities) Focus 3: Substitution and Equations

Lesson 26

One-step equations using addition and subtraction.

6.EE.7 (Reason About and Solve OneVariable Equations) Focus 1: Balancing One-Step Equations

Focus 2: Solving for the Unknown

Lesson 27

One-Step equations using multiplication and division.

6.EE.7 (Reason About and Solve OneVariable Equations) Focus 3: Modeling One-Step Equations

Lesson 28

Two-step problems using all the operations.

Solving Word Problems Involving Equations

6.EE.7 (Reason About and Solve OneVariable Equations)

Writing and Solving Equations with Variables

Focus 4: Problem Solving with Inverse Operations Lesson 29

Identifying Expressions that Represent Situations

SLA 6.EE.7

Using Substitution to Determine Solutions

Multi-step problems using all the operations.

Topic H: Applications of Equations Lesson 30

Calculate missing angle measures using equations.

Lesson 31

Create and solve equations by assigning dependent and independent variables and

6.EE.9 (Representing and Analyzing the Relationship between Independent and Dependent Variables in the Real World)

SLA 6.EE.9

Focus 2: Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables within a Context Focus 4: Identifying the Relationship between Two Variables by Using a Table Focus 7: Writing an Equation to Model a Context Lesson 32

Create and solve equations by assigning dependent and independent variables and

Independent and Dependent Variables and Equations

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6.EE.9 (Representing and Analyzing the Relationship between Independent and Dependent Variables in the Real World)

Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent and Dependent Variables and Equations

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Focus 3: Understanding the Relationship between Two Variables by Using a Graph Focus 5: Using a Graph to Write an Equation Focus 6: Investigating a Relationship between Two Variables by Using Tables and Graphs Lesson 33

Understand inequalities and their numerical solutions as either true or

6.EE.5 (Understanding Solutions of Equations and Inequalities)

Get in Line

Focus 4: Finding Solutions of an Inequality Lesson 34

Recognize that the solution to an inequality can be a set of infinitely many solutions.

Solving Word Problems Involving Inequalities

6.EE.8 (Writing Inequalities to Represent a Real-World or Mathematical Problem)

Solving Inequalities and Word Problems

Identifying Inequalities and Solutions to Word Problems

SLA 6.EE.8

Focus 5: Interpreting the Solution to an Inequality

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 5: Area, Volume, and Surface Area Problems EngageNY Lessons

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Topic A: Area of Triangles, Quadrilaterals, and Polygons Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Finding the area of a parallelogram using rectangles. Area of right triangles.

6.G.1 (Finding the Area of Triangles and Other Polygons) Focus 1: Using the Area of a Rectangle to Understand the Area of a Triangle

Lesson 3

Area of acute triangles using base and height.

6.G.1 (Finding the Area of Triangles and Other Polygons) Focus 2: Decomposing a Triangle to Find the Area

Lesson 4

Area of any triangle using base and height.

6.G.1 (Finding the Area of Triangles and Other Polygons)

Half to Tri It

Focus 3: Identifying Base and Height to Find the Area of a Triangle Lesson 5

Finding the area of polygons using decomposition and composition.

Finding the Area of Composite Figures

6.G.1 (Finding the Area of Triangles and Other Polygons)

Identifying Areas of Parallelograms & Triangles

Focus 4: Composing a Figure to Find the Area

Area of Trapezoids

Finding the Area of Composite Figures

SLA 6.G.1

Focus 5: Decomposing a Figure to Find the Area Focus 6: Decomposing a Kite to Find the Area Focus 8: Tangram Puzzle

Lesson 6

Area in the real world.

6.G.1 (Finding the Area of Triangles and Other Polygons) Focus 7: Decomposing a Hexagon to Find the Area

Topic B: Polygons on the Coordinate Plane Lesson 7

Finding distance on the coordinate plane.

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6.G.3 (Identifying Side Lengths in the Coordinate Plane)

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Focus 1: Identifying Side Lengths of a Triangle

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Assessments SLA 6.NS.8

Focus 3: Identifying the Distance between Points in Multiple Quadrants Lesson 8

Drawing polygons on the coordinate plane.

6.G.3 (Identifying Side Lengths in the Coordinate Plane) Focus 2: Using Side Lengths to Form a Rectangle Focus 4: Using Area to Identify a Vertex

Lesson 9

Find the perimeter and area of polygons on the coordinate plane.

6.G.3 (Identifying Side Lengths in the Coordinate Plane) Focus 5: Finding the Area of a Right Trapezoid

Lesson 10

Distance, perimeter, and area in the real world.

Polygons in the Coordinate Plane

6.G.3 (Identifying Side Lengths in the Coordinate Plane)

Polygons on a Coordinate Plane

Polygons on a Coordinate Plane

Focus 1: Understanding Fractional Cubes

Identifying Volume of a Rectangular Prism with Fractional Side Lengths

Finding the Volume of Rectangular Prisms

Focus 2: Identifying the Volume of a Rectangular Prism with Fractional Side Lengths

Identifying Volume of a Rectangular Prism with Fractional Side Lengths

Finding the Volume of Rectangular Prisms

SLA 6.G.3

Focus 6: Get a Clue: Identifying Side Lengths in Context Topic C: Volume of Right Rectangular Prisms Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Volume with fractional edge lengths and unit cubes.

Finding the Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Transition from unit cubes to the formula for volume.

6.G.2 (Identifying Volume of Rectangular Prisms with Fractional Side Lengths) Focus 3: Finding the Missing Dimension

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Topic D: Nets and Surface Area Lesson 13

Using the formulas for volume

6.G.2 (Identifying Volume of Rectangular Prisms with Fractional Side Lengths) Focus 4: Comparing Volumes of Rectangular Prisms Focus 5: Solving Real-World Problems That Involve Volume

Lesson 14

Volume in the real world.

6.G.2 (Identifying Volume of Rectangular Prisms with Fractional Side Lengths)

SLA 6.G.2

Focus 6: Finding the Volume of a Composite Figure Lesson 15

Representing 3-D figures using nets.

6.G.4 (Identifying Surface Area Using Nets) Focus 1: Identifying Vertices, Faces, and Edges of 3D Figures Focus 6: Matching Descriptions, Figures, and Nets

Lesson 16

Constructing nets of 3-D figures.

6.G.4 (Identifying Surface Area Using Nets) Focus 2: Building a Shape Using a Net

Focus 3: Deconstructing a Shape to Form a Net Lesson 17

Transition from nets to surface area.

Finding the Surface Area of 3D Figures Using Nets

6.G.4 (Identifying Surface Area Using Nets)

Finding Surface Area of 3-D Figures Involving Nets

Finding Surface Area of 3-D Figures Using Nets

Think Outside the Box

Focus 4: Using Nets to Find Surface Area

Focus 5: Comparing Surface Areas

Lesson 18

Finding the surface area of 3-D figures.

6.G.4 (Identifying Surface Area Using Nets) Focus 7: Identifying the Surface Area within a Context

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 6: Statistics EngageNY Lessons

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Topic A: Understanding Distributions Lesson 1

Posing statistical questions.

Recognizing Statistical Questions

6.SP.1 (Statistical Questions)

Recognizing Statistical Questions

Recognizing Statistical Questions

SLA 6.SP.1

Focus 1: Defining Statistical Questions

Focus 2: Identifying and Formulating Statistical Questions Focus 3: Categorical and Numerical Data

Focus 4: Anticipating the Type of Data Required to Answer Statistical Questions Focus 5: Collecting the Data Required to Answer Statistical Questions Focus 6: Statistical Questions Anticipate Variability Lesson 2

Displaying a data distribution.

6.SP.3 (Calculating Measures of Center)

Focus 2: Taking Data from a Dot Plot and Finding the Measures of Center Lesson 3

Creating a dot plot.

6.SP.4 (Visualizing Univariate Data)

Focus 1: Making a Dot Plot from a Table of Values Focus 2: Making and Interpreting Dot Plots Lesson 4

Creating a histogram.

6.SP.4 (Visualizing Univariate Data)

Focus 3: Using Histograms to Visually Interpret Data Focus 4: How Interval Size Affects the Shape of a Histogram 6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

Focus 1: Identifying the Number of Observations

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TenMarks Curriculum Alignment Guide: EngageNY/Eureka Math, Grade 6 EngageNY Module 6: Statistics EngageNY Lessons Lesson 5

TenMarks Resources Assignments

Describing the distribution displayed in a histogram.




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6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

Focus 6: How Shape Affects Measures of Center Topic B: Summarizing a Distribution that is Approximately Symmetric Using the Mean and Mean Absolute Deviation Lesson 6

Describing the center of distribution using the mean.

6.SP.3 (Calculating Measures of Center)

Focus 6: Identifying Missing Data Values When Given the Mean Lesson 7

Using the mean as a balance point.

Lesson 8

Describing variability in a distribution.

Lesson 9

The mean absolute deviation (MAD)

6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

Focus 4: Measuring Variability: Mean Absolute Deviation Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Describing distributions using the mean and MAD

Measures of Center and Variability: Shape Data Display

6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

Comparing Two Data Sets: Median & IQR

Identifying the Best Measure of Center and Variability to Use

Focus 7: Interpreting Data Using the Mean and MAD

Comparing Two Data Sets: Mean & Mad

Describing a Data Set Using Measures of Center

6.SP.3 (Calculating Measures of Center)

Recognize Measures of Center and Variation

Using Center, Spread, and Shape to Describe Data Distribution

Focus 1: Introduction to Mean, Median, and Mode

Measures of Center

Describing distributions using the mean and MAD

Topic C: Summarizing a Distribution that is Skewed Using the Median and Interquartile Range Lesson 12

Describing the center of distribution using the median.

Recognizing Measures of Center & Measures of Variation

Use Mean, Median, Mode, and Range

SLA 6.SP.3

Focus 3: Finding the Mean, Median, and Mode from a Set of Data Values Focus 5: Finding the Median of an Even Number of Data Values

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Focus 8: Investigating the Effects of Additional Data Values on Measures of Center 6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

Focus 5: Interpreting the Mean and Median Focus 9: Which Measure of Center is Better? Lesson 13

Describing variability using the interquartile range.

6.SP.3 (Calculating Measures of Center)

Focus 7: Range as a Measure of Spread

6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

Focus 3: Measuring Variability: IQR and Range Focus 8: Interpreting Data Using the Median and IQR Lesson 14

Summarizing a distribution using a box plot.

6.SP.4 (Visualizing Univariate Data)

Focus 5: Making Box Plots

Lesson 15

Lesson 16

Using box plots to describe a distribution.

Displaying Numerical Data

6.SP.4 (Visualizing Univariate Data)

Displaying Numerical Data: Line Plots and Histograms

Displaying Data Using Line Plots and Histograms

Focus 6: Interpreting Data in Box Plots

Displaying Numerical Data: Box Plots

Displaying Data Using Box Plots

SLA 6.SP.4

Using box plots to compare two distributions.

Topic D: Summarizing and Describing Distributions Lesson 17

Developing a statistical project

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Lesson 19

Lesson 20

TenMarks Resources Assignments




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Connecting graphical representations and numerical summaries. Comparing data distributions. Describing center, variability, and shape of a data distribution from a

6.SP.5 (Interpreting Data Sets)

SLA 6.SP.5

Focus 10: Interpreting Skewed Data Sets

Lesson 21

Lesson 22

Summarizing a data distribution by describing center, variability, and Presenting a summary of a statistical project.

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